Welcome To My Hectic life...

By SSBMA1994

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Sakinah- Muslim, random, weird, kind, misfortunate~ Mirza- Jerk, playboy, mean, boy band and let me stress ev... More

Welcome To My Hectic life...
Chapter One..... Allah hates me?
Chapter Two.....First day of school
Chapter Three.....Made friends and enemies
Chapter Four.....Made fun of
Chapter Five.....Heated fight
Chapter Six.....Ghosts?
Chapter Seven.....The new guy
Chapter Eight...Co-relation between nightmare and reality
Chapter Nine.....Carefree
Chapter Ten (Part Two).....Broken Promise
Chapter Eleven..... Arts of betrayal (Part One)
Chapter Eleven.....Arts of betrayal (part two)
Chapter Eleven.....Arts of betrayal (Part Three)
Chapter Twelve.....Last day
Chapter Thirteen.....Peer pressure
Chapter Fourteen.....School gone wild (Part One)
Chapter Fourteen.....School gone wild (Part Two)
Chapter Fifteen...Secret out in the open
Chapter Sixteen.....You humiliated me now you humiliate yourself
Chapter Seventeen.....The Psycho, The Kick-Ass Charmer And The Gothic (Part One)

Chapter Ten (Part One).....Broken Promise

867 20 7
By SSBMA1994

Hey everyone! XD 

I'm in a good mood today so I thought I might as well update another chapter. Hope you like it! ;) However, this is only the part one~

I'll post part two the next time

(BTW, I dedicate this chapter to ReaperKylie cause I freaking LOVE her book 'What America Said' I think you should all check it out, it will blow your mind away XD)


     Chapter Ten (Part One).....Broken Promise

     Today I woke up, normally? Hmm, that was weird. No nightmare? I rub my tired eyes and got myself out of bed and into the shower.

     Well, that's not entirely true either. It was not like it was a dreamless sleep; I did have a dream. I was trying very hard to recall that dream I had that night. Unlike all my other dreams and nightmare which I had in the past- which I could easily picture with extreme details- this dream, however, was kind of blurry to me.

     There was only one scene that I could really recall from that dream and that usual creep ghost girl was in there again. However, she was uncharacteristically quiet for once. She did not even try to kill me like she normally would. She just sat there quietly at the far corner with a wicked smile plastered across her face. I tried to run away from her to see how she would react, but weirdly she ignored me as though there was no longer a need for her to chase me. She did not even express a single concern when I break for the exit.

     I involuntarily smiled as the cold water from the shower head  drench every inch of my body with it's coolness; it felt so refreshing! I carried on with my shower, rubbing my Clear shampoo to my head and soon after, a cranberry scented soap I once bought from Body Shop. The rich smell filled the entire room, eventually lighting my mood and spirit along with it.

     The entire time of the shower, I still had my thoughts glued to that dream as I try to recall more bits of pieces from it. I lightly chuckle when I successfully recall another scene; a weird hilarious scene. Oh god, I can't believe I actually did that.

     Flashback- 'O snap, it's that ghost again! She will definitely try to kill me. I turned around to make a run for it, my breathing hard with fear and anxiety. After running for a full minute without something disastrous happening, I grew suspicious. 'It must'nt have taken her this long to catch me; she has super fast speed for goodness sake!' I eyed behind me cautiously as I slowly returned to that room I was was previously from, curious to know where she had disappeared to.  I found her at her original sitting spot, not moving an inch and grinning notoriously. 'Hmm, maybe she did not see me the first time?' For the remaining of the dream, I spent my time observing her suspicious uncharacteristic behavior closely and trying various ways to catch the ghost's attention and running away again to see once more if she would chase me. Once, I even dared myself to mock her lightly just to test her patience and see how long it will take her to break the quiet act.

     I mentally slapped myself. I can't believe I did that! Even if it was just a dream, it goes to show how stupid I was. The ghost, FOR ONCE, was not beating the crap out of me like usual. I should have just leave quietly and be grateful about it. But instead, I stupidly had to pull all those stunts. I think I am starting to understand the reason why I keep getting all this misfortunes. Just look at my twisted personality, it's like I'm purposely trying to search for trouble myself. I internally scolded myself for it.

     After I was done with my shower, I got dressed,prayed my Subuh prayers, eat my breakfast and was about to leave for school. The memory of the ghost's wicked smile still haunting my thoughts. For some reason, it bothers me that she was too dismissive of me. It's like she has something else in mind; something better. I've learned just recently, if something bad doesn't occur to me like normally, it usually means that there is something bigger or far worse in store for me soon. It scares the hell out of me just trying to figure out what that 'thing' might be.

