The Universe // Yoandri Cabre...

By awreeoh

14.8K 1.1K 1.5K

Sequel to The Stars he's cautious. she's explosive. More

1| Broken a Heart
2| Library
3| Parties & Kisses
4| You & I
5| I'll Help
6| Explantions
7| Wrong
8| Questions
9| Back Together
11| Impossible
12| Tell Me
13| Depressed
14| Bliss
15| Better
16| Want
17| Nightmares
18| Not Done Yet
19| Precious Moments (Part 1)
20| Precious Moments (Part 2)
21| Gonna Be Alright
22| Clingy
23| All My Love
24| Aroused
25| Alec
26| Your Place
27| Cold
28| Boom. Crash.
29| Newfound Joy
30| All of Me
31| Success
author's note
fifteen facts
Q&A-The Second Part
answers - The Second Part

10| Said and Done

397 26 20
By awreeoh

Chapter Ten

Joel's POV

It's all a haze.

My vision blurs and all I feel inside is the buzz of alcohol in my veins. I take in a deep breath as the deepening bass vibrates in my ears and I throw my hands up in the air, drunkenly laughing and dancing. I feel myself get carried away and soon enough, I'm kissing a girl.

"Let's go upstairs," she sighs in my ear. I nod eagerly and we climb up the stairs, all hands and limbs. She throws me into a random empty room and pushes me into the mattress, hopping on top of me.

I plead for her to just touch me but she only giggles and wags a finger at me, "Not so fast, Joel." I groan and start to get uncomfortable in my clothes. Soon she notices and takes off my clothes, leaving me completely naked on the bed.

"This is moving along great," I joke. She laughs and I shiver when a breeze hits my bare skin. "Ready for the time of your life?" I smile and nod, "I was born ready."


"Did you really just moan another girls name?" I shrug and send her a smirk, "Jealous?" The girl scoffs and slips on her clothes quickly, "You were good but next time don't mention another girl in bed. Where are your manners?" I snort.

Soon she leaves and I'm left under the covers of the bed, looking out the window that the moonlight was shining through. I get up and put on my clothes before laying back down again, gazing at the white ceiling.

The door opens and in comes another girl, this one in tears. I sit up and my body groans in protest. I hear a hiccup and in the dum lighting only see a mass of black curls and blue almost turquoise eyes.

Definitely turquoise.

She sniffles as she sees me laying on the bed, "I don't understand why I can't just be enough for him. He is such a beautiful guy and he always tries hard for me. He asks for one thing and I can't even do that. All he wanted to do was kiss me in front of everybody, passionately. He wanted to make sure they all knew I was his."

She takes a deep breath before patting her cheeks dry and pushing her thick, dark curls back. "But I doubt you even know anything about that," she mumbles. I immediately get up and walk towards her, resting a hand on her cheek.

My vision still blurry I wrap my arm around her slim waist and rest my hand on her lower back, my forehead connecting with hers. She sighs and mutters, "He's still my boyfriend. I should go talk to him about it."

I push her closer to me and she lays her head on my shoulder, "You're a good listener you know that?" I smile tiredly and cradle her cheeks in my hands before dipping down and kissing her lips sweetly.

The bliss is short lived and soon she pushes me away, bewildered. I shake my head, rubbing my eyes as the fog in my head seems to disappear. "Angelia?" She only shakes her head and covers her mouth, "Joel, what the fuck did you do?"

Angelia wipes her mouth and I feel the breath get sucked out of me, "But Yoandri-?" She only looks at me with a scared expression before leaving the room.

The room that's empty in more places than one.


I run to the bathroom just as the bile rises in my throat, again. Yoandri pats my back and sighs, "You'll feel better bro. It'll get better."

I shake my head and the pounding in my head only gets stronger. "Gosh, I hate hangovers," I mumble. Angelia and I kissing passes through my head, only making me feel queasier. "Angelia and I are meeting up today. Dea's  coming, you should come too," he offers.

I shake my head softly and he rubs my back once more before flushing the toilet. "Feel better, bro." I feel Angelia's warm lips on mine just as he leaves with a smile.

I throw up again.

After brushing my teeth twice, I plop back down on my mattress and curl into a ball. "I'm such an awful person," I grumble. Silence radiates the area I'm in and all I can think about is how they had just gotten back together.

"I'm terrible."

I let tears fall onto my face, my heart beating harshly, my breathing becoming labored. "I'm a bad person," I repeatedly murmur to myself, shaking my head and resting my face in my hands.

"I'm terrible," I repeat.

Staying quiet for a few minutes I finally find sleep, somewhere in the area between guilt and fatigue. I just had to go and kiss the girl I was still in love with. I frown at my behavior and guilt pulsates inside of me.




Deandra peeks her head into my room and sees me in the same position I was in two hours ago. "Yeah?" She sits down at the edge of my bed and mumbles, "Angelia told me what happened and I know you probably feel like shit right now."

I get choked up and close my eyes, a migraine starting to form. "Yoandri doesn't know does he?" I shake my head and feel the need to throw up again, "No and we should keep it that way."

Deandra stays quiet and finally whispers, "He deserves to know. You should tell him. Angelia should too." I shrug and rub my eyes, "I think that she should tell him if she wants."

Silence falls upon us and I find my breath getting slower with time. "Goodnight, Joel," she whispers. I nod.

Just as she's about to leave she leans forward and runs a hand through my disheveled hair, "Sleep tight and I hope you feel better in the morning." After placing a soothing kiss on my forehead I fall into a deep sleep.

Hoping that everything will come out okay.

Hoping I still have my cousin and one of my best friends after everything is said and done.




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