Believe Me

By fardowsa_mohamed

191K 11.3K 312

Zaria Salim was considered a tomboy due to the fact that she is a Muslim girl playing soccer. All she wanted... More

Zaria (month later)
Xavier (wedding day)


4K 279 4
By fardowsa_mohamed

 "I'm going to bed," he says getting up. "Are you really mad at me?" I question him as I stare up at him. He turns around and looks at me. "You can't seriously think I'm ok with you saying that... you're acting like I don't care about you," he says pissed off. Why is he overreacting.I stand up pissed off "it's just words get over it and stop acting like a baby," I smirk staring him down. "I'm not being a baby, you need to grow up and understand that words do affect people," he says walking off. I though he wasn't a baby, he's walking off like a child. I roll my eyes and sit back down.

I go to the kitchen and grab a tub of ice cream and a spoon and sit back in the living room. I put in some cartoon and sit crisscross, it helps me when I am irritated. I stare at the TV. I end up falling asleep.

I wake up and look around. I drag myself up and clean up and pray. I walk into the bedroom and see that Xavier gone. I roll my eyes and he didn't even bother waking me up. What a douchebag. I sit down on the bed and pull out my Kitab. I start reading to clear my mind and also to pass time. I hear footsteps as I was putting my Kitab back on the shelf. I turn around to see Xavier. I just glance at him and walk pass him. He grabs my wrist as I was out the door. He turns me around to face him. "I'm sorry about yesterday," he mumbles. I just nod. He stares at me as if he was waiting for someone. "You're not going to apologize for what you said?" He questions staring down at me. I roll my eye "I'm sorry... for God knows what," I mumble the last part but apparently he heard me. He lets go of me "to stubborn to actually apologize for your mistakes," he says. I stare at him and he walks back out. I sigh. I jump as I hear the door slammed. I swear he is starting to get on my nerves.

I go into the kitchen to cook. I take a deep breath. Lately Xavier and me just end at bad terms. We keep on arguing about the stupidest things. After cooking I fix my hijab and change to go for a walk to cool down from the kitchen. I step outside to see someone that looks familiar. "Zaria," he says sounding shocked to see me but there was something in his voice that gave me the chills. I lower my gaze. He lifts my head with his hand. "Don't touch me," I smack his hand away. He stares me down and then I realize who he was. Marcus. Before I could react a rag was put to my mouth and I was gone by the light dropping my keys and phone. 

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