
By swornXjessie

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Notorious Charms is just like every other 141 year old, half-monster half-human, magical girl. Well, except f... More

Chapter 1 - The Vampire
Chapter 2 - The Comedy Duo
Chapter 3 - An Unwanted Task
Chapter 4 - Catulo
Chapter 5 - An Old Friend
Chapter 6 - Mission Improbable
Chapter 7 - A Very Bad Bedtime Story
Chapter 9 - Were Worries
Chapter 10 - A very wrong place to find fangs.
Chapter 11 - Please, keep your bird at a safe distance.
Chapter 12 - Breaking down barriers.
Chapter 13 - Curses, pixies and six toed daughters.
Chapter 14 - Knock knock.
Chapter 15 - Black tears of necromancers.
Chapter 16 - The mad hatter and the black rabbit.
Chapter 17 - Too late.
Chapter 18 - The Countless and Condemned.
Chapter 19 - Giant squid VS Octoshark?
Chapter 20 - Dingy since the 1890's.
Chapter 21 - Dont make me go down in chains.
Chapter 22 - 'Research.'
Chapter 23 - The grand unveiling.
Chapter 24 - Happy birthday to me.
Chapter 25 - And then there were four.
Chapter 26 - The last wing.
Authors note.

Chapter 8 - These Animals May Bite

144 6 0
By swornXjessie

Chapter 8 - These Animals May Bite

Notorious walked out onto the cakey mud and growled quietly at the state of her shoes. Laylan didn't follow Jason and Notorious outside, instead choosing to stay at the door, leaning up against its frame.

"Well," he said, "see you when you get back!"

"You're not coming with us?"  Jason said, wide eyed.

"Oh goodness no. No no no, certainly not. If you didn't hear Notorious earlier, allow me to refresh your noggin' young boy - I am retired." Laylan said grinning. "Now there's no point me running off into the moonlight to face a pack of wolfs when I could be sat in my lovely little bungalow, drinking tea and whiskey and sharing a nice steak with Lady Butterscotch."

Jason raised his eyebrows and looked at Notorious questioningly. Notorious shrugged, she didn’t know what he was talking about ether. In fact, there were very few moment where Laylan made sense.

"Who, may I ask," Notorious finally said, "is Lady Butterscotch?"

"Good lord above, you two never pay attention do you?" Laylan said throwing his hands into the air. "I'm sure you remember the fish I masterfully conjured up out of a piece of wood.  I'm certain you remember Jason; the look on your face!"

Laylan began laughing to himself, leaving Notorious and Jason waiting to see if he was going to get to the point or not.

"Well, yes, as I was saying. I took the fish home in a bubble of water and BAM!" Notorious raised an eyebrow and Jason jumped. "The fish turned into a dog. Cute little poodle she was, so I named her. But she didn't - and still doesn't - seem to like me very much, perhaps she preferred life as a chunk of wood..."

"No no!" Jason said. "I'll take her!" 

Notorious and Laylan were both taken aback at Jason's sudden interest in the dog-fish.

Jason blushed slightly. "She'll probably like me better that is... And I've always wanted a pet so..." He looked at his feet, the colour still in his cheeks.

"Its settled then, you may pick Lady Butterscotch up once you are done with the scary pack of were-wolfs." Laylan said cheerfully, obviously happy to be rid of the yappy dog. He turned his back to Notorious and Jason and half-skipped back into the Fable, humming 'the grand ol' duke of York' as he went.

"Odd fellow, he is..." Notorious said thoughtfully. "Any way, lets go get the beast then shall we?"

"The beast...?" Jason repeated as Notorious set off, walking quickly through the mud towards a large garage about 20 metres away.

"There is no way in hell that I'm getting on that thing." Jason said, eyeing the shiny black ATK 700 Cruiser.

"Get on the motorbike, Jason." Notorious said, her hands on her hips. "Don't be a little girl about it."

"How do I know its safe?" His eyes squinted sceptically.

"I'm an excellent driver and it was hand built by the best mechanic I've ever met."

"Hand built?" He said, his eyes now wide.

"Granted he was only 12 at the time, but still the best." Notorious said, smiling at the memory fondly. Jason on the other hand looked as if he may throw up.

"Id rather die than get on that... that thing!" He exhaled in an exasperated shriek.

"Trust me, that can be arranged..." Notorious muttered. She grabbed Jason by the wrist and pulled him close, her mouth next to his ear. "If you don't get on that god damn bike I will personally see to it that the partner you get assigned when I'm done training you will be a middle aged woman with a love for cats, young men and very spicy curries. Got it?" Notorious pulled back and stared him in the eyes.

Jason gulped and picked up a helmet. Notorious grabbed her own helmet and mounted the bike. Jason got on after her and Notorious grinned wildly before starting the engine and speeding off, the wheels screeching as she drove away, heading to the wolfs den.


I could feel Notorious laughing as I prayed to every god I’d ever heard of, pleading that I wouldn't fall off of 'the beast' as Notorious called the bike. I’d prefer to call it 'death on wheels'.

I tightened my arms around her waist, half because I really didn't want to fall off, half because I finally had the opportunity to be close to her. She was an intimidating girl, that I knew for sure, but I still had an unexplainable urge to spend every waking and - hell - every sleeping moment, with Notorious. I felt like I had to protect her, but God knows she doesn't need protecting.

The motorbike lurched to a stop, sending dust swirling up from the ground; Notorious took her helmet off, her silky purple hair tumbling around her. I caught the sent of raspberries and I inhaled deeply, engraining the scent into my memory.

I hated raspberries, but the fact she smelled like them, made me want to like them.

