Love will find a way (Flutter...

By ScriptedPages

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Ok I gave this idea some time and thinking and I finally decided to make a fluttercord fanfiction. I absolute... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Not a chapter!! New episode of MLP READ AT UR OWN RISK!!!!!
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a chapter, but a new story!!!
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
A/N 2
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Last Announcement!!!!!

Chapter 27

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By ScriptedPages

(I tried....but again YouTube is still not working!!!!!!! But I'm still gonna put in the songs! Yes I said songs with a s. So there are actually 2 songs in this chapter, the more the merrier!!! Enjoy!!)

Fluttershout and Fluttershy kept following Murdershy to find the door where it leads out of this horrible place of her mind. But something was a bit off with Murdershy. Fluttershout noticed the way she walked, the way she was breathing, it just didn't seem right. Fluttershy noticed that she was concerned and decided to go to talk to Murdershy.

"Um...hi? Look I noticed that something is bothering you, a-and I was thinking tha maybe you might want to talk about it?" Fluttershy said, hoping that Murdershy won't boast at her.

She only looked at her for 5 seconds then looked back to where they're heading. Fluttershy lowered her head down in disappointment.

"Do you want to know why I'm acting like this?" Murdershy asked.

Fluttershy lifted her head and looked up at her who was still looking at the trail.

"Since you're here, I couldn't help but think of the time of how Flutterbat turned evil." Said Murdershy.

Fluttershy looked at her with a surprised face.

"It all started when you first got the curse and we were created. All of us were there and we just looked at each other not knowing what to do. So for a couple of days we just wandered around not knowing what to do, until one day I was talking to Flutterbat then she started to fade away. We all tried to help her, but before we knew it she was gone! And then you came. When we found you, you were completely knocked out! There was no way in waking you up." Murdershy explained.

Fluttershy and Fluttershout listened with great intent, even though Fluttershout already knew what happened.

"Flutterbat on the other hoof...she was having the time of her life!! She used your body for one night and she loved it!! She enjoyed the outside world, it's beauty was like something she never seen before. That's how she came to like apples before she turned to the blood diet. When the sun rose up she flew quickly back to your cottage before you disappeared and Flutterbat came back. She told us about her amazing adventure and we were all amazed by it.

Until I noticed that Flutterbat's shadow wasn't there, I was very confused until I found out that her shadow replaced yours which caused you to see Flutterbat's reflection in the mirror. The second you called Flutterbat a 'monster' she immediately broke into pieces. We all tried to reassure her that it was just a misunderstanding because you didn't know what was going on so we couldn't blame you. But she didn't see it that way. At first we thought that she just thought she needed some time to cool off, but we were wrong.

Before we knew it she took over your mind with her hatred and anger, she placed me and the others in separate parts of your mind do that way we won't get in your way. And...well you know the rest." Flutterbat explained more.

By the time Murdershy have finished the story Fluttershy was left star-struck. She didn't know that she was the cause of Flutterbat's unhappiness. This made her feel guilty inside,must felt like a weed growing quickly. But she didn't have time to focus on that because she and the rest found the door leading out of Murdershy's world. The door was painted in a bright shade of white and their was a big golden star in front of it. There was writing on the star, it had a name and it said 'Flutterstar'.

Fluttershy was confused when she saw the name, but Murdershy and Fluttershout kept a straight face and opened the door. They immediately saw bright different colored lights and could hear music and cheering. Without hesitation, the three mares stepped through the door preparing for what's on the other side. After they stepped through, they could hear cheering and see flashing lights everywhere. The three mares realized that they were in the middle of a large crowd who were shouting and screaming excitedly.

The three mares looked around in confusion until they saw a stage and a pony in a suit came up to a microphone.

"Are you guys having a good time?!" He exclaimed into the microphone.

Then the crowd screamed as loud as they could.

"I can't hear you!!! I said, are you having a good time?!" The pony exclaimed again.

Then the crowd screamed even louder than before as Fluttershy, Fluttershout and Murdershy covered their ears.

"Alright!! Before we go on break, the mare we all know and love prepared a special song for you all. And she hope that you all will like it!! So let her hear you scream!!!! Give it up for Flutterstar!!!!!!" The pony screamed before going off-stage. (A/N yes I know the name is a little bit cliche but bare with me!!!)

