Bite Me

By MADcreations

7.4M 171K 27.3K

Living with a hot boy is fine. Living with five hot boys is hard. Living with five hot brothers is tough. Bei... More

Never Go To A Club With Your Twin Sister At 1:30 AM
The Vampire Brothers Who Kidnap Me
Bart Is Probably The Nicest Vampire I Have Ever Met
Charles Is Either PMSing, Or He's Got A Rock In His Shoe
Burgularizing Your Own House? Now, That Just Doesn't Make Sense
I'm Guessing High Heels Aren't A Very Good Weapon...
These Manly Vampires Can't Handle The Word 'Bra'
Someone's Got A Crush On Nell!
The Man At The Cafe Isn't Who He Appears To Be
Stalkers Are Needed To Protect Me-Day And Night
Bones Just Doesn't Give Up
A Shock That Sends Shocks Throughout Me
The Good News Turned Out To Be Bad News
Nell Missed Me Like A Pig Missed Mud
Nora Isn't The Only One With Romance Problems
A Threatening Threat That Threatens Me
Miss Independent Might Have Fallen In Love
Meet The Vampire Parents
They Can Be Real Jokesters
Looks Like I Have A Third Stalker
The Brothers Like To Show Off Their Powers
The Answers I've Been Looking For
Still One More Secret
They Don't Ever Listen, Do They?
Badness Is A' Brewing
Don't Worry, Be Happy
One Problem Down-Another One To Go
And The Two Reunite
The Big Bang Theory
Saved By The Nell
Even Blowing Teddy Bears Up Get Charles Jealous
It Just Goes To Show You, Vampires Work Fast
The Master Plan
Edward Wants To Look Good For Bella
Vampire Turning
More Stronger Than We All Thought
Cotton Eye Joe Comes In Handy When Fighting Vampires
Getting Shot Was On My Bucket List
Just A Regular Hospital Day With Bart
The Parents Pick
This Single Lady Left The Building

Cheering Up Charlie Involves Singing

181K 4.5K 557
By MADcreations

i hope you like this chapter...i know i had a lot of fun writing this one. :) tell me what  you think! vote comment and like:)

Ten-Cheering Up Charlie Involves Singing

I throw on some white ripped skinny jeans with a v neck, tie my hair back, and dab a little makeup on. I walk down to the kitchen and see Edward reading the newspaper.

“Your odd.” I mumble, grabbing a muffin off the table.

He looks up at me through his reading glasses. “I am?”

“What vampire reads the newspaper?” I copy his tone.

He laughs, shaking his head. “Apparently me.”

I nod. “Apparently so.” He chuckles again, and goes back to reading.

“Is there a Bella in your life?” I ask curiously.

He stops reading and looks up at me again. “What does that mean?”

“Well, your name’s Edward and if you have a girlfriend I’m gonna call her Bella so…do you have one?”

He sighs. “It’s complicated.”

“That’s what Facebook tells me.” I nod seriously. He’s trying to hold back a smile but he just bursts out laughing instead.

“Well, I do have an Anna in my life, but we cant be together right now.” He sighs again.

“Ooh, A Edward and Bella story with a Romeo and Juliet twist. I like it. Why cant you be together?”

He smiles at me. “Tell you later.”

I groan. “Tell me later. Tell me later. Oh, I tell you later. Why cant I know your secrets now? I hate being in the dark.”

“Sorry Nora. We have no choice. Or we could tell you and then kill you, but I don’t think you’ll like that…”

I roll my eyes. “Bye Edward.” I hop off the chair and head towards the living room to see Bart.

With my phone.

“Bartholomew!” I gasp, and he fumbles with the phone before dropping it.

He looks up at me with a sheepish look. “I wasn’t touching your phone!”

“Right.” I say sarcastically, picking up my phone. Instead of my background being me and Nell during our trip to New York, it’s now Bart with his eyes crossed and a stupid smile on his face with his tongue sticking out. I snort laughter and look up to see Bart doing the same face, making me laugh some more.

“Bart, you’re seriously like the brother of my dreams.” I pull him into a hug.

“I thought you said we’re like the brothers you’ve never wanted?” Clinton’s voice startles me. I pull out of the hug to see him smirking at me.

“No, I thought that, I didn’t say that out loud, which you aren’t suppose to be reading, jackass. And Bart is like the brother I’ve always wanted. The others, including you, don’t stand up to my expectations.”

Clinton laughs, shaking his head. “We gotta go. Come on Bart.”

“Where are you two going?”

Bart frowns. “Trust me, you don’t want to know.”

I nod. “But I do.”

“Bart needs to eat! If you know what I mean. Lets go Bart.” Clinton claps his hands, while I grimace. Blood.

“Oh. Why do two of you need to go?”

“Just in case.” Clinton shrugs. I roll my eyes and then there gone in a blink of an eye. Nope, I don’t think I’ll ever get use to that.

Charles walks in and sees me, so he sits on the other side of the couch, like he’s ignoring me.

“Hiya Charlie.” I do a small wave, with a small smile.

