Avenge | Book 2

By retiredwhore

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Avenge | Book 2 Book 1: Avenge | Book 1 *•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•*•* Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S S... More

Project P.E.G.A.S.U.S
Agents Quill & Barton
The Secret That Should Stay A Secret
Washington DC
Forced Leave of Absence
"Tselevaya Izuchayetsya."
Code 13
Conference Room 103
The Gym
Good Ol' Pals
No Hero
Helicarrier Attack
The Trading Cards
"Aunt Grace"
Chitauri Battle
The Rest
Moving Day
New Neighbor
Old Friends
New People
Dinner & Training
The Ball
Brother & Sister Day
Back Home
Changed Number


771 41 8
By retiredwhore

This... Agent Hill and I have been sitting across from each other without uttering a single word for at least 30 minutes. The only contact we're having is she staring at me for all this time.

Uncomfortable? I think so.

"I hope you know I'm not here to make friends." Hill finally speaks up.

I fake gasp. "It speaks." I smirk.

"She does." She retorts.

The room goes silent again, I look at my nails, digging the space dirt out from under them.

"Do you know if the Director would like space dirt?" I ask rhetorically.

"What's your game?" She counters in a stone voice making my head snap up.

"My game?" I furrow my eyebrows. "I've been back on Earth for barely four hours and you're asking me what my game is?"

"From what I've seen in those four hours, you have wit to you. A bit of cockiness." She points out. "Thats your wall, your defense. You think that can hide your secrets with that."

I let out a scoff while shaking my head slightly.

That's her game. I think to myself. Two can play it that way.

"And your wall is the stone attitude you are trying to keep up." I counter sitting up straight. "You think that attitude can intimidate me. I understand being a woman in an organization, that I assume, doesn't have a lot of high ranking officers that are woman you have to keep that up... But listen here, sweetheart." I stand up and walk over to the brown haired woman.

"It don't work on me." I say as I sit down on the table in front of her. "Yes, I do have that wall of wit, sarcasm as some might say, and cockiness to block out my secrets. But I also can have that stone cold bitch attitude too, honey." I give her a lopsided smile. "You learn to have that being a World War II veteran 'n all." I shrug standing up and walking around her.

"All of my Howling Commando friends had a wall like this too." I stop next to her, I lean down with one hand on the table, the other on the back of her chair. "If you think that you know my game and can figure out how to get that wall down just enough to even learn one of my secrets, you got another thing comin to ya." I whisper into her ear, my Brooklyn accent coming out slightly.

"I've been at war, was the only woman in the battle regularly. I've been in a different dimension for 66 years, fought creatures you couldn't even imagine existed. I figured out your wall in merely a half an hour, and you figured mine out in four. And I'm pretty sure I just broke yours in a matter of a few minutes." I walk back over to my seat. "So, please, try 'n break down my wall while you can."

As I sit down looking back at Agent Hill, I can see that wall of her's trying to be rebuilt.

Helicarrier Cockpit

Director Fury smirks as he watches the footage of one of his top agents get intimidated by a woman who hasn't been on Earth for 66 years.

"Agent Coulson!" Fury yells making the agent's head snap away from the few to focus on his superior.

"Yes, Director?"

"Get a team together on finding every file that we have that relates to Gracelyn Barnes. All the way back to the SSR files, if we have to." He commands. "Have some agents do a sweeping over the internet for anything that relates to her too."

"Right on it." Coulson nods. "Anything else, sir?"

"Yes, get Maria out of there... Send in someone who can withstand a little less amount of cockiness as Stark and the same amount of sarcasm or wit as Hawk."

"So, Agent Romanoff, sir?"


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