Fat Camp

By _dont_be_a_duck_

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Emily Pierce was a over weight 17 year old girl. Just finishing her 11th grade year. After shit hits the fan... More

Chapter 1: My search for Fat Camp
Chapter 2: the last day of school
Chapter 3: Yeah buddy
Chapter 4: 2 days left!
Chapter 5: Dont Worry.
Chapter 6: first time at Fat Camp?
Chapter 7: First day at Fat Camp
Chapter 8: Second week of fat camp
Chapter 9: We have to stop meeting like this.
Chapter 10: Name?
Chapter 11: almost there
Chapter 12: Saying goodbye.
Chapter 13: Going home.
Chatper 14: New me New look
Chapter 15: Schools tomorrow
Chapter 16: First Day of School
Chapter 17: Run
Chapter 19: Need a me day

Chapter 18: Friends

2.9K 58 53
By _dont_be_a_duck_

Mason and I walk over to the bench in the hall and sit down. Ali and the boys start to walk over when I give her a look. She tells the boys something and they all turn and wait there.

"So I see you've made some new friends. That's great." He said

"Yea it is." I respond.

"Look I just.. I'm sorry.. I couldn't say goodbye.. I know we hung out all the time and you seemed like you liked me, but I don't know I didn't know for sure and I didn't want to think this is more than it was. And I thought we'd never see each other again.. so I left.. Because I knew if I didn't I wouldn't have been able to leave after seeing you." His head is down and he mumbles almost the whole speech. I just look at him. I can't think of one thing to say. Not one.

"Mason.. I liked you.. I really liked you and you just up and left. Just like that. How'd you think that would make me feel?" He turns to me. He looks so sad..

"I'm sorry Em.. I wasn't thinking I'm sorry.. If I could I would take it back. I would chose you. Each time 100 times over I would chose you.. If I could just go back.." We sit for a moment in silence..

"I'm just not ready to forgive you yet.. I'm sorry" I try to look at his face but his eyes are glued to the floor.

"Hey, well maybe one day.. Well text me sometime.. " He say I give him my phone and he puts his number in and texts himself. After he gives me a small smile and gets up and walks away. I stand up and head towards Ali and the boys.

"What happened?" Jared asks as a whisper. I look to him and give him a shrug. I pause for a minute looking for the words to describe what had just happened, but nothing came to mind. Then Jared hugs me. I didn't know why he hugged me until I felt the tears stream down my cheeks. I don't know why I started to cry.. I shouldn't be crying. Im not one of those girls to cry over a guy..

After a few more second of Jared holding me I thought. I have practice in like 10 minutes.

I step back and whip the tears. I probably look really ugly right now.."thank you, but me and Ali need to get ready. So we'll see you guys after practice?"

"Yea of course then we'll go get something to eat. Cool?" Everyone seemed to like that idea so we waved and me and Ali headed in.


"Okay good job girls see you again tomorrow." Said the coach. All of us? I turn to Ashley.

"Hey, did we all make the team?" I asked with a confused face as we all walked into the girls locker room.

"Haha well we were all already on the team you and your friend are a favor I pulled." She smiled.

"Awe.. Why'd you do that for us? We don't even know each other" I question.

"Well you look chill and we need someone we can fly and your friend Ali is a good base. So it all works out, and we need more people anyway." She smiles again, and I smile back and say thank you again. After I turn and walk to Ali and open the locker. I decided I just wanted to wear my spandex out because Ali said she was, and its what 'normal' cheerleaders do. I threw everything else in my bag and walk to the mirror. I take out my ponytail and brush my hair down. I turn to Ali.

"You ready?" I ask putting my bag over my shoulder.

"Yup lets go"

We walked out and entered the main hall. I turned to look down the halls as we passed them while walking to the front door. We pushed open the doors and now where standing on the cement outside of the school. I looked around only to realize Jared's truck isn't here.

"The boys aren't even here!" Ali said pulling out her phone."Im gunna text them." I nodded more to myself then her. I pulled out my own phone and got on Instagram. Up to 76 likes on my picture. Oh and Ali commented on my picture.

Yea my best friend slays😍

I laugh I click on Ali's name and follow her then I go down and like each one of her pictures.

"Did you just like all my pictures?" She said with a laugh.

"Mayybeee" I smile and turn my phone away. She just shakes her head and gets back on her phone. I smile and turn my phone back to myself and look for Jared and Jake. I couldn't find them so I just went to Ali's Instagram and looked at who she followed. Yay found them! I look at there picture and like them all too. I laugh Jared selfies are on point but Jake just post picture of his stuff or him with friends or family. Haha how cute.

