Chapter 21

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(Ignore what Fluttershy is saying in the picture and just focus on her, Flutterbat, and the setting. And the song.)

Once Fluttershy awoken she saw that she was in a dark forest, with trees that reached the sky. She didn't see the sun or the sky it was just black. Fluttershy was very confused until she heard a low growling noise coming from behind her. She looked and saw millions of glowing eyes staring at her and Fluttershy knew what they were. Timberwolves. Fluttershy started sprinting, trying to get away from the beasts. She ran and ran until she heard somepony laughing in the night.

She already knew it was Flutterbat. Flutterbat appeared in front of her laughing. Fluttershy turned red, full of anger!!

"What's the matter Fluttershy? Bat's got your tongue?" Flutterbat asked.

Fluttershy was steaming mad and she charged at Flutterbat. Flutterbat suddenly disappeared before Fluttershy got a chance to hit her. The only thing that was heard was small chuckle. Fluttershy wanted to teach Flutterbat a lesson, except...she couldn't. She was sad and scared. She wanted to be with her friends so that way they can help her out, she wanted to be with Discord. Fluttershy missed him so much. She misses his warm hugs, his soft gentle kisses, his funny personality, she misses everything about him.

Fluttershy couldn't hold in her tears anymore and she started to cry into her hooves.

"What are you doing Fluttershy?" Said a familiar voice.

"Yeah Fluttershy you're better than this!" Said the second voice.

"Fluttershy darling, you need to get up!!" Said the third voice.

Fluttershy looked up to see some ponies she didn't expect to see. It was Ana, CCC, and Pink Diamond.

"Girls!!" Fluttershy exclaimed cheerfully.

She ran over to her friends and hugged them.

"But wait! How did you guys get past Flutterbat?" Fluttershy asked.

"Oh, well you see, that wasn't the real Flutterbat. The real one is using your body since you know, she took control over you. The one you saw was just an illusion." Ana explained.

"So we're inside my mind?" Fluttershy asked.

"That's correct darling." Pink Diamond replied.

"Then how are you guys here?" Fluttershy asked.

Ana was about to say something until CCC cut her off.

"I'll gladly explain!! Ok so you know how a pony's conscious works with an angel version on one shoulder and the devil version on the other shoulder? Well we're your conscious except all three of us are filled with good and bad ideas. And because we are the ones you come to talk to when you have no pony else to talk to!" CCC explained.

"Yeah...what she said." Ana said.

"Anyway, what are you doing here Fluttershy? Why are you letting Flutterbat push you around and torture you like this?" Asked Pink Diamond.

"Can't you all see?! Flutterbat has already won!!!" Fluttershy said in a disappointing tone.

"If Flutterbat has won then why are you still here?" Ana asked.

Fluttershy looked up at Ana with a confused look.

"Think about it! Flutterbat said she has won when your dead, right? So why is she keeping you alive?" Ana asked.

"Ana is right darling, instead of Flutterbat killing you off she's just torturing you! She's keeping you alive for some reason!" Pink Diamond assured.

Love will find a way (Fluttercord fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now