Mystery Girl- Sasuke's treasu...

By MadelineLee

76.8K 2.4K 173

Takara Imarne, a strong, sensitive, lovely girl who is timid an shy at times but can open up to only one pers... More

Mystery Girl- Sasuke's treasure
first round of the chunin exam
Second round of the chunin exam
Third, yet not last, round of the chunin exams
Training for the final round. (Sasuke's point of view.)
My only and greatest weakness.
Fight me!
Beauty and love? What are they?
The curing of nightmares.
Runaway with me.
The wrong name.
Two years later, the angel eyes see again.
Unveiling secrets.
Don't scare me.(Sasuke's point of view.)
Preparation of Itachi's death while going insane. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Izari's dying wish and Sasuke's memories. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Insanity as a weapon.
The heart of stone cracks.
Eyes seeing everything.
Returning home.
Pushing the boundaries of life and death.
The Angel's Eyes Close. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Izari's gift to Sasuke. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Rebuilding and reviving.
Danzo's rage.
Takara's strategy.
Unveiling Sasuke.
Truthfully die. (Sasuke's point of view.)
Missions again.(Sasuke's point of view.)
Akatsuki (Sasuke's point of view.)
The Eight tails.
Mission report.
This is war.
Proving that I love you.

Final round of the chunin exam. (Sasuke's point of view.)

3.3K 89 9
By MadelineLee

We were running late for the matches. I was fighting Gaara and I wanted to badly but fucking Kakashi was still yapping on about my power and curse mark and to be honest he was pissing me off! My eyes started to narrow at his stare and my usually blank face morphed itself into a face screaming 'Shut the fuck up because I already know this crap!' which wasn't true; I didn't know any of what he was tellig me which is why I listened and didn't act on what my mind was yelling at me to do or say.

We appeared in the areana, where there was a lot of people, like thousands of people. The proctor was in the middle of talking to Kakashi about me nearly being disqualified, thank god I wasn't but this match was Takara's and before I knew it she was facing me with a smirk on her for the second time uncovered face. "Huh, you grew your hair." She bit her lip as she eyed my matching smirk.

"And you showed your face." Her whole appearance had changed actually, her hair was out and had streaks of black and following her trail as it scraped along the ground, her sharingan and rinnegan were diactivated, showing off a piercing blue eye with streaks of black through it like a drop of ink unmixed in water. Her other eye was the normal byakugan pale haze it was almost matching her pale skin. Her top was black with holes in it creating the look of butterfly wing patterns to be covered by a shining blue hue not covering her scared stomach. Her leggings had the same holes with the blue cover but the pattern was butterflies flying up her legs. Also her violin wasn't attached to her back anymore, it was strapped to her hip. Her headband used to be around her neck but now that was used to hold back her hair, not incuding her long-ish fringe like Sakura has hers. 

"Well, your the one who told me I was pertty." She spoke almost a whispers breath, pushing out strawberry and minty breath into the plain, dull air

"Yeah, I remember." With that I dissepeared to the waiting area with Kakashi to watch her dominate another opponent.

Her opponent was Rei!? She's on the same team?! Rei looked the same as she did in the last rounds of the exam, in her short purple jumpsuit with a blue rope around her waist, showing off her lighly tanned legs and small figure. Her hair was a chocolate brown, bob cut with bangs, neater then Sakura yet very similar at the same time. Her eyes were a deep, dark purple. Her arms had netting as well as her ankles. I haven't seen Rei fight but I had a strong feeling she'd lose or die since Takara was always being abused by her and Saeko. "Takara, just so you know this fight will be to the death whether we both die or not, I hope you understand that." She spat in a snakes hissed filled voice.

"That means, Rei, that you'll die and it won't be quick or painless either." Takara sung in a carless voice.

"Don't count on it!" She yelled a pieircing, vibration to the ears as she ran at Takara doing hand sighns that I didn't recignise. "Piercing vaccume blast jutsu!" 