"There they are!" Ali waved to them from where we stood. They pulled up to us with there car and we hopped into the back. Jake was driving so I figured it's his car but honestly this car is why the word ghetto was invented. "Nice car there Jake... Really nice.."

"Ali I will turn this car around if you don't stop hurting my babies feelings." Jake said eyeing her through the mirror. We laugh. "hey! Don't laugh I'm serious!" Jake protests.

"Sure I'll play nice," Ali paused," so where are we going?"

"I want to go to taco bell!" Jared shouts.

"Shut up you Mexican! Shouldn't you be in the trunk don't want anyone to know you don't have a green card!" Jake said pointing to the back. I look at Ali and we both crack up laughing.

"That's wasn't even funny. That's fucked up man. You know I'm not Mexican.."

"Coulda fooled me."

"Okay but for real I'm hungry!" Ali stated and dramatically fell onto my lap. I laugh.

"Ali's gunna die if you don't hurry. Then if she dies I die. Then we are both died and it'll be your fault."

"Oh you girl and overreacting... I actually am up for toco bell though." Jake mumbles the last little bit.

"Yay tocos!!" Me and Jared say in unison. Then he turns his head towards the back with the face of utter excitement.

"Is this love?" He said with big puppy dog eyes. I just laugh then he turns back around. Ali gets off my lap and gives me a look. I scuff and take out my phone.

"Ohh do you have snapchat??" Ali asks me.

"Ha- yea but I don't have any friends.." I say sheepishly. She gives me a surprised look then she takes my phone out of my hand and opens the app on her phone and mine. Then she takes a picture of the 'code' as she says it's called and bam now we are friends.

"Hey let me see too." Jared reaches back and grabs my phone. He does the same and does it for Jake too. Then hands it back to me.

Jingle jingle

"Hey I got a snapchat!" Then I see who It was and glare at the back of his head.

Jingle jingle Jingle jingle Jingle jingle

"What are you doing?" I say putting my phone on vibrate.

"Sending you a lot of snapchats so I get a heart by my name." Jared states matter-of-factly. I just giggle and open them up. I screen shotted the ugly ones just because they made me laugh.

"Hey man! No screen shots!" Jared wined... How did he know?

"Here" Jake said and we all hopped out of the car, and went in side.


"That was so good" Jared said as he rubbed his tummy. I still can't believe he ate 5 burritos. I could barely finish my one. Ali had two and Jake had two as well. They're crazy.

"Oh! you guys we should stop at a coffee shop because I'm parched." Ali said grabbing Jakes arms and shaking him.

"Okay okay stop shaking me woman!" He pushes her hands off of him and starts his car. Everyone buckles up and off we go.

Once arriving to the coffee shop everyone got an ice rage and me I got a raspberry tea they looked at me odd but I just shrugged and they dropped it.

"Do you guys wanna go back to my house for movies and stuff?" I ask leaning forward so the boys could hear me.

"Is that okay?" Jake asked looking in the rear view mirror. I shrug.

"I can ask." I take my phone and open to my moms messages and ask if my friends can come over. Within moment she messages back says they could. "Okay she said its cool."

"Alright let's go!" Jared said a little to exited.

"Hey now we'll all know where your house is!" Ali peeped in.

"That's stalkerish." I point out and she sticks her tongue out at me, and waves me off.

We got to my place and watched some random movies that we weren't really paying attention to just talking a lot of shit about people. Until Jared put on a new show he's been into and we all got hooked by the second episode. Me and Ali did our homework while watching and we ended up talking to boys into doing the same. But we didn't get vary much done because honestly this show was really good.

Eventually everyone had gotten done (some more then others) so we put on music from my dads stereo. Low enough to hear the bass but not load enough to unset my mom.

"So you guys wanna play truth or dare?" Asked Jake with a innocent smile plastered on his face.

"Are you serious? What are we 11? We all know someone going to kiss someone else and everyone is gunna have to say who they like." Ali said matter-a-fact like. I just laugh and nod my head.

"Well what else are we going to do?" Jared says backing up Jake. They are both perverts.

"Come on you guys. So what if we kiss we're all friends here. It's not like it'd be weird." Jake states. What a little fuckboi.

"Omg you guys won't believe what this bitch did!" Jake said. I laugh thinking he was kidding about talking shit about a girl but he went on tell the story. Then Jared talked about her too and so did Ali soon I knew more about this girl then I know about myself if you get what I mean. Ew. 

