Lipstick [Narry-EDITING]

By NarryPerfection

299K 20.9K 11.4K

"What kind of lipstick are you wearing?" "Who? Me?" "Yes, you sweetheart." "I'm not- these are their natural... More

PART 1: ~45~
PART 2:~45~


5.3K 445 388
By NarryPerfection

Niall sighed as he looked at the spot between his collar bone and neck. There was a small red bruise on the skin. It was small but it was highly noticeable. He doesn't regret not stopping Harry when he gave Niall the hickey but he wished it wouldn't have marked him so badly. 

Luckily, Niall found out that his suit would cover it up. 

It was around 6:30 PM and Niall needed to get ready to head for the event his family was holding at the best banquet around. It was also the event where he would have to get down in one knee and propose to someone he didn't love. 

His father would be coming to get him soon. Knowing Bobby, he is probably following the orders Maura gave him to make sure Niall didn't escape like he did at the fitting for Melissa's gown. 

Niall sat the end of his bed and looked at the suit that was hung up on the far wall in front of him. He glared at it, hoping it would burn and become ashes that would blow away into the air and soon become nothing. 

His thoughts of his hatred for the suit were soon interrupted by his phone ringing. There was a rush of excitement that it could possibly be Harry. But it wasn't. It was Louis. 

"Hey Niall, Liam and I are going to go out tonight and I wanted to ask if you and Harry wanted to tag along?" Louis said through the other line. 

"I wish I could," Niall mumbled. He missed Harry so badly already even though it has been barely a day since he last saw him.

"What? Why can't you?" Louis asked. 

Niall told Louis everything. Of course there were plenty of snark remarks from Louis. He was listening to Louis complain about the life Niall was living until he heard a knock on the door. His father's voice was heard through the door, asking him if he was almost ready. 

Niall glanced at the clock and saw it was fifteen minutes after seven. He quickly said goodbye to Louis and began to get ready. He told his dad that he was too busy on the phone to notice the time, earning a chuckle from his father. 

Niall took a quick shower before started a cycle of running back and forth from his room to the bathroom. 

"Are you ready?" His father finally asked when he saw Niall coming out whilst running a hand through his hair to keep it up. Niall nodded and got his keys, wallet, and anything else he needed. On the way down to the limo waiting outside, Niall felt his phone vibrate. 

He took it out and glanced at the screen, looking at a message from Louis that said 'Hang in there, mate ! '

Niall smiled, thinking it was Louis' form of saying good luck. 

His smile quickly vanished as he got inside the limo. 


Harry sat on the couch in a large blue t-shirt and grey sweatpants, eating from a family size chip bag and watching the TV.

Meanwhile, Liam was sitting at the dinner table, scrolling down his laptop. 

At around 7:30, there was rapid knocking on the door. Harry quickly sat up and put the bag of chips down, lowering the volume on the TV. Liam closed the lid to his laptop before getting up and walking towards the door. 

The person on the other side continued to rapidly knock until Liam opened the door. Louis would have almost punched Liam in the face if Liam didn't quickly react to the fist that was suppose to knock on the door again. 

"Whoa there," Liam chuckled as Louis apologized. 

"Sorry Li. Is Harry here?" Louis walked inside the apartment and spotted Harry. 

"I'm here. Is something wrong?" Harry asked, standing up. 

"Yeah," Louis sighed, looking down and tugging at his hair. What he had in mind was incredibly stupid but Niall was his best friend. Besides, it was something adventurous he's been wanting to do for so long.

"Look, Harry, you need to understand that Niall has been his family's puppet for so long. It's hard for him to break those strings when he is constantly being tugged on," Louis began pacing around. "His family came to visit because they were holding this huge event for the company. The thing is. . .Niall is being forced to propose to that. . . that girl."

"What?" Harry sounded heartbroken. 

"Oh," Liam said quietly. 

"I know it's horrible," Louis shook his head. "Now get dressed, both of you."

"What? Why?" Harry frowned. 

"No questions, we need to go, like now."


The event was elegant, as expected. The banquet was quite large and there was a huge, sparkling chandelier hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the room. It almost looked like something out of a fairy-tale castle. 

"Having fun?" Niall heard his mother come up to him. 

"Not really," Niall said under his breath. His mother said nothing about how rude it was to speak under your breath or how Niall was in such a negative mood. Maura put her hand gently on Niall's shoulder to comfort her son. Instead, Niall shrug her hand off and walked away. 

"We shouldn't be forcing him into this, you know that, right?" Bobby walked up next to his wife. His eyes watched Melissa, the to-be bride of his son. He knew Melissa was a wonderful girl, and maybe Niall knew as well, but it wasn't what his heart wanted. 

"I just want what is best for him," Maura sighed. 

Bobby didn't have the chance to reply as another couple came up to them to start a conversation. 

Niall stood at one of the far corners of the room, watching people mingle upon themselves with glasses in their hand. He hated being there in that room. His heart would always pound every time he thought back to the special surprise his mum will make him do that night. 

"Want to dance?" Melissa suddenly said.

"No thanks," Niall replied. 

Melissa frowned. "What's wrong? You don't seem yourself tonight."

Niall looked around, catching the eyes of various people looking at them. He wondered if his mum somehow decided spread a rumor about tonight's surprise. That made Niall even more scared. 

"I think I need something to drink," Niall said, avoiding Melissa's eyes and walking away from her. He continued to walk until he was across the room. Melissa had disappeared back into the crowd. 

