Chapter 27

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(I tried....but again YouTube is still not working!!!!!!! But I'm still gonna put in the songs! Yes I said songs with a s. So there are actually 2 songs in this chapter, the more the merrier!!! Enjoy!!)

Fluttershout and Fluttershy kept following Murdershy to find the door where it leads out of this horrible place of her mind. But something was a bit off with Murdershy. Fluttershout noticed the way she walked, the way she was breathing, it just didn't seem right. Fluttershy noticed that she was concerned and decided to go to talk to Murdershy.

"Um...hi? Look I noticed that something is bothering you, a-and I was thinking tha maybe you might want to talk about it?" Fluttershy said, hoping that Murdershy won't boast at her.

She only looked at her for 5 seconds then looked back to where they're heading. Fluttershy lowered her head down in disappointment.

"Do you want to know why I'm acting like this?" Murdershy asked.

Fluttershy lifted her head and looked up at her who was still looking at the trail.

"Since you're here, I couldn't help but think of the time of how Flutterbat turned evil." Said Murdershy.

Fluttershy looked at her with a surprised face.

"It all started when you first got the curse and we were created. All of us were there and we just looked at each other not knowing what to do. So for a couple of days we just wandered around not knowing what to do, until one day I was talking to Flutterbat then she started to fade away. We all tried to help her, but before we knew it she was gone! And then you came. When we found you, you were completely knocked out! There was no way in waking you up." Murdershy explained.

Fluttershy and Fluttershout listened with great intent, even though Fluttershout already knew what happened.

"Flutterbat on the other hoof...she was having the time of her life!! She used your body for one night and she loved it!! She enjoyed the outside world, it's beauty was like something she never seen before. That's how she came to like apples before she turned to the blood diet. When the sun rose up she flew quickly back to your cottage before you disappeared and Flutterbat came back. She told us about her amazing adventure and we were all amazed by it.

Until I noticed that Flutterbat's shadow wasn't there, I was very confused until I found out that her shadow replaced yours which caused you to see Flutterbat's reflection in the mirror. The second you called Flutterbat a 'monster' she immediately broke into pieces. We all tried to reassure her that it was just a misunderstanding because you didn't know what was going on so we couldn't blame you. But she didn't see it that way. At first we thought that she just thought she needed some time to cool off, but we were wrong.

Before we knew it she took over your mind with her hatred and anger, she placed me and the others in separate parts of your mind do that way we won't get in your way. And...well you know the rest." Flutterbat explained more.

By the time Murdershy have finished the story Fluttershy was left star-struck. She didn't know that she was the cause of Flutterbat's unhappiness. This made her feel guilty inside,must felt like a weed growing quickly. But she didn't have time to focus on that because she and the rest found the door leading out of Murdershy's world. The door was painted in a bright shade of white and their was a big golden star in front of it. There was writing on the star, it had a name and it said 'Flutterstar'.

Fluttershy was confused when she saw the name, but Murdershy and Fluttershout kept a straight face and opened the door. They immediately saw bright different colored lights and could hear music and cheering. Without hesitation, the three mares stepped through the door preparing for what's on the other side. After they stepped through, they could hear cheering and see flashing lights everywhere. The three mares realized that they were in the middle of a large crowd who were shouting and screaming excitedly.

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