Summer Love {AUSTIN MAHONE FA...

By xoxboys

4.6K 148 11

In this, Austin is not the famous boy you all know. He actually moved to a city in Southern California to be... More

Crazy day
Just another summer day
Everythings going to be alright
Happy Birthday Vanessa (Cody)
The cousins
Poor Alex
New things
Giving it to ya!
March 1st
Breaking it off
Cotillion de veronica
Sunday Morning
The diner
Just a dream
Uncle Austin

First day

210 9 0
By xoxboys

I fast forwarded the story about one/two months later.


"Austin is going to drive me," I told my dad when I got down from my room.

"Okay, well your breakfast is on the table!" He continued to read his newspaper.

"Vanessa said she wanted you to drop her off though."

"Is she even awake?"

"She's still getting ready!" I chugged my water down.

Today was the first day of school and it turns out Zach, Rob, and Alex are going to UA prep and Austin is stuck at Landon with me...-- On the first day of every school year I go meet up with all my friends in Starbucks and we just chill there until school is about to start.-- Austin got to my house around 7:00 and school started at 8:00.

Text from:Austin

I'm outside, r u ready?

Me:Yeah, be there in a sec.

I walked out the house and into Austin's car.

"Good morning," Austin smiled.


"Starbucks right?"


"So do you have any guy friends who are going to be there?" Austin drove.

"Yeah there's probably going to be like three guys there." I told him.

"And I'm assuming they are these big buff dudes who wrestle huh?" Austin smirked, switching lanes to turn into Starbucks. It was a short ride.

"No only two, the other one plays basketball."

"Cool, so what their names?"

"Ricky, Noah, and marcel."

Austin brought me out the car and into the cafe.

"Hey it's Ronnie!" Jessa pointed out.

"Hey guys, long time no see!!!!!!!" I hugged each of them. Austin was probably standing there like 'what the hell is going on'.

"Hey Ronnie," the guys waved from their table. I waved back and brought Austin with me to them.

"Hey guys! So this is my friend, Austin. He's new to Landon so... Austin this is my other friends Ricky, marcel, and Noah!" I introduced the guys to each other.

"Nice to meet you Austin," they all shook his hand and greeted him.

Then I brought him to the girls.

"Girls! This is my friend Austin, Austin these are the girls; Jessa, Diane and Kendall."

They shook hands then I went to get me a Carmel frappé. And we all chillaxed until 7:45.

"So are we all ready?!" Ricky asked us.

"Yes sir!" Kendall playfully saluted.

We got into Austin's car and Jessa's car then drove to school. Landon was a massive school, it was built in 2002 so it was a little updated.

We had our schedules already and IDs so we went to our first classes. Diane, Noah, Austin and I all had first period/block together.

So we all chose our seats really close and it was pretty tight.-- The class was a lecture about rules and consequences, typical for the first day.

Next was second period. This time all the girls had it together! Same routine; rules, consequences, and parent signings.

Then break. Break was only 15 minutes long and we all met up next to a big tree.

"How was your class?" I asked Austin.

"It's was boring. Nothing new except people, yours?"

"Same. I'm already sick of school!"

We wandered around and it was pretty much like a dream and it has the guy! Austin and me, school, boy, girl, love story, do you get where I'm going with this?!


Third period.

~~Austin's POV~~

New school. New people. New kid.

Ronnie's friends were great, they treated me like I was here forever. Her girl-friends were cool too, they were pretty I Guess but Veronica was gorgeous!

First period, I sit behind Ronnie.

Second period, I'm alone.

Now Break. When I saw Ronnie walk out of class I kind of followed her, not in a creepy way but like from a far. I just followed her. At break we all met up then We broke up for some reason. Ronnie and I walked around the school since we had nothing to do for 15 minutes and our classes were on the other side.

Walking with her made me feel so good on the inside and out. It wasn't like; I'm the new kid and the new senior target for bullying, it wasn't like that. She made me fit in and not be an outsider from Texas. But it ended because of the bell.

"See ya at lunch?" I hugged her.

"Yeah, I'll text you."

She hugged me and went to her class.

"Dude, she's totally into you!" Noah nudged me. It knocked me back into real life.

"Yeah right!" I walked with him into our next class.

"She's never been that nice to someone!"

Noah took a back seat and I just took the front. I was thinking to myself the whole day, yeah I like her too but she's one of my only friends and if I mess anything up I won't have her. There was always something stopping me.-- That whole period I just day dreamed and heard the teacher in the background. She was just talking and talking.

Now 4th period. I was in Kendall's and Ronnie's class. Oh i didn't know we had another class together. Ok, another class with Ronnie. We had assigned seats and I was a few seats away from her and Kendall was in front of her. The teacher gave us a worksheet, homework already! Bleh.

Then the next break was lunch, woohoo.

"AUSTIN!" Ronnie yelled when I exited the class.

I turned and she was waiting with Kendall by the door. While I was walking there, Kendall whispered something in ver-RONNIE'S ear. I wonder what she said. Only god knows!