     That's the misfortunate thing about being me: having no misfortunes is not something I  could gladly chill with. It's the time where I had to prepare for the worse to come. Adding to my apprehensiveness, ever since that morning I woke up, my conscience keeps on sending weird scary feedback and warnings to my brain.

     'Beware of today!'

     'Watch your step, Sakinah!'

     'An unexpecting enemy is coming your way!'

     'You won't stand a chance!''

     All in all, I could only form one coherent thought in my brain: "WHAT THE HELL IS MY FREAKING CONSCIENCE TRYING TO TELL ME?!"Suddenly, as I opened the gates, a very loud bark was heard making me jump and blurt out what was suppose to be a thought out loud. "OH SNAP, THAT MUST BE THE FREAKING HELL SOLUTION. RUN!"

     I was stumbling on my steps, constantly fighting to stand up. But my overly shaky legs doesn't permit me to do so. The colour of my hands and legs were draining out of me due to fear. I could feel my heart beating insanely inside me and my breath, hyperventilating. I tried to stand again to run, but sliped once more. I was getting frustrated with myself. Here I was in danger and my legs were not cooperating with me. My heart almost felt like it was going to leap out of my chest soon.

     'Could this be it? The warning my conscience told me of? The big misfortune that was supposedly waiting for me?'

     'Maybe today's my unlucky day. Maybe today's the day that Snoopy will successfully bite me?' I thought miserably.

     "AAAAAAHHH!" I let out a muffled scream underneath my covering hands when I turned around and saw Snoopy's face barely inches away from mine. Streaks of tears formed in my eyes as I involuntarily pushed myself slightly away from snoopy to create some space between us. I let out another scream of fear as I shut my eyes and buried my face beneath my arms that held my knee tightly towards me, preparing myself for the dog to jump at me on attack mode.

     I could already foresee it; the screaming torture at the agonizing pain as two sharp teeth pressed against my flesh, my unconscious body sprawled out on the ground floor with blood overflowing at a dramatic rate, the ambulance, the hospital...the possibilities are endless!

     After what seemed like a full two minutes of me shaking in fear with nothing jumping at me and the sound of metal clicking mysteriously, I open my eyes slowly and cautiously to sneak a peek at my surroundings. I immediately caught side of the dog repeatedly trying to jump at me and was about to scream once more when something else caught my eye; a long metal chain with one end tied to the collar of the dog and the other tighten tightly around the thick metal pole at the far end, unabling the dog to come anywhere near me than it already is.

     "S-subhanallah! Am I...safe? I-I'm alive!" I nearly cried tears of joy as I crawled away slowly standing up and getting a better grip of the situation after the whole drama of struggling just to stand up. Relief washed over me for being so close to disaster. I was about to walk away from the scene and head my way to school as earlier intended.

     My watched showed that it is 6.55 am, which meant that I have more than thirty minutes away before school starts (school officially starts at 7.30am). I stopped dead on my tracks as a thought came to my mind. 'Snoopy is tied to a chain?'  I turned my head around to face the Chihuahua dog, who was a good eight steps away from me. 

     There's the dog...

     The stupid dog that belonged to Jerk.

     The evil dog that made me run for my life every morning on my way to school and late on the first day.

     The dog that is now tied to a chain...

     "Oh my god, the dog is tied to a chain!"An evil idea popped in my brain. A notorious smirk worked it's way up my chin.

     "Finally, the day has arrived! The day where my dream is come to realised The day where I was at the upper hand and the dog IS AT MY MERCY!" Now, a full plastered evil grin was showcasing all my teeth.

     I rubbed my two hands against each other. "Hmm...I might just want to enjoy this for a little bit...Ahaha... AHAHAHAHA!"

     I walked over to Snoopy until I was directly in front of him- yes, it's a he. I decided to bully it for a little bit. "Hey there Snoopy!" The dog barked ferociously at me, full saliva was dripping down his mouth. I slyly replied with a playful teasing 'meow' .

     "Wolf!" The dog barked, disgusted by my 'meow' -ing. I giggled, feeling powerful.

     "Tell me what it feels like to be chained, hmm? Did it feel good?" I pouted innocently as if I cared then turned around, rubbing my feet against it and pushing the dirt to his face.

     "WOLF! WOLF WOLF WOLF WOLF!" The dog barked angrily at my gesture, deeply insulted.  He attempted to jump at my two feets but I avoided it just on time as I walked a step forwards, causing the dog to be pulled backwards by the chain again. I giggled evilly again and walked away with my hips moving flirtatiously from left to right just to tease Snoopy some more. I earned myself several hundred more angry barks and a few growls.

     Ahahaha, I am so loving this! Halfway out of the scene, I turned around once more to blow a kiss at the air towards the dog and then winked.

     "What the hell do you think your'e doing?"