I took my own helmet off as Notorious jumped off of the bike. I wanted to jump too, or do something to impress her, but, knowing me, I'd only fall and embarrass myself.

I swung my leg around instead and dismounted; then looked around to see where we had ended up. We were on the edge of a forest, the trees all the same dark green. Darkness seemed to consume every inch of the it; even the outer edges seemed black.

Of course it is, I thought, why shouldn't a forest full of were-wolfs be pitch black and shit scary. 

My eyes travelled back to Notorious; she had a smile playing at the corners of her mouth. Her eyes wandered up to my hair and she snickered slightly. My eyebrows pinched together and I looked in the wing mirror of the bike.

My hair was stood up in random places and static in others. 

I groaned at the terrible look and tried my best to flatten it, but it didn't help in the slightest. Great. How come her hair stays perfect and mine ends up looking like a nest? I thought.

"Because I’ve had many years to become perfect." Notorious said.

Shit! I'd said it out loud.

"Come along pretty boy, we have some wolfs to tame." Notorious said winking.

Sometimes I could swear she knew I liked her. Like when she gave me that cheeky smile and winked at me just to tease me, to show me what I was missing, what I’d never have.  Every moment she did something like that I could swear she could read me like a book. Because let's face it, a girl like Charms would never take a second look at me; she'd been alive to see so many better men, and had probably been with many better men. I had no chance.

I walked along aside Notorious as we battled through the shrubbery, grumbling as I still tried to flatten my hair.

Notorious suddenly grabbed my wrist, losing her temper. "Dear God! Here, let me." She started to run her fingers through my hair, untangling and flattening it out. I resisted the urge to close my eyes at the surprisingly heavenly feel.

"Thanks." I said, daring to look up at her, into her eyes. She blushed slightly and looked straight back.

"I don't see why you need to look good, we're in the dark anyway." She said, rolling her eyes.

"If I'm going to die, I wish to die looking fabulous." I turned away, towards the direction we were walking in before, but before I could start to move again, I turned back to look at her, "You think I look good then, huh?"

Notorious opened her mouth to protest, but then closed it again, glaring at me. With some new found confidence, I smiled at her and then turned my head back around and started walking.

"Come along then, Charms, we have a date with the wolves," I called over my shoulder.

"Do you, now?" Said a gruff voice behind me.

I swallowed hard and turned around to see what had to be one of the largest men I’d ever come face to face with.

I groaned, recognising the species immeadiately.

The man looked to be about seven feet tall and, God, he was muscular... He wore a brown t-shirt and denim trousers. His feet were bare and looked filthy, but despite his bad foot hygiene, his teeth were blazing white, his canines slightly longer than my own, hanging threateningly over his lower lip.

I felt my throat tighten. Yep, I'm going to die; better tell mother I love her.

Notorious walked forward, her body swaying, looking as graceful as ever, despite the rough terrain.

"Mathew, lets not scare the boy, it’s only his second day."

I knew she only said that to get him, Mathew, away from me, but I couldn't help feeling slightly annoyed.

"Notorious, babe," He made a growling noise at the back of his throat. "You look...  Wow!" He eyed her up and down, and I felt the sudden urge to punch him in the face. With a chair.

"You'd do well to remember I'm not your babe anymore, Mathew." Her tone was cool and threatening.

I saw her knife slip from under the sleeve of her leather jacket and into her hand. She looked like a lioness, poised, ready to strike, yet calm and graceful. Oh god, I’d left my weapons on the bike... I looked at notorious, alarmed, but she wasn't looking at me; her gaze was fixed on Mathew, ready for him in case he decided to strike.

Mathew looked momentarily furious, but then decided not to mess with Notorious. He smiled grimly, "Hey now, we're all friends here," he chuckled, trying to sound blasé'. "Come, meet the pack, and then we can chat, yes?"

"Actually," Notorious said, seeing the look on my face, "we only needed to talk to you."

"You have him as back up, I want someone. Its only fair, Notorious, and I know you well enough to know that you stick to the rules of a fight."

"One: the odds are always against you when it comes to fighting me. Two: I don't need back up. And, finally, three: fine, go get a friend, it won't do you much good anyway." Notorious smirked with confidence.

Mathew grinned, turned, and started walking, going deeper into the forest. I have to admit, I thought he was brave to turn his back on Notorious. I definitely wouldn't have.

Notorious set off after him, knife still in hand. I followed closely behind her.

"You failed test one, by the way." She addressed me in a hushed voice, "Leaving your weapons at the bike, when were about to face were-wolfs."

She put her spare hand into her jacket and pulled out a long dagger with a simple black hilt. It looked unused, perfectly sharpened and glistening. It reminded me of Notorious' eyes, sharp and focused, but occasionally they sparkled, especially when she was laughing.

After ten minutes of silent walking I started to hear murmers in the distance and shuffling in the bushes either side of the path we were on. Twice I caught a glimpse of fur or large, reflective, yellow eyes.

Mathew turned around suddenly and spread his arms wide. "Welcome," he bellowed, "to my humble abode. Please, Notorious and whoever the hell you are, make yourself at home." He grinned, flashing his razor sharp canines. He turned around again and walked through a net of leaves and branches, disappearing into the darkness and shrubbery.

I glanced at Notorious, to find that she was looking back at me, worry etched on her face. She closed her eyes, breathed out, then opened them again, but this time she looked strong, fearless and ready. She smiled at me and took my hand, squeezed it, and let go again, before following Mathew through the forests veil.

I looked at her in amazement. How does she go from fearful to powerful in just one breath?

I will follow that woman to the ends of the earth... I smiled. But to start, I will follow her to the wolves.

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