Surviving Life on the Tuscany...

By VannaBanana24

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After my parents were killed in a fire almost a year ago, there were no other relatives to take in my little... More

Chapter 1: Getting Started
Chapter 2: The Jones's House
Chapter 3: Soccer Cousins
Chapter 4: You Must Hate Me Now
Chapter 5: High School Sucks
Chapter 6: Luke's Secret
Chapter 7: Happy Birthday, Mom
A Word From the Author
Chapter 9: Paaaaarty Time!!
Chapter 10: Brent to the Rescue and Wyatt's POV
Chapter 11: Party's Over
Chapter 12: Wyatt's POV and Brent's Secret
*Author's Note*
Chapter 13: I Be With You
Chapter 14: I Can't Stand Hospitals
Chapter 15: Forgive and Forget
Author's Note Part 2
Author's Note!

Chapter 8: Dreams and Shopping

2.7K 42 1
By VannaBanana24

I couldn't tell where I was. I was running through the darkness. I was in a building in my dream land, that's what I was sure of. I climbed the stairs and ran down the hall, I saw a light that creeped under a crack between a door and the floor. Just from the small light, I could tell I was at the Jone's house. I ran down the hall as the darkness chased me. The light was coming from Wyatt's room.

He'd be able to save me from the darkness. I thought hopefully.

I whipped open the door. My mouth immediatly gaped open and tears stung at my eyes as I saw what was going on. All I needed to see was Stacey Gram laying in Wyatt's bed to know that this wasn't good. Wyatt was starring at me with horror in his eyes.

"Elle..." He trailed off.

Stacey sat up, wrapping her arms around him. "Told you, he is mine." Her smile was evil.

Wyatt went to get up. "Elle, I'm so sorry. I-"

Before Wyatt could finish, I tore off down the hall. I slide down the banister and out the back door. I could hear Wyatt's sad attempts to get me back to him. I ran into the woods, I could hear footsteps behind me and assumed it was Wyatt, but when a hand grabbed me and pulled me to their chest, I looked up into Ian's beautiful, blazing blue eyes.

"Ian..." Was all I could get because of the sobs that were caught in my throat.

He pressed my head to his chest. "I know. It's okay." He whispered in my ear.

My tears stained his shirt and my cries were muffled. Ian lifted up my chin.

"He's an ass. I'm not." Was what he said before crushing my mouth to his. It was the sweetest, bestest, most perfect kiss ever....

Too bad it wasn't real.

I woke to find myself being shaken by Ian. I jumped when I had just seen him two seconds ago... somewhere else. He looked worried.

"Are you okay? I heard you crying and screaming." He said.

I lifted a finger to my eyes, they were wet and probably red. "I... I had a bad dream." I said.

"A dream? Want to tell me about it?" He said making himself comfortable in my bed.

"It was... about Wyatt." I mumbled. "You were there too, and so was Stacey..." I stopped when the tears started again.

Ian took my into a hug. "You don't have to tell me." He said.

I nodded. "What time is it?"

"Uh... around one." He said.

I groaned. "I hate nightmares."

Ian walked over to my closet and pulled down a blanket and a pillow.

"What are you doing?" I asked as he laid them out by my bed.

"I'm gunna sleep here. Maybe you won't have anymore bad dreams if you know someone like me is around." He said, sweeping his hair out of his eyes.

It was weird how I only saw him do that around me, but once someone else came around his hair was back in his face. Weird.

I seattled back into bed as Ian went to shut off the light.

"Ready?" He asked.

"Uh. Yeah." I said.

He turned out the light, plunging us into darkness. I clutched to my blanket, not wanting the nightmares to return. I felt the heat of Ian's hand in the palm of mine.

"The dark isn't really that scary. You should of told me you were afriad of the dark."

"I am not afraid of the dark." I gave him a flat expression, though I know he couldn't see it.

He chuckled. 

"I just had a bad dream. I actually like the dark because it's like so mysterious and peaceful. The day is too noisy."

"Yeah, I agree. I like night better than day. It's less stressful." He breathed.

"Mhmm." I nodded, drifting into sleep.

"Elle?" I barely heard him say my name.

I made a groaned noise to let him know I heard him.

"I can't hide it anymore... I have a major crush on you."

I nodded, already half asleep. He only spoke a few seconds ago, but I already forgot what he had said. I closed my eyes and let my dreams carry me away, ready to face the fears and delights of the dream land.


