Mystery Girl- Sasuke's treasu...

By MadelineLee

76.8K 2.4K 173

Takara Imarne, a strong, sensitive, lovely girl who is timid an shy at times but can open up to only one pers... More

Mystery Girl- Sasuke's treasure
first round of the chunin exam
Second round of the chunin exam
Third, yet not last, round of the chunin exams
Training for the final round. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Final round of the chunin exam. (Sasuke's point of view.)
My only and greatest weakness.
Fight me!
Beauty and love? What are they?
The curing of nightmares.
Runaway with me.
The wrong name.
Two years later, the angel eyes see again.
Unveiling secrets.
Preparation of Itachi's death while going insane. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Izari's dying wish and Sasuke's memories. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Insanity as a weapon.
The heart of stone cracks.
Eyes seeing everything.
Returning home.
Pushing the boundaries of life and death.
The Angel's Eyes Close. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Izari's gift to Sasuke. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Rebuilding and reviving.
Danzo's rage.
Takara's strategy.
Unveiling Sasuke.
Truthfully die. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Missions again.(Sasuke's point of view.)
Akatsuki (Sasuke's point of view.)
The Eight tails.
Mission report.
This is war.
Proving that I love you.

Don't scare me.(Sasuke's point of view.)

2.1K 58 4
By MadelineLee

I woke up with warmth covering me, the smell of sake and strawberries. My eyes slowly slid open and from a blur to clarity I saw Takara in a deep, dream-filled sleep. She made expressions at my shoulder, making her hair tickle my neck as she made slight movements; a smile, a smirk, a sneer, a thrown and another smile. Her hair was tied into two buns on either side of her head, like Tenten but since her hair was so long she had the exsess fall out, just to have it scrape the ground as she walked. Her Jacket was a long sleeve, black hoodie, her top was just wrapping around her chest in the same white cloth that was covering her eyes when I first met her. Her skirt was blue and split down both sides and was cut croocked at the bottom, under that were short, black shorts. Her legs had netting that came up to her thighs to be secured by more wrapping.She was the prettiest thing I'd layed eyes on and I wanted to keep that nickname the twin girls gave her; 'Angel eyes.' It suited her so much and I know it will stick but there is no way that I'm going to call her that infront of others.

I tightened my grip around her waist, slowly so I didn't wake her up and brushed her fringe from her fallen eye lids. I was still sitting against the tree and the blue haired, angel eyed, butterfly girl was still buried into my chest. "I really hope she dosen't have a hang over." Suigetsu smirked as he raised himself up off the ground

"She won't, she sobered up a little more before sleeping, she'll be fine." I didn't take my eyes off her.

"She's funny when she's drunk, isn't she?" I didn't respond. "And really nice. I wonder if she meant what she said?"

"She did. No doubt, she sees the good in everyone and everything." 

"Yeah right!" Karin hissed in a tired grunt. "She almost gave me a complement but ended up just saying that I talk to much!" The red hed pointed at the sleepy singer.

"You do talk to much." Suigetsu smirked, making Karin growl. "But Sasuke, she didn't see any good in Orochimaru."

"Yes she did."

"But she was so relieved when she found out that you killed him?" Karin pointed out, snapping out from anger into confusion.

"Before she left for the Northern hideout she said she wanted nothing more but her Farther to learn to love her again and to do so she had to teach herself to be the best daughter but in order to do that she had to punish herself." I explained, still my eyes stayed to her. Stuck like glue.

"That's why she hurt herself? She never told me why she did such things to herself." Suigetsu had a stern look of concern on his pale featured face.

"She spoke in her sleep at the hideout, too. She would always go on and on about just wanting to feel loved, again." Jougo's voice was low but innocent, defining how calm he was.

"We should wake her up so we can get moving." Karin spoke, quietly. She sounded guilty as she spoke. Her head was down and her face was covered by the spiky, scalett strands of her hair.

"No, we'll wait until she wakes up naturally." I spoke, calmly but it still sounded like a spit. I shook off the thought as I felt her move, slowly, gently. I leaned in just an inch closer to her to whisper at the barley awake alcoholic. "Hey." I breathed quietly, stearing at her eyes as they struggled to open.

"Ah-he-ey." She rolled her tiny hands against her eyes. They finnaly fluttered open to reviel the mother of pearl coloured byakugan and the black and blue iris of the deactivated sharingan and rennegan.