"Hey girls," I smiled when I got there.

"I'm going to go find the others, meet you later?" Kendall smirked then left me and Veronica alone.

"Maybe." Veronica smiled.

Veronica and I, as seniors, were able to leave campus for lunch. So we went to subway, yaaaasss! I got my regular and Veronica got a cold cut.

"So is your day going well?" She asked when we were finishing our sandwiches.

"It's been great," I winked.

"How do you like your new school?"

"It's better than the one I went to in Texas, but I miss my friends. Other than that it's fun."

"Cool. We should visit Texas and you should introduce me to your friends there!"

"Yeah, sure." I chuckled.

We finished up and went back to campus at the same time the bell sounded. We both ran to our class, the same class again.

"I could get used to this!" I sat in the closest seat to Ronnie.

"Yeah." Veronica smiled. It made me fall in love again and again whenever she smiled.

The day was the same routine the whole time. Then I drove Veronica and Vanessa home. I said hi to her mom and stayed at her house for a little while until I knew my mom was home.

"Hi Austin!" Their mom hugged me.

"Hi mrs.Marx," I smiled at her.

"How was your first day at your new school sweetie?"

"It was fun, I'm still missing my old friends though, but it's was still good. Veronica was a good friend today."

"Good, good." She continued. "I think Ronnie has a crush on you." She playfully nudged me.

Ronnie was upstairs so she probably didn't hear.-- I just smiled when her mom said that! Hearing that from two people in one day, it must be true... I mean if I was girl I'd date me too!

~~Veronica's POV~~

This first day of school was different. This time there was someone I needed to 'impress' or idk how to explain it. Austin was the guy though. He was someone I needed to please, the past years there was no one who made me smile like he did.

He became a regular at my house, my parents knew him, my family knew him except kian. He had a few dinners here and there, he's stayed in my room while I was sleeping once, but never slept over.-- I needed to change into comfortable clothes so I just put some shorts and a shirt on, then went back down with my parent 'homework' for my mom to fill-out.

"MOOM, can you do these!" I yelled while I ran down the stairs with a pen a stacks of paper from Vanessa and I.

Austin was still here, oh yeah.

"Come on, Austin!" I pulled his hand and ran with him upstairs.


Oh mom, I'm not going to have anything with Austin unless we're married.

"What's up?" Austin said, running up with me.

"Did you really want to stand there with my mom, that's weird."

I took him to my room and we just chilled and talked. Then there was this one silent thing and when I started playing my music, he sung along. I pretended not to hear but I did. He could sing! Serious, like Justin Bieber serious! My music was loud but it was like he thought I wasn't listening but I was.

"Hey Ronnie, I gotta go okay? Text me though?" Austin got up.

"Yeah, alright. I'll walk you down," I told him.

We walked down and it was 3:30. I went to the door and then hugged Austin goodbye.

"Bye Austin," I hugged his torso really tight.

"Bye Ronnie," he smiled, it was the cutest. I could go on about it. I really just can't I was in love, I had to admit!

I closed the door and when I was walking back to the steps my mom said something.

"You really like him, huh?"

"What?" I heard my mom but really, I'm not going to admit anything.

"You like Austin right?" She smiled looking up from her computer.

"Sure mom, sure." I raised one eyebrow.

"I could see it, that's how I acted toward your dad when we were in high school. You don't have to hide it." My mom chuckled, she let out a smile.

"Ok mom, what if I like him?"

"I'd say yes to him, as a parent. You're allowed to date him."

"I wasn't asking for permission?!"

"Well I'm giving you permission."

"Okay? Why are you so curious?"

"I know He loves you too!"

"Okay, you're weird mom."

"Just saying, honey!"

"Kay mom, have a good afternoon!" I sprinted upstairs to dodge my moms conversation.

What a day.

Text from: Austin

Austin: hey beautiful ;)

Me: heyy

Austin: So watsup

Me: I had he weirdest convo w/ my mom.

Austin: what happened?

Me: so she said I like you and you like me, it was kind of weird hearing hat from her. It was crazy

Austin: that is crazy. Me, you. Nahhh?

Me: mhmm. So I just left her.

Austin: Id be kinda weirded out if my mom said that to me too.

Me: yeah. Did the other guys start UAprep yet?

Austin: yeah, they started today also.

Me: So that's like universal arts prep or something right?

Austin: yeah, Alex does drama. And Zach and Robert actually switched to homeschooling.

Me: oh, cool.

Austin: There's nothing to do right now and I just got home.....

We texted for a bunch and then I fell asleep on him.... That was a typical way to end the day.


Hey guys!! Listen up here!! Can everyone get at least one Mahomie to read this, I'm working on writing a huge chapter for one of the next ones and I really want there be a lot of readers!! SOOOO SHARE THIS STORY ANYWHERE YOU CAN!!

Oh and sorry for fast forwarding it on you guys. Tell me what you want to read in the next chapters. Did you guys like this chapter? Comment.








Thank you <3

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