Guardian's Love

By Ukume279

23.2K 973 423

He was sent to guard, to guide, and to protect him at all costs. What will happen when the guardian falls in... More

Demon Trouble
The Best
Aerial Fun
Somewhere Safe
Demon Lord
Ripped Apart
Locked in a Cell
Nick of Time
He Commeth
Heaven and Hell's Best

New Charge

4.9K 92 9
By Ukume279

A/N: Hello all! Welcome to my fanfiction! I hope you like it.

Disclaimer: I do not own Yu-Gi-Oh! I really wish I did, but I do not. I do not make any money off of my stories, they are purely for enjoyment purposes.


Two figures crouched in the shadows of the night. They were slightly hunched over on the roof of a building watching the figure below walking down the dark seemingly deserted street. A chill fall wind blew rustling through their loose clothing; causing the fabric to dance. One of the figures gazed up into the velvet black night. Clouds blocked the moon and stars from pouring their silver light onto the earth. The only light came from the soft glow of the street lamps. The figure's gaze returned to watch the individual walking below.

"So that is your new charge?" one of the figures whispered pointing at the slim form of a youth walking slowly past the building they were perched on.

The second figure nodded, "Yes. I must protect him at all costs."

"Did they tell you why you need to protect him?"

The figure shook his head, "They did not give me much information about him. They only said it is imperative that he is protected. Supposedly, they will give me more information later. We will see about that."

"You don't think they will?"

"Not exactly. Later to them is much later to anyone else..months, years, decades,...millennia even."

"Oh..looks like your charge may have some trouble coming," the first figure pointed at the dark alley the charge was heading towards. A group of four tall strong teenagers appeared in front of the charge blocking his way.

The guardian tensed watching the scene below them carefully; his eyes locking on the body language of the four newcomers. They surely did not mean well as they approached his charge.

His charge paused; narrowing his eyes at the group in front of him, "Move out of my way please."

"Got any cash on you?" the leader of the gang, a tall burly youth with dark black hair tied back in a ponytale folded his arms.

"No. Even if I did, I wouldn't give it to the likes of you," his charge retorted.

A smile crossed the guardian's face, "He has guts and attitude; you must give him that." The other nodded watching the scene below.

"What did you say?" The leader growled advancing on the youth.

"You heard me or are you to simpleminded to understand what I said?" the youth raised an eyebrow.

"Grab him," the leader growled. One of the gang went to grab the youth. His charge weaved out of his reach and kicked the gang member in the stomach; the man hunched over gasping for breath.

"Aren't you going to help him?" The other asked the guardian.

"He is doing alright for now. If he needs help, I will step in," the guardian shifted on the roof; stretching out one of his legs as he crouched down closer to the roof continuing to watch the scene unfold before him.

"I said grab him! What are you two waiting for?" the gang leader snapped.

"Do. Not. Touch. Me." His charge growled as he dropped his backpack and raised his fists in front of his face as he placed himself into a defensive stance.

"Aww look, he is trying to fight back. Try as you might, your pitiful attempts at defense will not help you," the leader smirked.

The two gang members standing behind the leader dashed forward grabbing the youth capturing his arms. His charge struggled to free himself grunting as he fought their hold. One of them loosened their grip and punched the youth in the temple knocking him out.

"Okay, now I'm stepping in," the guardian growled as he stood. He slid off the roof and landed on his feet in front of the gang.

"What do we have here? You looking for some action?" The raven haired leader eyed the guardian drinking in his appearance, a string of drool appeared on his chin.

"Well, it appears he," the guardian nodded to his charge who lay passed out on the ground, "was right. You do seem to be simpleminded. Look at you, drooling all over yourself. What a pig," the guardian smiled. His smile was so bright and perfect it appeared to light up the darkened street.

"Why I oughtta.." The leader stepped forward and took a swing at the guardian's face. His fist punched an invisible barrier. He howled in pain grabbing his fist in his other hand as he stared at the smiling guardian. "What the hell was that?" He asked shaking his injured fist.