I pulled her hands from her tired eyes and gazed into the hypnotic orbs before leaning in, again. Her lips always tasted of strawberries and felt like a pillow, espessually made for mine. I pulled away and was shown a beautiful smile running along her lips. "Come on, we've got work to do." As I stood up, I pulled her up with me.

She giggled at me in a slow, tattered, tired voice and stumbled a bit. "What kind of work do we need to do?"

I kept hold of her and smirked at her clumsiness. "Finding leads on recent akatsuki activity." I explained and for some reason, I caught the slightest flinch in her expression.

I took the Hebi out of the forrest and to the next village. I sent Jougo to look for any akatsuki leads he could and Suigetsu to interrogate a few low-lives, without killing them. Before I knew it I had a headach when Karin starte talking, something that girl should never do. "Does this mean I get to be alone with you, Sasuke?!" She gasped in amazment, a hue of pink covering her cheeks.

"No, that would be Takara." I started, catching a smirk from one corner of my eye and a dissapointed sneer from the other. "You, however should search for any out of the ordinary chakra."

"Fine." She sighed and finnaly disapeared.

 "Oh wow, Sasuke, it never siezes to amaze me when you get all of these girls without even wanting them." She giggled with her slender fingers to her lips.

"There's only one I want and that's the one I have, the others are annoying, let's go." I sighed, rubbing my temples to fade the headache, Karin left me, away. I spun on my heals to walk from the village and caught the gaze of the turquoise haired girl and smirked at the pink haze over her cheeks. "Dosen't take much does it?" Her eyes grew bigger and the pink haze turned scarlett red before she smacked her hands to her cheeks and spun on her heals to hide her face. "Hey, I wasn't complaining." I stepped closer to her and spun her around to see a smirk, complementing her fetures. I froze from the sudden change in attitude.

I felt her hands glide over pressure points, on my neck and run through my hair. I rand my hands around her waist, without even thinking and pulled her to me. I felt every inch of her over every inch of me as I crashed my lips into hers. I bit her lip for encouragment but got nothing more than a smirk back. I tired sliding my tounge accross her perfect lips but still just got a smirk, along with a giggle at my temtartion. I throwned and picked her up just to smack her into a tree, not hard enough to hurt her but enought to joult her into shock. She gasped as she hit the tree and I smirked in reflex, ur lips didn't part, niether did our tounges. She. Was. Good. Understatment intended. "Someone is excited." She giggled at my lips, stearing into me.

"You can have more later on." I whispered pulling away. Her eyes grew big and her smirk turned into a shocked smile. Boom! "What the fuck?" I spun on my heals and activeted my sharingan. My face painted an expression of confusion and shock but it faded to concern when I saw Takara run towards the defening sound. I followed in reflex, after adjusting my balance from the shockwave.

"Sasuke, it's akatsuki!" She shouted back to me just as I caught sight of her again.

"I see." My face and voice was full of nothing again. I saw two men. One had blonde hair, reminding me of Ino's, one blue eye and a camera device, instead of another. The other had short, dark hair and an orange mask with one swirl at the only and left eye hole. The black robes with red clouds were proof. They were akatsuki and they knew my brother. 

"They both are very dangerous, I can hear it in their heart beats; A pitch black, solome, spear of noise, it's not even music." I glanced at Takara. her face showed discust and anger. 

"Ooh, careful Deidara, this girl seems scary." The man in the mask spoke in an annoying tone, one I hoped to wipe from his mouth.

"Shut up, Tobi!" The blonde sighed, rolling his eye. "I wonder, are you the younger sister of Izari Imarne, little girl?" He smirked at the oddly eyed girl, showing interest.

"What's it to you?" Takara spat. "I bet she kicked your arse, didn't she? What're you going to do about it, blondie?" She teased, turning her expression of anger to a cocky smirk.

"Shut up!" He hissed in anger. "Jeez, why are you Imarne girls so bitchy?!"

"Mention her and the word 'bitchy' in the same sentance again and I'll just be more encouraged to kill you." I sighed, eyes closed with my fingers wrapped around the hilt of my Katana.

"Aw, it looks like Itachi's kid brother has gotten himself a girlfriend, how sweet!" The masked man gushed in that annoying tone again.

"Tobi, stay at the side lines, for now. I want to do this myself." Deidara smirked, placing his hands into the pouch he had under the cloche and at his hips. "First, I want to see if you two are artistic." He took his hands out and steared to them as they clenched into fists.