Takara sighed and did her hand sings lazilly "Water style; evaporation jutsu." With just that she dissapeared into thin air. I activated my sharingan to see and I noticed a ghost like figure high above Rei and I knew it was her. She formed back silently and started falling faster and faster. "Water style: water dragon jutsu." The same colour in her eyes came out and formed the shape of a massive, powerful dragon with glowing black eyes. By now Rei had noticed but it was too late she was pinned down by the force of the dragon hitting her directly and spilling water all over her. Takara was doing more hand sighns, I couldn't shift my eyes from her, I was amazed by her speed. "Ice style; breath of ice jutsu." She blew a mist from her mouth that saved her from a bad fall as it rose her back up a bit higher above the ground, it was a lot like my fire jutsus but this was a cold mist with her breath of mint and strawberries.

When the mist cleared Rei was now paralised by the ice over her body and a pole made from ice too starting at Rei's stomach and ending in the air at Takara's hand gripped it. "Bitch!" She cursed in a violent tone making me smirk as Takara reacted the same way. 

"Lightening style; electric butterfly!" She screamed with a sadistic look on her face as she stabbed her hand through the ice pole and blue sparks, looking like her titled insect flew all around and through the ice pole, shattering it like glass and electricuting Rei as the ice over her shattered and stabbed into her in the prosses..

"Aaaaaaaahhhhh!" She screamed at the top of her lungs making it hurt like hell as Takara just laughed like a maniac.

"And you thought you could kill me? Ha, I'm just warming up, honey." She smiled and got out a kunai, ripped off netting on her wrists, showing scars and cutting deeply into her skin. "Blood style; Karean torture drop!" She yelled, running at her with the blood covered knife being squeezed in her hand. Is she realy going to kill her? Actually? I widened my eyes as she lowered the knife to her head, just at her forhead she suddenly stopped. The blood dripped onto Rei's forhead making her freeze on the spot and shake in fear for her life.

"Aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!" This yell was even louder and lasted longer then the last. I gripped my ears and almost slammed my eyes shut but I kept my gaze at Takara with a straight expression of nothingness. 

"Oh, shut up..Actually, I'll do that for you." She smiled sweetly making herself look more sadistic. She did more unfarmiliar handsigns and just above a whisper she spoke the words. "Butterly symphony hit jutsu." And as she raised her scrunched up fist and flung her fingers out Rei was pulled apart making blood splatter all over Takara and the ground and walls as those blue and black butterflies flew away making only the noise of sweet music to everyones ears at only one simple split second.

"Holy shit." I whispered as my eyes widened. I don't know if I should be scared or excited. I love how she didn't care one bit if she died but at the same time it was freaky how she didn't show any bit of horror in those eyes. Wait; she didn't use her eyes this time. Why?  Oh well.

She jumped up to the railing infront of me with a smile, still covered in blood. "Sasuke, you're spacing out again." She giggled at me with that croocked smile of hers.

"Why didn't you do that to Kabuto? You wanted to kill him badly, didn't you?" I asked with no expression, forcing back any sudden off behavor that I may spill out with a habit being caused,

"He's a more complecated story but Saeko and Rei are not good for me let alone anyone else so there was no reason to keep them alive." She spoke as she jummped off the rails and landed infront and very close to me. "Why do you ask?"

I was paralilsed for a bit but I snapped out of it quickly. "No reason. What about those jutsu? I've never seen or heard of any like that."

"Ha, of course you haven't because I made most of them up." She whispered as she smiled through the strands of obsidian and sapphire hanging in her matching eyes.

"What about Saeko? Won't she-" I was cut off in one sudden movment.

She stepped closer and whispered quieter in my ear. "I killed her too." She stepped back and smiled at me. "Sasuke, calm down; I won't kill you, plus if you dont' you'll give yourself a cardiac arrest." She giggled, still quiet.

I knew my face was blank so what was it that gave me away? Darn it! My heart was racing extreamly quickly but I just sighed faking my fear and making it sound boared. "I know you won't kill me."

