Caelestra, the Heavenly Conti...

By karineprincess

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Caelestra - The floating Continent which is home to the heavenly races of the world. Four very different peop... More

Chapter 1 - Bast Astra Part One
Chapter 2 - Bast Astra Part Two
Chapter 3 - Bast Astra Part Three
Chapter 4 - Bast Astra Part Four
Chapter 5 - Bellatrix Part One
Chapter 6 - Bellatrix Part Two
Chapter 7 - Bellatrix Part Three
Chapter 9 - Ryuu Sin Part One
Chapter 10 - Ryuu Sin Part Two
Chapter 11 - Ryuu Sin Part Three
Chapter 12 - Ryuu Sin Part Four
Chapter 13 - Estelle Doll Part One
Chapter 14 - Estelle Doll Part Two
Chapter 15 - Estelle Doll Part Three
Chapter 16 - Estelle Doll Extra
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part One
(non-official)The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Two
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Three
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Four
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eevntful Path Part Five
(non-official) The Beginning of a Twisted- Eventful Path Part Six
Caelestra - Side Story: Nana
(non-official) Arianna, The Holy Town Part One
Chapter 17 - First Step
Chapter 18 - Second Step
Chapter 19 - Third Step
Chapter 20 - Fourth Step
Chapter 21 - The moon goddes

Chapter 8 - Bellatrix Part Four

123 6 2
By karineprincess

Chapter 8 - Bellatrix Part Four

 Morning had become afternoon, and afternoon a dark night. The air grew colder, the sun out of view and sharing no warmth with the night. But even in this weather, Bellatrix's cheeks were flushed with warmth, her breath coming in pants as she tiredly slid against the wall, falling to the cold ground under. With a glance at the corner of the wall, seeing an angry mob with fiery red torches angrily pass by her, she sighed in relief. She had finally lost them, after hours of running and more running.

It was at that moment of momentary relief and relaxation, that something a situation such as that one called for – a random voice. “Pussy.” Such a classy word drifted in the night air...a word I am forced to write down.

Bellatrix blinked, confused. Her red eyes darted around, searching for the voice's owner, but there was no one in sight. Thinking it was all in her mind because she was tired from all the running, she closed her eyes and sighed. She had got it right though, and so the voice sounded in her mind once more, just like it would happen to any other sane person. “Why run? If you are gonna run anyway, at least run after them,not from them. And then you can beeeeeep and beeeep and beeep...” I think you get the point, and so I shall not fill these pages with all the profanities uttered. I have already heard enough for today. If it weren't for my threatening- convincing the hotel manager to let us stay a few more days after the intense cat fight between a snapped Bellatrix and Bast, resulting in many broken pieces of furniture, there would be no roof over our heads tonight.

Ahem! Anyway, enough of that. At each censored word uttered, Bellatrix winced, covering her ears in a failed attempt at blocking off the innocence-shattering words. “S-Stop!” She stuttered, voice weak in comparison to the crude- confident voice in her head.

“Huuuh?” The voice drawled. “Why do I have to be quiet? I'll make you hear me no matter what!”

Teary eyes, panting breaths, and more running...I think you get the picture. Bellatrix, being the stupid- delicate girl she was, did the most reasonable thing – running from the voice inside her head. Thus, after about an hour of pointless- desperate running, she collapsed in front of the crystalline water of a lake, her annoying- pitiful sobs filling in the night.

Her small hands were brought up to her flushed cheeks, wiping away the warm tears that streaked down her face as she sat there, kneeled in front of the lake. After countless sniffling, she finally realized something any other person would have by then – it was quiet. Yep, no voice in her head.

Bringing her hands down and into the wet dirt, opening her red eyes, she leaned down and looked from under her lashes to the ground, and then to lake. And that is where the problem laid.

But, dear reader, I wonder, do you know what was wrong with it? Shall we check it together? Transparent liquid, illuminated by the soft moonlight? Check. Green trees, slightly swaying in the wind from around the pool of water? Check. The rustling of small animals in the forest? Check. The bright glowing aqua blue fish the lake was known for? Check. Why, everything was as normal as any other day! That is, if you ignored the image of the cocky girl who smirked rather evilly from the water's surface. Guess we now know the cause...

