Bite Me

By MADcreations

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Living with a hot boy is fine. Living with five hot boys is hard. Living with five hot brothers is tough. Bei... More

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Bart Is Probably The Nicest Vampire I Have Ever Met
Charles Is Either PMSing, Or He's Got A Rock In His Shoe
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These Manly Vampires Can't Handle The Word 'Bra'
Someone's Got A Crush On Nell!
The Man At The Cafe Isn't Who He Appears To Be
Cheering Up Charlie Involves Singing
Stalkers Are Needed To Protect Me-Day And Night
Bones Just Doesn't Give Up
A Shock That Sends Shocks Throughout Me
The Good News Turned Out To Be Bad News
Nell Missed Me Like A Pig Missed Mud
Nora Isn't The Only One With Romance Problems
A Threatening Threat That Threatens Me
Miss Independent Might Have Fallen In Love
Meet The Vampire Parents
They Can Be Real Jokesters
Looks Like I Have A Third Stalker
The Brothers Like To Show Off Their Powers
The Answers I've Been Looking For
Still One More Secret
They Don't Ever Listen, Do They?
Badness Is A' Brewing
Don't Worry, Be Happy
One Problem Down-Another One To Go
And The Two Reunite
The Big Bang Theory
Saved By The Nell
Even Blowing Teddy Bears Up Get Charles Jealous
It Just Goes To Show You, Vampires Work Fast
The Master Plan
Edward Wants To Look Good For Bella
Vampire Turning
More Stronger Than We All Thought
Cotton Eye Joe Comes In Handy When Fighting Vampires
Getting Shot Was On My Bucket List
Just A Regular Hospital Day With Bart
The Parents Pick
This Single Lady Left The Building

The Vampire Brothers Who Kidnap Me

242K 5.2K 1.7K
By MADcreations

Two-The Vampire Brothers Who Kidnap Me

âWhat did you do?â I hear a voice say.

âFor the millionth time, I didnât do anything.â A voice growls.

âSheâs hot!â Another voice says.

âShut up!â Four voices say at the same time and I hear smacking.

I groan, my head hurting. âHey, I think sheâs up.â A voice whispers.

âI know that captain obvious.â

âJust saying.â

âNell, turn my radio off!â I shout, burying my face into the soft pillow. I hear some chuckles and my eyes open into the pillow.

All memories rush through me, club, two guys, fangs, blood, ally way, vampires, dizziness, tiredness. I sit straight up and my eyes widen, just in time to see five guys staring at me.

âOh my god. What did I do last night?â I say calmly, earning some grins and chuckles.

Then I start screaming. The amusement slips off there faces, and one of them reaches out a slaps a hand over my mouth. âShh. When I let go of your mouth, no screaming. Understand?â

I narrow my eyes and spit on his hand. He quickly whips it off my face, his face in disgust. âEw! You spit on my hand!â

âYou put your hand on my mouth!â I retort, crossing my arms.

âSee, I told you sheâs funny.â The brown eyed guy from last night says. I see the blue eyed boy also from last night, so I reach out and slap his face.

Only earning my hand to sting in pain.

âHoly shit! What is your face made of? Cement?â I cry, rubbing my stinging hand.

The guy smirks. âSee your feeling better.â

I growl and glance at the mirror at my side. Two holes are still there like piercings, only itâs not covered in blood like last night. I glance down at my clothes, which still have blood on it, which proves that wasnât a dream.

âW-what did you do to me you sick bastard?â I ask as coldly as possible, making him wince.

âCan I tell her?â

âNo.â All four of the boys say.

âWho are you all?â I ask, narrowing my eyes and scanning them.

âClinton.â The blue eyed boy says, looking down at the ground.

âHenry.â The brown eyed boy grins and does a little wave.

âEdward.â A dirty blonde guy says. He has greenish blue eyes and his face looks adorable.

âCharles.â A hazel haired boy says. His eyes are coconut brown, reminding me off the beach.

âBart. Weâre all brothers.â A small kid says. He has brown black hair that is spiky. He also has green eyes that fit him. I mean seriously, the kid looks like a mini Taylor Launter.

After a couple minutes of awkward silence, I start to hyperventilate. âBreath in, breath out. Breath in, breath out.â I close my eyes tightly and take deep breaths.

Hopefully when I open my eyes theyâll all be gone. I open my eyes to come face to face with green eyes. I gasp and jump back, hitting my head on the wall.

âYouâre a weird little human.â Bart says, stepping back.

âSo are you.â I retort.

He smirks. âAhh, wise one, but Iâm not a human.â That earns four glares at him.

I furrow my eyebrows. âOf course you are.â

âDude, you suck her blood and she still doesnât get it?â Henry asks shocked.

