The Armour Of King Beckworth

By Dan1616

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Sworgey is living the usual life as a knight for the Endritch Empire, however when an evil that hasn't been s... More

Prologue: The Great War
Chapter 1: Sworgey
Chapter 2: The Council Meeting
Chapter 3: The Prophecy
Chapter 4: Return to the Temple
Chapter 6: The Mazaik Caves
Chapter 7: The Warlord

Chapter 5: A Walk into the Forest Elves

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By Dan1616

"But i don't understand Zur, why can't we just go straight to the caves, why are we going through the forest?" Sworgey complained as he stepped over a rock on the forest floor.

"Sworgey, we're in the Druidine Forest, home of the Forest Elves, land of the Druids, we'll be fine." Zur opened his book that had a recent map of Ordarn in it. "So then... we keep going South-East and we'll arrive at the entrance in to the Mazaik caves." Zur held a stick in his left hand and used it as a walking stick for getting through the forest. They had left Roh to guide their horses around the forest as it was too dense for him and the horses to go through. They passed a small stream, the water swirling around and through the rocks. 

"Zur, are you sure this is safe, I heard about recent going ons in the Druidine Forest, the Mend of the Deep Forest are raiding elven border towns. Harsho Trolls are coming down from the Harsho mountains, laying wreck to the Southern part of the forest." Sworgey looked at Zur for an answer, but Zur seemed laided back, almost unbothered about what Sworgey's concerns were about.

"Sworgey, listen. The Forest Elves are one of the most greatest hunters in the whole of Ordarn. If anyone unwelcoming enters the forest, the Forest Elves would track them down sneak up behind them, and before they could think about if they're being watched they have a blade edged towards their throat or an arrow aimed at their face." Zur seemed relaxed as he said it but suddenly a thought came into his mind. But the thought was cut short, without warning, an elven blade sliced through the air and pressed up against Sworgey's throat, the shining silver blade glinting the sun into his eyes. Meanwhile, a figure wearing a light green tunic, brown leggings and green robes jumped down from the towering trees above the pair and pointed an arrow, already nocked into its beautifully perfected bow, at Zur's face.

A quiet but wary voice spoke. "State your names and nation." The elf with the bow spoke this, he seemed to have been wearing a gold bracelet, Zur could make out the horn, one the looked like a unicorn's of the forest, encrypted as an image on the stainless gold. Zur quickly switched his concentration to the question he was asked.

"Ah yes, hello there! I'm Zur, formally known as Councillor Zur, who I am sure you have heard of." Zur laughed nervously hoping they knew him and would put the weapons down. However the elf looked on, even though he wore a green fabric over his mouth and nose, Zur could easily make out that he was unimpressed. "Yeah... Anyway, this fine but slightly awkward gentleman is Sworgey, not Councillor Sworgey, just Sworgey. We're both from the Endritch Empire, your best friends... Or is that the River Elves?"

"The forest's are unsafe, we will escort you out of here." The elf with the bow nudged it up a bit to tell them to turn around.

"But, we're peaceful... Avoid the sword, and shield oh and knife." Zur was trying to plead for his innocent but it wasn't working, but just before he turned around in defeat, he heard a young, female voice.

"Keralaen, Halleraen, lower your arms." Zur turned his head and sighed in relief, Sworgey turned to look and saw a beautiful woman. She had light blue eyes, soft, silky skin. She wore clothes a bit like the other 2 elves but had gold laden all over, she wore a gold covering over her pointy ears. Her long black hair soothed along like the very grass on the earth to the wind. "Councillor Zur, I thought your adventuring says were over, but as they say, never trust a man from the deserts."

"Ah, Irisael, how is your father?" Zur seemed to be very happy about seeing her, it looked like he knew her well.

"My father is fine, busy and stressed yes, but he makes sure he stays in good health. Anyway, you should come with us, we will take you two to Verena." Verena was A Forest Elven town on the South-Eastern border of the Druidine Forest and Forest Elven territory. It, just like all the other Forest Elf cities, were built as massive tree houses and platforms. 'Tree Cities' was a popular way outsiders described them. "Come on."


The large oaken door opened, it had an arch design at the top and had smooth stone as borders. Silent figures paced up and down the bridge that was over the gateway, 2 large towers stood either side of the bridge, archer holes were dotted around the sides of the tower. As the 5 of them moved forward, they came upon a slope made of oak and spruce wood. It led up towards another gate and past that was most likely the town itself.

As they entered the first platform past the 2nd gate, they could see the market place right jnfront of them, unlike an Endritch marketplace, it had many more stores, towering above, held up by log columns at the corners. They were no people shouting, it seemed so calm, a band was playing harmonic music with fascinating instruments, unicorn horn flutes and drums made of logs and animal skin. Elves walked from one store to the next, looking for the best prices. Bright lights were lit up around the buildings, Sworgey thought it may have been magic, but in truth, it was a flame inside a heavily colour stained glass container.

