Silent Assassin

By HyperPiper247

143K 5.8K 786

She rose her dainty eyebrows in surprise at my answer, her small lips slightly opening in shock. "I never too... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Author's Note
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26

Chapter 4

6.6K 249 17
By HyperPiper247

Drip. Drip. Drip.

The continuous annoying sound entered my hearing, waking me up from my slumber.

Groaning in pain and exhaustion, I tried to stand up from where I laid on the floor but the pain in my stomach prevented me from doing so. As slowly as possible, I bowed my head to get a better look at the wound I had: A large cut that had pierced my stomach, too large to survive from but I impossibly did. The image of the wound looked like it wasn't real though, and I couldn't cease myself from lifting up a hand to touch the gash. As soon as my finger touched the surface of the cut, pain ignited from my entire body causing me to almost cry out loud.

It's real all right.

Lifting the hand once more, I searched my belt for any painkillers I could have brought with me. Feeling the lump of the pill, I sighed in relief and brought two out before swallowing them whole without any water.

Lying there for a whole five minutes, I decided to try and stand up again, relieved that the pain had lessened. Slowly standing up from my lying position, I gritted my teeth in discomfort, as I applied pressure on my feet and almost fell over if not for the island counter beside me. As I leaned on the counter, I waited for a small amount of strength to return before trying to take a careful step forward as I clutch my wound. My foot shook from the effort and I waited for myself to collapse to the ground but was surprised to see that it held.

Glancing around my surroundings, I observed the mess in the kitchen: pans and kitchen utensils everywhere like a hurricane entered the room, scratches on walls, ceiling and furniture with puddles of blood on the floor.

I became motionless for a while as I tuned into my hearing for any signs of life in the house since I was not sure if I could defend myself if the protector was nearby. Fortunately, I heard nothing.

They must have left when they thought I was dead.

Pursing my lips, I lifted a hand up to check my features if I truly was alive and not in hell. Still feeling my skin, though a little cold, I doubted myself. Picking up a throwing knife on the floor to scratch a small portion of my palm, I felt pain in my hand and grudgingly decided that I truly was alive.

"There is no mercy in battle. Only the winner... and the dead." A slight whisper of what my recent trainer had first taught me materialized in my head.

I blinked my blank eyes once. The protector is the winner... and I should be dead.

Knowing I couldn't return to the Silent Society in failure- since it'd disappoint my honor and I'd have to, probably, start training all over again- a suggestion suddenly came to me: What if I'd kill myself?

At first, the thought sounded idiotic, but the more I thought of it, the stronger the urge for suicidal grew inside of me. Finally deciding and ignoring the rational thought from the back of my head, I gripped the weapon in my hand tightly and I moved it to hover above my heart. My eyes fluttered to a close as I sent a silent prayer to my parents before slowly counting to three. At the end of the last number, I was about to plunge it in, to stop my worthless living, when a crash of pans sounded behind me. Startled out of my thoughts, I instinctively threw the weapon in my hand to its direction.

Hearing no sounds of pain, I swiftly turned around to face the intruder. My brows slightly furrowed when I saw nothing and was about to think myself as hallucinating, when the sound of a cat's meow sounded in front of me.

My gaze slowly dropped to see a black cat lying on the ground in boredom, its exotic green eyes gazing at me in observation. The furrow of my brows slightly deepened when I noticed the curved edge of my weapon sticking right beside it.

I never miss, I thought to myself as I glanced at the blade before meeting the green eyes of the cat's.

As if answering, his long tail flickered and wrapped itself around my knife, as he tilted his head to the side and purred aloud.

Hesitantly, I approached him, not sure if he would run from a sudden advance. He made no movement except for another flicker of his tail as he observed me with an unnerving intensity.

When I had moved near it, I slowly crouch down to sit on the floor, doing my best to ignore the eruption of pain from my wound. Finally sitting down on the floor with my back leaning on the side of the kitchen counter, I lifted a hand up to pet his head. Before I could pet him, I stopped to let my hand hover over his head, but he did not bite nor hiss and instead bowed his head in approval. My hand slid over the cat's soft fur as he moved his head slightly to the side for a better angle.

