Losing Almost Everything

By Ky_Free

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Yang's reputation went down the drain after one specific fight, the fight with Mercury Black. Before that fig... More

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By Ky_Free

{ Blake }

Ten years later

I went around to the gym to see how she was doing. So many people enrolled and some of our friends became instructors. Sun, Pyrrha, Jaune, and Yang all taught kids to adults. Plus, there's something I need to tell her.

After a year of us being together, we decided to get married and start a new chapter to our lives. It wasn't until for the past two years when we started to think about having a family. We've tried but have had no luck, that is until now. Yang had volunteered to have the child but since she runs a gym and all, it didn't work. So it came down to me which I didn't mind. I wanted to have a family with Yang after all of this time. We just waited until we felt like we were ready to start one. I already know that Ruby is probably going to spoil her niece or nephew. It's Ruby we're talking about here. I just need to figure out how to tell her.

I took a deep breath before walking into the facility. "Oh, hey Blake," Pyrrha greeted with a smile.

"Hey, is Yang around? I kind of need to talk to her about something," I said.

"She's in her office. Did it finally work?" I nodded with a smile. Pyrrha hugged me, happy for Yang and I. "She's going to be happy to hear this after a stressful day of classes."

"Yeah. You don't want to know how she can get if she's still stressed from work once she comes home." We both laughed and then I headed towards her office. The door was open and I saw Yang doing some paperwork. I knocked on the door lightly to get her attention. She smiled and got up from her chair. "Hey beautiful," I said before kissing her.

"Well this is a surprise visit. Why didn't you call ahead of time? Then I wouldn't have started all of this paperwork," Yang joked.

"Well what I have to say is a surprise," I said as I gave off a brighter smile and a light blush.

"Oh? Do you want me to shut the door for some privacy then?"

"I don't care. Whatever you want to do." So she closed the door then sat on the edge of her desk where it was cleared.

"Well, what is it?"

"It worked." Yang's face was priceless. I tried not to laugh but I couldn't stop myself.

"You're joking right?" I shook my head. "Oh my god! I can't believe it!" She got up and kissed me deeply. "How far along are you?"

"About thirteen weeks the doctor said. There's more to this Yang." Since I went to make sure the I definitely was pregnant, I had an ultrasound done and I was given a copy of it so I could show Yang. I pulled up the video on my scroll and handed it to her, then standing behind her with my arms wrapped around her waist. I watched it with her because I couldn't stop from looking at our little girl.

"Are those-"

"Yes Yang, they're little kitty ears like mine."

"I can't believe at how tiny she is. We're having our own 'kitten'."

"You just had to say that, didn't you?" She nodded, smiling like you wouldn't believe. "She's going to be perfect. Just like someone I know."

"She's going to be perfect because of you Blakey."

"And you. You helped bringing her into our lives Yang." Yang gave me my scroll back and then placed her hand on my stomach. "Do you want to do anything tonight to celebrate?" The look in her eyes said it all. I kissed her softly. She brought it to the next level though. Her tongue danced and battled with mine, making me crave for more. I had to break the kiss though since she was still at work and you never know who may end up coming to the door. "You better give me more of that later Flame. I'll let you get back to work so then you can come home maybe a bit earlier than usual."

"Anything that you want you shall receive beautiful. I'll be home in an hour or two. I'll give you 'dessert' after we cuddle on the couch once we finish dinner," Yang said sweetly before kissing me again. I nodded with a smile. "Don't miss me too much." I stuck my tongue out at her playfully as she was being playful as well. I left her office door open and started to make my way to the front of the gym.

"How'd it go," Pyrrha asked in curiosity.

"When I first told her, her face was priceless as she didn't believe me at first. Not to mention Yang calling our little girl a 'kitten' to be funny, but she really is a kitten though so to speak."

"She's going to take after her mother. It'll be nice to have a little one running around though since no one else has kids yet." Pyrrha added a little emphasis to "yet" as she dropped the hint.

"You too? Does Jaune know yet?" She shook her head.

"I only found out last week. Yang already knows but I'm waiting until tomorrow to tell him since it's our anniversary."

"Now that's what I call an anniversary gift," I said with a smile. Pyrrha laughed at that.

"Yeah, you're right about that. I'm going to wait to find out if I'm having a boy or a girl. It seems like fun when it's a surprise." Pyrrha had a point. "I'll let you get home since you two are probably going to want to do something to celebrate tonight. I'll tell you how things go when I tell Jaune." We hugged each other goodbye and I made my way home.

As Yang had promised, she came home in the time frame she said she would. I had just finish making dinner when she walked through the door. Yang came up behind me as she wrapped her arms around my waist. From the warmth her body was radiating, I couldn't stop myself from purring and she loved it. I was still able to serve up dinner while she had me like this. As we ate, we made basic conversation. Asking how our day went, how work was, the general topics of conversation. It wasn't until we were cuddling on the couch when we talked about the baby again. "Do you have any names in mind yet," she asked.

