Chapter 12

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Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle were leading the mane 6 to where the trouble was. When they finally got there, there was nothing there, it was just an ordinary alley between some buildings.

"Girls I don't see the problem." Said Twilight.

"Trust us it's right here!" Said Sweetie Belle.

"Uh...T-T-Tw-Tw-Twilight. You b-better come s-see this!!!" Rainbow Dash said in a hesitant tone.

She was standing right next to Discord and he had a shocked looked on his face, while Rainbow Dash looked horrified. Twilight and the rest went to see what Discord and Rainbow Dash were looking at. When they saw what they were staring at, they were shocked and horrified. They saw an alley with bodies of dead ponies. Some had bled to death while others' heads were bitten off or their blood was all over their fave and chest. The gang felt stiff as stone, but they all had similar reactions. Rainbow Dash and Applajack were freaking out, Pinkie was paralyzed, Rarity was throwing up, and Fluttershy, well, she had it the worst.

Fluttershy knew that she couldn't control herself when she turned into Flutterbat, but to see the dead bodies of ponies that SHE killed was just too much for her. Discord was standing right behind her and Fluttershy hugged him tight, crying into his chest. Twilight walked up to the dead bodies with a scared look on her face.

"I-I don't understand! What could have done this?!" Twilight asked out loud.

"I'll tell you what it is! It was that BEAST that did this!" Said Applejack.

"What?!?! How can you be so sure?!" Fluttershy asked as she broke from Discord's hug.

"I have to agree with Applejack. We have never encountered something that is this violent. It explains these accidents that have been happening." Twilight said.

Just then they heard Sweetie Belle scream. She and Scootaloo were both looking at one of the bodies that was very familiar. They all ran to them and they all gasped at the heart stopping scene. It was poor innocent Applebloom, she laid on the ground covered in blood and bite marks. Every pony bursted into tears while Applejack was hugging her sister's body, begging for her not to be dead. After a couple of moments, Applejack heard a faint cough. She looked at Apple bloom to find out that she was still alive!

"Applejack? Is that you?" Applebloom said very weakly.

"Yes...yes it's me! Your big sister!" Applejack said while crying.

Apple bloom coughed, for she was very weak and was loosing blood by the second.

"We need to get you to the hospital!" Applejack suggested.

~~~~at the hospital~~~~

While Apple Bloom was being operated, the mane six, Discord, Sweetie Belle, and Scootaloo were sitting outside of the operating room. Everyone was worried to see if Applebloom will survive the operation or not. Applejack was sobbing while her friends were comforting her. After an two hours, the doctor finally came out of the operating room and the first thing that happened was Applejack running toward the doctor.

"How is she is?!?! Is she still alive?!?!?!" Applejack was pleading for answers.

"Don't worry Miss Applejack, your sister successfully survived the operation. If fact she is awake and you all can see her right now." Said the doctor.

Just then everypony piled into the room to see how Apple Bloom was doing. When they all got in they saw Apple Bloom laying in her hospital bed with her eyelids half opened. She was hooked up to lots of tubes and regulators. (And that thing that measures your heart rate.). Then Applejack walked up next to her dear sister.

"Hey little sis, are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine thank you. Except I'm really tired." Apple Bloom said with a yawn.

"Why don't you get some sleep sugarcube?" Applejack suggested.

"Ok. *yawns* Goodnight." Apple Bloom said before going to sleep.

After she fell asleep, Twilight was signaling to Discord if they can teleport back to Twilight's castle. Discord nodded and snapped his fingers, In a second they were all back at the castle.

"We need to do something about this! If that bat keeps goin on its rampage then no one in Equestria is safe!" Applejack said in a serious tone.

"Applejack is right! The only solution we have left is to kill off the bat before it harms anypony else!" Twilight declared.

Fluttershy felt a shiver go down her spine. She knew where this was going and she needed to put stop to it.

"But girls, maybe this animal isn't as bad as we think. Maybe it's misunderstood and just needs understanding." Fluttershy said, hoping that her friends will agree.

"Fluttershy are you nuts?! That thing almost killed Apple Bloom! Do you really think that a monster like that bat can be tamed if we just talked to it?!" Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

Fluttershy was hesitant at first but she needed to hold in her secret. Instead of being shy like she always was, she decided to stand up!

"I think that it's not the creature's fault it acting this way! If only we find out why the bat is doing this, then maybe we can come to a compromise." Fluttershy declared.

All of her friends, including Discord just stared at her, giving her a look that said 'seriously'.

"Fluttershy we can't think that this is an ordinary friendship problem that can be solved quickly, this is an actual problem that only has one solution!" Applejack boasted.

"Which is?" Fluttershy asked nervously.

" put a permanent stop to this insanity...we have to stop the bat!"

(And cliffhanger!!!!! Sorry I haven't updated In a little bit! But if you guys read MLP funny and kawaii pictures , then you should know that this Saturday is the season 5 finale of MLP!!!! OMC I CANT SURVIVE THE WEEK!!!!! Alright, so I hope you like like this chapter, don't forget to vote and comment and I'll see all of you in the next chapter!!)

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