"What are you doing here, little one?" At the question, the cat looked up at me with intelligence.

"Where did my target and his protector went off to?" The question was more to myself than to the cat, though I was surprised to see him quickly stand up and bound off.

Feeling the unbearable effect of blood loss, I stayed still as I wished for the end to come. The only thing that came though was the cat who arrived with a piece of paper in his mouth.

I stared at him as he gazed up at me, with wide and intelligent eyes, and offered me the piece of paper. When I did not move to get it, he rubbed his head on my thigh before placing the paper on top of it and returning to his former lying position. Gazing at the paper in curiosity, I finally decided to read what the cat had brought to me.

Martha, I'm off to the other side of the city. I'm sure you have taken a good look in my house and know why so I need not to explain further.

PS: If you find Thomas (my cat) please bring him to my house. You know where it is.

-Allen Wane

"I suppose you're Thomas?" I looked down at the cat after reading. He stood up on his two back legs and waved his paws in the air, trying to catch something I couldn't see.

"I'll take that as a yes." I glanced back at the paper, disappointed that no address was found. I searched my brain for any houses at the side of the city I had read in his file. After a few seconds, a single place found its way into my mind and I smirked slyly.

Got it.

I glanced back at the cat when he scratched my hand. "What do you want?"

It meowed back at me and as if getting his message, I nodded. "Alright, I'll bring you to your owner."

But I don't promise any happy meeting...

Pocketing the letter, I gave the cat one last rub behind the ear and stood up from my position, grunting out in pain and almost falling over. I caught myself just in time and glanced at my stomach. Due to my movements, the wound opened up and was now starting to bleed again.

Guess I have to go back to the Society to get this checked. Groaning, I found my cloak and shrugged it on, making sure that the hood was covering my face, before making my way outside. Thomas followed after me without hesitation like we were well acquainted.

I tore the back door opened and was greeted by the cool air of the night sky. Taking note not to get close to the well lighted streets, I made my way back to the Silent Society.

They might kill me, but they'll have to catch me first.

At my fast stumbling pace, the cat walked beside me with purpose.


At my arrival in the building, I first made my way to the elevator, making sure not to make my wound noticeable by covering it with the cape of my cloak. As I walked- and slightly limped- to the door, I clutched the wound as the fabric of my cloak grazed my skin. Walking inside the elevator after scanning my ID, I finally avoided the agents in the lobby who stared at me and the cat.

Pressing a finger to the red button, I called out, "3rd floor."

A sound of approval came form somewhere inside the elevator and started to ascend.

I felt the need to lean on the wall, but I decided against it since I knew there was a small camera from inside the elevator that may discover that I was wounded.

Beckett did not need to know that I was.

The elevator opened up to my floor and I walked out with Thomas right after me. I wandered  through the familiar halls until I could see the door leading to the infirmary. Almost reaching the door, my legs suddenly buckled below me, causing me lean on the wall with deep breaths. Sweat started to run down my forehead and drip to the floor as I closed my eyes in fatigue.

About to surrender myself to the darkness, I heard a loud meow coming from my legs and felt Thomas rub himself all over them. I tried to ignore him but his continuous whining made me open my eyes and glare at him. Unfazed he looked at me with tilted eyes, ending his cries as his tail flickered behind him.

"Void?" A soft voice came from behind me and I struggled to turn around. Almost falling over, I pressed my back on the wall, more sweat dripping from my forehead.

A nine year old girl with her brown hair in pigtails and wide innocent green eyes looked at me with concern. She stood still in front of me like she doesn't know what to do and how to approach me.

"Hey kid." I nod my head in a hello. "How long have you been there?"

Her thick brows furrowed in confusion. "I was getting food for a patient and I was running along the hall when I heard a meo-"

I nodded my head in feinted understanding. "Listen, is Kate in?"

