End Up Here (Ziam AU)

By megz1985

829K 32.5K 4.8K

Zayn Malik, 22 years old, full time student, part time waiter, and single father. Zayn's a busy man with very... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty One
Chapter Twenty Two
Chapter Twenty Three
Chapter Twenty Four
Chapter Twenty Five
Chapter Twenty Six
Chapter Twenty Seven
Chapter Twenty Eight
Chapter Twenty Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty One
Chapter Thirty Two
Chapter Thirty Three
Chapter Thirty Four
Chapter Thirty Five
Chapter Thirty Six
Chapter Thirty Seven
Chapter Thirty Eight
Chapter Thirty Nine
Chapter Forty
Chapter Forty One
Chapter Forty Two
Chapter Forty Three
Chapter Forty Four
Chapter Forty Five
Chapter Forty Six
Chapter Forty Seven
Chapter Forty Eight
Chapter Forty Nine
Chapter Fifty
Chapter Fifty One
Chapter Fifty Two
Chapter Fifty Three
Chapter Fifty Five
Chapter Fifty Six
Chapter Fifty Seven
Chapter Fifty Eight
Chapter Fifty Nine
Chapter Sixty
Chapter Sixty One
Chapter Sixty Two
Chapter Sixty Three
Chapter Sixty Four
Chapter Sixty Five
Chapter Sixty Six
Chapter Sixty Seven
Chapter Sixty Eight
Chapter Sixty Nine
Chapter Seventy
Chapter Seventy One
Chapter Seventy Two
Chapter Seventy Three
Chapter Seventy Four
Chapter Seventy Five
Chapter Seventy Six
Chapter Seventy Seven
Chapter Seventy Eight
Chapter Seventy Nine
Chapter Eighty
Chapter Eighty One
Chapter Eighty Two
Chapter Eighty Three
Chapter Eighty Four
Chapter Eighty Five
Chapter Eighty Six
Chapter Eighty Seven
Chapter Eighty Eight
Chapter Eighty Nine
Chapter Ninety
Chapter Ninety One
Chapter Ninety Two
Chapter Ninety Three
Chapter Ninety Four
Chapter Ninety Five
Chapter Ninety Six
Chapter Ninety Seven
Chapter Ninety Eight
Chapter Ninety Nine
Chapter One Hundred
Chapter One Hundred One
Chapter One Hundred Two
Chapter One Hundred Three
Chapter One Hundred Four
Chapter One Hundred Five
Chapter One Hundred Six
Chapter One Hundred Seven
Chapter One Hundred Eight
Chapter One Hundred Nine
Chapter One Hundred Ten
Chapter One Hundred Eleven
Chapter One Hundred Twelve
Chapter One Hundred Thirteen
Chapter One Hundred Fourteen
Chapter One Hundred Fifteen
Chapter One Hundred Sixteen
Chapter One Hundred Seventeen
Chapter One Hundred Eighteen
Chapter One Hundred Nineteen
Chapter One Hundred Twenty
Chapter One Hundred Twenty One
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Two
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Three
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Four
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Five
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Six
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Seven
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Eight
Chapter One Hundred Twenty Nine
Chapter One Hundred Thirty
Chapter One Hundred Thirty One
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Two
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Three
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Four
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Five
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Six
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Seven
Chapter One HUndred Thirty Eight
Chapter One Hundred Thirty Nine
Chapter One Hundred Forty
Chapter One Hundred Forty One
Chapter One Hundred Forty Two
Chapter One Hundred Forty Three
Chapter One Hundred Forty Four
Chapter One Hundred Forty Five
Chapter One Hundred Forty Six
Chapter One Hundred Forty Seven
Chapter One Hundred Forty Eight
Chapter One Hundred Forty Nine
Chapter One Hundred Fifty
Chapter One Hundred Fifty One
Chapter One Hundred Fifty Two
Epilogue Zayn
Epilogue Liam

Chapter Fifty Four

6.1K 239 63
By megz1985

Chapter Fifty Four – Liam

Liam groans as he flips through the large pile of files on his desk, a few days after the engagement, he and Niall are in the middle of what could be one of the biggest buyouts of their career as long as they handle everything correctly. This isn't the first time Liam's navigated a buyout of another company, but it could potentially be the biggest and open up Payne Industries to a whole new world. "Liam?" Elise's voice buzzes through the speaker on his desk, "what is it Elise?" he sighs. "Sorry to bother you, but there's a Louis Tomlinson on line two, he says it's important" Elise explains, Liam furrows his eyebrows, wondering why Louis would be calling him, while he's at work, what could his fiance's best friend want right now, "thanks Elise, and you're not bothering me" he replies, reaching for his phone. "Louis this better be important" Liam growls as soon as he presses the button for line two, Louis chuckles into the phone, "hello to you too" he laughs and Liam rolls his eyes. "Look Louis, if you just called to laugh into the phone, I'm hanging up, I have a ton of work to do today, and I would like to get home to see Zayn and Bella before tomorrow" Liam sighs. Louis makes a whining sound into the phone, "okay, no don't hang up I'm sorry" he says quickly, "I actually was hoping you and I could get some lunch, today, if you had a chance?" Louis adds. Liam furrows his eyebrows still confused, but he does need to eat and it was lunchtime, "alright Louis, where do you want me to meet you?" he asks slowly.

