Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]

By NarryPerfection

299K 20.9K 11.4K

"What kind of lipstick are you wearing?" "Who? Me?" "Yes, you sweetheart." "I'm not- these are their natural... More

PART 1: ~45~
PART 2:~45~


5.6K 450 215
By NarryPerfection

It's been two days since Niall has contacted Harry at all. Harry has been waiting for a text or a call, or something. He can't seem to stop checking his phone every two minutes in case he misses a message or a incoming call. He shouldn't be worrying so much but he is. 

Can you blame him? Niall and him just went through a tough time and his girlfriend is still not out of the picture. 

Liam watches Harry go into the kitchen and later comes out with with a glass of water in one hand and his phone in the other. 

"Harry?" Harry's gaze slowly tears apart from his phone screen and looks at Liam. "Can you come here for a second?" Liam pats the spot next to him on the couch. 

"Yeah," Harry responds, looking at his phone once more before turning it off. He sets his glass down on the coffee table and sits sideways to face Liam. The TV's volume was now on a low setting as Liam began shifting around in his spot to face Harry. 

"Still nothing?" Liam asked on Niall's status of contact. 

Harry sighed and shook his head. 

"He could be busy or something. He does run a company, doesn't he?"

"Yeah," Harry said. "I just wish he could just check up on me or something. I know it sounds selfish but. . ."

"Are you sure about this, though?" Liam looked down at the floor as he spoke the question that has been running around his mind ever since he found out about the affair happening between Harry and Niall. 

"Am I sure about what?"

"About Niall. Are you sure you really love him? Is this what you really want?"

"I'm pretty positive that I love Niall. But I don't want this," Harry shook his head as he continued to speak. "I want us to be able to be together without hiding."

"So. . .Niall has no feelings whatsoever to this girl he is with?"

"I-um. . ." Harry hesitated. Louis has told him various times that Niall doesn't really want to be with Melissa but Niall has never said it himself. Niall never told Louis about him and Harry's relationship either so what are the odds that maybe Louis was just assuming. "I'd like to think he doesn't."

"You aren't sure?" Liam was surprised.

Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Louis said Niall doesn't but Niall never said it himself. We never really talked about her. Or us, for that matter. I-I don't know. Why are you asking me this, Liam?"

"Harry, I just want you to know exactly what you are doing. Now, this isn't meant to offend you but you have a habit of sometimes falling in love and doing things blindly without seeing the whole picture," Liam stated. "You just have really strong emotions, which is a good thing, but it is also bad because it can cloud your judgement."

"Oh," Harry said quietly.

"I'm just looking out for you," Liam grabbed the remote control for the television and started raising the volume on the TV slowly. "You've had pretty messy break-ups in the past but I just have a feeling that this one could be your ultimate downfall."

Harry processed what Liam told him.

He didn't say anything else after that. 


"Mum, what are you really doing here?" Niall asked, with a bit of a harsh tone. He had pulled his mother away from Melissa's fitting for her gown. Apparently it was for some event his mother and father were hosting for the company. 

"What are you talking about?" Maura asked, a bit taken back by her son's tone.

"I know very well you have something up your sleeve," Niall said. "Otherwise, you wouldn't have been so. . . restricting with me being with you at every second of the day."

"Niall," Maura began with an angry tone. "Why can't you understand that I want to best for you? This is me trying to get you and Melissa on better terms. She's been telling me all about how you have been neglecting the poor girl."

"What? I haven't-"

"Don't start," Maura put her hand up. She took her purse off her shoulder and began looking through it. It wasn't long until she took out a small black case that made Niall's heart drop. "You are going to give this to Melissa on the day of the event in front of everybody. It's time you tie the knot, honey."

"I can't believe you," Niall whispered, tears welling up in his eyes at the though of every he would have to give up. His main thought was Harry. There was no way he was losing him again. "You do not know what is best for me, mum, you don't."


"You are going overboard! I can't do this," Niall clenched his fists and walked away angrily. He heard his mother calling for him, almost yelling but Niall continued to keep walking until he was out the door. He got to his car and drove away as fast as he could. 

He was tempted to call Louis, to tell him what his mum was planning. But then he decided why not tell him in personal? Besides, he doesn't want to risk getting in an accident. 

At some point during the drive, Niall switched directions. 

Once Niall got to the place, he ignored everything in his way and made his way up to the apartment. His eyes were watery and his cheeks were stained with damped tear trails. He continuously kept clenching his fists, trying not to explode in anger. 

Niall never in his life thought he would ever think this but. . .he hated his mum.

He was tired of her control over his life. All his life, he wanted to be the best son for his mum and dad, to fit the image and the expectations they had for him. He had only done so because he had nothing else to aim for. But now the terms were different. He finally found something to achieve.

Niall stood in front of the door to the apartment and knocked, hard. 

The door opened and Niall was met with wide green eyes. 

"Niall? Are you okay?" Harry asked, setting his glass down on the side. 

"Is Liam here?" Niall asked. 

"Um, no. He left a few minutes ago. He's not going to be back for a few hours-"

Harry couldn't finish his sentence because Niall had grabbed his waist, walked inside while closing the door and pinned Harry against the wall. Niall kissed Harry hungrily, missing the feeling of the brunet's soft and squishy lips. They were so full, so beautiful, so breathtaking. There was no way in the world Niall was giving that up. 

Harry wrapped his arms around Niall securely, arching his back off the wall just a bit. Niall's hands trailed down from Harry's back to the side of his thighs. He patted them twice before Harry got the messaged and jumped to wrap his legs around Niall's waist. 

Niall then pinned Harry completely against the wall and pulled away to kiss down his jawline to the side of his unmarked neck. 

"Niall," Harry moaned in a low, sweet tone. Harry's fingers gripped Niall's fluffy hair as Niall continued to pepper his collar bones with kisses. 

Harry bit his lip once Niall started to suck on his collar bone. He got more aroused when Niall moved his hands under Harry's shirt to grip the brunet's love handles, which was another thing Niall loved so much about Harry. 

Niall took in everything about Harry. His welcoming natural scent, the way his body wasn't the most built perfect body but it was perfect in Niall's eyes. His soft skin and the fuller parts of his body. Everything about Harry drove Niall mad. 

All he could really think was mine, mine, mine.

Niall wanted Harry all to himself. He sucked harshly on Harry's collar bone when he thought of another man ever touching Harry. For a moment, Niall thought he had hurt Harry but he was reassured when Harry let out a gaspy moan and a tug on his hair. 

Niall continued to give Harry a few more love bites before pulling away and pressing his lips softly against Harry. 

He wanted Harry so much, he really did. He wanted to go all the way but it wasn't the right moment. Niall had stated this before and he will stated again, he wants to treasure Harry. And he will. 

Niall let Harry back down on his feet and gave him a few more kisses. 

"Not today, but someday," Niall mumbled against Harry's lips.

Harry nodded, understanding where Niall was coming from and pulled away. He looked up at Niall before using his thumbs to clear any other damp parts of Niall's cheeks. 

"What happened?" Harry said gently, kissing Niall's cheek. 

"My mum happened, that's what," Niall rolled his eyes and reluctantly released his grip from Harry's waist.

"It's not going to be easy, hm," Harry said. Niall looked into Harry's eyes. They were so beautiful. They were gems, emeralds. 

"No, it won't. But you're worth it," Niall grinned. 

"You are so cheesy," Harry covered his face and laughed. 

Final weeks is this week omg. 


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