Stronger(Fifth Harmony/You)

By Maclue

86K 2.4K 736

You trusted them with your fragile heart which has been broken before.They mend it but they just broke it mor... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Important A/N
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Another Important A/N
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Please Read!
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
About the Departure of Camila
Merry Christmas 🎄
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Another Important A/N
Chapter 33
Something important
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
New book!
Last Important A/N
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40 - Final Chapter
My Birthday
I'm back

Chapter 1

5.7K 97 69
By Maclue

Why. Everybody ask a question some are the same with other people some different.We ask questions because sometimes we don't understand things but my question is why did they do it they knew I was gonna get hurt but they did it. I was broken,hurt,my heart was shattered into tiny little pieces the pain I suffered because of them was something I cannot put words into it but the joy they brought into my life was the best thing I experience.

Love it can make you the most happiest person in the whole world but there is a price like everything in this world has a price but this price is the most painful thing in the whole world. heartbreak it rips your heart to shreds it makes you go crazy you ask yourself the only question running in your head why did they break your heart.

Pain. There is two kinds of pain physical and emotional. If I were to choose which is the most painful thing in the whole world its emotional because it is not easily healed because its in your heart. The heart is the most fragile thing in the world if you give it to someone be sure that they will catch you because if they won't catch you then you will fall into the world of heartbreak believe you do not want to experience it.

Betrayal. Betrayal can't happen if you did not trust someone. If you have been betrayed you will have a hard time trusting someone with anything you have.

Me I have felt Love,and joy and I have suffered heartbreak,and betrayal from my own blood. I use to think before that heartbreak and moving on was easy but its far very far from that only the one with a strong heart can do that and I am one the people who have been heart broken and betrayed by their own blood and I am the one with the strong heart.

I am gonna tell you people the story of how I got my heart broken and how I got betrayed by my own blood.

It's Christmas the time of the year where people all around the world gets to spend time with their family or friends but me I don't have any friends and my mom and dad have a week off they chose to use it as a vacation for the two of them in Hawaii instead of spending it with me and my older brother and my girlfriends or people know them as Fifth Harmony are spending time with their family so I am not angry at them as I am angry at my parents.

I am now alone at this house cause my brother left earlier because he said that he is spending time with his girlfriend parents for breakfast.

I got of my bed and went to eat my breakfast while playing the song "Fall for you by Secondhand Serenade." As I finish eating I called my brother because I wanted to hang with him I check the time and its 11:00 a.m. they should be done by now. I called him and he answered the fifth beep.

Y/N: Hey bro when can you come home? I want to play tekken 6 with you. I said through the phone.

Y/B/N (your brother name) :Sorry bro I won't be home until tomorrow my girlfriend wants me to spend the whole Christmas day with her family but I can cancel it and spend it with you bro."my brother said. I really love him he cares for others he knows I will be alone in Christmas and he would cancel on his girlfriend that I did not get to meet but I know they been dating for 7 months but me and my girlfriends a year.

Y/N: No I am fine just have fun bro love you and take care.

Y/B/N:Are you sure? I don't want you alone knowing Fifth Harmony not there. He said concern in his voice. I love my bro so much he is the only family member that cares about me even though I don't really don't wanna be alone in Christmas I must not be selfish.

Y/N:Yes I am sure.

Y/B/N:Ok take care love you.

Y/N:Ok love you. I said then I hung up.

I look at the time and its only been 15 minutes. I sigh in sadness its Christmas and I am alone. I went upstairs and I played Xbox stopping only for lunch then I played again.

7 hours later since lunch.

Ugh I really gotta take a break my eyes are getting tired and my fingers are hurting. I turn off my Xbox and I went downstairs cause I am thirsty and hungry. I took a bottle of water and I made myself a peanut butter sandwich.

As I started to eat my peanut butter sandwich while occasionally taking small sips of my bottled water I started to think about my brother and how he got to meet his girlfriend family for christmas. Every time I ask my girlfriends to meet their family they always change the subject or they will tell me they are busy now I think about it I never saw there parents at least once. Curiosity got the best of me so I opened google on my phone and I search their parents name. Thirty minutes later I seen and learned their faces and names. As I keep learning about them I check their twitter account so I could follow them but a tweet from Chris Jauregui which I learn is Lauren's brother as I started to read it I felt my heart break and tears threatened to come out.

