MithzanxRoss Oneshots {{Compl...


244K 7.6K 12.5K

"Why do I suck so much dick?" - Ross said in 'GTA 5 PC Online Funny Moments - PIKACHU VS PROXIMITY MINES! (C... More

Apology Accepted - Real Life
Bus Ride - HighSchool AU
Most Wanted - Fallout 4 AU
Coming Home - War AU
Savior - R! Highschool AU
I gots Tagged! (not a chapter)
After the Warhead Challenge - MC/Real Life
Warning - MC / Real Life
HAPPY HALLOWEEN (not a chapter ;3)
Christmas/Halloween Special
Party - Minecraft AU
Voting *Closed* // Update
Make Up - MC / Real Life
An Immortal's Love - Myth AU
Real - HighSchool AU
I'm tagged - Wattpad Trend AU
Sick - Real Life
Doughnuts - Real Life
Tagged again - Wattpad Trend AU
Tagged Once More - Wattpad Trend AU
Drawing You - R! Highschool AU
Advice - MC / Real Life
Whoa - R! High School
Secret - Sleepover AU
Mad Max - MC / Real Life
Apples - Real Life
Us - Sex Slave AU
Angel - Minecraft
Guppy Love - Myth AU
A Dancer's Love - University AU
Klub Ice - MC/Real Life
First Date - High School AU
Basorexia - Minecraft
Pool - Real World
??? - ??? AU
Play Date (?) - Real Life
2 Faced - MC
Silent Rage - MC/Real Life
You're Not Alone - Crafting Dead AU
Lost - Fallout 4 AU
Monsters - R! Real Life
Blood Mate - Myth AU
That Boy - Minecraft
Bad Boy - 50's AU
Hey - Real Life
A Dragon's Gem - Myth AU
Mine - Royal AU
Why? - Broken AU
Hacker & Frenchman - Criminal AU
Surprise - Real Life
Temptation - Realife
Tattoo - MC/Myth AU
I'll protect you - Crafting Dead AU
Truth - University AU
Tattoo part 2 - MC/Myth AU
Coming out - High School
Found - Fallout 4 AU
Hypixel ^^ (Come and Join)
Hypixel Lobby 18
Baby Drama - MC/Real Life
??? - ???
Hug - Real Life
Baby Drama pt2 - MC/Real Life
Logophile - Highschool / MC
The Wolf and The Rabbit - CreepyPasta AU
Muggle Love - Harry Potter AU
Heart - University AU
Questions for QnA || Closed
100k Special
The Wolf and The Rabbit pt2 - CreepyPasta AU
Hello Again - Crafting Dead AU
Gone - Fallout 4
Bonnie & Clyde - Criminal AU
I'm sorry everyone o(╥﹏╥)o
Maid for a day - MC/Real Life
Redwoods - World AU
Heat - MC/Real Life
The Fiction Awards 2016
Tagged! // Update!
Friend - Kid AU
Silent - Hostage AU (Real Update)
Everything - Real World AU
Perfect - Real Life
** Small Life Update **
Ribbon - Soul Mate AU
Happy - Real Life
Message - Computer AU
Fire In His Eyes - Dance AU
Cut - Real Life
Red and Blue - TF2 AU
Malware - Computer AU
Argument - Real Life
Chp 100: Hidden Secrets - Myth AU

An Alpha's Mate - Myth AU

4.2K 97 136

**This Tweet Made My Day ^^**

I just wanted to write about werewolves (. ゚ー゚)


Ps. Researched was required for both normal wolf and werewolf habits.

Pss. It may not be the best but enjoy 😊

Word Count: 2305


*~ Ross' P.O.V ~*

I was getting off from work and it was late at night. Checking my watch it turns out that it was actually a little passed midnight. My boss needed some help at the hospital and with restocking the medical supplies. Well at least I'm getting paid over time. Pulling out my phone I dialed my friends number,

"Come on. Pick up." I hissed as the beeping went straight to voice mail. "DAMNIT."

"Hey you've reached Euro! Please leave your name and number and I'll get to you as soon as I can. . . Sorry."


"Thanks for picking me up! I'll be home around 3." I quickly said as I hung it up

I let a sigh slip out of my lips. It was warm here in Louisiana. Not less much eerie as I traveled down the road. Though today was kinda weird. During both my day and graveyard shift I'd gotten flowers from someone. Sadly I wasn't able to keep the flowers since they had to throw them away. Apparently my boss hates the smell of wolfsbane and roses. Luckily I did take a picture of them, before they tossed them. I rummaged through my pockets and realized I left my headphones as home.

"Great." I muttered with venom, "This day couldn't have gotten any better?"

Suddenly I could hear howling in the distance and twigs snap.

