All Things Possible - Distric...

By MyMindAmusesMe

5.5K 101 13

[Book 2] - I wouldn't say I like him but I can't stop these intimate feelings for him. Like, I want nothing m... More

All Things Possible - District3 - Greg West
Part 2
Part 3
Part 4
Part 5
Part 6
Part 7
Part 8
Part 9
Part 10
Part 11
Part 12
Part 13
Part 14
Part 15
Part 16
Part 17
Part 19
Part 20
Part 21
Part 22
Part 23
Part 24
Part 25
Not an update.
Part 26
Part 27
Part 28
Part 29
Part 30

Part 18

129 2 0
By MyMindAmusesMe

Part 18: -

Elianna’s POV

“Well, what do we have here? The lovebirds getting frisky in the hallway” Ella grinded. My face turned beetroot. I was totally embarrassed because I was on the floor in a dress, while Greg was laid on top of me, trying to distinguish the fact that my dress had ridden up.

“Um… We weren’t doing anything,” Greg quickly said.

“Mm, sure you weren’t. I quite clearly saw you through the little peephole. And I only checked because something hit the door hard. But you wouldn’t have heard, since you were both wrapped up in your own little world” Ella said consciously.

“Did you just try and make a sexual reference?” I randomly blurted out. After I said it, everyone looked as me as if I was stupid. Ok, maybe saying that wasn’t such a good idea.

“I insinuated it but come to think of it, we don’t know if it happened. I’m not trying to say - Oh my gosh, I need to learn to shut up” Ella muttered.

“Babe, maybe it’s time to learn to keep quiet in the best of times. And obviously, your pregnancy brain isn’t helping much” Micky laughed. I wanted to so badly burst out laughing but it was merely impossible, due to the circumstances that Greg and I were in. Me, worse than him.

“Maybe” She whispered. I knew she was feeling like crap for doing what she done but maybe she was trying to defuse the tension. I don’t know.

“Guys, um, can you turn your heads the other way. Just until we get up. Elianna’s kinda had an accident with her dress,” Greg asked embarrassed. 

“Uh sure” Dan spoke.

    Greg got off me, while pulling the bit of my dress, which had, fallen up. I was thankful for him doing it because then no one would’ve seen my knickers, which weren’t the nicest pair in the world. Big ole granny knickers instead of the cute lovey dovey ones. Not that great. I wish I could’ve worn better knickers but I can’t be arsed today. I just don’t want things to be for the worse.

    Greg helped me up once he got up himself. I smiled as he did it because it showed he was a true gentleman. A true gentleman is better than a false gentleman. A false gentleman is one who only cares about treating a woman at the start of things, instead of all the way through. A false gentleman is only in it for once thing and that’s sex. They just want their hole filled. Well, not that they have a hole. Oh, you get the point. Of course, I do still have my intimate feelings for Greg, like I do have these intense feelings of just shoving him right up against the wall and riding him like a donkey. Or a horse. Whichever you prefer.

“It’s alright guys, you can turn round now. We’re up” Greg announced once we were up.

“Good, my necks getting sore” Micky joked.

“Mick, you’ll have much more worries than a sore neck, soon,” Dan laughed.

“Oh I know. I’ll be kicked, I’ll be punched and I’ll be bruised by that little one,” Micky said while looking at Ella’s stomach. I admired the admiration he had for Ella and the admiration he had for his child. You could tell that he loved them so much. I just wished my parents felt the same.

    We were on our way to the court now. I was literally nervous, as was Greg. I could feel how tense he was through the grip he had on our clasped hands. It was like nothing I’d ever felt before. And we’ve been through a lot in the last few weeks/days. However, it’s about to get worse. We were about to face them, face to face. We were about to give our evidence, to hopefully get them locked away. I don’t know if I’m able to take it. I really don’t.

    Ella’s face was becoming more screwed up as time went on. I guess her pains were getting quite severe. I know she’s trying to brave the trial but no one knows how long it’s going to go on, I don’t know. I just wish she’d reside to going to hospital, because that’s where she needs to be. She needs to be there, just in case it comes early. I don’t know. I don’t wanna prude into her pregnancy.

   As we stepped into the courtroom, managing to dodge the paparazzi, our lawyer, who was representing us both, met us. I was thankful for it because I was too scared to ask for one. I was just too frightened to ask for one to represent me so the police kinda gave us one. We didn’t steal the lawyer, it was given.

