ColorBlind: A Story of Forbid...

By rcbates

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The only wish Christina's Grandma had was to know her mother, whom she never got the chance to meet after she... More

ColorBlind: A Story of Forbidden Love
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten

Chapter Three

49 0 0
By rcbates

Chapter Three

"It had been a couple days since Toby returned home. It was beginning to feel like old times again and though it was planned for him to be leaving soon, everything in me wanted him to stay. 'Hello Miss Esther.' he greeted while walking into the kitchen interrupting me making breakfast."Toby.' I said back without looking up. He dipped his finger into the pancake batter i was fixin' and licked it off, i shooed him away. 'Boy! Now I can't cook with you all under me. Gon' and sit at that table and find you something to do.' He laughed, which made me smile, 'I'm sorry, I can't help it. I've missed your cooking!' We both laughed. 'Do you mind if I help, sort of like old times?' I looked at him  and nodded,'Course you can but put that there apron on. We don't wanna ruin your clothes cause Lord knows your Mama would pop a gasket.' He chuckled while grabbing the apron. 'Mornin' Esther. What are we cookin for breakfast today?',Dorothy walked into the kitchen talking to me, oblivious to who was in there keeping me company. 'Well Toby and I have already started the pancakes...' her head snapped up so quick i was afraid it would've snapped off. 'Toby...' she whispered glancing at him. He smiled, 'Good Morning.' Once again there was that awkward silence where they stared at each other. This time I cleared my throat, 'Dorothy. Why don't you head out and set the table. I can hold it down it here.' She nodded slowly and headed out. 'I'll go with you!' Toby rushed toward Dorothy while ripping off his apron. 'I-i've got it.' She answered holding out her hand in protest. "Miss Dorothy, you can't turn down my requests. I am the son of the master of this house, It would rude.' toby smiled cockily at her while grabbing her hand. "I guess you're right. come along then.' Dorothy smiled back. Then they headed off. Because the kitchen was so close to the dining area, I could hear their entire conversation. 'Put the napkins there and the forks there…' Dorothy ordered. I could hear the clinging of silverware against the oak wood table. 'Why do you get so nervous around me.' Toby asked her. I could her Dorothy stop her motions, Toby however kept setting the table. I smiled to myself, that was him…confident. 'Nervous?' she questioned. 'What makes you think i get nervous?' Now Toby stopped, 'Your hands start to shake when you see me and you can't look me in my eyes. you also play with your curls a lot.' I could tell he was looking at her, trying to figure her out. 'Thats not me being nervous.' she replied. 'Oh it's not? then might i asked what it is then?' Toby challenged. 'Its me being cautious.' Dorothy challenged back. Toby must've looked confused because Dorothy said, 'You seem to enjoy my presence a little more than you should. I like to be cautious to keep control of myself…' It was silent for a moment. 'So what you're saying is you can't control yourself around me?' I could practically hear the smile in Toby's voice. 'No—' 'Yes.' 'Why are you so confident that I have some sort of feelings for you besides the ones i should have?' Dorothy said. 'Because I see the way you look at me when you think i'm not noticing….and i know you see the way i look at you.' I decided i wanted to be even more nosey and crack the door slightly open so i could actually see what was going on. Toby was behind Dorothy, his hand touching the small of her back. 'You can't pretend you didn't feel it too. It was too strong for you not to feel it too.' Dororthy swiveled around so fast, pushing Toby off of her. 'It doesn't matter what you thought you felt. This…whatever this is, is a figment of your imagination and i'm not going to let you make it into something more.'  She started to walk off, until Toby snatched her arm and pulled her close. 'Dorothy. If you need me to declare my feelings for you to make this seem real I will. But you will not pretend as though my feelings are a joke.' They just stood there, close enough to smell each others breath. I had never seen Toby act so dominant before. Maybe because Toby wasn't a man before…he was a boy. 'I'm sorry.' Dorothy apologized in a whisper, caught in the blue sea of Toby's eyes. 'Don't be sorry for being frightened. I may have come on a little too strong.' he let her go. It was quiet again but this time Dorothy spoke up. '…I felt it too.' she admitted, 'But we both know these feelings are ridiculous.' Toby looked angry at Dorothy's reply, 'And why are they ridiculous?' 'Well, i am colored and you're….well, you're white.' Dorothy looked down embarrassed. Toby's face softened, then slowly he shed a smirk. 'Im aware of my race and highly aware of yours.' Dorothy looked up. 'If i wanted a  white girl, i'd have a white girl. But you see i want you.' he picked up her hand and held it in his. Dorothy blushed and looked down again. 'It wouldn't work.  We would just be keeping secret after secret and eventually it'll get old and you'll get tired of sneaking around with the help.' she played with his fingers, flirting. Toby lifted her chin up with his finger, ' Well i guess we'll get to that bridge when we cross it.' They stared at each other, both smiling. Just then Katie came storming into the kitchen, 'Esther! Is breakfast done yet? I'm starving!' I jumped at the sound of her voice, so did Toby and Dorothy. they scrambled away from each other so fast all you could hear was the wind of their speed. 'Yes ma'am Miss Katie. I'm finishing up right now.' I answered once I caught my breath. Katie raised an eyebrow at me and glanced at the door. Then she crossed over to the door and pushed it open. Toby sat at the table while Dorothy continued to set the silverware. Katie watched them with a curious eye. Toby looked up, pretending that he didn't know she had arrived. 'Oh Good Morning Cousin!' He smiled. Well played Toby. 'Morning Toby, may i ask why you're in the dining room so early? Breakfast hasn't even begun.' Katie glanced Dorothy up and down, which made Dorothy nervous. 'Well i figured i'd chat with the new help. Get to know her…isn't that right Dorothy?' Dorothy stopped in her tracks, looked at Toby, and then answered, 'Course Sir.' Toby looked back at Katie and nodded. Katie nodded too, 'Well your father is looking for you in his office.' Toby nodded and retreated to his father's office with Katie in front of him leading the way. On his way out he brushed Dorothy's hand and glanced at her. Dorothy did the same. 

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