"Art is my middle name, knowing Izari you should have known that, unless she held back when she faced you. Oh dear, things don't look good for you, do they?" She ran at him as he flung his fingers out to let loose clay spiders. She did a few hand signs that came farmiliar to my head. "Water style; evaporation jutsu!" Yeah, the chunin exams. Smart move. She would be joulted by any explosion that was going off at the time but she wouldn't get hurt. I saw her reapprear above him with her leg straight up, ready for a kick but he moved backwards to have her hit the ground and create a crater in the earth. 

I ran to the crater to check on her, she was okay so I went for Deidara, running chidori down my Katana but halted as I noticed him throw out more explosives. Their were three and they looked like gohsts. I swung my bade at each of them, hit all of them only to have them collapse but morph back again, in a white sludge. I swung at them, again. This time having my sword get stuck in the mush of what this dickhead called art. I tried pulling it out but an explosion went off and joulted me back. I landed, gracfully on my feet and my Katana flew into a tree, stabbing into the rough bark. "Where's Itachi?!" I hissed.

"Itachi, Itachi, Itachi. All I hear is his fucking name and all I see are those eyes!" He cursed, refuring to the sharingan, of course. He dug his hands into the pouches again and pulled out a larger amount of clay, squeezing it into his fists, again. "Let's see how you handle C2." He grinned in a sadistic expression before spewing out a serpant from the mouths on his palms. Discusting. 

"Well, that is the most vile thing I've ever seen and come on you're complaining because Itchi gets more attention than you? How pathetic." Takara sighed in a mocking tone as she jumped from her crater. She started running at him as she landed just to have the serpant spew explosives at her feet. She jumped, using the explosions to give her lift before she disperced into the beautiful haze of turquoise and ebony of her buttflies. The swarm surrounded Deidara a caused him to pannick and bat at the winged creatures. "You scared blondie?!" Her voice echoed as she slowly formed back into her human form. One hand wrapped around his neck to dig her long, sharp nails into his cheek and the other hand to the oppisite side of the back of his skull, ready to break his neck.

I smirked and since I was sure she was fine I ran to the serpant, gripping my Katana from the bark as the hue of the backround blured passed me as I sped. I pointed my sword infront of me, shifted it to spear the ground to have my body fly over the gripped hilt and kick the discusting creature in the head before landing on my feet as my blade exited the ground. I ran chidori down my weapon and slemmed it into the head of the clay just to have an explosion throw me back. "Dammit!" I cursed, landing on my feet in a skid.

"Sasuke, are you okay?!" Takara yelled out in a tone of concern.

"I'm fine, just- look out!" I looked over to her and whitnessed her being knocked back by an elbow to the gut. Bang. Bang. Bang. Three explosions to her sending her flying back. "You fucking duchbag!" I cursed in a quiet voice before running, I dodged the blonde while he was preparing another 'work of art.' I caught Takara in a light thud. "Are you okay?"

"I'm fine, just pissed off." She cursed. "Haven't done this in a while but I guess I should." She hissed, before I helped her to her feet. She was doing hand sighns the naked eye couldn't see, she was fast. "Ninja art; kleptomania!" She hissed holding her palms out to have a butterfly form and sink into them creating mouths on each of her tiny, pale hands. "Ouch!" She cursed again. "Now to escape that." She pointed at a gaint scoulpture of the blonde arse hole. 

"Shit!" I cursed and grabbed to blue and black butterfly and ran from branch to branch, through the forrest to be haulted by her hand smacking across my mouth and nose, blocking my breathing, just as she did to her self. She could see the giant scoulpture desolve into nothing. A miss fire? No. I saw the animals desolve along with him, along with me and Takara. This cannot be happening! Not now! Not ever!

Deidara smirked and placed his hands in his pouch, behind his cloch again, same rutien, his hands exited from the cloche to clench his fists and release to reviel a bird. He dropped to to the ground and put his hand to the middle of his chest with two fingers pointing straight up, making the bird grow larger. "Well, that was a dissapointment." He sighed, jumping on the bird.

Attack of the genjutsu. I appeared behind him with angel eyes next to me before slamming my chidori grasped fist into his stomach, to go all the way through. "You're not very bright are you?" I spat in a blank voice. "Both Takara and I have the sharingan and you should know by now that that means we see chakra in colour, therefore we can escape that lame parlar trick you just pulled."

"Also, my sister taught me everything there is to know about every single one of you akatsuki members so I know what you're capable of." Takara smirked, raising one eye brow with attitude.

"How would she know anything? She didn't join us so don't play games!" His voice was tattered and weak as he spoke.

"She had her ways." Again with being a total mystery, she only told me things and I only told her things. I liked that. 

