Twist of Intuition (Twilight:...

By WaterFire22

133K 2.3K 270

Follow the life of Jules Cullen, from her changing to a vampire to her finding her mate. Before books and mov... More

Twist of Intuition (Twilight: Emmett Cullen/OC)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21

Chapter 12

4.7K 106 18
By WaterFire22


I decided to go through the ocean to get to America instead of running there. When I finally arrived I ran until I reached a town called New Orleans in the state of Louisiana. I ran through the city keeping to the shadows so no one could see me and came to realize that all the women here were wearing dresses similar to those in England and me. Well I was still wearing the clothing Zafrina had helped me make. Which consisted of very revealing leather and furs.

I broke into a large home just outside the city and 'borrowed' a very fancy dress of the woman who lived here. After that I styled my hair like the women I had seen walking around New Orleans. I walked around the house and eventually found money just lying around. I put it inside the pockets that were hidden in the dress I had chosen. They must be quite wealthy to be able to do that, which is why I didn't feel as badly about taking their stuff. Outside it was a very cloudy day but it wasn't raining.

I soon left the house and buried my clothing from the amazon out back careful not to get any dirt on the dress. I was reluctant to part with it but there wasnt much else I could do. I left just as the sun went down and I was walking down a busy street. Many of the humans stared at me as I walked past them but I ignored them as I looked around me at the tall buildings that reminded me of both France and Spain. My hearing flared with all the noises around me I tried blocking them out until I caught the sound of strange music. It was a series of notes in a swing like feel, rarely a few vocals here in there. I liked the different tune of it though and I was put off when it disappeared abruptly in some sort of struggle. I followed the direction the music was coming from. There was a blue aura in my double vision so it was a vampire as I suspected.

When I got there a vampire had just dropped the last of the three homeless men that had been the ones making the music. He apparently didn't notice me as I was careful to come here as stealthy as I could. Though he would smell me soon enough.

"I was listening to that." I called towards him.

He turned around towards me and looked me up and down but I was strangely comfortable with it as I did the same to him. His hair was a dark brown that reached his neck and his face was covered in stumble and he had a tall build. "My apologies Miss. They were annoying me." He replied with a small smile.

I raised an eyebrow"Im sure there will be more where that came from." I said.

"I hope not." He said taking a step forward and holding out his hand. "The names Garrett. Vampire extraordinaire and adventurer. "He introduces with a sly grin on his face.

I brought my hand forward to shake it but instead he knelt and kissed the back of my hand. "My name is Jules." I replied.

"What is a lovely woman like yourself doing out here all alone?" He said straightening up again.

"I'm just wandering." I replied.

"I see, a vampire with golden eyes is just wandering." He said with a mischievous glint in his ruby eyes.

I wasn't expecting him to not notice my different eye color, but I had almost forgotten about it myself. "Yes." I said not seeing where he was going with this.

"We'll, we have one thing in common then. You see Jules. We are both wanderers." He said taking my arm and looping it through his. I didn't say anything in reply and just went along with whatever he was doing. This man was very strange.

"You're so stiff. Loosen up a little." Garrett suddenly said.

"Excuse me?" I replied offended.

"You're excused. I'll help you." He said smugly.

"With what?" I asked confused about this conversation.

"We are going to crash a party." Garrett said pulling me along until we arrived at a nice house with music and laughter coming from inside.

We walked up to the large home and let ourselves in. Inside, humans were moving about talking and dancing. Some stared at us but the lighting of the room made it so Garrett's eyes seemed a very dark brown instead of red.

"Dance with me!" He said pulling me over to the other couples dancing.

I didn't even have a chance to protest before we were dancing in the middle of the room. Before I knew it I was laughing and actually having a good time. All to soon people started leaving so we too took our leave and now we were walking down the streets of New Orléans laughing about the silly people in that house.

"You see his face when you turned him down!" Garrett said laughing about a man who had attempted to ask me to dance

"More like did I see his wives face!" I replied as we laughed.

"So where are you headed to next?" Garrett asked me after we stopped laughing.

"I don't really have a plan. I'll just go wherever." I replied serious now.

"How about we just go wherever together?" Garrett asked smirkin.

I was about to protest but he stopped me."Jules you're a fun woman. I mean your beautiful; but I think you and I are better off as friends."

"I agree." I said thankful he had come to the same conclusion. Garrett was very handsome; but I felt more of a friendly almost brotherly affection for him. "Fine. Let's be wanderers together then." I said smiling.

He nodded. "I think this is just the beginning of a beautiful friendship. Jules and Garrett, Vampire adventurers."

Like most other times in meeting other vampires that I joined, I wasn't sure why I did it. Garrett seemed trustworthy and I liked his carefree way that he pushed the limits without breaking the laws that the Volturi had set. I think it was a natural thing for me to want to have companionship. When I was human I was alone except for my father and the costumers I would meet. So in this new life I had I wanted to make up for the lack of companionship that I had when I was human.

1905 Arkansas.

Garrett has had an interesting effect on me. I still only drank animal blood and I tried to get him to try it but he refused so I eventually gave up. It wasn't for everyone and I wasn't really expecting him to try it out. He lives a much more laid back life style and I suppose it has sort of rubbed off on me.