Then a mare flew down from the sky and the ground screamed even more. She looked like Fluttershy, except she had black and hot pink highlights in her mane and the tips of her feathers were pink. On her hooves were pictures of butterflies and there was one near her eye. Even her cutie mark had black butterflies. The second that the crowd saw her they began to cheer and scream. Once the mare landed she walked downstage to grab the microphone and started singing.

"This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot
How to turn it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long.

You, where the heck
Did you come from?
You're different, different
Kind of fun.
And I'm so used
To feeling numb

Now, I got pins and
Needles on my tongue.
Anticipating what's
To come.
Like a finger
On a loaded gun.

I can feel it rising
Temperature inside me
Haven't felt it
For a long time

This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot
How to turn it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long"

The crowd was going absolutely insane while Fluttershy, Fluttershout, and Murdershy just watched Flutterstar sing.

"This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Turn it on but I know
You can take it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long
(All night long)

I, I was even
Gonna go out.
But I never would
Have had a doubt.
If I had known
Where I'd be now.

Your hooves on my hips
And my kiss on your lips
So I could do this
For a long time.

This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot
How to turn it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Turn it on but I know
You can take it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

Until tonight I
Only dreamed about you
I can't believe I ever
Breathed without you.
Baby you make me feel
Alive and brand new
Bring it one more time
(One more time)

This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot
How to turn it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it (oh)
Turn it on but I know
You can take it (oh)
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long
(All night long)

This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Been so long I forgot
How to turn it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long

This is my heartbeat song
And I'm gonna play it
Turn it on but I know
You can take it
Up up up up all night long
Oh up up all night long."

After Flutterstar finished her song the crowd went wild, begging for more, but Flutterstar needed to take a break. At that moment Fluttershy, Fluttershout and Murdershy sneaked through the crowd into the back stage. They saw Flutterstar being fanned as she was drinking a glass of water. Then all three mares came up to her.

"Flutterstar!!" Fluttershout and Murdershy squealed.

Flutterstar looked and she was knocked over by the two mares while Fluttershy just walked toward them.

"Fluttershout!!! Mudershy!!! It's nice to see you guys again!!" Flutterstar said as she hugged her friends. "But what are you guys doing here?"

"We need your help! We're trying to help Fluttershy to take back her mind and control from Foutterbat so she can be with Discord again." Fluttershout explained.

Flutterstar could see Fluttershy behind them, she smirked as she moved her friends out of the way to see Fluttershy.

"So..this is the mare that Flutterbat wants to hunt down and kill huh? If you were dealing with Mudershy, she would've killed you and get away with it in less than an hour." Flutterstar said to Fluttershy.

Fluttershy stayed firmed and kept a straight face. Flutterstar examined Fluttershy head to hoof.

"Not to be rude, but you don't look as determined as I thought you would." Said Flutterstar.

"Oh give her some slack Flutterstar!! She's been through a lot!!" Fluttershout protested.

"You see Fluttershy!! This is what you would've become if you had this girl controlling you. You would turn into a jerk!" Said Murderdshy, trying to put in a joke.

"Well, it's nice to meet you Flutterstar, but we really need your help in defeating Flutterbat!!" Fluttershy begged.

"You mean YOU need my help. And do I hate Flutterbat, yes. Yes I do. But in order for me to help you, you need to do something for me." Said Flutterstar.

"What do I have to do?" Fluttershy asked.

"You have already seen Fluttershout and Murdershy's form of prison and you noticed that they were able to get out of it when you came along right? Mine is different. I can't leave here unless the crowd goes home. No matter how hard I try, I can't get them to leave. They always say, 'we need a grand finale!!' And stuff like that." Flutterstar explained.

"So what do you want me to do?" Fluttershy asked.

"A little birdie told me that you can sing. If you can sing something that can get the crowd outside to leave, then I will help you. If not then you're on your own." Flutterstar said.

"W-Wait! I have t-to s-sing in front of a c-crowd of ponies?!?!" Fluttershy asked in a panicked tone.

"No, not a crowd of ponies." Said Flutterstar as she walked toward the curtain.

"A VIOLENT crowd of ponies!!!!" Flutterstar said as she opened the curtain to see the crowd going crazy, begging for more Flutterstar.

The three mares just stared at the crowd in shock and worry.

