Alice Lily Potter: I Fell in...

By AW3313

322K 6.3K 863

Alice Potter is the sister of Harry Potter but Alice finds herself falling in love with Harry's worst enemy! ... More

Alice Lily Potter: I Fell in Love With my Brother's Archenemy
The Knight Bus
Our discussion
Ginny's stubbornness
The Letter
Draco's kind heart?
My letter
Honey Duke's
The Dark Mark
No Promises
Do you trust me now?
Truth or Dare?
Don't pull that BS with me!
The sleep over
Some day
Old archenemy
What do you mean, dad?
How Much is Enough?
Stupid Pug-face!
The Malfoy Manor
The Watch and the Potions Text Book
Fred Weasley
Like A Puzzle
Gordric's Hollow
Birthday Wishes
Ready to become a murderer?
Happy Birthday!
I'm Holding You to That Promise Malfoy
Arieliss and Annabeth
Depends on What you Consider 'Alright.'
The Battle of Hogwarts
The Wedding/ The Last Chapter of this Book:'(
Read or you'll be sorry:)

She can sing?

5.8K 122 8
By AW3313

Chapter Twenty- nine

Draco's POV

"Draco? Are you okay?" came the oddly timid voice of my fiancée.

"Yeah, love. I'm fine." I sighed.

"Draco, love, do you really think that will work with me? I've known you for almost six years now. You can't pull that crap with me." she smirked.

"It just.. I'm pissed that Bella was saying all that stuff about you." I growled.

"She was just trying to prove her point." Alice sighed.

"It's not like any of the stuff she said isn't true." she added.


"But nothing, Draco. I found nothing she said, offensive." she interrupted.

"I found most of it offensive." I spat.

"Why?" she yelled.

"Because you're are mine and I love being around you! I would never leave you voluntarily." I said quickly.


That sounded obsessive.


Alice stared at me, questioningly, for a while then said,"I love you Draco. I would never leave you either, but Bella is right. You and I do spend a lot of time together."

I watched her questioning look for a moment, then pulled her into myself.

"I love you too. I still feel like Bellatrix was being completely ru-"

She was kissing me?

Now of all times?

Well, grrrrrr.

Might as well enjoy.

Then we pulled away.

"What was that for?" I questioned.

"The start or the end?" she asked.

"I dont know, both." I shrugged.

"Well, for the start, I wanted to shut you up. And apparently it worked." she smirked.

"And for the end, I needed to breathe." she finished.

"Why does air always have to ruin our snogging?" I groaned.

"Darn air!" she laughed.

"I've been meaning to show you something." she said, dragging me to a big black contraption.

"What the he'll is that." I said referring to the big black thing.

"You've honestly never seen one of these before?" she gasped.

"Nope, What is it?" I repeated.

"A piano, another thing I'll have to teach you." she mumbled.

"Watch and listen." she smiled.

She started off with a short intro on the 'piano' then sang, "I don't tell anyone about the way you hold my hand, I don't tell anyone about the things that we have planned. I won't tell anybody, won't tell anybody. They wanna push me down, they wanna see us fall down."

Her voice was beautiful. Then I listened to the lyrics. 'I won't tell anybody that you turn my world around. I won't tell anyone that your voice is my favourite sound.'

I've never heard her sing, except for when she was in the shower that one time. She had a great voice.

When she sang this song, I knew she meant every word. I could hear it in her voice.

Then the song slowly came to an end.

"What did you think?" she smiled.

"Wow." Was all I could manage.

"Good wow or bad wow?" she asked.

I held up my thumb.

"Great!" she smiled.

"You have a great voice." I smiled back at her.

"If you think I'm good you should hear dad." she laughed.

Pure shock was written all over my face while Alice continued to laugh at me.

"I was just kidding!" she laughed wiping tears of laughter from her eyes.

"Well, you have a beautiful voice." I smirked at her.

"No, not really.." she sighed.

"No, you have a great voice, you can't deny that." I countered.

"He's right, you know." Professor Snape said, passing by.

"Thanks dad." she called out to Snape, who was out of the room.

"You guys have to say that, he's my dad and your my boyfriend." she said with a disappointed look.

"Okay... Lets pretend I'm Goyle or Crabbe." I grinned.

"What?" she giggled.

"Pretend I'm Crabbe or Goyle." I repeated.

"Okay." she laughed.

"I think you are amazing singer." I said, in a horrible impression of Goyle.

"Well, thank you Mr. Crabbe." she smiled, understanding what I was heading towards.

"I was actually going for Goyle, but same thing." I grinned.

"Oh well, your Draco now, and I'm going to kiss you." she smiled.


Author's note:

Okay, first of all, hi. I just wanted to say this is a wimpy excuse for a chapter... I'm sorry if it was disappointing to anyone.

I'm having a bit of writers block... I guess you can call this a "filler" chapter.

If you're looking for a Fred Weasley Romance, I'll be posting it sometime today. It's called "Annabeth Ella Lestrange: the Gryffindor?"

I've spent most of my time working on that and some on this story and some on "Don't Call Me Nymphadora!"

Sooooo... Yeah... A bit busy.

And the song mentioned in this chapter is "Parachute" by Ingrid Michealson. Thanks for reading. I need some inspiration for this book... I like it, but I'm trying to split my time between school, glee club, and three different books. I need influence to write this one most though because I don't want to let you all down and this is a fun book.

If you know any good Draco or Fred Weasley romances, let me know. Thanks! :D



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