" 'Course she is. She always is." She said slowly, her eyes gazing at the blood on the floor. "I'll take you to her." She hurriedly said but walked slowly towards me with outstretched palms like she was calming a ferocious beast.

I rolled my eyes. "I'm not gonna bite kid. Just hurry up before I faint and crush you to death."

Following my advice she hurriedly approached me but stopped when Thomas hissed at her warningly.

Damn it! The world just wants me to experience more of pain, does it?

I sighed tiredly. "It's okay, Thomas. She's going to help me."

Graciously, he stopped hissing and started to lick his paw.

Eyeing the cat, Wendy hurried to my side, took my arm, and supported me to the infirmary with Thomas bounding after us like he was catching a mouse. Opening the door with a loud bang, we were welcomed by the smell of blood, death and medicine.

The infirmary was like all others with only a few chosen doctors to aid the injured. Though today, there was only one doctor present- the others usually absent since Beckett denies healing any injured agents- and she was facing us with her tensed back. At our entrance, the tall girl sighed deeply.

"You better have a good reason for almost ripping out my third door or I will-." Her tone was laced with warning.

"Actually, there is." Wendy cut her off and Kate turned to look at us.

She was as old as me, having the same features as Wendy with the exception of her brown hair up in a messy bun with a stick protruding through it. Her green eyes that were covered by thick wide glasses, widened at my appearance and started to move things on a table in front of her.

"Wendy, I want you to put her here." She pointed at a bed next to her. "Slide her in slowly and then get the..."

By this time, I didn't understand a word she said as I focused on my breathing and laid down slowly on the bed. I closed my eyes as I felt something sharp press on my stomach and a burn appear on it. The pain was excruciating but I managed to stay still.

"I don't understand why you couldn't have healed yourself." I opened my eyes to see Kate sitting beside me, her fingers fumbling on my stomach. "I mean, your an excellent fighter and you manage to get no wounds except for some scratches. You almost never come to the clinic except to pass an information from any commanding officers, so I assumed you were great in the medical department." She glanced a second from her work to cock a thick eyebrow at me before gazing back at my stomach.

I sighed silently. "I've had this kind of wound before, and I almost killed myself with a pair of scissors, so I'd rather have someone fixing me than me accidentally killing myself."

She did one last thing to the  wound before sighing in relief. "All done." She took something from the table beside her and a glass of water before giving them to me. "Drink this. This should make you feel better."

Without questioning the pill she was giving, I swallowed it with water and handed the empty glass back. The pain in my stomach was still present, though not as agonizing as before. As I laid there for a few minutes, I felt my eyes become heavy and I welcomed the darkness with open arms.


I felt my conscious awaken as I laid on the hospital bed. Instinctively, my senses opened as I tried to feel for any danger.

The only thing out of the ordinary, though, was the feel of shaking. The source of the vibration came from my stomach which convulsed in an unorderly manner.

With great effort, I managed to open the lids of my eyes, and gazed at the spotless white ceilings of the infirmary.

Grudgingly moving my head, I managed to take a look at the cause for all the shaking: Thomas rolled into at ball and lying on my stomach with closed eyes.

"You guys are too cute." I looked up from Thomas to Wendy who was looking at me with wide eyes, and puckered lips.

"Cute...?" The word sounded foreign on my tongue.

She wobbled her head up and down. "After you went off to sleep, your cat jumped on your bed and started sleeping on your chest. 'Course Kate wanted to make sure you would sleep well and started to approach your cat, but when she got near, your cat looked up, probably guessing what she was planning, and hissed at her. He didn't want anyone to get close to you so he almost bit her nose!"

Damn, I almost forgot that she talks a lot.

Processing her words I let out a small laugh under my breath, making sure that it was inaudible though. Finishing my quick laugh, I felt the edges of my lips widen to a slight smirk "Must not have been a great experience for her, is it?"

"Nope," Kate appeared from the door, "I was almost nose-less."

The abnormal purring of the cat was surprisingly relaxing, as I moved my hips slightly to test my wound. At the movement, I saw Thomas woke up and looked at me with concern. I slightly raised an eyebrow at him before trying to sit up from the hard hospital bed. Kate, noticing my wish, looked at me with wide eyes but stayed silent.