Considering a face that didn't belong to her, but still resembled her own stared up at her from what should have been her reflection in the water, and talked to her through her own mind in a sort of echo, her next move was expected, though I think unnecessary. Because I simply feel like it, I will let the image form in your mind, and let you suffer the consequences. Here it goes:

A simple “Yo!” uttered from the smirking lips on the water, an echo in her mind. Then wide red eyes staring into ones with a evil glint Bast has already been known for, and then the piercing scream which will haunt you in your sleep for days to come. “Kyaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!!!!!!!” I think it was a little longer than that, but I don't feel like writing anymore “a”s, as writing with a feather can be rather tiring. Just imagine a really high-pitched and seemingly never ending scream, the type that makes you go deaf. You did? Good. It hasn't left your mind yet? Not my problem.

I guess at this point I have left you wondering for long enough, and should do my job as the narrator of this damned- epic tale, and actually explain what the hell is going on.

Once upon a time, a time when people didn't yet use the expression “once upon a time,” there was a certain kingdom. It was situated somewhere of the current Cinderella, but was very very different indeed. Even though it was a kingdom, it was really small and consisted of but about a hundred demons- people – the Eirwynians.

The terrain at the time was nothing like the hot and humid forest landscape of today. It was what I call Hell frozen over, but what others call the Age of snow. That's right, the country that is known for it's people and races of fire, was once a place completely covered by snow – literally a hell frozen over backwards.

Now, let us see what it was like back then. Endless snow went on and on, like a desert, until we see, reaching far up into the graying blue sky, a point. It gleams in the little sunlight, an icy blue color. The tower of the crystalline castle reaches far up into the heavens much like an Elder tree you would find a clan of elves in. The difference was, this was man made – the result of years of work by genius sculptors who dedicated their life to the grand icicle masterpiece. And now the descendents of these sculptors, Eirwynians, people with even more developed handcraft skills, lived there peacefully together.

If you went towards their majestic castle, you could hear an almost endless murmuring, like soft music to the ears. And if you went even closer, you could then hear distinct words such as beep, beep, and beep. For the sake of the little innocence you have, dear reader, I have censored the words much like earlier. But, I am afraid, the people who approached the land at that time had no such luck. In the end, anyone, whether a lost traveler or an invading army, would run away for their dear life, not being able to bear the endless torment in their ears for day and night as they got nearer and nearer. Those with willpower enough to get within the reach of the Eirwynians would end up running much the same, though this time with curses directed directly at them as fists and kicks were thrown accurately in their direction, the speed of their pursuers never slowing in the feat.

And so, even though it was a small country, placed in a hard to live climate, no one was stupid- mean enough to attack them. Aw, weren't they all such good friends? Why can't it still be that way? Why can't every country intimidate- make friends with each other, and live in peace? Pssh, that's life for you.

But, moving on, what other than their location, small population, harsh climate, and deadly- friendly tendencies made them stand out enough for me to seemingly randomly mention them? Was it their beautiful and soft light blue clothes that went marvelously well with the scenery? Was it their amazing skills at carving ice the size of mountains with incredible details? Or was it their dirty- impressive way of speaking, which made a simple hello become “Why the beep are you awake?”

Even though those are all amazing traits, they are nothing compared to the story of their ending. That's right, dear reader, these people are no more. They are an extinct race, one which died in a stupid- magnificent way. I shall now walk you through, so that you can feel what they felt, and maybe suffer with them just for the heck of it.

Imagine you are a Eirwynian, leisurely strolling in the snow covered grounds of your land, enjoying the cold air which steals your warmth as clouds of hot breath escape your lips as well as the nice talks you have with your fellow Eirwynians. All of the kingdom has decided to leave the castle together for once, all cursing- talking together. Every single voice echoes in the air, every single word reverberates. They mingle together with a force so strong, that the Earth beneath their feet seems to shake, and suddenly the snow from up the mountain falls down in a great avalanche. Everyone was there, and so everyone ended up ten feet under, dead – killed by their own voices. The Eirwynians were no more, everyone conveniently forgot their existence, and lived happily ever after. The end.

Sniff...such a touching story, am I right, dear reader? I knew you would think so, and that is why I told you it. That and, well, the girl currently staring up from the reflection in the water was somehow an Eirwynian, a race that was supposedly extinct. I know, shocking, right? What could have given it away?

