NaLu Wolves

By DevinBear224

124K 3.3K 869

Natsu and Lucy get under a curse and are turned into wolves. They have to stay like that for six years. How w... More

Bath Time
Levy's Discovery
Time Skip : 3 years later
Almost Here
Locked In
Finally Back
Plans for Remodeling
Baby Sitting and Missions
Time Skip Christmas
Drunk Parents
The Solution
The Great Escape
Date (Mini Chapter with Nothing to do with Story)
Plan and Worried Lucy
Plan Start!
Wild Lucy
Nash's Nightmare
The Guild
Forced Evil Decisions
Natsu's Doubts
Endings (Final Chapter)


2.2K 71 11
By DevinBear224

(that's Luna)??? POV

There they are. The targets, who are worth millions and millions of Jewel. I zoom in with my binoculars. A woman with long blonde hair with golden blonde wolf ears poking out with a wolf tail. A man with pink hair, pink wolf ears and pink wolf tail sticking out. I zoom the binoculars even further and move it to look behind them. I lick my lips, there's the prize. Three little kids. One with red hair, one with pink hair, and the last one with blonde hair. They have a secret, only the parents know. The kids turn into wolf pups in their sleep. I hear a bark. "William! Lets go!" I stand up and look at my partner. He was an exceed. He wasn't a cat, he was a dog. There are two types of exceeds, cats and dogs.

"Rokios, be patient. I'm observing the targets." Rokios was the size of a golden retriever. He had orange eyes, he also has crimson red fur with black patterns in his fur. He looked like a wolf but not like a wolf. I put the binoculars in my pocket. I bite my lip with my fang-like teeth. "When do you actually plan on killing them?" I grin. "The kids are wanted alive. I'm keeping the adults' heads for myself." "Why for yourself?" I lick my lips. "Just an addition for my wolf collection" I walk back into the forest with my spiked biker boots clinking against the forest floor.

Lucy's POV

I stop in place. Nash, who is holding onto my tail stops as well. "Momma?" Natsu stops and turns to look at me. "Lucy?" I sigh and shake my head. "I-its nothing. I just felt like we're being watched" Natsu narrows his eyes. "Really?" I nod. I shiver. I feel it again. Natsu grabs my hands. "Well, I'm with you. Nothing to worry about" I nod. "I'll protect you mommy!" I glance back at Nash and Luna along with Ryuu. Luna makes herself on fire. "I'm the Celestial fire dragon slayer! I can do anything!" Ryuu nods and catches himself on fire as well. Luna's fire was a salmon color while Ryuu's was a dark red. Nash pouts. "W-well I'm a fellow celestial mage!" I pull my hands away from Natsu's and we both crouch in front of them. I grab them all for a hug. "You guys are the best!" Natsu ruffles the kids' hair. "That's my kiddos" I close my eyes as I feel the presence again, but feel safe with my family.

At night, I tuck in Nash. Natsu was with Luna. "Momma?" I kiss Nash's head. "Yeah honey?" "Can I have a celestial key?" I blink but Nash continues. "I-I don't have my own keys so I was wondering..." I reach out into my key pouch and pull out two keys. I hand them to him. "Here, these two will be your spirits from now on." Nash grabs them and hugs them to his chest. "Wow! Gemini and Aries! Thank you mom!" He hugs me. I giggle and kiss his head. "I'll help you make contracts with them tomorrow. Now sleep tight" He nods and immediately falls asleep, snoring. I giggle and brush his bangs back. He's exactly like Natsu in everyway. I kiss his forehead again and walk into the hallway. I close the door behind me. I hear another door close. I look up and see Natsu. He smiles. "Hey, can you handle Ryuu? I'm going to take a shower" I nod and kiss his cheek. "Of course I can." Natsu pecks my lips. "Want to join me?" I slap his chest lightly at his intentions. "No ya perv!" Natsu catches my hand and kisses the palm. "Fine, fine. Maybe next time" I roll my eyes. "Whatever." He lets go of my hand and disappears into the darkness of the hallway.

I enter Ryuu's room. He was sitting on the edge of the bed silently. "Ryuu? Is everything alright?" He hugs me quickly. "Mom!" I blink and hug him back. "Are you alright?" He nuzzles my stomach. "I know what your talking about" "About what?" "Being watched" I freeze then pet his hair back. "So you can feel it?" He nods. "Yeah. I feel targeted" I kiss the top of his head. "Hey, I'll have your dad deal with it, how does that sound?" He nods. "I'd like that" I giggle. "Alright now hop under the covers." He crawls over to his pillow and gets under the covers. I walk over and bring the covers up to his neck. I kiss his head. "Night Ryuu" I walk over to the door. "Mom?" I glance behind me. "Yes?" "Can you have dad train me?" I smile. "Of course." I walk out into the hall way and close his door. I smile. I walk out of the hallway and into our bedroom.

I flop down onto the covers. I turn on my back and lay my head on the pillow. I had changed into my pink pajamas with yellow shooting stars. I stare at the ceiling. I sigh and turn my head and bury my head into the fluffy pillows. Who is watching us? What do they want? I hear a creak but I don't bother with it. I feel the bed shifting then pressure on my breasts. I shift my fingers through his hair. Natsu nuzzles my chest. I rub my fingers up and down on his wolf ears. Natsu growls and hugs my waist. "Natsu?" "Hmm?" "Ryuu says he feels like he's being watch as well. I was wondering if you can search the area tomorrow?" Natsu lifts himself up. "Of course. What else is on your mind?" I kiss his cheek and put a hand over it. "Ryuu wants you to train him." "And anything else?" I bite my lip and look away. "Lucy~. Tell me~" I look up at him. His arms were at either side of my head and partially tangled in my hair. I sigh. "I was wondering who is watching us and what do they want?" Natsu lays back down and kisses my neck once. "I don't know Lucy. I don't know. Lets go to sleep." Natsu pets my wolf ear. I rub my head against his hand. "Ok" Natsu turns his head and reaches out for the lamp at the end table. He pulls on the string, making the light turn off. I slowly fall asleep.

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