"Wolves. It had to be fucking wolves!" I whispered loudly as my paranoia and anxiety started to spike my system. Both of them screaming for me to run. That's when I remembered that there's been reports of attacks in the past few months. Fucking brain. Thank you for coming to me in my time of panic! Quickly I picked up my pace as I hurried along the road. I started to ramble to myself as I walked further. But I stopped and stood still listening to my surroundings as I tired to calm myself.

"It's just your imagination, Ross." I sighed, "Nothing more. Nothing-."


"-Less." I squeaked

I never turning around as I stayed frozen standing there. Behind me I heard whatever it was growl loudly as I heard it advanced toward me. That's when I booked it into the forest. Quickly dodging logs and low tree branches as it chases after me. My heart was going into over time as pure adrenaline coursed through my veins. My breathing became ragged as my legs pushed on. Still jumping over things, I managed to get some distance, but something made me trip. I fell face first and rolled down the hill as I soon came to a painful stop at a clearing. And by painful I do mean when my back hits the thickest tree around.

"Ughhhhh." I groaned in pain as I sat up slowly, "Bad decision. . . Don't look back while running."

A howling bursted though the silence and I looked up and saw a large wolf standing on the mini cliff I fell off of. My eyes widen as I saw it lunge at me. As a last ditch effort I held out my arms to stop it, knowing it wouldn't work. But before it got to me something tackled it to the ground. Both of them wrestling right in front of me, while I slowly back away. Turning around I crawled on all fours as fast as I could, until I heard something being thrown to my right. I looked and saw it was the wolf that was chasing me. It was badly hurt and wheezing, but an even larger wolf pounced on it. It bit it's neck until a clear crunch sound was heard, meaning the neck had snap. Backing away slowly I kept my eyes on the larger dark orange colored wolf, until my back was up against another tree. I squeaked when I bumped into it and the wolf's head snapped over to me. His glowing blood colored eyes looked at me. Growling lowly, he advanced toward me. I could see his sharp white teeth,

"N-n-nice d-d-doggy." I said as I looked at him and clinging to the tree

He picked up his head and sniffed the air and started to sniff all over me

"Ahh-?", I looked as he sniffed me but when he got to my crotch, he started to nudge it and sniff it, "H-hey! Quit that!" I shoved his snout a little as I placed my hands over my crotch, "Bad wolf!"

For a moment he looked at me before grabbed my pant leg and dragged me away from the clearing. I screamed for him to let go, but instead he placed his paw in the center of my chest to keep me down.

"W-what are you doing?", I asked

But he started to showed his teeth as he looked all around him. His eyes getting smaller, ears folding back, and his jaw slightly open. I moved my head around and saw some wolves emerging from the forest. They were surrounding us, and growling in return. Some of them were barking, but he stayed there and snapped at any that got near. They seemed to lower their heads as he threw his head back and howled. When he finished they all stood there with heads lowered, but he snarled and let out a loud bark. Sending them scampering off. He huffed and relaxed before looking at me. A low rumbling sound came from his chest as he stood over me. I closed my eyes as I started to shake.

"If you're gonna eat me, then make it quick." I mumbled

"Why would I do that?" Husked a voice

I froze as I slowly opened my eyes and saw a man around my age with bright orange hair and slight stubble. He wore a black shirt, blue jeans, and was bare footed. He was even slightly muscular in build. I felt my face heat up as we looked at one another in silence. I honestly prayed that he was gay/prayed he wasn't some murdering asshat. The man was in the same position as the wolf was, I wonder where it went. He leaned down and nuzzled into my neck. I could hear him sniffing rapidly as his nose gently pressed against my skin. But soon turning to deep breaths, his warm breath spreading across my neck. I couldn't help but shiver a little at the feeling. Straddling my waist now he started to sniff my crotch. I felt my cheeks heat up as he rubbed his nose on my crotch.

"Mine." He growled as pressed his body against my own. Nuzzling his head into my neck. His hand pinned my own above my head, while the other's ghostly touch slid down my side

"W-wait! E-excuse me?!" I nearly shouted as I felt his lips peppering kisses all over my neck, "W-what are y- ahh~!" He started to suck on my sweet spot and I squeaked out, "Ohh. . .nnnmmmn~." Suddenly he bit me on the junction between my neck and shoulder! I whimpered in pain, closed my eyes, and bit my lower lip to quiet myself. As I felt something travel throughout my body, his teeth stayed clenched to my skin. I was starting to move as I felt tears in my eyes. He let go and kissed the spot. My vision was blurry as I looked at him. For a moment I saw sadness cross his eyes. He leaned down and licked the tears away. Kissing my cheeks, he then captured my lips in small love filled kiss, before pulling away.