"Then why is your heart beat so fast today?"

"Tch, I have a match to win." I avoided her question not very well but it's true, besides I had no idea why of anything anymore; I don't know why I'm acting so strange, I don't know why I'm scared of her eventhough I know she won't kill me and I don't know why my heart is to fast to catch up with.

"Okay, but make sure you win so your able to fight me later." She called out as I walked away to the areana.

"Yeah, I know," I sighed as I tried to figure her out and why I always acted differnt around her. As I walked I noticed Gaara infront of me. His firey hair just the same colour as Saeko's, his skin only coloured from the dessert ever so lightly and should have more of a tann than he did and thoes eyes looked so different yet so alike to Takara's. He had the same blood lust in his eyes yet she had anger and happieness in hers too but he had just pain but it didn't drive him like mine drove me. We made our way to the areana and took our strances as the match began, well I did but he stayed still and straight and casual. His sand in his gorge started pouring out and flowing around him and it started to fly towards me. I dodge every move his sand made and ran as fast as possible toward him using only Taijutsu at first with my sharingan for extra help against every grain of sand be in sight and it was. I landed him a punch and a kick to the face that sent him back in daze and fright making me smirk. He started to fade to the sands colour and crumble off, showing natural skin. The sand morphed around him making a sphear surrounding him, I punch it but all that did was make my hand bleed and me tance. I jumpped back to have my feet swiftly land on the wall as I examined Gaara and my options. I gripped the bands on my wrist and unclipped it, as well as removing the cloth undernieth. I let out a breath and gripped my now bare wrist tightly "Lightening style; chidori!" I yelled running at him with lightening coming from my palm and sparking out making the noise of birds singing during spring. I smashed through the shield and got him but I was cut in the prosses as spikes formed around the area and my hand became stuck.

"Blood!" He cried out in fear making me freak out even more as I tried dislodging myself from the now rock solid sand. Something felt inhuman and people were in a genjutsu. Gaara ran off with his brother and sister so I ran for them.

I noticed soon that Takara was running towards them too and I knew she had fear in her head, it showed in her expression and that meant something was bound to happen. "Takara, do you know what's with Gaara?" I asked her in concern.

"I have no clue but I know it has something to do with Orochimaru." My eyes widened but went back to their usual naorrow glare I carry wherever I go.

"Do you know how to stop it?" She looked worried as she ran.

"I have a hunch which I hope I'm wrong about but if I'm not I have only one way of fixing it and to be honest it's a life or death thing but I won't have anyother choice." I smirked at her, causing her to turn her gaze at me and shift her eye brow up wards. "What's so funny?"

"You used the word 'I'; does this mean you've forgotten that I'm here?" I asked as my smirk grew on her slowly growing smile.

"How could I forget you? Trust me if I'm right then you'll know what to do without me saying a word but if I'm wrong then I'll probebly die but that means you'll have another plan, right?" She giggled at me, sweetly.

"You won't die." I kept my eyes narrow as my head turned to where Gaara was headed.

"I ho-."

"You won't die!" I interupted as we ran to recieve another smile, one started to tug at the corners of my lips but as my face twitched I just snapped myself out of it. She won't die and I've no idea what I was saying but it sounded true and so I went with it.

"How come?" She smirked at me as I noticed her hair fall out of her face. she looked even prettier.

"I don't want to let something like that happen again so I'm not going to let it." I tried to avoid looking at her so I could see her proparly and not out of the corner of my eye but I forced my head in Gaara's direction.

"Hey!" She recieved my gaze finally and my eyes saw her more clearly. "I won't let it happen either." She smiled and her cheeks went a bit pink as she grinned at me yet again. I knew what she meant and I believeed her, for once I think maybe, just maybe I trust her. "Sasuke, if you keep zoning out like this you'll run into a tree." She giggled.

I smirked and turned my head to face Gaara again. "Not gonna happen."

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