Innocent Girl

By SarahJohnson490

63.4K 847 80

Amy Gilbert is the little sister of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, she's only sixteen. A year younger then Jeremy... More

Finding Out
Taken From School
Road Trip
Writing On Walls
Prank Night
Leaving and Arguing
Changing Looks and Grabbed
I'm a What?
Author's Note
Powers Used
Hurt and More Arguing
Author's note
Starting To Explain
Flash Back
Snapped Neck
Author's note

Shopping With Vampires

2.2K 38 0
By SarahJohnson490

When Rebekah wanted to go shopping, I didn't except to be going to a expensive clothing store that for every piece of clothing you had to pay like a hundred dollars or more than that. But when you've been around for quiet a while, then you definitely have loads of money laying around. Or I would if I was like a thousand years old, or older.

"Yes, love." Klaus replied.

Pouting more, I said "But Rebekah's older."

Grinning, Stefan leaned back against the chair he was sitting in before taking a sip of champagne. "Stop whining and come out."

"Fine." I mumbled. Then I moved the curtains out of the way, walking out and pouting still. Neither Klaus or Stefan said anything. Instead, they stared at me, which made me uncomfortable. "Rebekah! The guys don't like the dress."

Laughing came from the dressing room, Rebekah replied "Well, you do look like a prostitute. But I thought that the guys would like what you're wearing, especially Klaus."

I groaned, rolling my eyes at the comment. "Whatever." I mumbled, knowing that she'd hear me.

As I was about to turn around and go back in the dressing room, wanting to take off the dress that probably did make me look like a prostitute, something flashed around me and made me stop walking. Klaus was standing in front of me, smirking as usual while letting his eyes drift up and down my body, undressing me with his eyes and making me more uncomfortable then when both him and Stefan were staring at me, not saying a word. He growled, grabbing onto one of my hands and spinning me around, getting the perfect view of the dress. "You're not getting changed now." Klaus smirked.

Then strolled back to his seat, taking me with him before sitting down. When I tried to leave his side to sit in the seat next to him, I don't think that Klaus like that because he growled and wrapped his arms around my waist. "And you're not leaving my side, sweetheart." He told me.

Sitting down in between his legs, Klaus placed one of his hands on my thigh and had a glass of champagne in his other hand, holding the glass out for me to take. "I'm not allowed to drink." I said, not talking the glass.

"Well, guess what?" I say you're allowed to drink, and I want you to have a drink." Klaus replied, squeezing my thigh and still holding the glass of champagne out in front of me.

Taking the champagne out of his hand, I said "Okay." before taking a sip and relaxing into his chest. "This is good." I mumbled, having another sip from the glass "Can I have some more champagne?" I asked, downing the whole glass of amazing liquid down my throat.

"Of course, love." Klaus replied, snapping his fingers.

I opened my eyes to see one of the shop assistants jogging over in high heels with a huge grin on her face, before refilling the glass in my hand with more champagne and then handing the bottle to Klaus, who was smirking down at me. After downing that glass of champagne, I saw it being refilled again. Relaxing more and mellowing out, I felt kisses being planted on the side of my throat, which pretty much told that Klaus was hungry and he wanted some of my blood from me at this very moment in time. "Later," I mumbled, opening my eyes and looking up at him. His face easily told me that he was thinking about what I had just said but after a minute, Klaus looked down at me and nodded.

"There's got to be more to this dress!" Rebekah exclaimed, walking out of the dressing-room.

Sighing, I groaned "There isn't more to that dress like mine."

Rolling her eyes and crossing her arms, I could see that Rebekah was having fun. But she still couldn't believe how people dressed these days, don't really know why. "So women, in the 21st Century, dress like prostitutes then?" Rebekah questioned, raising her eyebrows and putting her hands on her hips now. Wow, when this girl wants to throw a fit, she can definitely throw one. Big style. "You know, i got dirty looks for wearing trousers!!"

"You wore trousers, so women today could wear nothing." Klaus reminded her.

Laughing I stood up and wobbled a little bit before turning around to face the guys. "Women today do not wear nothing, do you see me wearing nothing?" I asked, titling my head to the side.

"No, but-" Stefan said.

Holding up my finger, I said "But nothing!"

"okay, love. You've proven your pint, come sit back down." Klaus said.

Shaking my head, I crossed my arms and stood next to Rebekah, refusing to move. "Make me." I returned.

"Fine then I will." Klaus smirked.

Carefully and slowly, I started backing up away from him. But ended up tripping over the heels that I was wearing, and nearly feel over if it wasn't for Klaus, who had grabbed a hold of my arm with own of his hands and had the other one wrapped around my waist. Smirking down at me, he didn't say anything, he just picked me up and walked back over to his seat. Dropping down onto the seat, I got dragged with Klaus and landed in between his legs again. Then, something popped into my mind. Both Rebekah and Stefan had been watching everything that happened between me and Klaus, while grinning to each other. "Okay, what were on about then?" Klaus asked, pretending that Stefan and his little sister didn't see that scene between him and I.

"What is this music?" Rebekah asked, her voice filled with disgust. "It sounds like a cable car accident."

It's dance music." Stefan replied.

Raising her eyebrows up and letting her arms fall to her sides, Rebekah said "People dance to this?"

"are we done yet?" Klaus groaned, dropping his head into the crock of my neck and planted a kiss there, making sure that I knew that he was still hungry and annoyed now, along with being bored of shopping. But what guy doesn't get bored with shopping?

Amusement dancing in her voice, Rebekah asked "And why are you so grumpy?" But when Klaus didn't answer her, she just dropped the subject, probably knowing that it wasn't too smart to carry it on, and turned to look at Stefan. "So what do you think?" She asked him, turning around slowly.

"I like it." Stefan lied. "What? I said I like it," He defended himself.

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan." Rebekah muttered, storming off into the dressing-room.

Groaning, Klaus rolled his eyes and tightened his grip on my waist. "Nice one." He muttered. "Good work."

"You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her." Stefan retaliated back, sounding like a small child that was having an argument with another child.

Calling from the dressing-room, Rebekah yelled "I heard that!"

"I'm going to get some fresh air." Stefan mumbled, getting out of his chair and leaving the store.

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