This Is My Goodbye

By Sinful_Sonata

203 29 44

"She was like a star, nothing but a beautiful echo of death" Ultimately I had to choose an escape from my pas... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
I. Richard
II. Mother
III. Father
IV. Matthew

Chapter 1

21 2 3
By Sinful_Sonata

The light shined brightly across the emerald green grass. The wind blowing gently through my thick black hair. I remember laughing  when the little boy I was with fell, but managed to get up and chase after me, trying to catch up. It was fun that day. Especially seeing the smile on my parents faces. The way their cheeks glowed with happiness. I didn't know that that might be the last smile I would see on both of their faces.
At the time I was 5, just starting out in Elementary. I was ecstatic, radiating with joy. I knew that. I loved the coloring, the writing. After a week I could count all the way to 15. You could say I was the smartest pre-k student. Reciting my A, B, C's like it was nothing. And it wasn't, it was so easy. Every paper that was returned to me revealed a shiny gold star, sometimes a smiley face.
School was my happy place, I was just so extatic to be learning new things, and to be able to draw. But at home it was different, now. No longer is there happiness waiting to greet me at the door. Rather something more dispirited place.  I remember coming home, I was in third grade at this time. There was a woman in my dad's office. I've seen her before, I think her name was Marie, who happened to be  my dad's secretary at his law office. She had long silvery blonde hair, loosely curled around her heart shaped face. All capturing the moment of her blue eyes. I figured she was here to discuss private matters with him, like a case. I walked toward them ready to show daddy my report card but then I saw the woman climb on top of daddy and rubbing against him. I was so confused, then I saw them kiss. I ran, I ran into my room and slammed the door crawling in my closet huddled in the far corner. If I recall correctly, my mom came home a few hours later and sat next to me asking how my day was and I answered honestly. "It was great. I have all A's. Mrs. Bernstein said I was the brightest kid she's ever had!" I was only 9, and what can I say. I like bragging.
But it didn't stop there, my mommy asked me why I was hiding and I thought maybe she knew what happened and she wanted me to tell her what I saw so I told her.
I wasn't sure if it was the right thing, I thought I was to protect daddy and mommy , but by the way her face fell, I knew I shouldn't have said anything. Her face was crossed with agonizing emotion, she patted my shoulder and smiled telling me it was nothing to worry about.
Later that night, my mom tucked me into bed and kissed me good night. I didn't sleep that night, I don't know why I couldn't. Parts of me wish I was fast asleep, dreaming of something far more pleasing. But I couldn't no matter how hard I tried.
The yelling began soon after, I heard mommy yelling mean things at daddy. At the time I didn't know what they were. But I do now. I always thought daddy was sweet. But he screamed horrible words at her too. I could hear her loud cries muffled only by the walls, and the distance of our bedreooms.. My mom would argue back, verbally assaulting my father. I remeber getting scared, so I held my teddy bear close, and squeezed my eyes shut, pulling the blankets over my head. Attempting to block out the hateful exchanges. I eventually drifted off, I guess. But I didn't dream of rainbows like I always wanted.

Please let me know how you like it so far! Thanks.

Much Love,

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