Rejected By My Alpha Bully/Ma...

By demonslayer29

431K 11.5K 5.2K

Have you ever thought what it would be like to meet your mate? Having your mate be all lovey dovey with you a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Author note

Chapter 14

14.5K 426 137
By demonslayer29

I went out to the yard with her. She try to sneak attack me but I grab her hand and threw her the ring. I walk back inside only to hear rematch.

So day after day of Courtney challenging me and not landing a blow on me. She wouldn't leave me alone. I want to eat and sleep peacefully. I don't want to smell poison or see bugs in my food. Or see pictures of Jungkook with other girls naked on my bed I don't even know how she got those pictures or how people took it but I want to sleep. I also want blood. She is making me crave and about to go berserk for blood. See this is what happens if vampires don't drink blood on a daily basic we lose it.

I was about to close my eyes but open them because Courtney has to always wake me.


I groan and went out with her. She turned into her wolf and I was sleepy.

Jungkook POV

Tae hasn't slept since. She hasn't eat and is always about to fall asleep in weird places but Courtney always wants to challenge her.

I went out and watch since I was worried. Tae was asleep but standing and Courtney smirked.

"Tae wake up."

She didn't and Courtney charge towards her making me close my eyes. I heard a thud and open to find Tae unharmed. Courtney tried again but Tae moved and punch her. Then Tae threw her out the ring.

My mom and dad came and didn't look worried.

"Tae is sleep fighting again."


"When she gets really tired if someone tries to attack or a threat she fights them in her sleep. Oh yeah give this to Tae when she wakes up. I finally found one that isn't tampered by Courtney."

I walk to her cautiously cause I'm not sure if she will beat me up or not. She then was about to fall and I ran to catch her. She was sleeping peacefully then snuggle closer to me.

I pick her up and brought her to my room since her room was full of pictures of me and women. I still want to know when did someone take those.

I lay beside her and slept next to her.


I woke up and saw Jungkook besides me.

"I thought I was fighting Courtney."

Jungkook woke up and rub his eyes.

"You were but you fell asleep during it and sleep fight."

I look down embarrassed. Jungkook side hug me and kiss me.

"Don't worry and here my mom said to give this to you."

He showed me a pack of blood. I drank it right away and felt full.

"That was good."

He chuckle and cuddle me. The door open and Courtney's family came in.

"What happen?"

"Courtney is surrounded by rogues."

I went out the bed and ran to the spot. She was surrounded but she was going to die. I got in front of her.

"Why are you here? I can handle this on my own."

I ignore her and one of the rogues attack me but I attack back and turn to my wolf.

I fought all of them and knock them unconscious. Courtney went to the hospital while Jungkook carried me there because they bit me while fighting. I was in my human form and in a hospital bed.

The doctor came with many needles. I close my eyes and let them do their work. Since Jungkook left after seeing needles.

They finish and Jungkook ran up to me kissing me way too much.

"Okay enough Jungkook."

"You scared me when you suddenly went."

"Sorry but even if I hate her. I have to save all anyone who is attack."

He kiss me again and sat besides me on the bed. He put my head down on his lap. He played with my hair making me go to sleep.

I woke up by the door opening and it was Courtney and her brother behind her.

"Come on Courtney."

He push her in and she glared.

"I will not apologize or thank her. I will not let my pride go."

"You know you threw your pride and dignity away when you acted like wh*re. Because when you did that no one will treat you as an alpha kid but as a woman who only wants their needs satisfy. All men will look at you with lust while the women will not respect you at all."

She look shock and let it sink in before looking down.

"Then you rejected your mate. You could have been living happily with him but you rejected him and he already found a second chance mate. You really need to start looking around you except yourself. Jungkook is mine not yours if you still don't get that I will be happy to show it."

I crack my knuckles and she flinch.

"Okay fine I'm sorry and thank you for saving me. There."

She left and her brother just sigh. He close the door after waving bye.

"Tae I love you."

"I like you too Jungkook."

"Ay come on say I love you back."


He started tickling me and it hurt. I punch him.

"I'm still injure."

He look guilty and cuddle me.

"I'm sorry."

"It's fine. I love you Jungkook."

"Me too."

After a couple days we went home. Right now me and Jungkook are baking cookies.

"Do you think these will be good?"

"Depends on how well we'll make it."

He nodded and we finish and put them in the oven. I turned around to face him and bend down. He threw flour and smirk.


"You are so dead."

We threw flour back and fourth and we were both cover in flour. We laugh at each other then went to clean up.

We sat down and watch TV while eating the cookies we made.

"Ooh we did good."

"Uh huh. So when are you becoming alpha?"

"After you accept me and let me mark you."

"Well that isn't going to come anytime soon."

He pouted and I laugh. The door open to Jiwoon with something in her hand.

"Jungkook you have to take responsibility."

He raised an eyebrow.

"For what?"

"For this."

She shoved five pregnancy test in his face. He look at her wide eyes and shook his head.

"N-no you're lying."

"I'm pregnant with your child Jungkook."

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