Pregnant in the Games

By emukid96

3.9M 136K 75.1K

Willow is a pregnant girl from District 12. This is the 100th Hunger Games. This Quarter Quell shocker is tha... More

Pregnant in the Games
Chapter 1: The Reaping
Chapter 2: Surprise
Chapter 3: Uncovering Secrets
Chapter 4: The Capitol
Chapter 5: Training
Chapter 6: The Scores
Chapter 7: The Aftermath
Chapter 8: The Interviews
Chapter 9: Let The Games Begin
Chapter 10: Tests
Chapter 11: The Parachute
Chapter 12: New Girl
Chapter 13: Separated
Chapter 14: Stories
Chapter 15: Back Together Again
Chapter 16: The Trance
Chapter 17: New Tributes and Lies
Chapter 18: Luke
Chapter 19: The Secret Girl
Chapter 20: The Knife
Chapter 21: Coma
Chapter 22: Alone
Chapter 23: The Chasm
Chapter 25: Her
Chapter 26: Hiding
Chapter 27: Too Much
Chapter 28: In Memory
Chapter 29: Taken
Chapter 30: Stuck
Chapter 31: The Tunnel
Chapter 32: Ambush
Chapter 33: Labor
Chapter 34: Plan
Bonus Chapter
Author's Note

Chapter 24: A Broken Alliance

91K 4.5K 3.1K
By emukid96

Author's Note: I saw One Direction in concert a few nights ago! It was so amazing. And from where my seats were, I could see backstage. So I was watching them for like a long time before the show started. I wasn't positive if it was them or not because of the lights back there but at one point the way the light hit Liam's face perfectly. So I knew it was them. He was laughing! Then I saw Zayn shirtless. 


I just read the beginning of Pregnant in the Games. It's so cheesy! I'm glad you guys decided to read on. 

Dedicated to tortimer because he's nice! And British. 

Tetrick's POV:

I sat at the edge of the tree house, my head resting on my hands. I looked out to the forest in front of me, wondering where Willow is. Titus and Gale are below me, laughing and having a good time. I, however, am miserable. I miss Willow.

I feel like such a screw up. Willow's perfect. She's everything I could ever want. And I threw it all away because of a few moments of jealousy. Now she's gone, either looking for Talon or spending time with Talon. I left her go out there all by herself. And I feel awful for it. 

"Cheer up, Tetrick!" Gale called to me. "It's been two weeks since she's left!" 

"I feel awful," I replied. "I let her go out there by herself. I should've followed her!" I climbed down the ladder and got to the bottom. "I'm so stupid!"

"She never would've let you follow anyways," Gale replied.

"She's out there all by herself. I wish I would've asked one of you to go with her."

"Willow doesn't need our help She may be pregnant, but she's also tough. I've known her my entire life. I'm not worried about her. Plus, we know she's not dead. She hasn't been shown in the sky. I'm sure she's fine."

I sighed. "Guys, I need to get her back."

Titus and Gale looked at each other, their eyes skeptical.

"She's everything to me. I can't just sit here when I know she's out there somewhere. We should go find her," I said. 

"What do you think's going to happen when we find her?" Titus asked. "Do you think she's going to jump back into your arms? Talon is her best friend and you got in a fight with him."

"Talon was the one who punched me!" 

"Because you got jealous!" Gale yelled in reply. "You're not the victim here. You drove Talon away with your possessiveness! Then you got in his face when he was trying to do the right thing! Accept it, Tetrick, you messed up!" 

I stepped back, as if Gale just punched me in the face. I opened my mouth to speak, yet no words come out. 

"Talon's in love with my girlfriend, Gale! What was I supposed to do?" 

"You could've left it alone! You have no one to blame but yourself!" 

I took a deep breath. "Gale, why are you screaming at me?"