"And I have mine!" Both Takara and I everted our eyes down to see the real Deidara peering undernieth us from inside the bird. He gripped around our ankles, tightly with one hand and had his other scrunch in that fist again. Shit. I ripped my hand from the gooey, clay mess around my hand and arm as he released his fingers, creating a sphere around Takara and I. 

No time to hold our breath, the chakra was already inside us and ready to do what would have happened before if Takara didn't stop our breathing and if I didn't use a genjutsu. Takara thought the same thing I had just at that time; She created chidori in her hand but I had no choice. I slammed chidori onto hers, cancling both of them out in a glowing hue of bright blue and white. She steared at me with big, shocked eyes. "What are you?-"

"If you make it that strong you'll die." I gazed back at her with stearn, sencear eyes. "I don't trust you not to hurt yourself so I'm going to do this." I gripped her waist and forced her toward me. "Don't move or it'll hurt more." I whispered in her ear, from behind her hair. Her face burried into my chest and her hands scrunching up my shirt, creating crinckles. My arm squeezed her waist close to me and my oppisite came behind her and created the noise of the birds as the light was formed, sparking and flashing in a blinding yet attractive light. I ran it through my whole body and transfering it to hers. Back and forth the light chased. On and on the pain went, feeling like forever. However, that just caused us to force ourselves closer to each other, despite the fact that there was no space between us. I looked down and caught the pain filled girls scrunched up eyes, not realising I had the same look of pain on my face. I took my hands under her knees and torso and lifted her up off the surface of the sphere, before taking her lips with mine, trying to distract her from at least some of the pain. Her hands wrapped around my neck and she shook in my arms, making me tighten my grip around her without reaising it. Her fingers trailed and ran through the strands of my hair and despite the amount of pain she was in she was just as gentle as always; A touch bearly there, yet a touch you could always feel. 

I transformed to second state as I broke the kiss. The wings creating a barrier around the two of us before I smashed out of the sphere, finding another light that hurt. My eyes hadn't adjusted to the sun as I broke free until just before I smashe into the ground infront of Deidara. "What! You Uchiha's and Imarne's, you all make me sick! I'll kill you and distroy those eyes too!" He had lost his mind, his tone proved it.

I collapsed to my knees, avoiding to cause any harm to the Imarne who was in just as bad shape as I was."I won't let you hurt either of us!" Takara hissed in heavy breaths.

"Oh yeah? Time for you to join your Sister!" He yelled in a sadistic, psychotic voice as he ripped off his cloche and his netted shirt, too. Where his heart was another mouth but this one was sewn shut, before he took out a kunai to cut at the threds. "Now here it is, my last jutsu that will cover a radious of ten kilometers, get ready to die!" He grinned, taking all the clay he could from his pouch and shoving it in the mouth. "Sorry Tobi!" He held his hand up, once again with the two fingers pointing straight up before....Boom....

I reappeared with an uncontouse, angel eyed girl in my arms and Manda wrapped around us, tattered and burnt. "Sasuke, Takara!" I heared Suigetsu running back to us so I stood out from behind the purple scaled serpant. "Oh thank god!"

"Shut up." I whispered, stearing into the should be open eyes of the Imarne. I collapsed to my knees and placed her carfuly on the ground, hearing the others foot steps. 

"Sasuke, you fool, you used me, darn you!" Manda's voice echoed, weakly in my ears as his lilfe faded.

"You're luck I didn't kill you sooner, besides, there was no time to think." My tone remained weak, but not weak enough to hide the pain in it. I placed my ear to Takara's chest to see if there was a heart beat or breathing. Nothing. "Shit." I cursed.

"Sasuke are you?-" Karin started in fear to have me interupt her.

"Shut up!" I hissed, lifting my head, showing anger and trying to hold back tears. Suddenly, I felt warmth travling up and around both sides of my neck. My eyes grew big and I froze in disbeliefe.

"Calm down, Sasuke." That voice was quiet and weak yet it rung in my ears like church bells.

I tilted my head down to meet her gaze. Her odd, hypnotic gaze of mother of pearl and ink filled water that hadn't been mixed. My eyes grew and I gasped, taking her lips, once again. She bit my lip, this time and I reflexed by opening my mouth just a little more to let her control me, to let her take over me. I parted just a bit, still at her perfect lips. "Don't you dare do that to me again!" I hissed in a pant of reliefe and lack of breath control.

She just giggled, weakly. "I won't." She smiled, sweetly. She made me act differently, feel differently, think differently and I had no idea how or why. She's a total mystery, waiting for me to figure her out. 

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