Lucky I'm In Love With My Bes...

By Dark_Nerd_

113K 4.4K 7.4K

I am friends with Tamaki Suoh. Some may even say he's my best friend. But I am only friends with him because... More

1. Friends
2. Pocky
3. Swimming
4. Movies
5. Banana Peels
6. Piano
7. Drunk
8. Snow
9. Instinct
10. Confessions
11. Lucky
12. Fight
13. France
14. Dances
15. Commands: Part 1
17. Fuyumi
18. Accident
19. Discussion
20. Bright
21. Approval
21.5 Deleted Scene (Or Alternate Ending or Something)
Q&A: Answers

16. Commands: Part 2

2.6K 149 222
By Dark_Nerd_

All eyes were on Kyoya and Tamaki, as Kyoya grabbed his hand and ripped his ring off, examining it for a minute, before sticking it in his pocket.

"So did they just..." Hikaru started.

"Break up? Yeah, I think so..." Kaoru replied, a small smile creeping onto his face.


After the fight, there was a lot of tension in the club. Although the girls didn't know what had happened, they knew something was wrong, so they decided not to ask why Tamaki and Kyoya were suddenly not talking to each other. The other hosts decided not to bring it up.

When the day was over, all the hosts quickly left so they wouldn't have to witness another fight, or be stuck in any awkward situations.

It was just Tamaki and Kyoya now.

They packed their bags on opposite sides of the room, both watching as the twins left, the last ones to go. They waited a good minute before confirming that they were gone.

"So, you think they were convinced?" Tamaki asked.

"They seemed to really believe we had just broken up." Kyoya nodded, walking over to Tamaki.

"Sorry... You know I don't believe anything I said about you." Tamaki looked at Kyoya nervously.

"I know. And I didn't mean anything I said to you." Kyoya stared at him with a blank expression.

"So we're broken up. We have to pretend to be mad at each other during club activities now, and we won't be able to see each other after school now." Tamaki sighed.

"It'll be a challenge, yes. But we'll manage. And eventually... I'll convince my father somehow. Or wait until I move out." Kyoya smiled weakly. 

Tamaki stared at him for a moment, before swiftly wrapping his arms around him, burying his face in the other's chest. Kyoya watched him, slowly wrapping his arms around Tamaki. A second a silence went by before Kyoya could hear Tamaki's sobs. He felt his shirt dampen. Kyoya wasn't sure how to comfort him. He had seen when Tamaki faked being sad. And he had seen when Tamaki was quietly depressed. But this was a full sob-and it made Kyoya feel horrible. Kyoya rubbed Tamaki's back comfortingly, in attempt to calm him down. Then the unimaginable happened. 

A tear made it's way down Kyoya's cheek. It wasn't fake, or the product of any eye drops. It was a real tear. He quietly sniffled, closing his eyes. Tamaki looked up, his eyes red and puffy. Tears stained his cheeks. "Kyo..." Tamaki gently wiped away Kyoya's tear. 

Kyoya thought about looking away, or pretending he wasn't actually crying. But this was Tamaki, the one person he trusted. He stared at Tamaki for a moment, before letting out a sob. The tears poured faster. This time, he was the one to bury his face in Tamaki's chest. Tamaki was completely shocked by Kyoya's behavior. It terrified him to see him upset like this. 

"This will never work" He mumbled into Tamaki's chest. "If anyone finds out..." He paused for a moment, clutching Tamaki's shirt. "I don't want anyone hurting you." 

"No one will hur-"

"You don't know that Tamaki!" Kyoya looked up at him, glaring. "My father could! Or one of my brothers. Or your father! They could find out we're still together and decide to take matters into their own hands!" He stared at Tamaki for what felt like forever, before slowly letting go of his shirt, stumbling backwards.

"I-I'm sorry..." He wiped the tears off his cheeks with his sleeve. "I don't know what got into me. I don't understand why I'm crying... why I'm so upset." 

"It's called having feelings, Kyo. And although it pains me to see you like this, I'm glad you're finally feeling this way." Tamaki chuckled, wiping away some of his own tears. 

"It seems kind of stupid to cry over something like this..." Kyoya mumbled. "I never would've imagined myself doing so." 

"Because the old you wasn't in love." Tamaki smiled. "Or at least... I hope you're in love with me..." He suddenly pouted. 

"Of course I'm in love with you, idiot." Kyoya lightly hit him on the head. He stuffed his hands in his pockets, walking over to one of the couches. Tamaki followed him. Kyoya sat and took off his glasses, setting them on the table in front of him. He continued to dry his eyes. Tamaki watched for a bit, before turning and grabbing his glasses. Kyoya hardly noticed, since his vision was very blurry. He reached out his hand to find his glasses, but failed to do so. 

"Tamaki, did you take my glasses?" Kyoya asked. Tamaki looked at him, wearing his glasses. 

"I don't know what you're talking about, they're right in front of you." Tamaki lied, looking around. He began to get a headache, and quickly took them off. 

Kyoya looked around frantically, his hands exploring the table, then the couch to the left of him. 

"They're not over there..." Tamaki smirked. 

"Where have I seen this before? I'm having a strange sense of Déjà vu." Kyoya muttered to himself.

"Well you haven't seen this before." Tamaki chuckled to himself. "But you've been in a similar situation before." 

Kyoya rolled his useless eyes, turning to his right and placing his hands on Tamaki's lap. "That's you, isn't it?" Tamaki nodded his head, which Kyoya obviously didn't see. Kyoya moved his hands around, making Tamaki blush madly. "May I please just have my glasses back?" 

"You're going to have to stay still if you want your glasses back." Tamaki choked, still embarrassed by Kyoya touching him. 

"Fine" Kyoya sat still, facing the direction Tamaki's voice was coming from. Tamaki gently slid the glasses onto Kyoya. "Now I definitely feel we've done this before somewhere." Kyoya mumbled.

Tamaki thought back to the time when they were swimming, and Kyoya had lost his glasses in the water. 'That must be what he's remembering' Tamaki thought to himself, smiling.

"We better get going, or our fathers will begin to suspect something." Kyoya pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. Tamaki nodded sadly, hugging Kyoya. "Tell your father you were late because I made you stay after club to break up with you."

 Tamaki slowly nodded. "And what if one of the other hosts say that they saw us break up? They didn't stay later, so it wouldn't make sense." 

"We say that we fought during the club, but since girls were coming, we stopped. I confronted you afterwards to officially end it." Kyoya stood, folding his arms over his chest. 

Tamaki nodded again. "Okay..." He continued to sit, staring at the ground. 

Kyoya turned to look down at him, but he didn't look back at him. After a few seconds, Tamaki stood abruptly, grabbing Kyoya's face and kissing him. Kyoya immediately kissed him back, wrapping his arms around the other. 

After what felt like an eternity, they finally pulled back, both panting. "Sorry... I... I'm just really going to miss you." Tamaki looked at the ground again. "I know. But we'll still see each other. And after a while, we can pretend to make up and be friends again. As long as no one suspects we're dating again, we'll be fine." Kyoya explained. 

Tamaki nodded. "Au revoir mon amour. Vous allez me manquer..." He whispered, grabbing his bag and walking towards the door. 

"Je t'aimerai toujours. S'il vous plaît rappelez-vous que." Kyoya responded, watching Tamaki. 

Tamaki turned around, his eyes wide. "Tu parle français?"

Kyoya smirked. "Je pratique"

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