Liam runs a hand through his hair as he pulls into the parking lot of the restaurant Louis wanted to meet at, it's more of a diner than anything, and Liam feels comfortable as soon as he walks through the door. He spots Louis almost instantly, playing on his phone in a booth in the back corner of the restaurant, and dodges a waitress as he makes his way over to him. Louis looks up and grins at him, gesturing for him to sit across from him, "thanks for meeting me" he grins and Liam just nods in response still confused as to why Louis wanted to meet him. "I already ordered you a burger,and a Coke, hope that's okay" Louis says as Liam sits down, and Liam nods slowly, because it's what he would have ordered, but he's still confused. "Okay you look confused" Louis laughs and Liam arches an eyebrow at him, "you think? Louis we rarely hang out without Zayn what is this about?" he asks. Louis sighs, "I just thought with you marrying my best friend we should hang out just the two of us" he explains, and Liam looks at him confused. There's something else going on with Louis, something off, he's normally bouncing off of walls, and right now he seems too calm, too relaxed for everything to be alright. "Louis what's really going on?" Liam asks quietly, leaning back to allow the waitress to place their drinks down on the table, "am I that obvious?" Louis asks and Liam chuckles nodding his head.

Neither one of them says anything else for a minute and Liam knows Louis is trying to organize his thoughts, so he gives him a minute. "Alright so I know about your run in with Sadie, and I'm worried about all three of you if I'm being honest" Louis says quickly, after a moment. Liam furrows his eyebrows at him, "Lou, I don't, what are you talking about?" Liam stutters and Louis chuckles "your encounter with Sadie at the park Li, Zayn told me all about it, and I'm worried. But not just about Zayn and Bella, about you too" he explains. Liam furrows his eyebrows, because he's a grown man and can take care of himself, so he tells Louis as much. "Yes you can, but Sadie is a different kind of crazy, she will stop at nothing to get what she wants. I found out from one of her friends that if Zayn hadn't willingly gone with her at that party, she was going to drug him" Louis murmurs, and Liam can feel his heart rate picking up a little, that maybe they've been underestimating her. "Also I've seen her around campus a lot lately, usually trying to hide, and always watching Zayn. I just, something doesn't feel right Liam" Louis adds. Liam nods, taking a sip of his drink to distract himself, "so what are you saying?" he asks, Louis sighs, shaking his head, "I don't know Liam, but I know you need to be careful" he answers.

They stop talking when their food arrives, Liam thanking the waitress before she walks away. "Okay enough about Sadie" Louis says suddenly, and Liam arches an eyebrow at him, "what are you thinking for a honeymoon Payne? I need details" he asks. Liam chuckles, shaking his head as he takes a bite out of his burger, head spinning a little at the abrupt conversation change. "I honestly don't know Lou, I was hoping you could help me actually" Liam says once he's swallowed, Louis just arches an eyebrow at him and gestures for him to continue, "where has Zayn always wanted to go, somewhere he's never been but always dreamed about?" Liam asks. He's been thinking about the honeymoon since he first bought the ring and although Paris and Disneyland were fun, he wants to take Zayn somewhere special, somewhere he's always wanted to go, and enlisting Zayn's best friend to tell him where that is, can give Liam the element of surprise. Louis appears to be deep in thought as he chews on his burger, "I'm impressed Payne" he murmurs once he swallows and Liam smirks at him, his relationship with Louis is strange, they get along, and enjoy each others company, but they do like to annoy one another. Louis takes a sips of his drink before setting it down and focusing his gaze on Liam, "I know he's always talked about going to Barcelona, since we were young. He originally planned to take a trip there after he graduated, but then Arabella came along and I think he's pretty much given up on that" Louis says slowly. "Spain" Liam murmurs and Louis nods, "yeah Spain" he answers and Liam grins, "thanks Louis that's a big help" he crows. Louis just waves him away, but Liam is more grateful than he can express because he plans to give Zayn the trip of his dreams.

