ColorBlind: A Story of Forbid...

By rcbates

571 8 0

The only wish Christina's Grandma had was to know her mother, whom she never got the chance to meet after she... More

ColorBlind: A Story of Forbidden Love
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Eight

31 1 0
By rcbates

Chapter Eight

Dorothy sat and sat. She wouldn't move or blink. She just sat in chair, staring at the wall repeating, 'he knows.' again and again. I felt sorry for her. I didn't how to help, how to reassure her at all. I tried to figure out the message Master was giving her. I replayed his story and final words in my head. 'Stress isn't good for the baby.' 'I made a promise to never ever let a nigger ruin our family again.' Was he telling Dorothy to get rid of the baby? To leave? I didn't know but i was scared to find out.  Dorothy rose from the seat and just headed out the office in silence. I figured she went to find Toby. I followed behind her nervous she might do something drastic. She headed into the maid's chamber and turned to face me at the door. 'Can i be alone? I-i just really need some time to myself.' I looked her up and down, showing my obvious distrust of her judgement at the moment. 'Please...i promise i'm not going to do anything stupid.' I sighed and nodded then headed off. Later that night Toby hurried into the kitchen out of breath, 'Esther! Have you seen Dorothy?' I looked up, 'What? She was in the room. She's not there anymore?'  He shook his head. I started to panic.  How could i be so stupid as to leave her alone! 'What's going on?!' Toby demanded. I breathed in, 'Toby...your grandfather knows. He knows about you and Dorothy and he knows about the baby.' Toby's face went white and his pupils enlarged. I could practically smell the fear coming off his body. 'He knows?' I nodded. Toby fell to the ground. I rushed to pull him into a chair. 'Toby are you okay?' he pulled away and stormed out the kitchen into the dining room. 'WHERE IS SHE?' he yelled. His whole family stopped to look at him. Their expressions were priceless. Mista looked stunned, Toby's Mama looked shocked, Katie looked nervous, and Master? He didn't even budge. ' I ASKED A QUESTION.' he yelled again. 'Whatever do you mean Grandson?' said Master with a grin on his face. This made Toby rage, 'DON'T YOU DARE GIVE ME THAT BULLSHIT!' I heard his mother gasp. 'Watch your language young man!' Mista stood up to Toby, trying to make himself seem bigger but Toby was taller and bigger.Besides that no one had ever seen Toby angry...ever. This made him even scarier. ' I know you did something. I know you scared her away.' he said in a disgusted voice.  Master stood and walked over to Toby, 'Son calm down. I'm sure your little nigger is just fine. ' It all went black. Master calling Dorothy a nigger must've made Toby pop a gasket cause he had the nerve to hit Master right in the face. The force of Toby's strong blow made Master fall backward into the table. Glasses and silverware fell to the floor. Katie and the Mrs. shrieked in fear. Mista helped his father back to his feet. When Master stood he was red-faced. I'd never seen an old man so mad before. 'HOW DARE YOU? ARE YOU INSANE? YOU HAVE THE NERVE TO PUT YOUR HANDS ON ME FOR SOME COON!' Toby and Master stood face to face, so close their noses touched. 'If anything happens to Dorothy or our child, you will regret it.' Then he was gone. I stood there hand over my mouth. I rushed out the dining room to check on Toby but he was gone. I looked out the window and saw him hopping into a car. 'Toby!' i screamed. He stopped to see who it was and his face softened. 'Esther...i can't. I have to find her. I love her.' he started to tear. i just held him. I flashed back to when he was a lil tot and he had fallen down outside and scraped his knee. He had tears streaming down his face but he ran straight past his mama when her saw in the hallway. Instead he ran straight to me.  'I'm hurt!' he yelled in pain. I sat him down and cleaned up the scrape but he was steady cryin'. I held him in my arms and sang to him. He was silent....that was the best moment of my life. When he let go i came back to reality. 'Go.' i said. 'Find Dorothy, protect her.' He nodded and hopped into the car. I watched him until he was far in the distance and then braced myself for the hell inside.

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