Gale threw his sword on the ground. "Because you drove away two members of our alliance! Two people that I care about! I'm worried about them! I want them back! The only reason I didn't run after Talon is because of Willow. And the only reason I didn't run after Willow is because I know that she wants some space right now. We were supposed to be a group of 5! We've been in an alliance for 5 months now and now we've been driven apart because you lost your head!"

I looked down at the ground. "I know that, Gale. I messed up. I want to fix it."

"Take it from me, Tetrick," Titus said. "She won't take you back."

I looked back up again. "Well, the least I can do is go and find her." 

Gale reached down and picked up his sword. "I'm coming with you. But not for you. For Willow."

Titus nodded. "Yeah, me too." 

"Well then let's grab our stuff," I said.

Titus walked past me and up into the tree house. Gale walked by me on his way to the ladder. I put my hand out to stop him. 

"Hey, are we okay?" I asked.

Gale looked at me. His eyes didn't look angry. Just sad. "You hurt her. So no, we're not okay." Then he continued to walk past. 

Willow's POV:

"I just want to get out of here!" Talon screamed, kicking one of the rock walls that surrounded us on either side. I sat on the ground, watching him closely. We've been stuck in the chasm for a week now. The only reason we have food and water is because of the courtesy of the sponsors. We also got pillows and blankets. However, it is easy to get stir crazy in here. We haven't been able to find our way out. It's very hard to hear the leaves rustling in the wind, yet not being able to see the tree.

"Where's Luke now, huh? He'll save us from being devoured by mutts but he won't get us out of this dumb hole?" Talon yelled.

"I hate to break this to you, but I don't think Luke will ever do anything to help you," I replied.

Talon looked over at me, wearing a shocked expression. "Wait, you mean Luke doesn't jump at every opportunity to help me out?" He said sarcastically.

I laughed and stood up. Talon walked over to me and wrapped his arms around my waist, pulling me close. He pressed his forehead against mine. The two of us stood there for a moment, just enjoying each other's presence. 

"We'll get out of here, okay? I promise," I said to him. "As long as the food and the water keep coming, there's no reason for us to leave. I don't like being stuck down here. But we're also safe down here. Tributes can't harm us from up there."

Talon nodded. "Yeah, I guess that's true."

"Don't worry. Everything will be fine."

Talon smiled. "As long as I'm with you, everything will be great."

I laughed. "You're so cheesy."

"But you love me," Talon replied. Then he kissed me. 

When he pulled away, I replied with, "Yes I do."

Talon put both of his hands on my stomach, which was getting close to the maximum size. "How many weeks is it now?"

"28," I replied.

"Wow. Getting close." Talon made eye contact with me. "Can you believe there's a human being in there?"

I shook my head. "No, I can't.

"What are you going to name her?" 

"Actually, I haven't thought about it yet."

"Well I have a good name for her," Talon said. 

I raised my eyebrows. "What is it?"

Talon looked down at my stomach and smiled. "Chris. Or Crystal, if you want to get technical. After the bravest girl I've ever met."

I smiled. Tears lingered in my eyes. "That's a great idea." I put my hands on my stomach. "Crystal. And her middle name will be Rhymer, after the girl who did one last act of kindness before losing her life."

Talon raised his eyebrows. "Who's Rhymer?"

So I told him the story of Rhymer. As I did so, I twisted the wooden heart, which still hung from my neck. 

Talon smiled. "Well, that settles it. Her name is Crystal Rhymer Undersee."

"Actually," I replied, "I'm not sure about the last name."

Talon frowned. "What do you mean?"

"Shouldn't her name be Crystal Rhymer Erwin?" I asked.

"But... Erwin's my last name," Talon stammered.

"Good observation."

Once again, our lips met.

Finnick's POV: 

I sat in the living room of the District 12 suite, watching Katniss and Peeta talk. Katniss is trying to get Peeta to help with the plan, now that it's been established. Effie is on the opposite side of the room, nervously chewing her nails.

Our plan's risky, but it's the only way we can overthrow Luke.

