By daniellaokelley

229 14 5

My name is Lea. I am a pretty normal girl. Well if you count as being a triplet and moving across the globe a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 7

9 1 0
By daniellaokelley

That night I went into bed and couldn't think of anything else other than Colin. He needed me and I felt like I wasn't their for him. I needed t cheer him up so I got out of bed. I looked at my phone which was on my night stand. It was 2 :38 a.m. Maybe I could text Colin he propbably wouldn't be sleeping. What if he was with a girl? I don't want to seem like a stalker. I thought to myself. It would be weird if I texted him at 3am in the morning. What the hell! You only live once. Wait did I just say YOLO?! But I hate people who said YOLO. I got disguised for a minute and I shut my eyes for a second making a weird face. I don't know why but the words like Yolo or SWAG freak me out. Most be the lack of sleep. Before I knew what I was doing I opened my messages and started typing.

Hey Colin. You still awake? I didn't text like a normal teenager. If I did then it would be something like. 'Sup COLIN. U still 'wake. 'cas I need 2 talk to some1. I think that this is a crime against literature. After looking at my phone screen for two minutes I gave up. I put the phone down on the night stand and got under my blaket and then there was the beeping sound I was waiting for. He is awake.

Something wrong babe? He texted back. Colin didn't call me babe. Maybe he thought I was someone else but to be honest it felt good someone calling me babe. My teacher called me babe once but I think he was trying to text his wife because it said 'On my way home. Love you babe'. The next day I showed it to my friends and they cracked up while laughing. A techer calling you babe and telling you they loved you, well that was weird.

Do you wanna do something? I replied.

At this hour? I have an idea what we can do.;D I could practically feel him Colin-smirking me right now.

Do you trust me? Using Colin's words against him is fun.


Then be dressed in fifteen minutes. Oh and bring some flashlights.

I was feeling rebellious tonight. I was too much of a goody tooshoo. I needed to be more like Agatha. Responsibilities needed to be forgotten and rules needed to be broken. I got up and before I could reach my closet  heard my phone buzz again.

I knew you were my one person.

That was enough to make me happy for an entire year. It seemed like a life time ago when we went into that aboundand building and played 'Truth or Dare'.

I opened the closet and got out a sweatpants and a shirt as quiet as I possibly could. Agatha was sleeping and if she woke up I would never be able to go. She would ask to many questions and besides I was the good sister I wasn't supposed to do things like these. I went downstairs and opened the front door I was planning on walking to Colin's house but as I was starting to walk, I notice Colin's car speeding up the road. Before I was Colin's eyes, I saw his smile. Why does he have such a sexy smile?! And why can't I stop smiling when I see him smile. 

I got in the car and Colin started talking: "So my lady. Where are we going?"

"It's a suprise. You won't believe what we are about to do." I was so excited. "Just take the second right and then take the third left. After that I will show you the way."

I took us more than twenty minutes to drive to the woods. I could see that Coin was kind of disappointed when he saw the trees. But he didn't even know half of what we were about to do. I exited the car and Colin did the same. Without saying a single word I started walking towards the trees, into the forest. I could hear Colin's steps behind me. When I couldn't see anymore I asked Colin to pass me a flashlight. He did as he was told. I knew this place because I got lost once. I was trying to get home after eating at Joe's and I saw a few trees. I thought why nit explore the surroundings and ended up getting lost but it was all worth it. After that I came here once more. I didn't want to come here more often because I was afraid someone would follow me and find it as well. But here I was showing it to Colin. When we arrived at my hideaway. I stepped back and looked at Colin's face. It was priceless. I could see how Colin's eyes sparkled. His mouth opened up a little bit and I saw him let out a breath. He was looking at our little town but we were standing on a cliff. You could see the lights coming out of the buildings and for a split second our little town seemed like New York. 

I walked to the end of the cliff and sat the very peak of it. I was swinging my feet in the air, not afraid that my shoes could fall down. Under the cliff was a lake even if my shoe fell down I could probably get it. After a few minutes Colin sat next to me. 

"Lea I have never seen anything more beautiful. Well except you of course."

"You can stop the flirting Romeo. I ain't gonna sleep with 'ya" He knew I was joking and then he looked down on the lake. All of a sudden he looked at me and smiled. Colin came closer and at that exact second I knew he was going to kiss me. ON THE MOUNTH. I panicked and turned my head slightly so that he kissed my cheek.

"I'm sorry but I don't want my first kiss to be on a cliff where there is a chance of me dying when I fall down because I get to excited. I would probably brake my arm... and other arm... and my legs probably also my spine" I was speaking really fast. "I'm sorry I'm rambling I do that when I'm nervous."

"And I make you nervous?" He was playing with me like a cat played with a mouse.