I let a huge yawn escape my lips as I walked into the kitchen, dressed in sweatpants that hung low - revealing my lime green soccer shorts - and a snug-fitting long-sleeved tee. My red, auburn hair was pulled in a low side ponytail. 

I noticed Zach, Luke, and Blake were sitting at the breakfast bar because all the other seats were already taken: typical morning. I took a seat next to him as I acknowledged that the older boys were sitting at the table, including Wyatt; minus Ian. Ian was still asleep on my bedroom floor, snoring like a pig. I had to admit that he looked adorable with his messy black hair that wasn't perfectly alined over his eyes due to bed head.

I didn't show that I noticed Johnny jabbing his elbow in Wyatt's side to point out that I was here. I saw Wyatt's love struck grin as I took a seat in between Zach and Luke. 

"What's up, sleepy head?" Zach said, taking his fist and grinding on my head.

I fixed my hair. "Woah, dude. Not the hair, anything but the hair." 

"What took you so long to wake up?" Blake asked.

"I had a bad dream last night." I groaned. "Took me forever to just get back to sleep."

Arms wrapped around my waist and a I felt nibbling on my ear when Luke said: "Why was Ian asleep on our floor this morning?"

The nibbling stopped. "What the hell?" Wyatt hissed.

I groaned. "Please don't get angry bout' it. He heard me screaming when I was having a nightmare. He came in to check on me and slept on the floor so it would be easier for me to fall asleep. Just don't blow a gasget, I already have a huge headache." I explained.

Wyatt stayed silent for a moment. He rest his chin on my shoulder. "What was your nightmare about?" 

"Oh... uh.... n-nothing. Nothing at a-all." I stuttered with a fake smile and nervous laugh.

Wyatt narrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, what I mean is... Uh.. Well-"

I was cut off by Wyatt, who lifted me out of my chair and into his arms. "Come on, you're coming with me." He said, slinging me over his shoulder.

"Wyatt! Put me dooooown!" I groaned.

"Nope." He popped the "P" which made me aggitated.

"Wyatt Jones! I will personally kick your ass!"

"I'd love to see that." Jamey laughed.

I shot him a glare before going back to smacking Wyatt on the back. He carried me up the stairs and into his room before dropping me on his bed.

"I hate it when you do that." I grumbled.

He took a seat next to me. "Well, I hate it when you don't tell me the whole truth." He said.

"Well... It's not the same thing." I said.

"It kinda is. You do stuff that I hate and I do stuff that you hate. It's a hate-hate situation." He said.

I just grumbled in response before laying my head in his lap. Wyatt let a sigh escape his lips.

"What am I going to do with you?" He smiled.

"I have a pretty good idea." I laughed, pulling myself up to sit in his lap.

He kissed me softly, brushing his velvet lips agaisnt mine, making me smile. I kissed him back, wanting more than what he was giving me. He pulled away with a smirk tugging at his lips.

"Can't get enough?" He laughed.

I blushed at his comment. "Sorry." I smiled awkwardly.

He pulled me closer to him. "No prob, babe."

He pushed his lips agaisnt mine, only harder this time making the kiss more passtionate. I rubbed my hands thourgh his hair as his tongue searched the inside of my mouth. Sparks flew through me as he rolled me over onto the bed. Wyatt pressed up his body agaisnt mine, kissing down my jaw to my neck. I moaned at the flutter in my stomach as he started sucking at my neck. I felt his tongue glide over my skin, tickling me. His mouth relocated to mine. He plunged his tongue into my mouth, quickly finding mine. I lifted my hands under his shirt, pressing agaisnt his well-toned abs. 

I heard a knock at the door as Wyatt began nibbling on my ear. I really started to panick when the knock was followed with a: "Hey, Wyatt! It's me, Jamey. I'm coming in, so you better be dressed."

Jamey opened the door to find Wyatt holding me in his lap as he bit at my lips. "Well this is awkward..." Jamey laughed.

Wyatt looked up. "Shit.. Jamey! Ever hear of knocking?" Wyatt growled.

"Actually, I did knock. Ever hear of answering the door?"

"I didn't hear you knock." Wyatt mimicked Jamey's voice.

"I do not sound like that and what the hell do you mean you didn't hear me?! Your own brother, your own flesh and blood."

"Well, I was a little pre-occupied." Wyatt said, nodding his head in my direction.

"Well, next time answer me...." Jamey replied, knowing he had lost the argument. "Anyway, we're going to a party tonight. You guys wanna come?" 