"This is very dangerous, Katniss," Peeta said.

"We have Snow on our side! What's Luke going to do to us?"

"We both know that Snow shouldn't always be trusted! Do you really think he would turn on his nephew to work with some past Victors, who he's already threatened before?"

Katniss sighed. "We have to try, Peeta! He deserves punishment for what he's done."

"I'm not sure if you're approaching this the best way," Peeta replied.

"Peeta, please..."

Peeta sighed. "Tell me the plan again."

Katniss sat down at the table. "We're going to confront Luke and give him the opportunity to make the right decision. We'll tell him that we know about Atos, Titus and Gale. Snow thinks that he's going to deny all of it and have us taken away by the guards that he's set up. If Luke does confess, then all that he gets is prison for the rest of his life."

"And if he doesn't, then his punishment becomes death," I stepped in.

"So then we'll play the clip of Luke visiting Willow, except this time with that section of missing audio. Everyone in Panem will hear what he said to Willow. People will be furious! They'll demand his death!"

"Starting up a riot," Peeta said. "Which can get people hurt."

"Look, Peeta," I said. "We're never going to be able to take Luke down on our own. He's too powerful. Even with Snow on our side, Luke holds a lot of authority. He has Peacekeepers to protect him. Those Peacekeepers follow Luke and Luke only. Even President Snow himself won't be able to order them to step aside. So we need the support of the public. Once the public knows, then we can get Snow's soldier's help."

"Why can't Snow just order his soldiers to arrest Luke?" Peeta asked.

"Because Luke is practically the president, too. The soldiers aren't going to go and just take him without demanding explanations. And even if we did manage to capture him, then Panem would have questions. Why would we take away their beloved Head Gamemaker?"

"I just don't want all of Panem knowing how awful Luke is."

"Why not?" Katniss asked.

"Because of Willow!" Peeta replied. "That baby girl is going to be half of Luke and everyone knows that Luke is the father. When that girl is born, people aren't going to see Willow's baby. They'll see Luke's. And they'll associate her with evil. I don't want Willow or her baby living under that shadow."

Peeta had a good point there. When Panem knows about Luke's betrayal, they'll never get over it. They'll look down on his kid as if she's going to be exactly like him. Even if she doesn't get killed, she'll be tormented for it. Dirty looks when she's walking down the street, bullies when she's at school... I don't want Willow's baby living like that. She doesn't deserve that. 

Katniss looked down. "So we're going to have to find a way to do this without the public knowing why."

"I think that would be best," Peeta replied.

Katniss looked up. "Well I guess we're going to need to talk to President Snow again."

Tetrick's POV:

The three of us walked along, backpacks slung over our shoulders. We were heading in the direction of the chasm. The plan was to walk around the chasm and camp on the other side for the night. Then in the morning, we'll continue on to the place with the long grass and to the dry area.

The entire time we've been walking, none of us have said a single thing. Gale is clearly pissed off at me. Titus looks upset. It's starting to occur to me how much we need Willow and Talon around. Ever since Talon left, things between the three of us have been difficult. It was easy to avoid fighting, with Willow in her coma, but now that Willow's just gone, it's clear that we struggle to get along. At least, I struggle to get along with Gale and Titus. The two of them have no problems with each other.

Willow and Talon acted as glue. They melded all of us together. The five of us were the perfect alliance. And now our relationships aren't the same. 

"Hey, I can see the chasm," Gale called back to me, speaking for the first time in a few hours.

I nodded in reply and sped up my step, so that I could catch up to them. Titus and Gale took a left, preparing to walk around the chasm, as we always do. However, I stayed still. I stared at the chasm. I have a strange feeling in the pit of my stomach, like maybe going around the chasm would be the wrong thing to do. 

"Are you coming, Tetrick?" Titus asked.

"I..." I stammered in reply, staring at the chasm. 