Past the market was another slope, on a 45 degree angle, it led to a large platform, much large than the market's, it had a giant tree trunk of a Raen Tree penetrating the middle, it looked like this was the centre of the town, they're were building dotted around the outside and many more slopes going to other parts of the city. Large towers, probably used for defense, were located at 8 points on the platform, each one had a single archer, almost invisible because of their camouflage. Elves were sitting down or walking around the platform. Zur noticed a few groups of humans. A centaur walked along the edges of the platform, her horse shoe's clopping somewhat quietly.

Irisael led the group around the great tree and up another slope, it was much more steeper than the others and led to the highest point of the town. Confronting them was the Town Hall, a unicorn sculpture was built on top of it. The sculpture itself was gold however it wore a green, free flowing, silky scarf.

As they reached the town hall, Irisael dismissed Keralaen and Halleraen. Once the 2 of them had gone the rest of them walked into the town hall. They entered a somewhat large hall, it was in a circle shape and in the centre was a water fountain. There were paintings of famous elves, mythical forest creatures, beautiful unicorns and ferocious treants by the doors, roof and also on the floor. They're were 5 doors excluding the entrance, Irisael led them to the 4th one along. A guard, wearing green and silvery green armour, opened the door with one hand, whilst his other was by his side. He slightly bowed his head to salute Irisael as she bowed her head back.

In front of them was a desk with a grand and quite royal Elven chair at one side and 2 less grand chairs at the other. Irisael walked over to the grand chair and comfortably sat down in it whilst Sworgey and Zur seated themselves on the other 2. The bright light of the sun shone through the stunningly designed window whilst green vines fell down around the outside of it.

"So, why do you travel among the lands of the Forest Elves?" Irisael asked calmly as she pushed her chair in a bit.

"We are exploring the great lands of the Forest Elves, treasuring it's beauty." Zur tried his best to make it seem like he was telling the truth, however he wasn't doing very well.

"Zur, it's obvious that your lying, tell me the truth, or i'm afraid that I'm going to have to..." Irisael was cut short by Sworgey.

"Have to do what? Kill us? If so I'm more than glad to have a final fight." Sworgey's sudden anger was actually quite unusual to Zur, it almost seemed like he didn't know that he was saying.

"Sworgey! Keep your mouth shut, I'm doing the talking, not you!"

"No Zur, you're probably trying to get me killed too, along with your Elven friend, well guess what, that's not happening." He turned to Irisael. "If you have any objection to what I'm saying, your greatness, I'm more than happy to fight!" Sworgey seemed to have been under some sort of madness as his behaviour did not reflect who or what he was in any way possible.

"Sworgey! I think I should reintroduce you to Irisael." Zur paused as he cleared his throat. "This is Princess Irisael, Daughter of King Sirael, Keeper of the Western Lands of the Forest Elves, Elite Hunter of the Forest Elves and most importantly, someone you do not even attempt to disrespect as she has the power to banish you from the whole of the Forest Elves' lands forever!" Zur was furious, it looked as if he was about to kill Sworgey right then and there. Sworgey suddenly jolted a bit as if he had been released. He suddenly realised what he just said and quickly stood up.

"Your majesty... I'm ever so sorry, I don't know what came over me, please. I beg you of forgiveness. This always happens to me, I can't control it." Sworgey's clearly resented what he said and truly wanted forgiveness.

"It's alright, I understand. I also have problems like this, please, sit down." Sworgey sat down. "Now please tell me, why are you really here?" Zur breathed in and started to explain everything.


"And that's how you ended up finding us." Finally Zur could sit back and relax after all that explaining. Irisael however, was worried. "If what you say is true, then the whole of Ordarn may be in danger. I will alert my father, hopefully he won't be to busy. The Men of the Deep Forest and the Horoson Trolls have been laying low recently, it's like they're waiting for something." Irisael scratched her soft chin gently. "I will arrange a lodge for you to stay in for tonight, you will be provided with something to eat and drink." Irisael stood up. "Zur, may I speak with Sworgey alone?" Zur thought for a second, he wasn't sure it was a good idea. But stopping him would make him seem all too fatherly so he decided not to.

"Of course, I'll be in the hall." Zur left the room quietly, closing the door behind him.

"Sworgey, even through your rage I could see who you are on the iside, I understand what you have gone through. I said that I also experience such things. It hurts, doesn't it. Not being able to control yourself even in front of the ones you love ever so much." Irisael walked closer to Sworgey, she was quite close to him now.

"It does... I'm happy you understand, your majesty." Sworgey sounded respectful and understandable.

"Please, call me Irisael, all my life I've been treated as a royal, I don't want the authority or power, all I've ever wanted is someone to love and cherish for the rest of the long life." Irisael seemed really heartbroken and Sworgey could make out a few tears on her face.

"Your majes... Irisael, I can understand. I have no one, my family are all dead, most of my friends too. Zur seems to be my carer now. But there is still the void... I want to fill it but how?"

"You be yourself..." As Irisael said this, she stepped forward, she placed here hands around the back of Sworgey's shoulders and back, he placed his hands on her hips gently, only just touching. They're heads began moving towards each other's, the lips began to touch. What they were doing was forbidden. But they couldn't stop. They knew what it was... The emotion they had hardly ever had, whilst they kissed each other slowly but passionately, they knew it was love.


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