My Imperfect Mr Perfect (Arsh...

By amira039303

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My Imperfect Mr Perfect Prologue
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 1
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 2
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 3
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 4
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 5
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 6
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 7
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 8
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 9
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 10
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 11
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 12 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 13
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 14
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 15
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 16
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 17
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 18
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 19
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 20
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 21 (Part II)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 22
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 23
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 24
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part I)
My Imperfect Mr Perfect Chapter 25 (Part II)
Chapter 26 (Part I)
Chapter 26 (Part II)
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 (Part I)
Chapter 30 (Part II)
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 35 (Maha Update)
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Chapter 49
Chapter 50 (Part I)
Chapter 50 (Part II) Teaser...
Chapter 50 - Part II (Last Chapter)
Epilogue A
Epilogue B
Epilogue C
Nominations/Thank you Note

Chapter 34

10.3K 391 9
By amira039303

My Imperfect Mr. Perfect - Chapter 34

"Khushi I can't promise that your life will be a bed of roses with me. I'm arrogant, I'm impulsive, and my anger has no limits! We will have lots of fights Khushi, we will hurt each other, and knowing this world there will always be problems ready to separate us. But I can promise you that no matter what I will always always always love you, and I will always always always be with you at every step of your life – no, our lives. If there's anything you trust Khushi, trust this – Arnav aur Khushi hamesha saath rahenge. Hamesha! (Arnav and Khushi will always be together. Forever!)"

And trust Khushi did. She trusted him when he said he loved her. And she trusted him when he said he will never leave her side.

Feeling overwhelmed Khushi launched herself back at him, taking his lips into a passionate kiss which he responded to with equal vigour.

Both knew that this was where the real game begins... The game of love...

Falling in love is easy, but keeping that love alive and sticking to it forever is the hard part – this is the game of life.

And Arnav and Khushi were ready to face this game head on, and they were more than determined to win.

But will their love actually win? Or will fate have other plans for them...?


The next day Khushi was dressing up, getting ready to go out to Sheetal and Aman's house.

"Khushi!" Arnav called impatiently. "How long do you take?!"

"Uffo I'm coming Arnavji," she replied as she walked out of the bedroom towards Arnav who was sitting on the sofa waiting for her.

As Khushi came into sight, Arnav got up saying, "Hurry up, we're already late."

Both Arnav and Khushi had woken up late today – after all, yesterday they had both confessed their feelings for each other and it had changed the equation between them.

Somehow, confessing their love for each other had put both of their hearts at peace.

That night, they had both slept, cuddling into each other with a new sense of belonging and right. Yes they had slept holding onto each other before, but somehow the confession had made their need to be close to each other stronger. And this time they held on to each other, knowing that there was absolutely nothing wrong with what they were doing, and that they had finally given their relationship a name...

This newfound peace made them both sleep longer than usual, making them both late in their daily routines. This meant that they were late going to Aman's house too, and they were both rushing to try and get there as soon as possible.

But that didn't mean that Khushi was going to tolerate the tone that Arnav had just spoken to her in – that too to go to meet Sheetal.

"I don't know why you're making a big thing out of this. You're reacting as if we're late to some important business meeting! It's just lunch at Sheetal's house!" she rebuked.

Arnav sighed as he controlled the urge to roll his eyes. As much as he loved Khushi's possessiveness for him, sometimes her attitude towards Sheetal annoyed him a little bit. To him, Sheetal wasn't a bad girl. Yes, she was attracted to him, but other than that she was a nice girl.

He had understood when Khushi had reacted badly when Sheetal had tried to get close to him the other day, and we won't have any problems if Khushi did that in future too (if the situation arises of course). But he didn't like the way she reacted every time he brought up Sheetal's name casually. Why couldn't she just be normal with Sheetal?

He did understand Khushi's feelings, but sometimes he felt her negativity towards Sheetal was just a little bit too much.

He turned around towards Khushi and said blankly, "Look Khushi, I hate late-comers and I myself like to be punctual for everything. Whether that's an important business meeting, or whether it's simply lunch with friends. Okay?" he said.

Khushi could tell that something was slightly off with Arnav, hearing the tone of his voice. And she didn't like it one bit.

