End of Time (Embry Call)

By annielovesnekos

28.4K 730 112

Tristan's life was pretty simple. She had a mother, a father, and a sister. So when she decided to move from... More

Author's Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen.

Chapter Six

1.7K 62 3
By annielovesnekos

As the last bell of my first day of school rang, I happily bust the front doors open. I survived my first day. Thank god. I didn't think I could last. I was happy one of my new friends were in each of the classes or else I wouldn't have survived. I would have died from every single girl glaring at me. What had I done to them? More importantly, what had I done to Embry? He was still very odd the rest of the day. Though towards our last class, he did sit by me, did try to talk to me, and did try to smile at me. I knew he had to force the smiles. Something bothered him and I couldn't help but wonder if I had been the cause of it. The boys flagged me down once I had gotten out of school and I went by them.

"Where's Embry?" Paul looked behind me as if he was there. We were after all, inseparable before lunch happened. I shrugged my shoulders, he said he had to go to his locker and he'd meet me outside with everyone. "Oh alright. I wanted to give him back a test from class." He held the packed at hand but shoved it back into his bag. I looked at him quizzically and he mentioned that Embry hadn't shown to a class they had together. The majority of us began talking. They all asked how my day was and what I thought of each teacher. It took Embry a bit to get to everyone else. He tried his best to avoid major eye contact but gave me a nod. By the time he arrived the group was about to leave. They gave us both a goodbye. Embry was the last to stay. Right, I had to give him a ride home.

"You okay?" I asked Embry as we made our way towards my car. There were still a people scattered around the parking lot. They were either talking with their friends or waiting to get picked up. Embry nodded and tried to smile. "If you want we could talk about it la–" A flash of familiar red caught my eye. Stephan's corvette parked right next to my jeep, this time catching everyone's eyes. I blushed a deep red. What was he up to now? Embry seemed to back off when Stephan stepped out. With a huge bouquet of black and white roses from maison de fleurs.

"Hi Trissy!" Stephan flashed me his pearly white smile. I walked over to him with an embarrassed look on my face. The bouquet was bigger than my torso. Stephan kissed me on the lips, one I had to return. I didn't even want to look at Embry after this.

"Hi Steve." I took the bouquet off his hands. "What are these for?"

"It's for being a crappy boyfriend lately." I cringed. I had been the crappy girlfriend if anyone would ask me. "I haven't been calling or texting like I used to."

"It's okay. You're on vacation and I'm still settling into the house." Which wasn't a complete lie. Just a half truth, he was after all, far from home.

"Yeah things have just been hectic with me. So I figured I dropped by with these before I went to my grandparents again." He sheepishly admitted. He scratched the back of his head and chuckled. I couldn't help but compare it to the time Embry had done it. Stephan's execution of the gesture didn't seem as cute as Embry's. I told him I couldn't take the flowers though. They weren't necessary. "They were every bit necessary!" He exclaimed as if, if he weren't to do it, he would've been punished. "So you know you haven't been off my mind."

"You're not going to be in Seattle tomorrow?" I asked him in realization of what he had said earlier. Tomorrow was the day I wanted to talk to him. He shook his head. He informed me that his grandparents' trip to Greece was pushed back so he was spending a couple more days with them. "When will I be able to see you then?" If I couldn't do it tomorrow I needed to know when. "Or do you have time now to talk." I unconsciously pushed the bouquet towards his chest. Which he didn't think much of before he pushed back to me. He looked at his watch and shook his head. "I really need to talk to you though. And it's not something I can talk to you over the phone with." If it had to come to that though, I would do it. But as long as he was around the same vicinity, I didn't want to do it over the phone.

"I really have to go. My grandparents are on a tight schedule. And the drive is a bit of a way's from here. I just really wanted to drop those off babe." He was firm in his voice, as if adamant on not spending more time with me. "We'll talk soon, I promise." He kissed the top of my head before he hopped back into his car. He drove off with a honk of his horn. "Miss you!" He yelled out the window before he sped off. He didn't even wait for my reply. I stood dumbfounded at what just happened. That wasn't like Stephan at all. It took me a moment to regain myself before I turned to my car. I expected Embry to leave. To my utter surprise he was there with a frown on his face. He look ticked. It made it seem that everything he and I had done over the weekend, was just leading him on. But Embry knew the situation I was in, he shouldn't have stayed.

"I'm sorry about that." I frowned. I didn't know what else to say. I took notice to his hands. They were balled into fists again. His knuckles were almost white. I really upset him this time. "Do you have to go anywhere before home?" I quietly asked as I placed the flowers in the back seat. He shook his head at me before climbing in the car. I couldn't keep doing what I was doing to Embry. Not as long as I was with Stephan. "So how was... school?" I made an attempt at talking to him. It was only five minutes into the drive and we fell into this uncomfortable silence. The five minutes felt so much longer with him. Which only made it worse, I had another ten or fifteen minutes before his house.

"It was okay. Just a regular day." Embry mumbled. He wouldn't face me, his head was turned towards the window. "I'm just really not feeling well right now. My stomach." He was lying to me. But I left him alone after that. He closed his eyes shortly after and pretended to fall asleep. Something in the pit of my stomach told me that it wasn't going to be the same with Embry for awhile.


» did you talk to Embry about earlier

Paul had been the one to text me a few hours after I had gotten home. Naturally, I would've asked Embry come over. But the chemistry between us was strained. I didn't need to push it. Besides, I came to the conclusion to leave him alone. I didn't want to continue leading him on this way. Especially since I was still technically tied down. Even though Stephan had called himself my boyfriend I didn't entirely agree. It took everything I had to not say he never really asked me out. I sighed heavily before I texted Paul back and said no.