"Tetrick, come on. We're on a search for the two people you drove away, remember?" Gale asked. His tone was very bitter.

I sighed and looked away from the chasm. There's nothing down there. It's just a giant hole that I've almost fell into. Twice. There's nothing down there.

At least, that's what I'm trying to tell myself.

Just as I was about to catch up to Titus and Gale, a yell pierced the air. It was a scream of pain. The three of us froze, listening carefully. Only a second later, I could hear Willow's voice screaming, "Talon!"

"Did you hear that?" I yelled. "They're in the chasm!"

The three of us ran over to the edge of the chasm. I held on tightly to the edge and peaked over, although I couldn't see anything. 

"They're down there. They have to be," I said.

Gale layed down next to me and peaked over the edge. After a moment of looking, he called out, "Willow?"

"Gale?" Willow replied. I couldn't see her, although I could tell she was close. 

"What happened to Talon?" Gale asked.

"He got shot with an arrow!"

"By who?" 

"Good question!"

"How did you get down there?" Titus yelled.

"We fell through a tunnel. We've been down here a week and we haven't been able to get out," Willow replied. 

I looked up. As I expected, a parachute was flowing down from the sky. Another sponsor gift. 

"Don't worry, Willow! Panem's still looking out for you! Looks like you've got some medical aid coming." I called out.

Willow didn't reply to that. We watched as the parachute flew down into the chasm. None of us spoke. 

After many minutes, Gale called down, "Is he going to be okay?"

"I'll be fine," Talon called back in reply, although I could hear some pain in his voice.

"Do you guys think you can get us out of here?" Willow asked.

"Um, I don't know," Gale replied. "I mean, there has to be something we can do."

As Titus and Gale started speaking to each other, trying to come up with a solution, I sat at the edge of the chasm with my feet dangling over. I can't see them, but I know that Willow and Talon are down there. For the first time, I understand why Gale's mad. I was too jealous to think straight and let it ruin a friendship with Talon. And then I let more jealousy in and I lost my girlfriend. I was being so protective over Willow that I lost two people in my life. Two people who I need to spend the next two and a half years left. I don't want this guilt hanging over my shoulders.

"Hey, Talon?" I called out.

"Yeah?" He replied.

"I'm sorry. I was dumb. I know that you were trying to leave Willow and I alone, but all I could hear was the fact that you were," I paused a moment before continuing. "...are in love with her. I shouldn't have gotten so mad. I'm sorry." 

"It's fine, Tetrick. I'm sorry for punching you in the face."

I laughed. "Oh, it's not the first time it's happened." I closed my eyes and took a deep breath. This would be hard to say, but it had to be done. "If you and Willow want to be together, that's fine with me. I realize that I messed up and it's too late for me now. But it's not too late for you."

A moment passed before Talon replied. "Thanks, man. That means a lot."

"And Willow?" I called out.

"Hey, Tetrick," She replied.

I opened my eyes again. Tears were flowing slowly down my cheeks. "I never meant to be like Luke. I know that that's what made you so hesitant. You didn't want another Luke. But he's exactly who I acted like. I'm so sorry. I broke my promise."

"Don't worry about it, Tetrick," Willow replied.

Suddenly, a box landed right next to me. I flinched, surprised, and stood up. The box was made out of metal and was clasped shut. It was tied to parachute, so obviously it was a sponsor gift. I opened up the clasp and saw a rope ladder inside. I smiled.

"Hey, guys! We just got a ladder!" I took the ladder out and held it up. "This would come in handy when pulling someone out of a hole." 

It wasn't easy. Not at all. We decided that the chasm itself was too high. It would take too long to get up the ladder and it woud be very hard to have that much strength. So Titus, Gale and I walked all the way around the chasm and located the hole that they fell through. Then we had to shove the ladder down. Titus went inside of the tunnel and helped pull the ladder down to the chasm. Then Titus came out of the tunnel, followed by Willow and Talon. 

