Always find a way (Taoris)

By emoEmuu

179K 8.4K 4.3K

17 year old Zitao just moved to Korea. His mom works under the famous female CEO of Wu Industries. Her cold h... More

Chapter 1: New City, New School, New Job
Chapter 2: I don't need you
Chapter 3: Hard Work
Chapter 4: Stares and Whispers
Chapter 5: Party
Chapter 6: The day after
Chapter 7: Birthday party
Chapter 8: Possesive
Chapter 9: Oxytocin
Chapter 10: Hospital
Chapter 11: Goodbye and Moving on
Chapter 12: Leather Pants
Chapter 13: Happy
Chapter 14: Old Friend
Chapter 15: Distance and Satansoo
Chapter 16 : Cute Family
Chapter 17: China
Chapter 18: Return
Chapter 19: Valentines Day
Chapter 20: Valentine's Day pt 2
Chapter 21: Snowed In
Chapter 22: Orphanage
Chapter 24: Always
Chapter 25: Wedding
Life after

Chapter 23: Graduation

5K 254 193
By emoEmuu

Tao's POV

Few months have passed and it was finally the day of Kris's graduation. Luhan, Xiumin, Lay and Suho were also graduating.

I wriggled myself out of Kris's tight grasp and sat up.
The boys decided to crash at my small apartment, saying that it was a "pre-graduation" party.
We just ended up watching movies and throwing popcorn at each other.

I got up, dreading the task I had to do. Last night we played rock paper scissors to see who was responsible for waking everyone up.
We had to get up extra early to get ready for graduation and unfortunately.....I suck at rock paper scissors.

Since Kris was my favorite I was going to wake him up last.

I opened the door to our bedroom and stifled a scream when I saw Chen passed out in front of the door. I groaned, first one out of 10.

"Chen Hyung.....Cheenn hyunnngggg...."
I patted his cheeks and tried to pull on his arms. No luck.
I tried to left him but he stayed limp. I rolled my eyes and let him drop to the floor.

Still nothing.

I pouted and walked to the kitchen. Kyungsoo was asleep on the kitchen counter while cuddling Kai.

I sighed and shook them, "Kai...Soo Hyung....WAKE UP!"

I got no response.  So I pushed them off the counter.

I smiled victoriously when I heard two groaning voices.

"Tao...what the fuck?" Kai asked while rubbing his butt.
I quickly grabbed a spray bottle and filled it with cold water.

"Get up love birds." I said splashing water on them.

Kyungsoo flinched and sat up.
He yawned and rubbed his eyes causing Kai too coo at him saying how cute he was.

I sprayed Kai again with water.

I took my new and loaded weapon back to Chen.

"Hyung....last chance. You better get up."

He grumbled something not audible. I sighed, "I guess I have no other choice."  

I sprayed him with water. After two good sprays he sat up gasping.

"WHAT THE F-" He got cut off again when I sprayed his open mouth.
"Aye, no swearing." I said walking away.

I heard Chen groan behind me and slowly get up.
I went off to find Xiumin and Luhan.

"Luhaaaaaan." I said looking around.

Kyungsoo chuckled, "Found him."

I walked over to Kyungsoo and started laughing when I saw Luhan.

He was asleep in the shoe closet cuddling a bottle of bubble tea. Sehun was next to him, holding Luhan protectively.

"How did they even get in there?" I said turning to Kyungsoo.

He shrugged, "Watch this."

He leaned over and stretched his hand out to grab the bubble tea.

"Touch him and you die."

I screamed when Sehun suddenly spoke up.

Kyungsoo looked startled as he slowly closed the closet door.
"Yea we'll get them later."

I set off trying to find Yixing and Suho.

"AHHHHHHHHHHHHHH." I heard a scream echo through the house.

I ran to the living room and saw Baekhyun was holding a couple of cap less eyeliners.

"What happened?"


I chuckled lowly when an idea struck in my head.
"Baekkie why don't you go find Suho and wake him up."

Baekhyun stood up immediately, "That old gramps will wish he never touched my eyeliner."
I watched him run off somewhere.

I counted the people awake. There was still the huhan couple in the shoe closet and Chanyeol who was off sleeping somewhere.

I went back to my bedroom to wake Kris.

I called out.

He shifted under the covers.
I took a running start and leaped on the bed landing right on top of Kris.

He let out a yell as I hugged him.

"Oh my god! Tao you scared me don't DO that!"
I laughed as Kris tried bringing his breathing back to normal.