"You're mine." He husked as he ripped my clothes off without much effort.

"D-dude c-c-can you not!?" I squeaked but he just growled making my shut up. Taking off his shirt I felt my cheeks heat up looking at his toned chest. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his member. I looked at it and then him, "Ummm. . . "

He leaned in with a chuckle and husked into my ear, "Don't worry my love, I'll make it fit~."

I shivered as I felt his member circle my entrance and I thew my head back. He slammed right into me getting me to choke on a moan. The ginger thrusted almost animalistic like, giving no mercy on me. Broken moans slipped through my lips as he as kept going. I clutched his shoulders and he held on to my sides.

"You're so tight love." He grunted as I wrapped my legs around his waist

"Lo-OOOOOOOVVEENNNNMM~?" I moaned out my back arching as he bit me in the same spot once more, this time that weird feeling was stronger.

"Yes. You're mine after all." He pulled off and licked that spot

"Please go faster." I managed to whine out as he hit a bundle of nerves, "Ohdamn~." Was all I could say before my voice gave out

He grabbed my neglected member and began to pump it in time with his thrusts. Oh how this felt. I could soon feel that familiar pain underneath my stomach. It was hurting so much, that I made a pain expression as I threw my head into the crook of his neck. He was hitting my prostate spot on now, and it felt so good. I bit the crook of his neck and a rumbling sound came from his chest.

"Oh love~. . . I'm so glad I found you." He pulled out for a moment, "Now I'm gonna knot you so no wolf takes you."

"What do you meaaaaaahhhhhhnn~!" I screamed as he thrusted something that came into my currently stretched beyond belief hole. After a few minutes of him and whatever that was pounding into me, and abused my hole, I came all over us. With a whimpering moan he came into me and filled me up to the brim. With both of us breathing heavily, he looked down at me and smiled.

"You're so perfect. . ." He whispered as he leaned down and licked my chest clean of any excess cum. Making me shiver in pleasure. He licked up from my chest and all the way up to my lips, capturing them in a passionate kiss. My fingers found their way to his hair, and threaded themselves as I gently tugged on the roots. I don't know ho long we stayed like that, but I felt like a few hours. We broke the kiss to catch our breaths.

"You know I've had my eye on you for a while." He huffed


"Yeah. Ever since you moved here a few months ago. Oh how did you you like the flowers I gave you?"

"So you're the one who gave me those?" I tilted my head

"Yes my love. You deserve nothing but the best after all." He smiled as he looked down at me, I could feel my eyes fluttering and my brain pulling me into darkness, "As an Alpha I'm happy that I got the chance to mate with a beautiful human. My one and only mate."

"Mate? Alpha?" At this point my worlds began to slur

He chuckled, "I'm an Alpha werewolf after all, my word is law, and the our bonding is finally complete." And as soon as he pulled out I blacked out.


The sun creeped into my eyes as I woke up slowly. Taking in my surroundings I looked and saw that I was in my bed room. I looked and saw that I was wearing nothing but my boxers. However my lower back and ass hurt like hell, well everything from the mid second and down felt like hell. I struggled to sit up, only to whine out in pain. Euro came running into the room,

"Ohmygawd you're awake!" He rushed over with some pain killers and I took them without water.

"Thanks. . . Um how did I get here?" I asked


"I brought you here." I looked behind him and saw a ginger standing in the door way. He seemed really familiar.

"Ohh yeah. Ross this is Max, he's the guy that brought you home." Euro replied with a smile as he walked out of the room, "I'm gonna go get breakfast be right back."

"I got you some Wolfsbane and Roses this morning." He walked over to my bed and climbed in as soon as the door closed. Max hovered over me and kissed me softly.

That's when it all came back to me. The Forrest. Almost getting eaten. Him undressing me. The freaky sex. WITH A FUCKING WEREWOLF.

"Holy shit." I muttered as he pulled away and just smiled

"So my mate remembers?" He chuckled

"Why though?!" I asked

"Well you see once a werewolf finds their one and only mate, he or she must bond with quickly, so then any other challengers won't have a chance. And in this case-" His hand started to palm my clothed member, "-when I saw you being chased by one of my betas, I had to step in. Knowing all to well it was you. Since your scent was so intoxicating~." He spread my legs slowly, fit himself in between, and kissed my crotch on the outside of my boxers getting me to moan lowly. "Get some rest my love."

Pulling away he went and laid down right next to me, pulling me closer to his warm body. Yawning quietly I snuggled into his chest, letting sleep over take me once more.

Maybe this won't be so bad.


Maybe I should have written this in Max's POV? 🤔 Then again maybe not 😕 . . . Idk honestly I'm tired. 😅

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