The Universe // Yoandri Cabre...

By awreeoh

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Sequel to The Stars he's cautious. she's explosive. More

1| Broken a Heart
2| Library
3| Parties & Kisses
4| You & I
5| I'll Help
6| Explantions
8| Questions
9| Back Together
10| Said and Done
11| Impossible
12| Tell Me
13| Depressed
14| Bliss
15| Better
16| Want
17| Nightmares
18| Not Done Yet
19| Precious Moments (Part 1)
20| Precious Moments (Part 2)
21| Gonna Be Alright
22| Clingy
23| All My Love
24| Aroused
25| Alec
26| Your Place
27| Cold
28| Boom. Crash.
29| Newfound Joy
30| All of Me
31| Success
author's note
fifteen facts
Q&A-The Second Part
answers - The Second Part

7| Wrong

478 54 33
By awreeoh

Chapter Seven

Joel's POV

"You know what I want?"

Angelia burps and rubs her eyes, smearing her mascara. I look over to see Yoandri next to her passed out, Deandra staring at us tiredly. "What?" I finally respond.

"I want to be happy. Because people don't want you to be happy, people don't want you to eat," she drunkenly rambles. I shake my head and take a swig of my half empty beer, "You need to sleep."

Deandra snorts and says, "She's always pulling all nighters. Angelia's fucking crazy." Angelia giggles and cheers herself on, "Fuck yeah." Yoandri only chuckles, half asleep and I laugh.

"But as I was saying, people don't want to you to eat but you loyal. Prove them wrong. Don't let your dreams just be dreams," she continues. Angelia pounds her fist into her palm, "Just do it, make your dreams come true."

I furrow my eyebrows and she stays quiet, "I need to sleep." We all reply, "Yes." Angelia huffs and puffs until she cuddles into Yoandri and falls asleep. "Goodnight, fam," she mumbles.

I lift my hand up and lay down on the bunk on top of Angelia's, gazing down at her face. "Goodnight."



I groan and wince when the sunlight hits my face. "WHY ARE YOU YELLING AT ME? I DID NOT DO ANYTHING WRONG!" I rub my face and Deandra yells at them, "SHUT THE FUCK UP. IT IS TOO EARLY FOR THIS BULLSHIT!"

Angelia groans and Yoandri huffs, "I was drunk. Nothing counts when you're drunk." Angelia snorts, "So what're you're saying is that kiss meant nothing to you?" Yoandri seethes, "Can you just fucking not for once Angelia? Everything is my fault. I'm always the one to fuck up!"

He gets up and Angelia stays in the bed, Deandra and I sharing a weary look. "You never seem to do anything wrong now do you?" Angelia sighs, "You know that's not how it is. Yoandri, you're better than me in all ways."

Yoandri snorts and looks around the room, looking for some sanity, "I am so sick and tired of you blaming everything on me. You always do things wrong. You pour the milk before the cereal, you always forget your planner and have to ask everybody for the homework. Angelia, you always seem to be in my way when I want to do something and that's wrong."

I look down and see Angelia actually taking this shit from Yoandri. "And for once I admit that I'm wrong. I'm wrong for thinking that you were the one I wanted to be with, I'm wrong for thinking that you were such an amazing person."

"You're a bitch. You're always so sarcastic and sassy. I don't need this."

"I don't need you."


Angelia sits down in her seat for Chemistry, and takes out her things. "Hey," I whisper. She shakes her head and whispers back, "I don't want to talk to anyone."

Yoandri walks in and his gaze lands on Angelia's curly hair that was spread out over her face. He sighs and walks up to her, standing until she grumbles. "Who's there?" Yoandri rasps, "I'm sorry."

Angelia stays quiet than finally lifts her head up with a bitter smile, "Fuck off, won't you?" He closes his eyes, a pained expression on his face. "I know I fucked up, and I'm sorry," he apologizes.

Angelia shakes her head and scribbles some notes in her binder, "I don't want to talk. I'm done. You don't get the right to tell people what's wrong about them. You just don't do it because feelings end up getting hurt and people try to change for others."

She stops writing harshly and looks up at Yoandri, "And I've been through hell and back trying to be in a relationship with you. Did I fuck that up too?" She stands up from her chair, getting in his face.

"Did I fuck a guy on our anniversary? No, I made dinner, I gave myself to you, and I told you that if I could only love one guy for the rest of my life and it was you, I would be perfectly okay with that."

Angelia closes her eyes before the tears fall and breathes out, lowering her head. "I forgave you twice, and I can't keep doing this, Yoandri." He nods and averts his gaze. "Fine. But don't tell me I didn't try."

Angelia glares at him and drops her pen, "You did not just go there. I refuse to believe you just said that. You tried? Do you call having sex with another girl, on our anniversary, a trial and error? Or the part where you did it on our bed?"

She scoffs, and Yoandri only stands there, pain radiating across his face, "Don't tell me you tried, because if you did we would still be together." Angelia plops down and finally finishes, "Don't feed me bullshit that you yourself don't fucking believe."

I stand there with my mouth open and Yoandri tries to speak but the teacher comes in, "Everyone take your seats. Class has begun."

Deandra only looks at Angelia who was crying a little with concern and I do too look at the girl. Because she can put up with a lot a shit and when she explodes it's ugly.

Nothing is going back to normal.

I rub my eyes and sigh, emotionally drained inside. Why can't they just kiss and hug and be together? It's so simple, seriously.


"You guys need to talk this out because all I've been seeing is you miserable and him so antisocial its crazy. It's been a day."

Deandra waits for Angelia to respond and when she does its along the lines of, "I fucking hate...can't even." I sigh and agree with Dea's point, "Just talk it out. Like Deandra said, 'your miserable and he's antisocial'."

Angelia opens the door to her dorm and wipes her nose, crashing onto her bed. It's quiet until she turns around and lets out a heartbreaking sob. "Why do I feel like shit?" Deandra and I look at her before looking at each other.

Angelia never cries like this.

I see her curl up and her back shakes with each choked out cry. Deandra looks away and I go to comfort Angelia, "It's okay." She shakes her head and hides in her pillow as I rub her back, "No it's not. I'm a bitch, I'm sarcastic, rude."

I shake my head and Deandra wipes her eyes, not being able to handle seeing her best friend like this. "Angelia don't cry," she demands. Angelia takes a few deep breathes, letting out choked sobs here and there before turning to face Dea.

"This is not the Angelia I know. The Angelia I know wouldn't stop until she was happy again and I'm telling you to get up and be yourself. Don't let anybody tell you what you are and are not."

"Only you can do that."

Angelia wipes her face and I hug her tightly. "Deandra's right. You're amazing and any guy would be lucky to have you. We all love you, Angelia."

She looks up at us with a small smile, "I love you guys." We all laugh and hug each other just as Yoandri marches into the room, grabs Angelia by her waist, throws her over his shoulder, and leaves the room.

Deandra and I stay quiet for a few seconds, "What just-?" I shrug and look around the room, "Wanna study?" Deandra breaks out of her daze and nods.

"You think she'll be okay?"

"I bet they'll be together by the end of the day."



I leave for two hours and Yoandri does a following spree...

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