"The only thing you need to do is sing because the background music is based off of emotion. Either that or it depends on which song you sing. So are you ready?!" Flutterstar asked.

Fluttershy just stared at the crowd, still having a shocked expression on her face.

"I'm gonna take the silent treatment as a yes! Now get out there!!" Exclaimed Flutterstar as she pushed Fluttershy onto the stage.

Fluttershy's legs were shaking as the crowd went silent and stared at her. She felt her stage fright rising within her as she stood their in fear. Fluttershout and Murdershy were backstage whisper shouting at Flutterstar.

"Was that your best idea?!?! She gonna get herself killed out there!!!!" Fluttershout whispered shouted.

"The crowd is capable of craziness, but it is not capable of murder." Flutterstar replied.

"Woman, if you weren't my friend I would've killed you by now!!" Murdershy whispered shouted.

"You wouldn't kill me because I'm one of the secondary personalities and plus you need a sarcastic friend in our group." Said Flutterstar as she kept her eyes on Fluttershy.

Fluttershy was very nervous and didn't know what to sing! The crowd just death stared her, waiting for her to do something. She started feeling scared and wanted to turn back, but something stopped her. In the crowd, she thought she saw Discord smiling at her. That encouraging smile that lifted up her spirits for when she was sad or scared. Then she knew what to sing...she needed to sing from her heart. Without wasting any time, Fluttershy took a deep breath and started singing.

"I still hear your voice
When you sleep next to me
I still feel your touch
In my dreams

Forgive me my weakness
But I don't know why.
Without you it's hard
To survive

Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I can fly

Cant you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
I need you by my side.

Cause every time we touch
I feel the static
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky.

Can't you feel my heart beat so
I can't let you go
I want you in my life."

The crowd had their jaws hanging wide open, including Flutterstar, Fluttershout, and Murdershy. They were all so stunned at Fluttershy's beautiful singing voice, and what she was singing touched everypony's hearts. But Fluttershy kept on singing.

"Your arms are my castle
Your heart is my sky.
They wipe away tears
That I cry

The good and the bad times
We've been through them all.
You make me rise
When I fall

Cause every time we touch
I get this feeling
And every time we kiss
I swear I can fly

Cant you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
I need you by my side.

Cause every time we touch
I feel the static
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky.

Can't you feel my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life.

Every time we touch
I get this feeling
Every time we kiss
I swear I can fly

Can't you feel my heart beat fast
I want this to last
Need you by my side

Cause every time we touch
I feel the static
And every time we kiss
I reach for the sky.

Can't you feel my heart beat so
I can't let you go
Want you in my life."

After Fluttershy finished the song, the crowd bursted into tears, saying 'that was beautiful' and 'best finale ever!!' Flutterstar and Fluttershout were crying and Murdershy only shed three tears.

The crowd started to leave and Fluttershy went backstage to see her three friends. She found them crying so hard. All except for Murdershy. Then Flutterstar walked up to her.

"I-I didn't much you cared for your true love!! Because...that....was one of the most sad and heartwarming songs I have ever heard in my entire life!!! And you also made me cry now my makeup is running!!!!" Flutterstar cried.

"So you will help us then?!" Fluttershy asked excitedly.

"Yeah, but first let me fix my makeup and get tissues!!!" Flutterstar cried some more as she went to her dressing room.

"Well, now here is four of us. Is there anypony we're gonna see form here on out?" Fluttershy asked.

" one pony left." Fluttershout said slowly.

"Well then we'll explain the situation to her and hopefully she will help us!" Fluttershy said.

"No. You don't understand, the last one....well she is a VERY difficult pony to work with." Murdershy explained.

"How come?" Fluttershy asked.

"Um....we'll tell you when we get there." Said Fluttershout.

Then Flutterstar came out all ready to go. They all started walking to the where the next door was. Fluttershy thought about he last mare they needed to see before confronting Flutterbat.

'How bad is this mare? She can't be as bad as Flutterbat. That I know for sure! But I know we can make amends with this mare and have her help us beat Flutterbat!! And I will do it, no matter what the cause!!' Fluttershy thought.

(Hey guys!!!!! I know that this was a very long chapter, but hey it had 2 songs in it!!!!!! So yeah. Also I need to make a little announcement but I'll tell you next time. Do I hoped you all like this chapter!!! Don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see all you ponies in the next chapter!!!!!)

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