"No that's not what I meant. I mean this cliff look at it's so big and if we fell down then I don't know what would happen."

"It is not that high." Without saying anything else Colin stood up and started taking his shirt of.

Look at that six-pack. I mean he is so hot you could probably turn an egg into an omlet on those babies. Next came the pants. What for heaven's sake was he doing?

"You can stop stairing and start getting undressed yourself."

"What why?" But before I could stay I could say something else Colin took a few steps back and ran like I had never seen him before. He jumped.

"NOOOOOOOOO!" I screamed. Colin was going to die. I looked down but the moon light wasn't enough for me to see him. My heart skipped a few beats. After I saw Colin resurface screaming 'THIS IS FUCKING AWESOME'. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in.

"YOU ARE A FUCKING IDIOT! YOU NEARLY GAVE ME A HEART ATTACK!" I screamed from the top of my lungs. 


That boy is going to get me killed. Let's hope that day isn't today. I started getting undressed. The weather was really cold. But the water was even colder.

I jumped in like there was no tomorrow. 

As I hit the water I thought that there may not be a tomorrow. I nearly drowned because I wasn't expecting the water to be that cold. As I reappeared to get oxygen. I saw Colin's smirk.

"What you looking at? I nearly drowned. And just so you know this is all your fault." We both knew that I wasn't serious. I smiled. How can his hair look so good even when it's wet? My hair must look like a birds nest right now.

"It's just that I think I'm a bad influence on you, first drinking and now swimming at 2 a.m. If you keep hanging out with we'll have to get a gang tatoo and maybe some piercings. Tell me Lea what do you think about nipple piercings?"

Oh he is soooo off topic.

"I only have four words."

"I want both nipples?" I pushed him away trying to swim with one hand.

"No actually I was gonna say NO chance in hell. And can we please get out of the lake. I am freezing my ass off."

"I wanted to say that I can hug you but that would lead to a devirgination of a very wet Lea."

"Haaaa. I see what you did there Great Gatsby and for the first time I will let it go because I really want to get out of the freezing water." My teeth clenched at the word freezing.

We got out and I nearly fell. Yet I was able to hold on to Colin's hip and my hands accidentally slipped on his wet boxer. I was so embarrassed that I couldn't even open my mouth. I am blushing. SHIT I think I'm turning red. Did he notice? I think he noticed. He took me by the shoulders and helped me up.

"Lea I am loving our situation right now but me dinner first." That was such a Colin move.

"Take it down a notch Romeo. You know that I accidentally slipped."

"Sweatheart we both know that this was no accident." Damn there is the Colin-smirk again. I was wondering when that would appear again. 

"Stop doing that. Stop being so, huh... I don't know Colin."

Colin let out a weird sound like I was crazy. "I can't stop being me, Lea"

"Then stop flirting like crazy."

"Okay I'll stop flirting." I could see that he was hurt.

"I didn't say quit flirting all together I just said stop flirting like crazy." 

"Oh is that so, Miss I-know-eveything."

"Stop talking and start walking." Huh. That rhymed.

Colin and I started making our way to where we left our clothes. Of course with the memory that I have we got lost. I thought I knew where we were going but the trees looked all the same. I wish I had brought bread crumbs. Maybe then we'd have a better chance of finding our clothes. After a few minutes of desperately walking around we found our clothes. I was so thankful. After that I checked my phones clock and noticed that it was 6 a.m.

Shits, shit, shit! Elias gets up in thirty minutes to get ready for school and I can't explain why I show up at 6 in the morning with a wet half naked Boy such as Colin.

I reached for my shirt and then it hit me. I just spend the last three hours with a nearly naked guy and the worst part is that I was just as guilty. I was also nearly naked and wet. Not in a dirty way like you think.

"Colin we need to get home. And fast. My brother will wake me up in thirty minutes. The only problem is that he will look for me in my bed but I will be at the front door. Dripping wet. With a boy. You see where I'm going with this?"

"Yeah and I'm never gonna help you sneak in again. Last time you broke most of my ribs."

"Shut up you dork."

Colin opened the door for me, letting out a "Me Lady." He was driving really fast. Way over the speed limit that's for sure. But we made it on time. I said my goodbye and Colin brought me to my door.

"I would invite you in but we are both wet."

"I'm sorry that I turn you on sweetheart." A sex innuendo, really?

"Bye Colin and thank you for everything. I was supposed to cheer you up but you gave... well the amount of fun that I needed. So thank you."

"No Lea. I'm thankful for the night that I had. I don't know how it was for you but I had more fun than I would have at a usual date."

I laughed. Walked to the front door. Just I was about to get in I turned around and replied: "Well played my friend." 

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