     "Hmm?" I turned my head back towards the front only to find myself almost hitting Jerk's chest by just several inches away.

     My body immediately tensed. 'Oh siit! It's hellish monster number 'two' '. His mahogany hair was tousled in all direction; still slightly wet probably from the shower. He was wearing a tight dark green T-shirt with black pants that reached slightly below his knee and a set of matching sneakers. He was looking directly down at me and the intensity of his eyes as he was checking me out was killing me.

     Jerk finally snickered after the long awkward silence, " Yuck! Don't even try to flirt with me, it won't work. I don't even see you as a woman."

     My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. 'What in the world is he talking about?' Then it finally downed on me as to what he was starring at earlier. My cheeks heated in embarrassment. I was wearing my other best outfit which was a long dark blue denim skirt, a plain black coloured blouse, a matching shawl and for the first time ever I was wearing heels! And that's not even the worst part. I was standing at a very embarrassing flirtatious posture; my right knee slightly bent, my left hand was on my hip, my right hand was stretched outwards, my head tilted, and my freaking lips was pouted to the front due to the blow kiss I sent snoopy earlier.

     I immediately jumped backwards defensively and my right hand shot to the front, shaking as gesture that he was getting it all wrong. "N-no, no, NO! I was not, I SWEAR! You are getting it all w-"

     Jerk heaved a sigh, "Why does all girls so desperately try to flirt with me? And you are starting to become like them too. Am I really that hot and painful to resist?" He said it as though he was the most pitiful guy lived on Earth.

     "NO, I AM MOST DEFINITELY NOT LIKE THOSE GIRLS! I wasn't trying to pull anyt-"

     Jerk sighed again and shook his head, "Oh Sakinah, Sakinah...Denying while getting all flushed. It doesn't work denying the truth when it's all clearly written on your face. Even wearing my two favourite colours on that outfit doesn't work!"


     "Look Sakinah, I have a girlfriend now. I don't want to cheat behind her back; IT'S A SIN!"

     I felt both my eyes and nose twitched as my voice got stuck in my throat, "I wasn't...I..." It was so obvious he was trying to mess with me. Like seriously 'cheating' and 'sin' ? He is the Master at Both and I bet it's general knowledge for the whole town to know! "Urghh! Why did I even bother trying to explain to a snobbish brat like you?! Think what you may, I wasn't trying anything! Now if you'll excuse me, unlike someone here who has a car, I don't want to be late for school."

     I walked away quickly, taping my cheek lightly to cool them down. That was freaking embarrassing! Urghh, that stupid Jerk; just saying his name makes me boil in anger and disgust! I wish I never have to encounter him again. Ever.

     I was barely just a few steps away when Jerk called out to me, "WAIT! You left something!"

     My body tensed. 'Oh no, God Gracious. Please please Puh-lease tell me it's not what I think it is!'  I hastened my steps just in case. 'A skirt and a heel? Oh God, please no, I beg you!"

     "Wait, don't move! Just give me a minute, I go release the chains first so Snoopy could guide you through a shortcut to school..."

     "NOOOO!" 'Oh fishing Mc Nuggets, looks like I don't have much choice. RUN!' I was running by now staggering on my heels and trying my best to ignore the soreness that was growing on my feets.

     I ran full speed like crazy. It was as if my life depended on it...well...now that I think about it, it kind of does. The dog should be catching me up by now; guess Jerk is still desperately trying to find the keys at his room. Urghh, I can't stop now even if the pain is killing me! Fresh drops of tears were already forming in my eyes; this pain on my feets really is torture! I continued running, barely catching my breath as my steps thudded loudly on the ground floor.

     I saw the school in the distance. The bell just rang and the security guard was just about to close the gates. "WAIT, NOOO!" I ran quicker, if that even made sense.  The old skinny man ran away at the sight of me, leaving the gates open. 'Wow. I must've looked like a scary mad chicken to scare him that much.'

     I quickly entered the gates not even having the energy to laugh it off. I let go of my heels, standing barefooted on the ground, still panting and sweating as I try to catch my breath and stretch my painful legs. From the corner of my eyes, I saw a grey car speeding towards the school. I quickly locked the gates and step backwards.

     Jerk jumped out of the cars and ran to the gates, shaking it to open, only to find that it was locked with the keys ringing on my hand. "Come here you brat, and give me the keys!"

     "Huh! Give me one good reason why I should? Right back at your face Jerk, you sure as hell deserve it!"

     Jerk shook the gates violently again. "You'll regret this Sakinah, I say you get back here before it's too late!" His arms were passing through the gaps of the gates, trying desperately to catch me, and honestly, he almost did but I managed to walked a couple more steps backwards just on time.

     "See you in detention, Son of Saleh!" I turned around to head to school. A smirk was clear on my face as I enjoy the wonderful noises of Jerk shouting out in dissatisfaction and the grumbling noises of the closed gates. 