"A few but I don't know if they'd work for her," I said.

"Well, why don't you tell me what you've thought of so far," Yang said while gently running her hand along my stomach with a loving smile.

"Well, I was thinking either doing Diamond, Luna, Opal, Starlyn, Aurora, or Rainne." Yang just smiled and kissed my cheek softly. "What?"

"Any of them would be perfect for her. Why don't we name her Starlyn Aurora?" My eyes closed as her fingers ran along my jaw and my neck. I nodded slowly as I put under her spell. The name was indeed perfect. "Starlyn Aurora Belladonna Xiao Long." A smile pulled at the corners of my lips as I began to purr and nuzzle against her hand. "I see what Shadow wants. Let me take care of you," Yang whispered into my ears. Her warm breath sents shivers down my spine. I was swooped up into her arms as she then carried me to the bedroom. Yang placed me on the bed before closing the door. When she came back, she pushed my shirt up and peppered kisses lovingly on my stomach. It was a blissful feeling. My eyes closed as my lips parted ever so slightly as I enjoyed the luxury.

I was graced by her lips as they left a trail of fire over my body. Soon Yang slowly removed my shirt, throwing it to the floor. My breath hitched as she lightly bit my collar bone, making her chuckle. Once her lips met mine and her tongue explored my mouth again, I moaned softly. She took that as her cue to heat things up. She removed every piece of my clothing, her hands exploring every inch of my body. "Yang... Mmm," I moaned.

"I'm going to take care of you until you break. You don't have to do a thing tonight. This is your night for pleasure Blakey," she said before slipping her fingers into me. I moaned a bit louder, submitting myself to her completely. "Besides, I want to have you as much as I can before our little 'kitten' arrives." My body began to shake with ecstasy the more she played.

"I love you," I moaned out right before I came.

"I love you too. Now let's see how far I can take you," the blonde seductively whispered into one of my cat ears, causing my body to shake from the thought. It wasn't until the early hours of the morning when I had finally passed out. Yang kissed me one last time before cuddling up to me. "Good night beautiful."


{ Pyrrha }

"Jaune, there's something I need to tell you," I said as we sat on the couch watching TV.

"What is it," he asked as he looked at me from the screen.

"Remember how we've been trying to have a baby?" He nodded and then it hit him like a slap to the face.

"Are you serious?! This is the best thing I could ever ask for besides you." I smiled as I blushed. "You're going to be a great mother Pyrrha."

"And you're going to be a great father."


Four years later

{ Yang }

"Starlyn! Stop chasing Jasper already," I said. My little girl just laughed and refused to listen. It was Sun who scooped her up into his arms as he placed her on his back. I sighed with relief. "Thanks Sun."

"She giving you a hard time again," he asked as he smiled while the little girl played with his hair.

"Yes," I said, then spotting Jasper running off. "Jasper!" I was about to go insane at this point. Jaune caught him before he got into more trouble around the gym. The two of them are almost inseparable ever since they were able to walk. Then my kitty cat walked through the door.

"Let me guess. She was running around with Jasper again," Blake said with a smirk.

"What gave you that idea?"

"Oh the fact that Starlyn is on Sun's back and Jasper in Jaune's arms," she said as she began to laugh.

"Remind me again why I agreed to taking her to the gym with me some days?"

"Hm, the fact you want her to become a boxer like a certain someone." I chuckled as I kissed her briefly. Sun just laughed at the two of us. Then I looked at little Starlyn again. Like Blake and I both said the day she told me, our little girl was perfect. She had my eyes as she had raven hair, like Blake, with golden strands highlighting it, almost making it like a clear night with golden stars. Sun then handed the girl to me.

"You're just like your mother," I said to our kitten.

"She definitely is and it's not me where she gets that free spirited personality," Blake said while crossing her arms with a smile.

"Actually, that comes from both of you," Sun added.

"But more of her than me," Blake said. I rolled my eyes. Then I looked at Starlyn. She was fiddling with my hair before she poked my cheek.

"You know, she makes me want another one."

"That's already taken care of Flame." Sun and I just stared at her as my wife blushed madly. "Surprise," she chuckled.

"Anything else you'd care to share," Sun asked on my behalf as I was still in shock. She pulled up another video on her scroll. Starlyn was fascinated by it. I nearly started crying with joy as I looked upon our second 'kitten'. She was already perfect just like her sister. "Can I love you guys anymore?!" Blake laughed as I just stayed quiet, not taking my eyes off of the child. Then there was something else in the video.

"T-Twins," I stuttered in question.

"Not exactly. We'll be having four little ones running around the house." Four? "Well, four if you count Starlyn." What made this all the better was that they were all Faunus. I couldn't be happier! We did the same thing as we did when we first tried. They were going look like us just like Starlyn.

"I think four will be enough for me to handle," I said as I smiled like an idiot. Blake and Sun just laughed, both agreeing with me on the spot. This was my life, my family, and my friends. Everything changed after that day with Cinder. "But we're naming one of them Cinder."


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