"Why are you speaking in that tone Arnavji? What did I say that's so wrong?" she asked point-blank.

That was all Arnav needed to give her a piece of his mind. "Khushi you need to stop hating on Sheetal so much! I know you are possessive of me, and you have every right to be too – after all no woman would tolerate another woman trying to get to her man. But she is not a bad girl Khushi – the only mistake she ever made was getting attracted to me. Other than that she is not a bad girl. And I know that somewhere inside, you yourself know that too. So next time you talk about something related to Sheetal, keep that in mind," he told her.

"Look Arnavji, I know you think she is a good person, but I just have this gut feeling that gives me warning signals whenever she is around... And anyways, think of this logically – how can a woman be termed as 'good' when she is going after a man despite knowing he belongs to another woman?"

"Does she know we're in love Khushi?" her retorted, pointedly.

That shut Khushi up for a minute.

He was right. They had never actually told her that they loved each other – after all, they themselves had only confessed to each other yesterday...

Arnav walked up to Khushi and gently held her shoulders saying softly, "Khushi listen to me. Just give the girl a chance, okay? For me? First we will tell her about us, and then you can judge her with her actions. That's fair right?"

Khushi nodded in reply, looking down at the floor.

She knew he was right. But she still felt sad with the way he had spoken to her before. He hadn't said anything wrong, but he could have said it in a nicer tone and she couldn't help but feel bad about it...

"Are you upset with me?" Arnav asked softly, tilting her chin upwards lightly.

Khushi shook her head.

He tugged her closer, enclosing her in his arms as he asked, "When you know you can't lie to me, why do you even try?"

"Abhi abhi toh laad governor banrahe the or ab achaanak bade pyaar aarahe hain. Laad governor kahen ke. (Just now he was being a laad governor, and now all of a sudden he's acting all lovey dovey. Laad governor,)" she muttered under her breath – though it was not low enough because Arnav still heard her.

He smirked at her complaint, "Main aisa hi hoon. (That's the way I am.)"

"Are we not getting late now?" asked Khushi, looking away.

Arnav sighed giving up, before letting go of her shoulders, only to then take her hand in his, leading them both towards the exit.

When they got into the car, Arnav caught Khushi off guard when he tied a piece of cloth around Khushi's eyes.

"What are you doing?!" she exclaimed, struggling to untie the cloth.

But then Arnav grabbed her wrists and tied them together with another cloth when Khushi didn't stop struggling.

"Hey Devi Maiyya! What are you doing Arnavji?!! Are you kidnapping me?!! Wait no – I'm already kidnapped, how can I be kidnapped when I'm already kidnapped? Gosh I don't even understand what's going on! Devi Maiyya raksha karna! Arnavji how can you do this to me? What have I done? Arnavji!!!! Why aren't you answering me?! Are you even there?? Arna– mmmm! Hmmmmmph!!"

Seeing Khushi babbling on nonstop, and not even letting him speak, Arnav plastered some cello tape onto her mouth to stop her blabber.

When she still didn't stop struggling, Arnav exclaimed, "Khushi STOP!!!"

And indeed it worked. She stopped.

"Khushi just trust me okay?" he said in a softer voice.

Khushi felt weird not being able to speak nor move, but she nodded in the end – this was her Arnavji after all, and she trusted him with her everything.

After that Arnav started driving.

One long and silent journey later, he stopped the car.

Without a word, he untied her hands and took the cloth off her eyes.

Before Khushi could register anything else, he took gently took the cello tape off her mouth, making her moan in pain.

"Sorry Khushi," he apologised sincerely as he heard her whimper in pain. "I'm so sorry."

"It stings!" she complained.

And without a warning, Arnav leaned in to take her soft lips into his own, sucking them and licking them gently, soothing them in his own way.

Khushi continued to moan as she wrapped her arms around his neck, but only this time it was out of pleasure and not pain.

Soon Arnav pulled away, only to pepper kisses around Khushi's lips, wherever there had been cello tape before. He soothed every inch of skin that had been hurt when he pulled the cello tape off...

A while later, he pulled back slightly as he huskily murmured against her lips, "Is it still hurting?"

"Hmmm?" was all Khushi could manage as she couldn't understand anything except their passion in that moment.