Willow got out first. Instantly, Gale ran over to her and hugged her. Talon followed right behind. He walked past Gale and Willow. He was about to walk past me, but I grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Hey, wait a second," I said. 

"What's up?" Talon asked. 

"Just... Take care of her. Please."

Talon put his hand on my arm. "I will. Don't worry." 

Talon and I exchanged a smile and he walked away. Just after he walked away, Willow came over to me and gave me a big hug. I wrapped my arms around her, too, although it was painful. It's hard to hug Willow, yet know that she's no longer mine. 

"Thank you," She whispered. 

"For?" I asked.

She pulled away. "For giving permission. For saying that you're okay with Talon and I. It was very mature of you."

I shrugged. "No big deal. It was the right thing to do."

Willow looked down at her stomach, placed both hands on it and smiled. "I'm naming my baby Crystal."

I smiled. And actually, it was a real smile. True joy. "Chris would be honored."

Willow looked up at me. "What do you think she would say right now? If she were here."

"Probably something like, 'Wow, Preggers. Naming your kid after me? That's one lucky baby.'"

Willow laughed. "Yeah, that's exactly what she would say." 

"Hey guys, can we get out of here?" Talon asked. "I don't want to look at that dumb chasm any longer."

"Sounds good to me," Willow replied. 

So we grabbed our stuff and left. At this point, it was nearing night time. So we didn't get very far. Plus, Talon's injury is bad, even though he puts on a tough face. The arrow shot straight into his shin. He limps when he walks and I can tell he's exhausted. 

Willow's POV:

An hour had passed since everyone went to sleep. I could hear Gale snoring softly beside me. However, I can't go to sleep. My mind is racing on too many things. Mostly, I'm worried about Talon and how he got shot. There was no one else in the chasm. There's no way someone from above could've done it. They couldn't hit his shin from that angle. So who was it?

I put my hand on Talon's arm, trying to reassure myself that he's still here. I've been on age all day long and I don't know why. This morning, when we I figured out my baby name, was fantastic. But after that...everything seemed to go down hill. Sure, I finally got out of the chasm and things with Tetrick seem to be okay. Yet, something's wrong. I've had an awful feeling in the pit of my stomach.

"Willow? Are you awake?" Talon asked.

"Yeah," I replied. "I didn't realize you were." 

"I can't sleep."

"Me neither." I rolled onto my side, so that I could face him. "Are you feeling okay?"

"I've felt better," Talon replied. 

"Where did that arrow come from?" I asked.

"I've been thinking about that, too. I think it came from that hole in the chasm wall. The one the bullet came out of. That's the only thing that makes sense. It could've easily hit my shin from where I was standing."

I sighed. "So you think Luke did this?"

"It wouldn't be the first time he hurt me," Talon replied. 

I grabbed Talon's hand. "I hope things change when I have the baby. Maybe Luke will stop being jealous of you when he realizes that the baby actually is his."

"I don't think that's the issue anymore. I'm sure he's done with that. He just hates that I have you and he doesn't." 

"He's going to have to get over it eventually," I said.

"Hopefully sometime soon. I can't afford anymore arrows in my shin."

I think that Talon was trying to cheer me up, but I didn't think it was very funny. I'm so done with Luke hurting everybody that I care about. 

"Hey, baby, don't frown like that," Talon said to me. "I'm going to be fine. Really." He kissed my hand. "Let's get some rest."

I nodded. "I love you, Talon."

"I love you too, Willow."


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There was a lot of different POV's this chapter! (Haha if you watch Big Brother. I didn't do that on purpose.) It was necessary to the story.

A lot of you guys said Team Tallow when I asked, so that's how I decided that Willow and Talon will be together. So, let me guess. Now that Tetrick and Willow are officially over and you saw his heart break, you're team Willtrick? Well too bad. Willtrick is over. 

Love you guys! I'll update soon! XOXO

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