We talked about drama and gossip and just laughed 90% of the time. I can't believe how much fun it is to have friends. Like ones that we actually hang out outside of school.

Then Jakes phone started to ring. He picked it up and walked into the kitchen. And we all stayed quiet mainly to listen to what he was saying and not really caring if his mother heard us. Then Jake walked in and said his mom said he had to come home for dinner so they all ended up leaving around 7 sometime so he could make it back before 8.

Mason had texted me while they where over, but they all said to wait a while before texting back. I agreed to do so... but right when they left I texted hey back immediately. Knowing i was being stupid, but couldn't help myself..

After that I looked back on Instagram and YouTube and Then facebook. Other than a few new friend request from people at my school nothing changed. I still don't know if I want people from YouTube to know my Instagram but I decided I would. I'll do it the next time I upload.

Then all of a sudden I remembered about my snapchat. I haven't even told anyone I have it other than Ali and the boys. I put it into my Instagram bio. That's what girls do right?


"Yea mom?" I said gathering my school work and putting it into my bag before standing up to sit on the counter. Now that I was so thin I won't brake the counter.

"What do you think you're doing?" She said with her mouth formed into a line. I sheepishly slid off and got onto one of the stools. "Anyway what do you want for dinner?"

"Can I have-" Bing. My phone went off. I took it out and checked it. It was Mason.

"Hello. Earth to Emily." I look up.

"Oh right, want to have some lasagna?" I say putting my phone on the counter face down. She nods her head. I get up and help make it.

"When do you want to go in for your license?"

"Uh, this weekend?"

"Sound good honey" she said with a smile then turns to setting things into the pan. I assume my dad is coming home for dinner again because we are using such a big pan. Bear came and sat In the kitchen with us.

"Hey you know what I think you have enough time to go on a run with bear before dinner." I look down at bear, and he looks back up at me.

"You know I think your right." I ran up the stairs and changed into my shorts and a tang top. I grabbed Bears leach and we headed out the door. But not before I pull my hair into a high ponytail.

I ran harder then I have since I've been back. Because I didn't go this morning so I felt like I owed myself that. Honestly it felt great to know I'm staying in shape. Yea running sucks, this dog having to stop and pee sucks, but to clear my mind and just be focused on how awful this is really helps take my mind off of Mason.. It started to get kinda dark so i turned around and me and Bear headed home.

When we got back home dinner wasn't ready yet so I took a shower and changed into a t-shirt and a pair of soft Jamie shorts. I brushed my hair and dried it with a blow dryer so it'd be a little straighter then it would be if I air dry it. I also put on some lotion from bath and body then headed down stairs.

As I sat down on the coach I pressed the middle button to turn on my phone and saw I had 2 new friends on snapchat that added me. Kaitlyn and Sam. I think sam is the boy in my art class that seats in front of me. He's pretty cute so I'll add him back. And kaitlyn is on my volleyball team.

Well now I have nothing to do again.. Instagram sound fun. I'll do that. I thought to myself. Opening the app I scrolled through my friends instagrams and the bios and just pretty much stalked them. I mentally hit myself. It's not like I know what I'm doing here, I haven't had much friends in my middle school years or high school.

"Hello, I'm home." Said a raspy deep voice from the front door next to the kitchen. I jump up and run into his arms to greet him with a friendly hug.

"Daddy! Your home! Any gossip at work?" I say as I unravel my hug and sit at the counter. He just gives me a funny face and puts his coat and things up.

"Actually my boss has his nephew moving into town staying with his father. You remember Trevor don't you?" My dad takes the seat next to me. I nod. Mason must be this new son I'm hearing of. Interesting we've never met considering our families are old friends. Actually I never knew Trevor had a son.

"Yea I remember him. I think his son is going to my school now. Is his name Mason?" I question.

"I think it might be they want to have us over for dinner Friday. Or do you have plans with your new friends your mother told me about?"

I laugh "no father I'm plans free. Plus I need to go to the DMV this weekend with mom anyway." He nods with a smile.

Beep beep. Dinner was done.

We all ate and talked about our days. I told them about school and volleyball and gave them a paper of my games. They hung it on the fridge with a black magnet. After we were all done I went upstairs to finish my homework and head to bed. I decided to leave Mason message on read and just not text him back! Show him.

Tomorrows always a new day. I thought as I drifted into sleep.

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