Arnav just chuckled lightly before taking her lips into his own once again, taking them both to the world of love and desire again.

But within a few minutes Arnav stopped before things could escalate any further, considering that they weren't at the penthouse.

However Khushi was still lost in the web of passion, so she pulled Arnav closer and continued showering kisses along his jaw and down his neck.

Arnav held back his urge to groan in pleasure, feeling Khushi's soft lips explore him.

Only he knew how irresistible her touch was and the immense amount of self-control he was using at the moment to not give in.

"Khushi, we need... to stop," he let out, gritting his teeth for control.

When Khushi continued with her exploration, he gently took hold of her shoulders and applied light pressure to bring her out of the haze, "Khushi, not now... Not here..." he said with great difficulty.

That did it for Khushi. As soon as she realised what she'd been doing so openly, she pulled back abruptly, moving into the far corner of her seat, as far away from Arnav as possible in the tiny space.

Khushi just felt so embarrassed, that she wanted the earth to swallow her up – and the last thing she wanted to do was face Arnav.

Arnav knew what she was going through instantly – of course he knew what would be running through his innocent Khushi's mind in this situation.

He'd meant it when he'd told her that she was transitioning from a girl to a woman. But he also knew that it was going to take her time to get used to it and face her physical attraction towards him head on. So every time things escalate between them, she is bound to feel embarrassed, but that's what Arnav was there for right? To make her understand that this isn't wrong...

"Khushi," he said softly, "There's no need to feel embarrassed about what just happened between us."

Slowly he reached out to her, but she edged away from him, her back now uncomfortably pressed up against the car door. But Arnav didn't stop his advance and pulled her into his embrace despite her weak protests.

"We love each other Khushi, and all this between lovers is natural okay? The connection we have between our hearts is pure Khushi, and along with this connection also comes lust and desire... What just happened between us is our expression of love for each other, and there's no reason to be embarrassed about it okay?" he explained.

Khushi still looked at him a little unsurely, "But... isn't all this wrong before marriage?"

Arnav placed a hand on her racing heart, and asked, "Does this feel wrong?"

Khushi shook her head in denial.

He pecked her lips and then asked, "Does this feel wrong?"

She shook her head again.

"Answer this question Khushi – if I was the one doing what you were doing to me minutes back, would you have judged me?" he asked.

Khushi blushed at the thought but nevertheless gave his question some thought – would she have judged him if he were the one peppering kisses over her jaw, neck and maybe even further?

She couldn't help but blush furiously at the thought, the mere imagination sending shivers down her spine, turning her bones all squidgy.

But no she wouldn't have judged him, because she had admitted to herself that she was his – heart, body and soul. Whenever he touched her, it just felt so right. And more than that, she trusted him. She trusted him not to take advantage of her – and even if he did, she knew that he would never leave her after that...

"No," she whispered. "I wouldn't judge you..."

Arnav already knew that would be her answer, but he needed her to realise it herself. "So what makes you think that I would judge you when you are expressing your love for me?"

And that made Khushi look up into his eyes – those eyes that spoke of the immense love that their owner held for her.

His words gave her a confidence that she didn't know existed within her.

It was hard to explain the feeling, but she somehow she knew that from now on she wouldn't be so hesitant when she was with him physically. Of course she would still be shy as that was in her nature, but she would never feel ashamed of herself again when she was with him...

"I love you," she said, awed by the way he made her understand her own self better just within a minute.

"I know," he replied, his eyes twinkling.

With that she leaned her head against his chest, feeling content and once again thanking her Devi Maiyya for giving her such a wonderful lover.

Only a few moments afterwards, when she looked through windscreen did she realise where she was.

"Lakshmi Nagar???!!!" she exclaimed, startling Arnav and jumping out of Arnav's embrace with so much force that she ended up hitting her head on the roof of the car by accident.

"Ouch!!!" she shrieked, rubbing her head with a pout formed on her lips.

"Careful damn it!" But before Arnav could even reach out to her to check on the bruise, Khushi opened the door hurriedly screaming "Buaji!!! Jiji!!!" and ran towards Buaji's house.

"What the?!" Arnav was baffled.

