got7 next door [disc.]

By gguks-

100K 5.2K 2.6K

seven obnoxious boys move in next door to seven obnoxious girls. [DISCONTINUED because its years old and make... More

roommate no. 1
roommate no. 2
roommate no. 3
roommate no. 4
roommate no. 5
roommate no. 6
roommate no. 7
read me
read me pt.2
authors note!!
authors note pt2
ch23 in editing + trailer?


2.2K 144 137
By gguks-


"pass the salt," mark muttered through a mouthful of food.

jackson pushed the salt towards mark without even looking up, using his chopsticks to pile jjajangmyun onto his tongue.

"hyung," yugyeom started, glancing at jaebum. "what do you think it'll be like? with those girls."

"torture," jaebum deadpanned, going back to his spring rolls.

jinyoung nudged him harshly and the spring roll in jaebum's grip fell back to the plate, making the leader glare at him.

"all of our noonas are pretty," bambam grinned, spinach in his teeth. "i think it'll be fun."

"already whipped, bammie?" jackson joked, a noodle poking from his lips.

"yah! you're the one who said holy lord jesus on ice! and i'm the whipped one!?" bambam imitated jackson's voice terribly but still evoked some laughter from the boys.

"i didn't mean to say it," jackson insisted.

youngjae stole a few pieces of meat from jackson's place while he was distracted by bambam, chewing happily when jackson didn't notice.

"when is game night, again?" bambam asked.

"uhh.. wednesdays and sundays, i think," jinyoung took a second before nodding his head, concluding that he was correct.

"today's monday..." jaebum stopped eating to look up in dramatic realization.

mark clapped his hands together sarcastically, as if to congratulate him on remember the days of the week.

"aish, i didn't think we'd have to do it that soon," he grumbled.

"i'm excited," youngjae smiled, pushing a plate of sliced cucumbers away from him at the same time.

"then why don't you bring those over to the girls, hm?" jaebum pointed at the cucumbers with a small smirk, thinking that he was dealing out a great and strenuous task.

youngjae's eyes turned into crescents as his smile widened. he got up from his seat at the table and scooped up the plate of cucumbers, making his way to the door.

he knocked on the door frame lightly, almost forgetting that the wooden door that had previously separated them was now somewhere in the dumpster. when there was no answer, youngjae went inside, ignoring his hyungs' warnings.

the lights in the condo were off and he couldn't hear any chatter. quietly, he padded through the hallway, listening for any conversations or noises in general. at the end of the hallway, on the right side, small voices could be heard along with occasional giggles. youngjae's free hand wrapped around the doorknob, ready to enter when suddenly, he heard the beginning of his group's just right mv.

he crouched down, pressing his ear to the door lightly.

he heard them complimenting jaebum's voice and chanting when mark's verse began. youngjae waited in anticipation for what they would say when it was his part of the song.

"oh!" he heard a cute voice gasp slightly. "gwiyeobda [cute]! which one was that, again?"

youngjae wanted so badly to run into the room and announce himself, but two things stood in his way. one; the girls could never find out that he basically broke into their house and spied on them! two; his face was now tinted a deep red from the compliment and he wasn't sure if he could speak without stuttering.

youngjae was about to make a run for it when he heard the girls praising jaebum's visuals. he couldn't help the scowl that crossed his face. he shook it away, stood up straight and dashed towards the doorway connecting their condos.

just as he turned the corner, he ran straight into one of the girls and fell back, landing on his butt in front of her.

eunji stared at the boy in the dim lighting, half of a quesadilla dangling out of her mouth.

"what the fuck," she said in disbelief, her quesadilla dropping from her mouth onto youngjae's crotch.

he looked from her to the partially eaten quesadilla resting on his area in amazement.

"shit! my quesadilla," eunji whimpered, her shoulders slumped forward as if she'd lost all hope.

youngjae plucked the quesadilla off of him and held it up to eunji with shaky hands.

"mianhe [sorry], i don't think you still want this," he looked away shamefully.

"oh, i still want it," eunji scoffed, taking it from him and shoving it back into her mouth. "now go before sookie catches you and makes you clean the kitchen."

"thank you," youngjae managed, clambering to his feet and scurrying away.

poor baby boy

van, how do you feel about eating that holy quesadilla?

lmao another filler before we can get to some spicy stuff (not actually lol)

- luna

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