Emotions - (An Original Austi...

By MahoneQueen

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Love conquers all. Caring, protective, sweet, and sensitive are just a few words to describe Iris Garner. Fat... More

Emotions - (An Original Austin Mahone Love Story)
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 4

2.1K 62 5
By MahoneQueen

Taylor Swift - Today Was A Fairytale

Justin Bieber - One Time

"If you talk to a man in a language he understands, it goes to his head. If you talk to him in his language, that goes to his heart" 

-Nelson Mandela  


- Austin's Point of View -

I was so relieved when she finally calmed down.

I was seriously scared that she would call the police. I don't know how to explain it, but I feel like I should get to know this girl. I have this feeling that she could be an important part of my life. I wasn't about to just kick her out, not after the way I felt when she wrapped her arms around me. I haven't felt those kind of sparks in a long time.

I held her close to me and inhaled her scent.

She smelled like vanilla and peppermint, never has something smelled so intoxicating to me. I never wanted to let go of her. I don't care that I just met her, I could hug her all day long if I had it my way.  

 Iris let out a small chuckle and slowly hugged me back.

Her laugh was seriously the cutest thing I ever heard. I buried my face in her long hair that smelled of a strange mixture of axe, vanilla, peppermint, and grass.

I finally forced myself to pull away because I didn't want to scare her away.

I looked at her perfect face and I couldn't find a single flaw. Her deep jade eyes stared into mine. I could tell she was a little nervous.

I don't blame her, since when do you wake up in someone's home and then a complete stranger ends up hugging you for a few minutes?

She cleared her throat and moved her eyes away from mine. I hadn't noticed how long I have been staring at her, just deep in thought.

"Where is my phone?" She asked feeling around her pockets. "I found it on the ground where you fell," I replied, handing it to her.

"Thanks," she said, turning it on.

I nodded. "I hope you don't mind, I checked your phone to see if I could contact your family or something right before you woke up," I said, worried about how she would react.

"I don't mind." She sighed and dialed a number.

"Do you mind if I stay here for a couple hours, I don't want to go back there yet or I could just go to a hotel if you want," she said looking unsure.

"You are welcome to stay here for the night, I mean if you want to," I said hoping she could stay. "My mom won't be home till tomorrow so it will just be you and me."

"Thanks for being so sweet, but I can't do that," Iris said looking down. "Please, it will make me feel a little less guilty about what happened," I pleaded.

She shook her head still looking unsure.

"Come on, we'll have a blast we can watch movies and-," She cut me off by placing a finger on my lips playfully. She sighed before looking up.

"Okay, fine I'll stay!" She said.

I almost jumped up in joy. "But first let me call my mom before she calls the police." She dialed the number again and put the phone to her ear.

"Hey, mom-" She was cut off. I heard some yelling as she yanked the phone away from her ear and cringed.


"Mom relax, I'm fine I made a new friend and I'm going to spend the night here I'll be home tomorrow morning don't worry, love you!" Iris replied before quickly shutting off her phone.

"Maybe you should-" She cut me off again. "It's fine she will get over it, now how about you tell me a little about yourself, I still don't even know your name!"

My throat became a little dry before I replied.

This was the part I have been dreading. Usually people immediately knew who I was. With me being a singer and all. I didn't mind it was just that some people reacted differently to me being famous. They always ended up treating me differently. That had always bothered me the most. I just want to be treated like everybody else. I still want to be honest with Iris though.

"My name is Austin. Austin Mahone." I quickly spoke wanting to see her reaction.

Iris blinked slowly. She gave me a blank look for a second then her face quickly sparked up again. "Austin Mahone, as in the famous singer?" She asked while cocking her head to the side.

I nodded slowly still eyeing her next move.

She grinned. "My friends and I went to a Taylor Swift concert a few months ago and we saw you. I thought you looked familiar." She smiled at me again. "I like that one song of yours.......um.....Say Somethin'?"

"Yeah, that's my song. Which show did you go to?" I asked truly curious.

"I went to the one in Philadelphia. I'm not from there but I still went because some family friends of mine hooked me up with some tickets." She replied.

I couldn't wipe the grin off my face. I was so happy. She was actually treating me like a human being. That showed me that it was okay for me to open up.

I told her everything. I'm not usually so trusting, but there is something about Iris that makes me feel like she is trustworthy. I told her how I'm from San Antonio, Texas, how my dad died when I was little, how I moved here about a year ago, and everything there is to know about me. I was just so glad that someone was finally treating me normally. Just because I have fans doesn't make me more of a person than you are. 

 As I was speaking she nodded her head every so often to let me know she was paying attention. She always kept eye contact and never interrupted me. She was the best listener I have ever met in my life. Does she even have a single flaw?

When I finished she started her story. She told me about how she was from Cibolo, which wasn't that far away from where I used to live. She told me how she is an only child too, how she lives with her mom, how her best friend convinced her to audition for the main role of the movie she was about to star in, and how she moved here just yesterday.

There was one thing I was curious about though.

She never once mentioned her dad. I could see sadness in her eyes when she talked about her mom so I could tell that maybe she had a complicated relationship with him. I wasn't about to be nosy and ask about it because I hated to talk about my dad so I understood.

"I guess that is everything there is to know about me." Iris said as she stretched and let out a yawn. 

 I could tell she was uncomfortable so I stood up.

"Let me give you a sweatshirt you look kind of uncomfortable." I said, crouching down and gently scooping her into my arms. "Okay," She said letting out another yawn.

I lightly set her down on my bed and got an orange sweatshirt from my closet. I put it in her lap and she gave me a tired smile.

God, she is so beautiful. I walked out of my room giving her time to change.

When I came back she had the sweatshirt on.

I admired the way her wavy hair spilled across her chest. She was the kind of girl who could wear a trash bag and make it look good.

"Where am I gonna sleep?" She asked me looking around.

I scratched the back of my neck before speaking.

"You can sleep next to me there is plently of room." She looked at me for a second then shrugged, probably too tired to care. 

 I slid into the bed and I patted the spot next to me.

She hesitantly moved over next to me and turned on side away from me. I rested my head on the pillow and I felt her slowly start to relax into the mattress.

I smiled and closed my eyes, letting the steady pattern of her breathing put me to sleep.

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