Chapter 28

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Discord woke up with a devious smile on his face. He knew that he was so close to freeing his friends and freeing Fluttershy. As Discord was thinking about how he was gonna free his friends he heard a knock at his door. He got up from his bed and opened the door, it was CCC.

"So what's gonna happen next?" CCC asked.

"What do you mean? The plan right? The only thing I need to do is find out how to free my friends from those chains!! And trust me, they are really hard to break!!" Said Discord.

"And that's where I come in!!!" Said CCC as she made a mischievous smile.

"I don't like that smile!!!" Said Discord.

Then CCC put on a pair of black sunglasses and got close to Discord.

"Alright Bucky here's the deal!!! Ya gotta be slick and fast to get wha'cha want!! But in order for Flutterbat to give you the goods, you need to give your goods to her. If ya know what I mean. Do ya got it?" CCC asked while raising her eyebrows.

"I have no idea what you just said." Discord replied.

"Ok, Flutterbat carries a key that can open everything in this castle. It can even open the chains that are holding your friends. But she's not gonna give it to you just like that! You need to seduce her!! But don't ask me how to do that, your her 'fiance', you figure it out!!" CCC explained as she removed the sunglasses. where does she keep her key?" Discord asked.

"She keeps it in her mane!! So that way she knows where it is!! Now I'm going to tell the girls that you're thinking up a plan!!" Said CCC as she flew away.

'Give her the goods?? What does she mean by that?!?!' Discord thought.

Until it finally hit him.

' I know what I have to do. But I'm sure as chaos I'm gonna hate myself for it!!!' Discord thought as he made his way to find Ana, Pink Diamond, and CCC.

He had a plan, but he knew that he and the girls are not gonna like it. But what other choice do they have?


Flutterbat awoke in her apple tree as soon as the light touched her skin. She hissed and hid in the shade. Until something caught her eye, it was a basket full a nice red juicy apples hanging on the far side of a branch. Except there was one problem, it was in the light and Flutterbat burns every time she's in it. Very quickly, Flutterbat flew to get the apples and flew back into the shade. She hissed because her skin still burned from the sunlight.

When she was about to eat the apples, Flutterbat noticed a note in the middle of the apples. She opened it and it said:

Good morning sunshine!!
I have your breakfast ready for you.
Also I have something special to show you!!
Meet me in the garden at night fall.
And wear something nice.
With love, Discord

'With love.' Flutterbat thought.

It was the only thing on Flutterbat's mind after she read those two words. She felt her heart getting warm inside just by thinking about him. Instead of her sprouting up and squeeing joy, she felt a calm yet loving joy. She was about to got to her castle to find Discord, until she realized that the sun was still out. And she was stuck in her Apple tree. But she decided to wait until night fall to go back and get herself ready for Discord's "surprise".

~~~In the castle~~~

"Why do we have to move this piano?!?! My arms are hurting!!!" CCC complained.

"I told you already!!! Discord needs it for his plan to set his friends free." Ana explained.

"This plan of his better work!!! Because I don't know how much more of this I can take!!!" Pink Diamond complained.

Love will find a way (Fluttercord fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now