Ignoring the red eyes which have impossibly widened in shock at the discovery of the origins she had no idea of, we shall move on. I have about ten minutes before the shock wears off and the crying begins, together with muffled words which somehow can be clarified as: “Sniff...So sad...they all...they family...died!” and more crying...Yeah, it has become that predictable. Even thought the words she will utter may not come out exactly as I just predicted, it will be creepily similar. That is life, or at least my own sad one.

At least now you may understand the girl reflected on the lake's crystalline water, and her disturbing- amazing way with words. She is the hidden blood of Bellatrix's ancestors – a part of herself she will never be able to run away from. She is also the girl who is wanted by the whole of the Cinderella nation, the one who ran after the boy which is of a race as ancient as her own, one which had ran from the terrible Eirwynians much the same as he did from her. The only difference is, she is the only survivor of hers, while his race are the royals of a very powerful fiery nation composed of passionate people – people who now run after her with torches and a strong killer intent, all this without even knowing of the past.

Considering all this, it is not shocking that the poor Bellatrix would have to run into the depths of the forest, entering a stupid- perilous adventure, which would consist of running from small noises made by creatures such as squirrels, tears mixing with the cold rain as she took shelter under a tree, and even accidentally sitting on a wolf which would then ran after her for at least half a day in revenge. You could almost see the invisible torch in his sharp clawed paws.

But, Bellatrix had no such luck. Her adventure would have to be postponed. This fact was made clear by the following horror scene: The girl sits just on the edge of the oddly vibrant and crystalline lake, a face similar, but not her own staring up at her amidst the glowing light blue fish swimming in the waters. She is shocked, horror stricken, lost for words.

Just when things seemed like they couldn't get worse, the thought of an angry mob searching diligently for her in the back of her head, a random voice, the second one today, sounds in the suddenly eerily silent forest.

“Yo!” Oh, the innocence of a greeting, and the terror the realization of it's owner brings to the poor girl. It would not have scared her if the echo-like voice which sounded in her head had said it.

With wide, terror-filled red eyes, she slowly turned her head back, the white light of the moon moving in the slightly cloudy sky so that the figure became clear.

Lips tug to the side creepily in the faint light, a grin forming. The eyes as red as her own look down at her with a glint so evil even Bast couldn't hope to rival it. It was the look of a hunter catching its prey, imagining the horrors it would soon inflict on its trembling form. And indeed the girl had begun to tremble. She shivered in fear, lips slightly parted, so taken by the figure she didn't see the frown forming on the face reflected on the waters behind her.

It is at this point where the scene departs from a normal horror scene, and the crying starts by me. No worries, I'm pretty good at ignoring. That, and, well, I just took her by the collar and placed her outside my door.

Ahem! Anyway, moving on...The boy, one already presented to all you dear readers as Raffel, a sadistic- innocent child, the one expected to run after her much like every other day, ended up witnessing something so vile – the transformation of a girl into a woman – he was frozen in place.

The long soft pink hair descended in cascades of silk, growing longer and longer. Bellatrix’s limbs also grew under the plain white dress, long and slim, but with the right curves. Was this what shocked him? Though it may have contributed slightly, I think it was really something else. Can you see it? The big, wide, innocent looking orbs, staring fearfully at the figure before them? Do you see as the long dark lashes suddenly look thicker and longer, now over half closed, sharp, piercing red orbs with a glint amidst their midst, looking right through you, to your soul, while their own soul seems to have been just replaced by another? The person before him was no more – she had disappeared - and in her place had appeared this other, older one, with a sadistic smirk tugging at the side of her rosy pink lips.

A slight breeze came, rustling the leaves on the trees. The moon shone brightly in the sky, no clouds covering it anymore. Her long pink hair swayed with the cold night air as she brought herself to her feet, alluring red eyes never leaving his, skin glowing in the white light much like the lake behind her, the spots of shiny blue fish completing the mesmerizing view. The figure before him looked like a goddess in his eyes, and he couldn't help but wonder in awe.

He did not move as the figure approached him. His eyes did not leave hers as her hand slowly reached up, her cold fingers brushing gently against his flushed cheeks. He did, however, flinch as her long nails dug into his skin, blood trickling down from the wound.