I laid my head on his chest and listened to his pounding heart.

I smiled as it started slowing down. Kris wrapped his arms around me.
"Today's the day baby."
I nodded.
"Are you excited?"

Kris shook his head. "Nah it's only graduation."

I smacked his chest, "Only graduation? Kris you only graduate once."

He shrugged, "It doesn't matter. If anything I'm dreading graduation. It means I fully take over the company."

"But isn't this what you've been training for?"

"Yes but I still get anxious at the thought that if I make one tiny mistake, all my father's hard work will come crashing down."

I planted a firm kiss on his lips, "I'm not going to let you do that. Don't worry, you've got your mom, me, all our friends."

Kris nodded. I smiled and closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth that Kris emitted.

I jumped when loud knocks disturbed the silence.


I flinched, "Guess Suho found out I ratted him out."

Kris chuckled, "I got this."


*sticks a party hat on your head*

Tao's POV

I smiled as I adjusted Kris's hat.
He looked at the mirror and groaned, "Oh this looks terrible on me. I look like a umbrella in this graduation gown."

It's not his style

Sorry I'm going to leave now

I chuckled and pressed a light kiss on his lips, "You look fine. Now. when is your mom going to be here?"

Kris shrugged.

"Kris.....does she know about us?"
He shook his head.
"Do you think she'll be okay with us?"

Kris must have sensed the worried tone in my voice because he wrapped his arms around me and rested his chin on top of my head.

"It doesn't matter because nothing is going to keep me from being with you."

"Aren't you the lady killer." I said chuckling.
Kris shrugged.

"Wait actually correction. Aren't you the panda-killer."

"I hate you."

I laughed and kissed him. I felt him smile under our kiss.

Kris deepened the kiss and I wrapped my arms around his neck.


I screamed when I heard someone shout.
I stepped backwards only to trip over my own feet and I fell straight to the ground.

I looked up to see Subin with a smug expression on her face.

"I knew you two were dating."

Kris helped me up and pushed me behind him.
"Yea and I don't care if you don't like it because I love him and you can't -"
He got cut off by Subin's laughter.

Kris's determined expression immediately morphed into a confused one.

"You think I didn't think this would happen? That was the reason why I thought Tao was a good person to be your assistant. I could tell you two would fall in love."


Subin just winked, "Mother's have this sixth sense."

I stared at her, mouth open as she walked away.

Kris sighed, "Well at least we know she's isn't against us."

I nodded, still dazed about what just happened.

"OH Kris! Time to go." I pushed him out of the classroom and followed as he walked towards the auditorium.

He made a turn to go back stage while I sat next to Kyungsoo and Chen.

I elbowed Chen every once in a while as he made remarks about the principal's speech.

Then the student started being called onto stage.

After ten minutes my hands started to turn red from all the clapping.

"Kim Joonmyun."
I cupped my mouth, "WOO LET's GO GRAMPS."

Suho started turning red as he glared at me.
I made a heart with my arms and laughed.

"Kim Minseok."
Chen stood up and hollered, "YEA GET IT BAOZI."
I laughed as Kyungsoo smacked Chen to get him to sit down again.


I jumped as Sehun jumped out of his seat and cupped his mouth while yelling, "WOO THAT'S MY BABY."

I hid my face in embarrassment as everyone turned to stare at Sehun.

Luhan started laughing on stage as Sehun sunk back into his seat.

I waited patiently as more names were being called.

"Wu Yifan."

I laughed at Kris's horrified expression as 7 people (including me) stood up and hollered at him.

He ran off and hid backstage.

"He's so cute." I said to Kyungsoo as he sat down.

Kyungsoo just shook his head and chuckled.

"Zhang Yixing."

I jumped up once more and yelled on top of my lungs.

Kyungsoo smacked my legs and pulled me down.

"Tao stop it." He said laughing.

"Sorry mom."

That earned me another smack.

I met up with Kris after the graduation finished.

I pinched his cheeks, "Oh I'm so proud of my graduated boy."

Kris waved my hand away.
"I'm older than you."


Kris just groaned in defeat.
I smiled and kissed him making him instantly smile.

"There's that smile I love." I said as I pecked his nose.

Kris laughed and nuzzled my shoulder.

"I love you." I heard him mumble.

"Oh so now you're Pandasexual."

"I take it back. I hate you."

I laughed and gently kissed Kris, "I love you more."

T-Minus 2 more chapters.

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