» well he's still upset and talking to you would probably make it better

I would think Jake or Quil would be reaching out for Embry this way. Maybe I hadn't formed an entirely close bond with them the way I did with Paul. He and I had that silent, love/hate relationship. But I could tell he was very wholesome and family oriented. The way he acted with the group only showed so. I told him I thought I was the problem.

» problem or not youll still make him feel better.

The period at the end of his text. It only meant he was serious and wasn't joking around. I sighed again. I didn't want to call Stephan and break up with him over text. I didn't. But I didn't want to see Embry either. Not while I was still technically with him. And that technically was a big, fat one. I still won't deny that he and I had been romantically involved. I couldn't deny the dates we went on or the kisses that were shared. So it wasn't like I could just up and ignore him until he got the hint. I told Paul it was complicated. I told him I couldn't see Embry tonight.

» you're making a mistake tris.

Obviously I knew that.

» whatever, you'll both come around.

I told him he was annoying.

» you're just as annoying cupcake ;)

He ended it with that. I didn't bother replying. Alexis was knocked out in the room next to me. It was nearing nine and I knew I had to go to bed soon. I had diligently finished all the homework that I was given on my first day of school. Mostly just to keep my mind off both men. I couldn't help but toss and turn. It didn't feel right to try and sleep without making amends with Embry. I felt this annoying pain in my chest that was caused by our strife. It felt weird not to text him good night and not get my usual hug from him. I kicked at my sheets. The fluorescent green light of my digital clock stared back at me. It read 12:30am. Where had the time gone?


It was on Embry and how I messed it up between us. I should've called him. But I felt as if I was doing my justice away from him. If I even texted him, it would just be plain unfair. He deserved way more than me. I wasn't all there for him. He deserved all of me and I couldn't give that to him. I wouldn't be hurting him anymore. Even if that meant hurting myself. Sacrifice. That's what it would be. I was angry with myself for awhile. How could I do that to him? How could he even have such a hold on me? How could I have such strong feelings for someone I had just met.

I was never one to believe in soulmates or love at first sight. It was possible, but not with me. I've never met a guy who would evicted such strong feelings about this. He couldn't possibly be the one could he? There was no denying feelings I had for him but it was with time. It had to be with the time spent with each other. It wasn't because I fell in love with him from the moment I saw him. That was not real. I tried to remember the first day I had laid eyes on him, the feelings I had felt. It was magnetic. It was nearing one o clock when I heard a knock on my door.

To say I was scared was a complete understatement.

I was probably terrified. What would anyone be doing at my house as late as this time? I wanted to curl under my covers and pretend like I didn't hear it. But the knocks kept coming. I could feel my heart pounding against my chest. I looked around for any sort of weapon in my room. One of my trophies. I grabbed the biggest one I had; which oddly enough wasn't mine at all. It was one of Alex's soccer trophies. It was huge, she had one most valuable player. It was against my better judgement to see who was at my door. I could be dealing with a future serial killer. I could be the victim of this said serial killer. As I drew near the door, the knocks seemed to stop. I lowered my weapon and stood in front of the door. Should I open it? Did I want to?

"Tristian?" The voice behind my door called. It was soft, and gentle. The serial killer knew my name. The fear of the unknown had gotten to me and I didn't realize who was there. "It's Paul." I opened the door and looked at his incredulously.

"Do you know what freaking time it is Paul!" I nagged him just above a whisper. I didn't want to wake Alexis up even though she was dead asleep. "What are you doing here!" I moved aside so he could hey into the house. I realized he was half naked but didn't question it. Different strokes for different folks. He apologized for his sudden intrusion. He mentioned that he just couldn't be at his house at the moment. Him and his step father had gotten into a huge argument. He couldn't sleep there. "Well, you're obviously welcome to crash here." I ran my fingers through my hair. Paul smiled gratefully.

"I'm sorry about this Tris. I didn't know who else to turn to." Paul looked tired. The bags in his eyes were deep. I told him the couch had a pull out bed that already had sheets on it. And I got him settled with pillows and an extra blanket. As soon as his head laid on the pillow he knocked out. Soon after, I had too.

I woke up the next morning with a sticky note attached to my forehead. I took it off and saw it had been Alex's familiar handwriting. She asked why Paul was here, why I was sleeping on the love seat, and that she was off to soccer practice. I checked the time. It had been was 7:30. I shot up from my seat and woke Paul up. We would've been late for school! I took a quick shower in my bathroom while Paul took one in the guest bathroom. He chose to wear his clothes from last night, and that on his off period he'd go home to change. I didn't have much time to make us any breakfast so I toasted bagels and put cream cheese on it before we got into my car. As we pulled up into the school, I noticed Embry had been by the front doors with the rest of the group. The look on his face could've killed both me and Paul when we stepped out of the car together. Paul didn't think anything of it but I couldn't help but cower in slight fear of what Embry would do. I had never seen the look on his face before. First period with him was going to be absolute hell.

[A/N: I'd like to thank the people who added this story to their reading lists. I appreciate that haha. Also to ChristineBaum, marvel-girl00, AaliyahQueen, and bunnybaby786 for all your votes and comments I love you guys!! This story is getting a better, I guess outcome that I expected so I'm happy if you're happy.

Also I'm so sorry it took awhile to get this out, I'm back at work. Plus school started and I'm still trying to settle down! But I hope you enjoyed. Comments, suggestions? Should I make a Paul fanfic?! Okay have a lovely day xo]

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