"Hell yeah. I'll be able to flaunt my new girl around before we head back to school." Wyatt laughed.

"Elle?" Jamey asked.

"I'm game." I smiled, but it dissapeared when I came to a realization. "I have nothing to wear." I gasped.

"Uh... Actually some girl texted you. Abby or something... She said she was taking you shopping cause' she's going to the same party."

"Nice... but how did you get my phone?" I asked, nodding to the Verizon Cosmos he held in his hand.

"You left it on the counter. And no worries, I already read all your texts like a good brother." He smiled.

"Jamey! I'm going to strangle you bare-handed!" I said chasing after him.

"You gotta catch me first." He laughed in a sing-song voice.


Abby picked me up around noon and we headed off to the mall. She dragged me into a very expenssive looking store, and the looks were correct. The store was very EXPENSIVE! I couldn't afford a used tissue off their floor if I wanted it. Abby read my expression clear as day.

"No worries. I'm loaded, if it wasn't already obvious. I'll get you anything you want." She smiled.

"I can't-"

"OMG! You have to get this!" Abby interuppted me, running to a rack that held a beautiful summer dress. She pulled it down and shoved it into my hands. "You have to try it on. NOW! You'll look so amazing in it!" 

She shoved me into a changing booth before I had time to say anything. I reluctantly locked the door. I pulled off my other clothes so I could peel into the navy blue dress. I looked in the mirror at the dress that I had put on. I look HOT! The spaghetti-strapped dress was a bit short for my liking and a little low cut, but it clung to my curves in all the right places. I loved it! 

The downer part came next: when I lifted the press tag that read $235.99. I gasped at the amount. My face plunged into a depression and a pout surfaced. I heard banging on the door.

"Hurry up! I wanna see! I wanna see!" Abby growled.

"Okay, okay. But I can't afford something like this." I said, opening the door.

"I told you that I can pay for anything that you-" Abby paused mid-sentence when she saw me step out. "OMG!! You look so sexy! I'm getting it for you, no objections! You're too hot in it to not get it!" She pushed me back into the changing room.

"I'm going to find a matching necklace and shoes. Flats or heels?" She asked.

"Flats." I said absent-mindedly. "I mean-"

"Okay. Meet me at the car later. Here's the money for the dress. It should cover it, if not just text me." She said, sliding four one-hundred dollar bills under the door. I gaped at the money on the floor before snatching it off the floor.

I slipped back into my old clothes and grabbed the dress. I walked up to the register and handed the man three hundred dollar bills. I grabbed my bag that the dress was in and headed out of the store. I walked through the mall, looking for the exit. 

I didn't realize how out-of-mind I had been until I knocked into someone. 

"I'm so sorry." I said, rubbing my head.

"It's cool, babe." A deeper voice replied.

I looked up to see Brent. I recognized him from biology class. From the look in his eyes, he recognized me too.

"Oh. You're Elle, right?" He asked.

"Yep. We have biology together." I smiled.

"Yeah! I never thought I'd run into you here." He said.

"What do you mean? The mall is like every teenagers get away." I laughed.

"Yeah, true dat." He laughed. "It's just Stacey Gram, I don't know if you know her."

I groaned. "Sadly, I do."

He chuckled. "Well, yeah, she said you were some loser that had no looks, manners, or social life what so ever." He said, counting the three insults out on his fingers.

I frowned at that and shifted my gaze to the floor. "Oh."

He put his hands on my shoulders, realizing what he just did. "But, I happen to disagree fully with her." He said.

I looked at him. "What?"

"Stacey's probably just jealous of you. I mean from what I can see, you have manners and a social life, not to mention you're totally hot." He clamped a hand over his mouth as a blush rised on his cheeks. "I'm sorry." He mumbled from behind his hand. He looked so adorable.

I laughed. "It's fine. But I do have a boyfriend, so watch out." I laughed.

His blush deepened. "I am SO sorry!"

"No, it's fine. And thanks for thinking that." I smiled.

He sighed in relief. 

"Well I gotta get going. Going to a party tonight with the Jones's boys and Abby." 

"Hey, I heard the Jones's team was gunna be at a party I'm going to tonight. I'll probably see you round." He smiled.

"Cool shit." I laughed before giving Brent a friendly hug and walking to find Abby's car in the massive parking lot. 

So Brent doesn't agree with Stacey, huh?

Gram girl's: 1

Me: 2

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