"Oh nothing," a quick wave of the guardian's hand produced a bright flash of light knocking all four gang members backwards; each of them landing on their rears hard. The leader winced rubbing his tailbone.

"What are you?" the gang leader asked as he started to get to his feet.

"Oh no, you will want to stay down," a large rope made of light appeared. The guardian flicked his wrist as the rope wrapped around the raven haired youth's ankle. The guardian tugged on the rope pulling the raven haired youth off of his feet. He hit his head against the sidewalk sending shooting stars across his vision. The guardian wrapped his other hand around the light rope and tugged at it dragging the gang leader closer to him.

"Please don't hurt us," the gang leader begged.

The guardian calmly walked up to the raven haired leader and placed his barefoot on the man's throat, "Do not ever touch him again," he pointed at the unconscious youth, "do you understand me?" The gang leader nodded frantically. "I can't hear you! I said, do you understand me?!" The guardian pressed his barefoot into the leader's neck even harder cutting off his air supply. He gasped and gagged making horrible gurgling sounds. The guardian lightened the pressure enough to allow the raven haired gang leader to respond.

"Yes! We won't touch him. We won't bother him. I swear," he croaked out after gasping for air.

"Good," the guardian removed his foot and waved his hand lazily again knocking the men unconscious.

The other slid down the roof landing on his feet next to the guardian, "Nice work!"

"Thank you," the guardian smiled as he knelt next to his unconscious charge.

"Is he alright?"

"He's fine. I'm going to take him home," the guardian started to lift the youth into his arms.

"Do you need help?" the other asked.

"No. Thank you though," the guardian smiled at the other before he took his leave towards his charge's place of residence.


A petite youth clutched at the straps to his backpack; his large violet eyes staring at his new school. He bit his lip holding onto his backpack like his lifeline as he crossed the threshold into the building bustling with students and faculty alike. Each rushing around to get to their first classes of the day. The youth had black and violet hair spiked around his head as his blond bangs framed his face. He brushed one of his blonde bangs out of his eyes with a short slender finger. He reached into his pocket to pull out his class schedule. Geometry was the first class of the day. /Room 217. I bet that is on the second floor./ He thought as he glanced around searching for stairs.

"You look lost," a feminine voice came from behind him. The petite youth turned in the direction the voice came from. His eyes fell on a girl with a short brunet bob and cobalt blue eyes. She held her hand out to him, "I am Anzu. What is your name?"

He took the girl's hand in his giving it a gentle squeeze as he shook it, "Yugi. Nice to meet you."

"Nice to meet you too. Where are you going?" She asked trying to glance over his shoulder at his schedule.

"Geometry," he commented shyly.

"Follow me," she smiled at him as she led him in the direction of the stairs. Once on the second floor, she turned left and pointed at the second door on the left, "This is room 217. Some of my friends are in this class," she smiled at him, "I'm sure they will make you feel welcome in no time."

"Thank you," Yugi commented as he shoved his class schedule back into his pocket and opened the door.

The teacher glanced at him as he walked through the wooden door, "Ah, you must be Mr. Muto. I've been waiting for you. Please come forward," the man waved him into the classroom. The teacher had short spiky grey hair and friendly green eyes that were surrounded by wrinkles depicting his age.

Yugi walked into the room and timidly glanced around the room. "Class, this is Yugi Muto. Please make him feel welcome." The class gave a half-hearted hello to the youth standing before him. "Mr. Muto, you can sit between Joey," he pointed first at a youth with honey brown eyes and shaggy blonde hair, "and Yami," he pointed next to a youth that looked similar to himself. The youth had tri-colored hair with black and crimson spikes and blonde bangs. A few of this youth's blonde bangs were lightning bolt shaped and stood up with the rest of his gravity defiant hair.

Yugi nodded and took his seat in between the two individuals that were pointed out to him. He placed his bag down and shyly glanced around the classroom at the other students.

"Hey there little guy. My name is Joey," the blonde leaned closer to Yugi holding out his hand for Yugi to take, "That there is Yami," Joey indicated to the tri-colored youth on the other side of Yugi. Yugi shook Yami's hand, a blush creeping over his cheeks as his eyes drifted over the exotic crimson eyes and tri-colored hair of the youth.

