I Won't Give Up •The Substitu...

By Kaylin1847

107K 4.2K 2.9K

Daniel Christopher Preda broke Joey Graceffa's heart when he didn't tell him about having sex with another su... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Just an Update
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Hey Guys!
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Please Read
The End
Get Excited!!!

Chapter 22

2K 88 27
By Kaylin1847

Daniel's P.O.V.
(prior to Ricky going to Joey's)

I haven't been out of the house really. So, today I decided was good day to go get some lunch. And what better place to go than the place that brought back this madness, Urth Café.

Don't get me wrong, I really don't want to keep bringing up my past. But for some strange reason I can feel that the universe wants me to go there today. It is almost as if I can feel that I need to be there.

I hop in my car and the drive feels like it is taking ages. I looks to my right and remember all the times I would look over at Joey in my car and just smile. It was like I was admiring art work. Except the art work was mine. Only mine.

I miss him next to me. I miss his voice. I miss the way his lips would brush against mine, so naturally. I miss the way he breathed. I miss the way he walked. I miss him. But I have to shake these feelings off because I know if I don't, I will never get over Joey.

I park at the café and take my usual seat next to the window. This is where I used to sit. With- with him. We would laugh. We would talk about stupid things. Stupid things that I didn't know I would ultimatley end up missing. You know, the weather, a shirt, probably Britney Spears for all I know. But it was the little things. It always has been. And it always will be.

"Hello my name is Ric-" he stopled saying his name and just looked at me. A gleam dancing in his eye like a flame.
"Mr. Preda?" He says to me. And then it dawns on me, this is Ricky Dillion. The Ricky Dillion that dated Joey after we broke up. Wow how tome flies.
"Ricky? You work here?" I say kinda surprised. I mean, I know he has been a waitor before it's just, I don't know, I supected something a bit fancier from him.
"Yeah. I'm going to college and I figured I better have some money. Ya know!" He says as light as he has always talked.
"That's good. So how've you been?" I say trying to keep the conversation from going exactly where I know it is heading. And it is about to crash.
"Good. I am getting a degree in journalism. You know, interesting. So how are you and Joey? Did you guys get back together?" He says completely oblivious to what is about to hit him.
"We broke up remember? And um, no we haven't gotten back together. I tried but he just went back out with Preston," I say trying my hardest to hide the tears that I cam feel brimming in my eyes, causing my vision to blur.
"Preston? As in the Preston that broke his heart after, you know, um... you did?" He says trying his hardest not to drag me for breaking Joey. But I guess he doesn't understand that Joey just drug me. Much, much deeper than I did him.
"That's the one," I say running one of my hands through my hair. Can this conversation get any more painful?
"Wow. Um. Okay. What was it you wanted agaim?" He says as if he is thinking up something in his mind.
"Just give me a to-go green smoothie. I'm not really hungry," I say trying to hide the fact that I now have become very sick to my stomach.

He brings me the smoothie and I pay. I say goodbye and wish him well with college. I get in my car and slam my hands on the steering well a couple of times.
"FUCK!" I yell at the top of my lungs. I know what's happening and it is my fault for talking to Ricky. I should've never said anything. I should've left. I should've done alot of things. But as crazy as it may seem, love alters your brain. It makes you do things you wouldn't normally find yourself doing. And love has made me be more vulnerable. And I hate it. So, now I know what is about to happen. I know why Ricky was asking all those questions. I know why he seemed so deep in thought. I know.

Now, Ricky is going to try and get Joey back.

Author's Note:
I'm so excited to be back updating! I missed it so much! I think this is my favorite story to update. Which of my stories is your favorite? Or what story is your favorite in general? I love you all so much and I will see you tomorrow! Xoxo, Kaylin

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