Suddenly frowning, Niall looked intensely into the crowd. He swore he saw a flash of something recognizably familiar. He saw it again, in the far distance by the entrance. His mouth opened a bit in surprise as he saw Harry run a hand through his hair as he looked around, putting his other hand in the pocket of his black jeans. 

He was wearing a white button up along with a simple blazer and a pair of black boots. It was a simple, quick outfit that still managed to somehow blend in with tonight's crowd. Niall watched at how handsome Harry looked. He almost looked like a prince to match with the banquet-ballroom. 

Almost like Niall's own personal fairy-tale. 

Niall looked away,  searching for his parents so they wouldn't see him making his way towards Harry. Although, when Niall looked back towards Harry - he was gone.

He began searching again for the handsome man. 

"Quite a party," a sweet-low voice said behind him. 

"Harry?" Niall turned around. 

"Hello sir. I was hoping you could help me find someone," Harry gave a dimpled smile. 

"And who would that be?"

"His name is Niall Horan. He's around your height, bit of a dyed-blond and has gorgeous blue eyes," Harry continued. 

"I'll keep an eye out for him," Niall laughed. "Though, he isn't as beautiful as you are."

Harry blushed. "Follow me."

Harry gave a quick glance around before slowly making his way towards the back of the room. Niall was confused to where he was headed until he saw that the route they were taking lead to the bathrooms. 

They walked into a small, brightly-lit bathroom. Harry slowly opened the single family bathroom and stepped in. Niall followed closely behind, making sure to lock the door behind him. 

Once they were safely inside, Niall wrapped Harry by the waist and brought him into a deep kiss. Harry wrapped his arms around Niall's neck, smiling into the kiss. 

"What are you doing here?" Niall mumbled against Harry's lips. "Not that I don't want to be with you, because I do, it's just. . .not like you."

"I was practically forced in here, actually," Harry laughed. "But I think I would have done it willingly."

Harry's phone started ringing. They separated to let Harry answer his phone. Niall couldn't stop staring at the beautiful man in front of him. From his lips, to his eyes, to the structure of his hair, and his beautiful flowing hair. 

"Yeah I got him," Harry quickly spoke. "Give me a few minutes. I'll be there soon."

Harry hung up and put his phone in his pocket. He faced Niall again and pushed him against the door, pressing his lips against Niall's. The kiss had a bit of a wine taste. 

Harry moved his lips against Niall's in a way that made Niall weak in his knees. He wrapped his arms around Harry's waist, not wanting to let him go. Harry's hands were in Niall's hair as he continued to pressing his lips harder and rougher against Niall's.

They pulled away suddenly, gasping for here. Niall's eyes were fogged up with a bit of lust. The want seemed to increase even more when he watched Harry's plump lips bounce back from his. They were so full, so soft. They could do wonders. 

Niall began kissing down Harry's jaw, to his neck. He kissed the fading bruises he had left on Harry's neck and began the remark them. 

"Ah," Harry moaned, scrunching his face together and throwing his head back when Niall sucked harshly on the sensitive skin on his neck. He tugged on Niall's hair as he gasped, trying to keep in the moans that wanted to come out of his mouth. 

Both of them felt their crotches throbbing with excitement, but they couldn't go much farther. Especially not in a bathroom. 

"Come with me," Harry said between breathes. "Lets go somewhere else."

Harry extended his hand out towards Niall. Niall thought about it. He feared what his parents would say, how angry they would be if he left without a notice. Then again, they came here without a notice to trick him into proposing. 

Niall decided that for once in his life, he should be reckless. 

He noticed Harry staring at his lips, a bit surprised. 

"Something wrong?"

"I- uh-. . ." Harry side-eyed the mirror. Niall walked towards the mirror and looked down at his lips. His lips weren't the pale pink they were before. They were red, partially from the heated kiss but they were also stained with something dark pink.

"Is that- . . ."

"It's not lipstick," Harry quickly said, covering his mouth. "It's chapstick. My lips were a bit dry when I arrived."

Niall smiled and laughed. He shook his head and turned around, pulling Harry's hands away from his mouth. He intertwined his hand with one of Harry's hand and gave Harry a quick kiss. 

"Lets go then."

Harry grinned. 


They left through the exit by the bathrooms. Luckily, everyone was too busy mingling to notice. Niall wasn't a bit surprise when he heard a car honking at them and the person pressing on the steering wheel happened to be no other than Louis Tomlinson. 

Louis was sitting in the passenger seat while Liam sat in the driver's seat.

"I should have known you would pull something like this," Niall said, climbing in next to Harry in the backseat. 

"Alright lads, mission accomplished. We kidnapped Romeo," Louis rubbed his hands together with a smug smile. Liam drove out from the banquet, onto the road. 

"I didn't even know what was happening until now," Liam admitted. "I was just going along with what Louis told me to do."

"So you're telling me you just blindly followed my orders?" Louis asked Liam. 

Harry gave Niall's hand a gentle squeeze. Both of them looked at each other. 

Niall leaned in to give a kiss to Harry's forehead before Harry put his head on Niall's shoulder. 

Throughout his whole life, Niall had this idea set in his mind of what his life would look like in the future since he was a little kid. 

But he didn't ever imagine this plot twist. 

He always thought he would marry Melissa and life would just go on. But that was before Harry. 

Before Harry, Niall was doomed to a life he didn't want nor ever be happy with. 

Now, he doesn't know exactly what he wants but he knows he wants it to be with Harry in it. 

He'll figure that out when he survives his parents' rage once they find out that he left.

The thought somehow made Niall smile. 


I'm back from my . . .hiatus?. . 


sorry for the delay, things have just been going on and yeah.

Hope you enjoyed this chapter! 


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