We were passing through towns that were close to the forests so that both he and I could hunt for our meals. Sometimes we would split up for a few days while we hunted but then we would meet up in the designated place.

"So what's your story?" He asked me as we walked around a lake one evening.

This was the line that we had never crossed before. Neither of us had ever asked about the others past before now. It wasn't like I didn't want him to know it was just in sharing our pasts I was afraid to break this care free life we had established; but I told him anyways."It's a long story." I replied with a sigh.

"Well, it just so happens we are immortal." He joked.

I laughed a little before starting my story. "I grew up in Romania. My father was the towns tailor and he was the best of them. He had a way with the fabric that would allow him to create whatever he wanted, or so it seemed. I unfortunately didn't inherit this gift. Still he taught me everything he knew and I was quite good. My mother died giving birth to me so she was never around and the resemblance I had to her caused my father... I believe it caused him to keep me very close to him.

A few weeks after my eighteenth birthday a man came into our shop. He was startlingly beautiful but I could tell he was very dangerous. He asked to have a suit made for him and I told him to wait there while I got my father. I did and then he was gone. He wasn't really though. He was there for the next few weeks until I finally felt like I was burning alive and then it was over and the man was there. He told me his name was William and that my blood had called to him in a way that no humans ever had. He was interested to see me as an immortal and stopped himself from killing me and then there I was..." I started and told him the rest of the story skipping unimportant details, but keeping everything else until I reached the point where I met him.

He never said anything while I told him my story and I realized that Garrett could be serious when he wanted. "If that William was still alive I would kill him myself but the Volturi seemed to have beaten me to it."

I laughed. "It's alright. It's in the past now."

"We'll it looks like we have both had a rough first years as vampires." He said nudging me.

I nudged him in return. "How so?" I asked.

"I was born during the American Revolution, in New England. I was a hot head patriot who willingly fought for the colonies right to self-govern. I was a true believer in the American dream." He said laughing.

I laughed with him as I could see him being just the way he described himself. "I was in an isolated group of ten soldiers when a vampire attacked us. He knocked me unconscious at the beginning of the attack. I woke up when he bit me by the pain was too great and I didn't move. The vampire left me alone thinking I was dead. I woke up later as a vampire. I didn't understand what had happened to me or what I now was but I had a pretty good idea when I first smelt human blood. I strove to understand what happened to me. A couple of years after I transformed I met a vampire named Carlisle Cullen in the Siege of Yorktown and he told me what I was and explained things to me." He said then told me how he hasn't missed a battle since then.

"We'll. This Carlisle Cullen has my thanks then." I said.

"Why's that?" He asked.

"Because without his guidance I don't think we would have ever met before." I replied smiling.

"I think you and he would get along quite well." He said.

"Oh? And why is that?" I asked him.

"We'll. For one thing. You both value human life and your both animal drinkers." He explained shocking me.

"You've met another?" I asked completely shocked. I wasn't alone in this strange way of life. There was another similar to me out there.

"Why didn't you tell me before now?" I asked a little icily.

"It slipped my mind. "He replied.

I suppose I should be angry with Garrett for keeping the fact that he had met another like me before but I wasn't and couldn't. I had never asked him if he had so he wasn't obligated to tell me. If he had I would have run off to find this Carlisle Cullen. I was glad that I didn't do that though. I have had the time of my life with Garrett these past few years and I wasn't ready to abandon it. That was the end of our conversation as we made our way out of Arkansas and to Kentucky.

May 1906- a few months later.

It was a very cloudy day and Garrett and I decided to head out around town where we ended up going to the Kentucky derby. We sat in the highest stands but with our eyesight we were still able to see clearly as the horse Sir Huon, the horse I betted on won the derby. We jumped up and cheered along with everyone else. Garrett waited outside in the shadows while I went and collected my winnings.

"I want to try to find him." I said before I could back out as we walked down the dark streets of Louisville.

"Who?" Garrett asked.

"Carlisle Cullen." I answered.

"I figured you'd want to find him sooner or later." Garrett replied.

"You did?" I asked.

"Of course. I mean you're an animal drinker he's an animal drinker you would obviously want to meet him." Garrett replied.

"Come with me." I said, sad at the prospect of leaving.

"Nah. You know me Jules. I like to wander around." He said stretching his arms out and spinning around in the middle of the street.

I laughed at him. "So you're not angry?" I asked.

"No of course not. But before you go I have to do something." He said coming back to stand in front of me.

"What's that?" I asked.

"This." He replied and then wrapping his arms around my waist he dipped us down and kissed me. It lasted for only a few seconds but I don't feel any sort of spark or something that told me I had romantic feelings for him.

He pulled back and straightened us out again as I stood there in a state of shock. I didn't understand what this could mean but it all cleared up with the next thing out of Garrett's mouth."Nope. Not feeling it. Sorry. Maybe next time we meet I'll do it again and we'll see what happens." He said shrugging.

I just shook my head. Typical Garrett. I pulled him back and hugged him this time and he returned the gesture. "I'll miss you." I said.

"I'll miss you too." He said pulling back and walking backwards away from me."See you around!" And then where he was standing was just empty space. Typical Garrett...

I laughed and went the other way having no idea where I was going but going none the less.

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