     'Finally, Jerk is getting what he rightfully deserved.' I smiled, happy that the tables were turned around.

     Suddenly, Jerk's shouting stopped and I heard what sounded like a thump of a beg being thrown. I shook the thought off and ignored it as I continued my steps, not bothering to turn around. 'Could it be? Nah, that's just impossible!' Soon, there was a few more grumbling of the gates before a loud thump on the ground was made.

     "Move!" 'ouch.' My body was pushed hard until I fell siting on the ground when I was just about three steps away from entering the school glass door.

     "Detention, my ass. Like I'm ever gonna let that happen to me! See you around, Sakinah." Jerk smirked, blowing me a kiss through the air then winked as he shook his ass in an attempt to annoy me.  

     Guess what? He succeeded. I was beyond furious. 

     'Oh Allah, why? Why is it that whenever I try to have a good perspective of life, I always get beaten down by how much mine just simply sucks? Why is it that someone as rightfully as Mirza, who has done so much to me, can't even deserve just as much as a detention, NOT FOR ONCE! And look at me and at how much life had thrown right at me. This is not fair to me. I know that it is all for a good purpose and that I should just be patient, but frankly, I don't know if there's any left in me.'  My heart clenched in pure grief as I stared at Jerk's back in disgust as he walks to the door. With all the energy I could muster and the tiny bits of patience left in me, I struggled to keep in my emotions which were threatening to burst out anytime soon.

     Jerk pushed the glass school door open as he entered. For a moment, I felt the coolness of the air conditioner- yes, my school is entirely air conditioned- beneath the open doors before it was closed shut again. Hassan had his back against one of the many hundreds of lockers that surrounded the entire hallway. His left leg was pulled casually against it and his arms were folded. He was wearing the entire outfit black today. His eyebrows furrowed, unimpressed by the scene that had just took place between me and Jerk.

     Jerk pass by and snickered when he saw Hassan. What once was a playful smirk on his face was now rubbed off of his face at the sight of Hassan. He rolled his eyes in annoyance but just walked pass him anyways. There seemed to be a silent hatred going on between those two from a long time now.

     As soon as Jerk was gone, Hassan turned his head to face me through the glass windows. I immediately looked away and stared at the ground instead. From the corner of my eyes, I could tell that he was approaching me. Warm tears were starting to stroll down my cheeks.

     He can't come near me! I don't want  this new, kind and gentle friend of mine to see me in this pathetic weak state.

     Still staring at the cold ground, I could hear the glass door creak open and once again, the cool fresh air hits me before disappearing again. Before I knew it-and despite my wishes- Hassan was already standing next to me. "Hey, get up" His deep husky voice sounded from this unbearable silence I felt outside. Somehow his warm voice only made my tears burst into more streams of water, as if it were comfortable enough to show itself if there was only Hassan to see it; but it was not what my heart wanted.

     I kept silent instead and stayed stock still at my position, silently praying that the tears would eventually go away. But looks like it wasn't there to satisfy my favours as it continued to drip down my face, leaving a tear mark on the cemented floor. My throat felt sore and dry.

     I sensed Hassan squatting down in front of me. Deep in my heart, I wanted him to just go away and to let me cool down at the moment. "Hey," he held my chin up forcing me to face him. I reluctantly obeyed as I watch his beautiful misty grey eyes and observed it as they widen in surprise at the sight of my teary eyes.

     "THAT JERK IS GOING TO PAY!" He stood up and he punched the wall beside us as he try to keep his anger under control but failing miserably. I took the time when he was looking away from me to quickly stand up and wipe away my tears.

     "What's the difference? I'm always going to be the unlucky person that's going to wind up into trouble anyway!" 

     "Fine, if you don't want to do it then I WILL!"

      I was shock to see that there was a slight crack on the wall where Hassan had previously punched. 'Did he really cause this ,or was it already coincidentally there before he punched it?' He walked away and entered the school glass doors again. His eyes blazing furry and he looked determined to make Jerk pay.

     "Wait!" I called out to him to try and calm him down but he was fast on his feets. His eyes still searching for Jerk's wherabouts. He hadn't heard the entire story yet. I'm afraid he might mistaken the entire situation and blame everything on Jerk. Jerk wasn't the sore purpose of my outburst. It was a buildup frustration that grew inside of me for always being so unlucky.

     What is Hassan planning on Jerk? Hassan against Jerk? Will he even stand a chance? Does he know what someone like Jerk is capable of doing?

     No. I will not let such a thing happen to my friend! I don't want Hassan to get into trouble just because of me.


 Hey! Hope you enjoyed this ;P

Look forward to Part Two...

Oh, and don't forget


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