We all have that moment in our lives, that moment when we realize some amazing truth, something that blows our minds away. It makes our hearts flutter, our minds go blank. Perhaps that is what stupid- poor Raffel felt as he looked up, the slanted eyed, sadistic girl smirking down at him, licking the blood from her nail. He just realized that the little crybaby- fragile girl before him was really anything but that. The whole world as he knew it came tumbling down. But, he had no time to contemplate that.

It soon became a time when we see the reaction the person has at this new discovery. People, all being very different, react in different ways to things. The way Raffel reacted, was running with all his might from the smiling girl who sang- cursed at him through the forest, swinging her arm evilly- lovingly in the air, nailing- caressing any of his exposed tanned skin. His skin had many thin cuts across now, and he felt the pain as the cold night air bit at it. Still, he didn't stop. Still, he didn't fight back. And still, he actually felt good. From all the reactions he could have, he chose to feel good. At every slice- caress of her nail, at every curse- melody thrown his way, at every evil- beautiful smile on her face, his heart fluttered, beating faster and faster, a sudden pleasure erupting through his body.

Even while running, he couldn't help but sigh in pleasure. He had found a strong girl – one who wasn't afraid of him, one who wouldn't cry, one who wasn't afraid to speak her mind, one who currently aimed all her bottled up anger and tension at him, and was a wanted criminal to the whole of Cinderella country. Wasn't she just the perfect girl?

Well, after the little incident I call “the death of the sadist, and the birth of the masochist,” it was actually not surprising at all that we find out heroine, now back to her normal size, hands tangled in her long pink hair as her red eyes look at the ground exasperatedly, kneeling in the dirt, somewhere in the forest. The realization of what happened, something she actually remembered this time, watching with horror from somewhere in the back of her mind, hit her hard. That and, well, Raffel wasn't exactly helping, appearing now and then from behind a tree, random flowers collected in his hands, big goofy grin on his hard, yet childish features. When Bellatrix would do the normal, run for her life with tears in her eyes, he would run after her, smile still in place as he yelled into the forest “Why are you running? Was I bad boy? Then all you have to do is punish me! Yes, do punish me!” This had the opposite affect than he wanted, as she just ran even harder, tears flying in the air at her speed. When she finally outran him, and thus hid behind a tree as right now, he was sure to find her again, a new batch of fresh flowers sure to be in his hands. And that is why, even though she should have expected it, the shrill cry rung into the cold night air like all the other times, rousing the sleeping birds, and resulting in her running once again.

More because of this than the fact that there were still angry people who wanted to capture her for hurting their stupid- delicate young prince, only taking a night brake for sleep, the delayed plan of the forest adventure was finally carried out, now seeming like paradise compared to what had just happened, though still bringing tears to her eyes nonetheless. And this is how yet another unfortunate- lovely soul embarked on the journey that would lead to our damned- beautiful and inevitable encounter.

Another chapter is closed, while another will open, signaling both a beginning and end. I again thank all you dear readers for sticking with this so far, enduring the troubles I have to endure every of my waking days.

I am sure that by now you are glad not to have to hear more of that crybaby, having the image of her annoying- pitiful cries echoing in your mind. Believe me when I say I am glad for you, and also when I say that I envy you for being able to escape it, secretly wanting to have some hidden blood which will allow me to curse at you and say it the fault of insanity. Alas, I don't have any such diabolic- amazing blood, and will have to settle for a simple goodbye, with my best wishes that you continue reading, and continue suffering as much as I, the one who now has to leave as I hear heavy steps followed by incessant crying heading my way. Pray for my safety, and of Bast's, who I am sure caused all this mess. He will pay. No doubt about that.'

[A.N.: I'm so sorry I didn't update soon! I tried writing this earlier, actually did start it really early. But, I haven't had enough time, thus resulting in me not being able to finish it. Even though I like getting a peaceful time where I feel inspired, and write a whole chapter at once laisurely, I couldn't. This chapter was the result of many days that I found a bit of time. I tried my best, had fun, and hope you all enjoy it! After cursing my incredible amount of homework, a result of going to an international school, I will make a decision to write for regularly! I will find time! I need to! I need to write, because I love to and don't want to make you all wait. Thanks if you have read everything, even my rant. Please vote if you enjoyed reading this chapter, and comment your opinion, whatever it may be.  This chapter is dedicated to Dream-chaser, who hopefully doesn't hate me for the wait, and still thinks my writing is good. xD]

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