@Chris Jauregui:Here with my family and friends and my sisters friends or band mates with their family and love maybe in the air with 5H special guest.*picture of your girlfriends and brother staring at each other with loving gaze while they smile at the camera*

This is a joke right, a prank,the girls, would never cheat on me with my own brother. My feet started to tap the floor repeatedly,sweat forming on my forehead. There has to be a reason why my brother is with my girlfriends.

"Your girlfriends are cheating on you dummy its clearly obvious they lied to you they said they will visit their family not the other way around,you were just in denial." My brain told me.

"Don't jump into conclusion there is a reason Y/N why won't you just ask them on why they lie to you." My heart told me.

"Are you stupid look at the picture they are staring at each other love are clearly in their eyes you have to be blind not to see that." My brain argued back to my heart.

As my heart and brain argued back and forth I chose to follow my heart and to ask them without jumping to conclusion.

I check the time and its 7:30 p.m. As I just sit and stare at the wall I kept thinking of different scenarios that could possibly happen when I ask them. My anxiety was killing me. I need to know.

I check the time the photo was taken and it was 7:15 p.m. I drove to the girls mansion. As I started to drive I notice that I am stuck in the traffic making me groaned in annoyance. As I lean my head backwards while I look forward waiting for the car infront to move my brain and heart continue to argue in my mind.

"Think about heart the girls lied to Y/N and they even took his brother to meet their family in Christmas knowing Y/N will be alone they even took a picture with him and let Chris post it on twitter they never did that for Y/N cause their management says it is not good for publicity cause Y/N is a nobody you even have to keep your relationship in closed doors since the beginning of your relationship they even went to your brother graduation day even though they were busy they made time for him while Y/N they just said sorry admit it heart Y/N is just to blind to see that the girls pity him that's why they stayed all this time with him."My brain said.

As I arrive at the outside of the mansion gate I was greeted by the guard at the gate who has become one of my closes friends.

"Hey Leon." I said giving him a small smile. Leon looks like Leon on resident evil seriously he even got the moves to prove it.

"Hey Y/N." Leon said while avoiding eye contact. You don't need to be a rocket scientist to figure out that something is wrong.

"What's wrong Leon?" I ask worried. Instead of answering my question he changes the subject.

"Why are you here?" Leon ask nervously.

I raise my eyebrow at his attitude but I let it go and I answered his question.

"I saw Chris Jauregui tweet and the photo of my brother and girlfriends here in the mansion with my girlfriends family now my girlfriend told me they were gonna visit there family not the other way around and my brother told me he would visit his girlfriend not mine now I am here to get answers as to why there lying." I said feeling tears in my eyes but also I can feel my fist clenching and unclenching.

Leon look scared and worried I never seen him in this state before its making me anxious.

"Y/N I will tell you something important but please don't tell anybody that I told you this?" He pleaded.

What the fudge is happening? Leon is a badass bodyguard and cop of the girls he never begs I am now getting worried and scared.

"Ok" I said hesitantly.

"Your girlfriends are cheating on you with your brother for seven months now they brought him here today to introduce him as their boyfriend to the family." He said all in one breath.

I look at him with doubt making him sigh.

"If you don't believe me then go see for yourself." With that said he pressed the button so the gate will open then I drove my car up. As I was driving I saw different cars park I am sure its the girls friends and family but one car caught my eye its my brother maybe Leon was right? No I trust the girls. But Leon would not lie something like that. There is only one way to know if Leon was right.

I park my car then I approach the door and knock. As I waited no one answered the door as I knock again still no one. I look at the time 11:30 p.m. well that explains why the mansion looks dark. I suddenly remembered that I have a spare key to the mansion I facepalm myself for my stupidity.

I open the door then I close it I look at the place and it looks like a high school party such a mess. I made my way upstairs looking for the room where the girls could be at. I search each room but saw it with occupied with their family then I heard a moan coming from Mine and the girls room seriously I should check that first instead wasting my ti- wait a moan?!

I power walk to the room as I arrive I put my ear next to door then I heard a moan but not just any moan but my Camila then I heard another then another from each of my girlfriends making my heart clench in pain I could feel my vision blur from the tears. I clench and unclench my fist.

I need to know the asshole their fucking. I slam the door open making them scramble from each other.

I could not believe my own eyes my own brother standing there naked with my girlfriends who I love with every ounce in my heart. They were looking at me shock wide eyes jaw hanging.

Hey beautiful people I decided to make a Fifth Harmony and You book hope you like it.


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