Thomas watched as I slowly tried to sit up before jumping from my chest and to the ground. I almost thought that the pain in my stomach would return, but was relieved when the ache turned to a dull throb. Finally managing to sit up, I slid my feet to the floor and slowly applied weight on them.

"I don't think you should-" I glared at Kate with hard eyes and she immediately clammed her mouth shut.

Feeling risky, I suddenly stood up and stretched my body, fortunate that the dull throb of the pain dissipated.

"Uh, Commander Beckett wants to talk to you, by the way."

I looked up to see Kate eyeing me.

Ignoring her look of concern, I sighed and muttered under my breath, "Of course she would."

I started to walk to the door, the pain practically nonexistent, as Thomas bounded after me. Seeing him run after me, I stopped to face him.

"Thomas, I want you to follow her", I motioned to Kate as Thomas sat and looked up at me, "You can trust her, all right? Then if you arrive in my room and she tells you to stay, do it. After an hour, I'll come there."

I looked at Kate. "You got that?" She nodded her head once before I turned back to look at the cat. "You?"

He meowed in reply, which I took for a yes, before leaving the infirmary.

Walking through the halls, I made my way to elevator as I gripped the handles of my twin blades, the insides of my cloak slightly caressing my skin.

Entering the elevator, I once more pressed the red button and called out, "Commander Beckett's floor."

The sound of approval came from somewhere within the elevator before it ascended and stopped to the floor of my desire.

Making my way through the guards posted in the hall, I entered her open door and stood in the center of her office.

Beckett was typing something in her laptop and I waited patiently until she finished and looked up to meet my gaze.

"Well, if it isn't Void."

I remained blank ad she eyed me warily.

"Did you kill him?"

"Negative." I said monotonous, ignoring the sick feeling in my stomach.

She rose her dainty eyebrows in surprise at my answer, her thin lips slightly opening in shock.

"I never took you for one who fails an assignment, Void." She pursed her tongue.

My blank eyes stared at hers as I bit back my answer.

She sighed at my silence. "You do know what we do to those who fails an assignment, right?"

My mind went to the tortured screams I heard from the basement. Beckett must have seen the tiniest widening of my eyes because she smiled knowingly at me.

"I may look strict... but since this is your first, I'll overlook it for now. But, may I remind you, that if you fail one more mission, you'll receive worst than those people. " Her eyes hardened at my blank stare. "Are we clear?"


Feeling the discussion had come to an end, I turned around and left the office, feeling the comfort of my twin blades as I walked.


Opening the door of my room, I was greeted by the cat who sat on the floor, a few inches from my bed, looking as if he had waited for me.

As soon as I walked in, Thomas bounded towards me and rubbed himself all over my feet as I closed the door behind me. Walking to the bed with him trailing right after me, I sat down tiredly. Feeling the need to lie, I swallowed my tiredness and slid off my cloak before removing all of my weapons and placing them on the floor.

As I neatly placed my weapons, I saw Thomas jump on my bed and felt him pawing at my leg. I ignored him for a while as I finished my task before giving him my attention.

Seeing my gaze on him, he meowed at me once and opened his mouth.

He must be hungry.

I slid to the floor and knelt as I pressed something on the side of the bed, a hidden compartment below the bed opening. Knowing that the compartment was filled with some emergency food, I took out a can of tuna and opened it with my knife. Leaving the tuna inside the can, I placed it on the floor as Thomas jumped down from where he waited on my bed, and started to eat.

I trust he wouldn't spill anything.

"You know, you're one smart cat." I said aloud when Thomas finished.  The cat licked his paws and rubbed his ears before jumping atop my bed once more.

"Did they teach you manners or something?" I voiced out loud before sighing and lying down on the bed.

"You excited for our visit tomorrow?"

Thomas meowed in reply and my eyes darkened, already making a plan in my mind as I slowly drifted off to sleep.

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