“So Mr West and Miss Borthwick?” Our lawyer questioned.

“That’s us,” Greg said. He never let go my hand once, the tension just got tighter on my hand.

“Can you follow me? And can your friends go sit in the waiting room until we’re ready” Our lawyer continued.

“We’ll see you guys in a bit and good luck” Micky smiled.

“Thanks, we’ll see you soon” Greg continued.

    Greg and I followed the lawyer in to a small, compact room. It was like an interrogation room but not really as intimidating. Greg still hasn’t let go my hand and I feel like it’s sometimes about to fall off because of his death grip. I did love him but damn, his grip was really tight.

“So before we enter the courtroom I need to know a few facts. I’ve been told mostly everything from the police but I really need your version of events. How about you start Miss Borthwick”

“Um, I went out with friends to forget about few things that were happening. Started drinking at 3pm with my friends, ate and then went to the new club that opened. After that, I’ve no idea. Woke up in a warehouse tied to a bed, with Greg in a corner shaking. I asked Greg to untie me but they threatened us and then they threw Greg in another room. Then they attacked me repeatedly. They didn’t feed us or water us, just left us malnourished,” I stated. Greg began rubbing his thumb across the back of my hand to try to calm me. I knew I was heading for a breakdown but I had to remain calm and collected to be able to make it to the courtroom.

“And you Mr West?” The lawyer said, scribbling down on paper.

“It was just was Elianna said, except they did actually hurt me too. I know I’ve kept really helpful information back from the police but I was scared. Scared in case I was kept in longer in the hospital. When I was in hospital, I had images, nightmares of it all happening. The way they kicked me, the way they kept punching me in the balls. And the way they kept telling me I was useless, worthless and that Elianna would never go for me” Greg spoke downhearted. Wait what? Greg was attacked too. What the hell? Why didn’t he tell anyone? This is weird.

Greg’s POV

I knew that when I told people of the beatings then there’d be confused faces. Especially Elianna’s, I knew I’d hurt her by saying that I was beat. I knew I’d kept it a secret but I couldn’t quite say anything, especially when my thoughts were haunting me, much worse lately. I couldn’t say anything because the voices that were erupting in my head, with the images, were haunting me. I couldn’t exactly go back to the therapist because she was nothing but a bitch to me. She was snarky and everything. It was just as if she hated me before she even knew the situation or me.

    Our lawyer, whom we were yet to know his name quickly, wrote everything down in note form. I knew my grip on Elianna’s hand was like death but I was terrified of everything that was possibly going to happen. I was terrified of them getting free and possibly doing it again, I was terrified of even facing them. I was just terrified of everything.

    We were lead in to the courtroom. It was big and weird but we were told to go wait in the witness box. I really didn’t know how Ella was managing to hold up, especially with the pains she’s having. My hand still hadn’t left Elianna’s, because I felt that if I let go, then she’d be taken away from me. I needed her; I needed her next to me, guiding me and reassuring me. Just like, I’ll be reassuring her.

    After a few minutes, everyone was seated and the court was ready to start. I also felt myself starting to panic. I was panicking because those idiots came into view. They were both wearing smug looks on their faces. It was as if they were happy with what they’d done. It was as if they were both happy they done this to us. Nevertheless, it wasn’t nice and it’ll never be nice. I know I may never have to see them again but it still hurt. It still made the wounds as fresh as anything did. It made me feel ridiculed. I just felt like I wasn’t worth anything.

    The judge entered and we all had to rise, as an act of courtesy. I knew it was about to get serious and I knew we’d have to stand up and give the evidence. I knew I’d have to talk about my beatings in much more details and I wasn’t ready for that. I wasn’t ready to admit to everything. It was scary and I knew it was going to be that but I had to get over it. I had to give the vital evidence that was going to bring them down. Yeah, they’ll probably go to prison for what they’ve done, especially to Elianna but I don’t know how long for.

    Everyone was seated and the judge called upon me first. I was literally shaking. It wasn’t pleasant or nice standing here, having everyone stare at me. It felt like they were gauging me down. It didn’t feel nice at all.

“Mr West, do you adhere to the rules of the bible?”

“I do. I adhere to tell the truth, and nothing but the truth” I spoke shakily.