For a moment Arnav felt a prick on his heart – she had left him without a second thought as soon as she saw her family.

But then he shook off the feeling – she was meeting them after so long. Of course she would be extra excited, and that's why she'd forgotten him in the happiness of the moment. But she still loved him a lot... right?

He was brought out of his thoughts when the car door on his side opened abruptly and a hand grabbed onto his and tried to pull him out of the car with all its might.

"Arnavji what are you doing in the car?! Come!" Khushi exclaimed in excitement as she continued pulling him out.

"What the?!" was all that came out of a shocked Arnav's mouth as he felt her unrelenting pull on his arm.

Actually Khushi had started running towards the door expecting Arnav to follow her, but then she realised that she couldn't hear Arnav behind her. So when she turned and didn't see him, she rushed back to the car to pull him out – she hadn't forgotten him, but she was just too excited to meet her Buaji and Jiji to wait for him with patience.

Arnav quickly locked the car before following an enlivened Khushi, who was bouncing with excitement.

As he followed behind her, his lips slowly curved up in a smile as he saw the child-like excitement on her face.

And not to forget, she had also proved that she hadn't forgotten him at all and that he was just worrying for no reason about her forgetting him after seeing her family. It made him feel more secure knowing that he still had his own place in her life even after she got her family back.

Khushi knocked on the door, while she squeezed one of Arnav's hands unable to hold in her happiness.

Seconds ticked past and then came the moment she was anticipating. The door finally opened...

And there stood Payal, who was now frozen to the spot, unable to believe her eyes.

"Jiji," Khushi called, smiling as she got to address her sister after so long.

"Khushi," Payal whispered, tears of happiness brimming in her eyes, before she stepped forward and took Khushi into a bone-crushing hug which Khushi returned just as fervently.

"Buaji!!! Buaji!!! Look who's here!!!" Payal called Buaji, not letting go of Khushi.

"Apni jiji ko chodke kahan gayi ti tu Khushi? (Where did you go leaving your sister Khushi?) I missed you so much..." said Payal, tears running down her cheeks as she felt her little sister cocooned in her motherly arms after so long.

"I missed you too Jiji," Khushi said, tightening her arms around Payal. "Everything happened so suddenly, I didn't even know what hit me jiji... I didn't even know what was happening around me... If it wasn't for Arnavji, I don't know what would have happened to me..."

"Hai re Nandkisore! Titaliya?!" exclaimed Buaji. "Where were you?! Or ee babua kon hai Nandkisore? (And who is this man?)"

"Buaji!!!!!!" Khushi ran over to her Buaji and took her into a tight hug, jumping up and down in her excitement, tugging Buaji round and round in a circle while still hugging her.

"HAI RE NANDKISORE! Ruko! Are ruko Sanka Devi!!" Buaji exclaimed, almost feeling dizzy.

"I missed you sooo much Buaji," Khushi said, planting a loud kiss on Buaji's cheek. "I loooooove youuuu..."

Arnav just smiled seeing Khushi in her Sanka Devi avatar – the crazy Khushi he'd first lost his heart to... He was seeing her be so carefree after so long, and it just confirmed to him that he had made the right decision by bringing her to meet her family.

Seeing Khushi so happy made him happy beyond limits... And he just hoped that he would be able to keep that happiness reside in his Khushi forever – every day, every minute, every second...

Hey guys I'm stopping here because I didn't want to make you guys wait any longer for the update – I know it was crap, I'm sorry. But I just haven't been in the mood to write lately and I had to force myself to write this update for you guys. Please bear with me –I will get myself on track soon... And the next update will definitely have the Sheetal's precap in it... From here it's gonna be a bumpy ride for a bit guys, so hold on tight...

Do let me know how this update was – whether good or bad – with your likes/comments. Your response is my motivation...

And about my next FF - the most popular one was the supernatural FF. And the third option was also very close, so I've decided that when I finish this FF I will start both of those FFs together. As for those who wanted all three - don't worry, I chose these three options for a reason, and that is because I love all these concepts. So I will definitely write the divorce one as well but maybe later, when I'm nearly finished with one of the new FFs. I hope you guys are satisfied with this decision - if not, feel free to let me know your thoughts and I'll see what I can do. 

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