"Welcome, Yugi." Yami's smiled at the petite youth shaking his 's grip was confident and strong.

"Thank you. It is nice to meet both of you," Yugi whispered.

"You should eat lunch with us later, we can introduce you to the rest of the group," Joey smiled.

"I would like that," Yugi returned the smile.

"Gentlemen, I know it is always interesting to have a new classmate, but please pay attention. I do not want to have to explain the laws of cosines again if I do not have to."

Yami grunted closing his mouth; Joey muttered an apology. Both of them glanced sideways at Yugi again before turning their attention back to the geometry teacher.


"Hey all, shut up!" Joey hollered to the group of students sitting at a long picnic table outside, "This is Yugi." The petite violet eyed youth waved shyly at them as he glanced around the table. Many of them looked like each other with a few differences.

Yami stood on the other side of the petite youth as he began pointing to each individual and providing their name for Yugi, "Those two albinos there are Bakura and Ryou." The two were very pale with long thick silver hair. Bakura had two strands of hair in the front that looked like he had horns under his hair. He also had brown eyes that were much darker than Ryou's whose were gentle milk chocolate in color.

"Those two there are Marik and Malik," Yami pointed to two tanned youths with blonde hair. Marik's hair was wild and stood on end in an unruly manner. Malik's blond hair fell in layers around his shoulders. Marik's eyes were dark lilac in color whereas Malik's were a lighter lilac.

"The brunet on the end is Tristan," he pointed to a youth with short brown hair and brown eyes. "Next to him is Aznu."

"I met Yugi earlier, Yami," she commented, "hi again, Yugi!"

Yugi giggled, "Hi, Anzu."

"Well then! You've already met Joey and I so you've met everyone in our group," Yami smiled as he led Yugi to the end of the table opposite of Tristan and Aznu. Yugi sat next to Ryou and Yami sat on the other side of him.

The petite tri-colored youth watched the group silently as they conversed first about their assignments and homework then moving on to discuss other topics and pick on each other. As Yugi sat silently observing them, he gathered who the troublemakers in the group were and who the individuals were that tried to keep them in line.

He pulled a small book out of his backpack along with a pencil. His violet orbs focusing on the paper in front of him as he set to work with his pencil. He failed to realize the table become very silent as each of them turned to watch him.

"What are you working on?" the youth named Bakura grabbed his book out of his hand and stood up.

"Hey!" Yugi frowned when his notebook was pulled out of his grasp. He stood up in front of Bakura and tried to grab the book from his long pale digits. Yugi cursed his short stature as he jumped repeatedly trying to get the book away from the taller more muscular albino. Bakura grinned as he held the book even higher out of Yugi's reach as he flipped through the pages.

"Kura, give Yugi back his book," Ryou scolded.

"I will in a minute," Bakura tilted his head, "Wow shrimp, these are really good."

"Thanks," Yugi blushed.

"What is it?" Marik asked.

"Apparently are new little friend here is an artist," Bakura grinned handing the book over the table to Marik. Yugi sat down giving up on obtaining his sketchbook back for now. The blonde flipped through the pages just as Bakura did.

"Come on, Marik, give Yugi back his book," Yami chided folding his arms over his chest.

"Why? We are just admiring his work. He is actually very good," Marik commented.

"Thank you," Yugi responded as he played with his pencil.

Malik leaned over Marik's shoulder to glance at the drawings, "Oh that dragon one is amazing! Will you draw me something?"

"Sure, what do you want?" Yugi asked swinging his pencil between his index finger and his thumb.

"Um...I want a dragon with fire and neat looking designs all around it. Is that okay?" Malik asked.

"I can do that. That is easy. I'll work on it later," Yugi commented as his book was passed to Tristan. His sketchbook made its way all the way around the table before it found its way back to Yugi. The bell rang announcing the end of lunch. Yugi shoved his sketchbook back in his backpack before he stood and prepared himself for the second half of his first day in the new school.

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