“Good, so Mr West can you explain as to what happened when you were kidnapped” The judge asked.

“Do you want the start before the kidnapping or just from the kidnapping?” I questioned. I was scared so badly, and it was affecting me hearing, unfortunately.

“It’d be nice if you told me from the start of the day”

“Well, um, around 3 in the afternoon, I went to go see Elianna. My girlfriend, but she wasn’t in and we had some stuff to sort out. However, because she wasn’t there, I went a walk to clear my head.  I ended up at a play park and ended up meeting a friend from school there. We went for drinks in the new club that opened up downtown. I remember drinking one drink and then feeling incredibly thirsty after it so I kept ordering more to try to cure the thirst but it didn’t work. After a while, I completely lost where I was and I actually felt like I was delusional because I imagined I asked Elianna out, there and then but we were still friends.

   “When I reopened my eyes the next day, I was in some sort of warehouse. I was able to roam free, while Elianna was tied to a bed. She begged me to untie her but I couldn’t move. I was stricken with fear. They also threatened us. Told us that if I touched her, then I’d live to regret it. However, as time progressed, they shifted me from the room Elianna was in because we kept talking. I was only talking to her, to keep her sane. I also, hid their plan from her because I didn’t want her to worry. And the only reason I heard it was because I awoke before her. After they moved me, they began beating me. I also kept that a secret from the police and from my friends. I know I’ve withheld helpful information but I couldn’t speak of it. Because I knew that if I spoke of it, then it’d make it real. It all felt like a dream to be honest with you. When they were beating me, they targeted my ribs and my spine. I haven’t even dared looking at my back because I don’t know if it’s still as bad as before or what.

    “After a couple of days, they moved us to this new house. Stuffed Elianna and I in a basement. However, before that happened, they sexually assaulted Elianna many times over. Kept her tied and stuffed her mouth. Then once we were in the new house and in the basement, they made me watch. The younger one, held my head while his dad - I’m presuming - pummelled into her. After that happened, all I felt was myself falling out of consciousness” I rattled off. Well, that’s out in the open now.

Ella’s POV

When Greg spoke about being beat up, I gasped. How could he keep that a secret? He was hurt for god knows what reason.

   The pain in my stomach was becoming more prominent as the events rolled on and I was sure I was gonna go into labour before the court ended. The pains were severe but I wanted to risk it, to be here to support them both. I know they had their other friends and family there, around them. Well, not their families, Greg’s was busy, while Elianna’s wasn’t exactly the nicest bunch. I knew Micky wasn’t happy with me, with the way I slightly demanded I came today. He did understand my reasoning but did give me the evil glare. Still is doing it mind you but I’m shrugging it off.

    Elianna had also given her evidence, a little more detailed than Greg’s but something was off. The way her ‘friends’ hadn’t shown up to support her. It was as if they were behind the attack, as well as the idiots who were standing trial. I don’t know, I guess I’m just speaking rhetorically since I’m out of things at the moment.

“Micky, I swear these pains are getting worse,” I whispered.

“Do you need to leave?” He asked back.

“I can’t, I need to be here for both of them. I did say I’d be there, every step of the way”

“El, you can’t help being pregnant and having pains, on your actual due date”

“I know but they’re so severe but I can’t leave”

“El, you’ll have to if everything’s so painful”

“I’m not leaving Micky,” I stated. I had to be here for them. I promised them I would and that’s what I’m doing.

Elianna’s POV

Once I’d given my evidence, I sat back down. I was shaking like nothing else. It was as if I’d done wrong when I hadn’t. I just don’t know what’s going on anymore.

   I looked towards the stands, where everyone was. I saw Ella whispering stuff to Micky but I could see by her face that she’s in pain. However, I knew everyone was tense with everyone. They were all waiting on the verdict, just as Greg and I were.

    Half an hour later, the judge and the jury had come back and gave us the verdict. They were sentenced to 25 years in jail for attempted murder, sexual assault, drug charges and kidnapping. So you could say justice was served, kinda. 

A/N: -

I apologise for the crap ending to it but I didn't include Elianna's evidence because hers were too graphic and yeah, it's rubbish I know. Happy belated birthday to the stories main character Greg :) also he now shares his birthday with the royal baby, haha xD 

But only one more main thing to go through and then this stories finished :o eep and then it's Dan's story 

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