“Charlie?” He asks with an eyebrow raised.

“Charlie, Charles. Same thing.” I roll my eyes.

He smirks, but doesn’t say anything. Instead, he turns his attention to the TV. Vampires. A week ago I thought they never existed. Today, I’m stuck in the world of vampires, with a blood gang leader after me for some unknown reason, I’m captured by vampires, and a vampire has drunk my blood. That’s a mouthful.

I love doing this, don’t get me wrong, but I miss my old life. Where vampires don’t exist, and they’re not after me. Nell. I wonder how she’s doing? Burney said he’d keep an eye on her, so if someone does try to hurt her, they’re gonna have to get past Burney. But if it’s a vampire, Burney will be dead in two seconds. Shit.

I shake my head mentally. Don’t think like that. They don’t know where I live, I never brought Simon-I mean Bones- over to my apartment, so I’m good. I hope. They better not go after my sister, or I’ll kill each one of them with my bare hands. Vampire or not.

I sigh, closing my eyes and trying hard not to think about all the bad things. Think positive.

“Nora?” Charles breaks my thoughts.

“Yeah Charlie?” I open my eyes to see him a couple of inches away from me. Whoa. When did he get that close?

“Are you ok?”

I sigh through my nose. “Sort of. I just don’t want ‘Bones’ touching a hair on my sister. I’ll kill the bitch if he does.”

Charles smiles. “Even in serious mode you sound funny.”

I smirk. “It’s a God given talent, I tell you.” He chuckles, shaking his head. A crashing noise makes me jump in surprise, and Charles goes into some type of serious mode.

“Nora, stay here. Don’t move.” He orders and I nod. He’s gone in a blink of an eye, into the kitchen.

“Charles, a little help here?” I hear Henry shout.

“On it!” Charles says, and I hear some kind of loud thump and a groan. What the hell are they doing in there? Playing twister?

I shoot up and wait for any more noises. Some more groans, thumps, and punches but that’s all I hear.

“Hey pretty lady. I’m guessing your Nora, huh?” I whirl around to see some guy with a huge scar on his face, along with the evil twisted smile on his face. I’m guessing he’s Scar, the minion.

“I’m guessing your Scar?”

The guy chuckles, even that sounds evil. I feel like I’m in some fairytale. “Yep. Smart and pretty, Bones sure knows how to pick ‘em.” What this guy doesn’t know is that with every step he takes, I’m taking one back, with my hands behind my back. I grab the vase that’s on the table when I bump into it.

“Why don’t you come with me?” He says, motioning for me to come towards him.

“Yeah, when pigs learn how to fly.” I snort, and smash the vase over his head. He blinks a couple of times, and that’s my cue to escape. I dodge around him, jumping over the couch in the process. I hear him growl and he swings for me, but I duck just in time. “You messed with the wrong human.” I growl, kneeing him in the crotch. He groans, and his knees buckle to the ground, me smirking in victory.

“Nora!” I hear Charles voice and I turn around to see panic on his face. Faster than a speeding bullet his arms are wrapped around me, pulling me away from Scar. Henry and Edward appear next to us, and they both go for Scar, but he’s gone in a blink of an eye.

“Damn it!” Henry shouts, punching the wall. “We almost had them!”

“Let’s go look for them. Charles, stay here with Nora.” And then both of them are gone. Charles arms are still wrapped around me, but I don’t mind at all. I glance up at his face and see that he’s looking everywhere for the intruders.

“Charlie,” I start softly, “What just happened?”

He looks down at me with fire in his eyes, but his gaze softens when he realizes I’m still here. “Those were the Blood and Bones gang members. Only three came though, and they wanted you. Scar didn’t hurt you, right?” I feel his muscles tense up.

I chuckle. “If anything I was the one who hurt him. Right in the baby maker.” His muscles un-tense and he lets out a small chuckle.

“Bones really wants you. Someone’s gonna have to be with you at all times, it doesn’t matter if your in the same house. They have to be in the same room with you, all times.” He hugs me tighter.

“Are you alright?” I ask.

“I’m fine. I was worried about you. We all were.” He sighs. “I cant believe Bones would go this low to let his members attack our house. Bastard.” His muscles tense up again.

“Cheer up Charlie, give me a smile…” I start singing, making his muscles un-tense again.

“What are you singing?”

I smirk. “Cheer Up Charlie from Willy Wonka.” He laughs again, and he starts singing with me.

“What happened to the smile I used to know? Don’t you know your grin has always been my sunshine? Let that sunshine show…” He starts dancing with me.

“Come on Charlie, no need to frown. Deep down you know tomorrow is your toy…” He twirls me around. I trip and we accidentally fall down onto the couch, me falling on top of him.

I giggle. “Sorry Charlie.”

“It’s fine.” He smiles. “You do know how to cheer a person up.”

“I do try.” I smirk. He looks down at my lips and back up to my eyes. I didn’t even realize that his lips were inching towards mine. Oh my God, I’m gonna kiss another vampire…Our lips were just about to touch when…


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