"So Liam?" Louis asks, as Liam is paying for both of their lunches, Liam arches an eyebrow at him but doesn't say anything, "what is it you do all day?" Louis asks. Liam chuckles, "you mean besides running a multi-million dollar company?" he teases and Louis grins, "yeah besides that" he answers, waving his hand dismissively. "Is this your way of asking to come see my office?" Liam teases, elbowing Louis gently, "I never said that, but if you're offering" Louis trails off, and Liam laughs, "come on, get in the car" he chuckles, Louis grinning and running around to the passenger side. Once they're driving, Liam glances over to Louis, "so how are things with you and Harry?" he asks, watching as Louis just lights up, "really good, he's busy with school and work, but I'm busy with school and rehearsals, so it works out. But he really is the best thing in my life" he answers, and Liam grins. "When are you gonna pop the question?" Liam asks, laughing as Louis splutters, "not for a while, our relationship isn't like you and Zayn's, we do things a lot slower" he answers finally, Liam nods "I get that" he murmurs, turning his attention back to the road as he makes his way back towards his office.

Once they arrive Liam parks in his spot next to Niall's, chuckling a little at the gasp that Louis lets out, "Bella told me it was huge, but she thinks everything is big, so I wasn't expecting this" he murmurs. Liam lets out a laugh at that, "she's a smart girl" he smirks, "c'mon" he says, climbing out of the car, Louis following behind him. Liam leads Louis up to the top floor, where his and Niall's offices are, "this is where the magic happens" he jokes, watching Louis smirk, as Elise bites her lip and raises an eyebrow at them as they pass, "Elise this is Louis, Zayn's best friend" Liam introduces. "Nice to meet you, anything I can get you gentlemen?" Elise asks, and Liam fights the urge to roll his eyes at her, "no, no, we're fine" he dismisses her, leading Louis into his office. "You really do have pinball in here" Louis exclaims, rushing to the back corner where a vintage pinball machine sits, in case Liam, or anyone else wants to play. Liam laughs "yeah, go ahead" he chuckles as Louis dives towards it and starts to play.

Liam's attempting to concentrate as Louis plays pinball in the corner of the room, but the sounds from the machine keep pulling his attention away from the papers on his desk and over to Louis. When he looks closer he can see that something is bothering the younger man, but he's not sure what it could be, and he's not sure he and Louis are close enough for him to pry into it. Louis huffs out a dramatic sigh and turns away from the pinball machine to flop onto the couch across from his desk. Liam bites his lip before looking up at Louis, "alright Lou, what is it?" he asks, Louis looks up at him, blinking slowly, "what do you mean?" he counters. Liam sighs, "I mean, there's something else bothering you, what is it?" he asks again. Louis shakes his head, "it's nothing" he mutters and Liam groans, "Lou, it's obviously something, enough to make you call me for lunch then follow me back to my office, so tell me what's going on" he demands. Louis huffs and flips around so he's sitting up, "I guess I'm just worried about losing Zayn, now that you two are gonna get married" he mutters quietly.

Liam bites his lip, it all makes sense now, Louis really wants to make sure that he's not going to lose his best friend once they've said their vows. "Louis, mate. I promise Zayn will always be your best friend first, sure things are changing and our relationship is getting more serious, but at the end of the day he's always going to need you. The two of you have too much history for it to end because of me, or anyone else" he soothes, coming around his desk to sit beside Louis. Louis smiles at him slightly, "I guess just since he's moved in with you, I haven't seen him as much, I miss seeing him everyday I guess, and I know I still see him a lot but it's not the same you know" he explains. Liam nods his head, he completely understands, but before he can speak Louis is again, "don't get me wrong, I think you're great for him, and I see how happy you make him, and Bella. And you're so sweet and gentle with both of them, I guess I just don't want to lose my best friend" he adds. Liam smiles and reaches out to pat Louis' arm, "I get it completely Louis, and thank you. But how about this, Zayn doesn't work tonight, how about I go home a little early, and spend the night with Bella, and I'll send Zayn over to yours, you two can have a night to yourselves, just like you used to" Liam offers. Louis grins up at him, "you're sure?" he asks and Liam chuckles, "yeah I'm sure. I just have to convince Zayn to leave" he answers. Louis grins, "I'll get him to leave, you just offer to stay home with Bella. I'll handle the rest" he says standing up. Liam smiles "sure thing Lou" he laughs. Louis stops at the door to his office turning back around, "Thanks Li, and please don't tell Zayn about this, he'll probably kill me" he says. Liam chuckles nodding, "I won't say a word Lou" he promises, before Louis practically bounces out of his office.

A/N: Alright so here you go. I hope you enjoyed these chapters and everything they gave you.
Let me know what you thought votes and comments makes me happy, and inspired.
I also want to thank you guys for being there for me this past week, I was having a rough time with some things involving the people I work with, not to mention I was off for a week due to stress, and so many of you were sending me the nicest comments and messages and I really do appreciate them all. And I want you guys to know that it goes both ways if you ever need anything feel free to message me and I'll help in anyway I can.
Alright I'm outta here
Until next time xoxo   

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