No way. I refuse to believe that. They are seriously not vampires. âYour not vampires!â I voice my thoughts. âI refuse to believe that!â

Charles smirks. âWell believe it sweet cheeks!â

âN-no way!â I gasp, my eyes widening. âProve it.â

They all think for a moment. Then Clinton snaps his fingers. âThink of something. Anything.â


âJust do it.â He growls, rolling his eyes. I narrow mine and think of my slutty sister. If it wasnât for her I wouldnât be here right now with five guys who are claiming to be vampires.

âIf it wasnât for your slutty sister you wouldnât be here stuck with five guys who are claiming to be vampires.â Clinton voices my thoughts.

I gasp while he smirks. âNo way.â

âYes way.â Charles retorts.

âW-wait. Let me get this straight. That guy, â I point to Clinton, âsucked my blood and Iâm not dead, and now Iâm here with you?â

They groan. âNo. You weâre not gonna die. Vampires only last on a very small portion of blood. We take a âvictimâ if you will, and take a small portion of blood. Like taking a blood test portion. We snap our fingers, and your suppose to pass out. We snap our fingers again, and you forget everything just happened. Understand?â Clinton explains.

âW-what about the mind reading junk?â

Clinton groans. âWe each have a special ability. I have minding reading, Henry can move things with his mind, Charles can breath underwater, Bartholomew can turn invisible, and Edward can fly 50ft off the ground.â

I stare at each of them. This is a prank, right?

Clinton groans again. âNo, this is not a prank.â

I growl. âStop reading my thoughts you jerk!â

âWhy? Your thoughts are funny.â

I groan and close my eyes. âWhat about my neck? You can at least heal it, right?â

âWe tried our best. The holes will go away eventually. Since you donât have any effect on our powers, the healing didnât really work. Oh well.â I hear Edward say.

I open my eyes. âCan I go home?â

âNo.â They all reply at the same time.

âWhy not?â

âWell, no human is suppose to know about us. We donât know what weâre gonna do with you. Yet.â Henry shrugs, looking down at his hands.

My mouth pops open, but no words come out. Thereâs no way in hell am I staying with five hungry vampires. To hell with that idea.

Clinton growls. âWe only eat once a month!â

I blink. Stupid Clinton and his stupid mind reading. âWhat? I thought you eat like every week?â

He shakes his head. âWe survive on very little blood, I told you that already.â

âSo what?â I yell. âNow I have to stay with you guys? What about my sister? Sheâll know Iâm gone!â

âTell her that your staying with a friend for a couple a weeks.â

âW-weeks?â I squeak.

Bart nods. âYep. Cool! We havenât had a guest in a long timeâ€Â¦Ã¢Â€Â

I gulp. “I’m not staying here. I promise I won’t tell that you exist. I mean, who’s gonna believe a 24 year old girl saying she got kidnapped by vampires. Only crazy people, that’s who!” I jump off the bed, making me feel a little dizzy but I brush it off. Turning towards the door, I start walking, only to walk into someone. In a blink of an eye, Charles is in front of me.

“Your not leaving.”

“I am!” I try stepping past him, but he follows my move.

“Do you want me to resort to pain?”

“Charles!” Edward growls. “The poor girl has lots of stress going on right now.”

I glance back at Edward. “Thank you Edward.”

“So just pick her up.” He finishes, smirking.

I stare wide eyed at Edward. “What?” The next thing I know, I’m on Charles shoulder.

“Put me down!” I threaten, but he just ignores me and practically throws me on the bed. Talk about being man handled.

“You can’t just leave. You need to stay.” Clinton sighs. “Wait. We don’t even know your name.” All five of the boys stare at me, waiting for an answer.

“I’m not telling you. You might stalk my sister and eat her alive.” I stick my tongue out and huff.

“Feisty little nugget.” Bart chirps. I ignore him.

“I will resort to pain.” Charles says, cracking his knuckles.

My eyes go as wide as bowling balls. “You cant hit a girl.”

 â€œBut I don’t follow the rules.” Charles says, inching towards me.

“Nora!” I choke out. “Nora Holt!”

Charles swings his hands down, stepping back from me. “Good little girl.”

“I’m not little.” I spit, making them all chuckle. “How long do I stay here for?”

“Couple of weeks. Maybe more. We need to figure out why we cant erase your memory, what we’re gonna do with you, and hopefully the cat won’t get outta the bag.” Henry shrugs again, looking at his hands.

I sigh burying my face in my hands. This is way too much to take in. Then my eyes widen and I stare at them all. “Your not gonna eat me are you?”

Bart bursts out laughing. “No way! Your awesome! Besides, you’re a guest.”

“Feels more like kidnapped.” I mutter. They heard me because they all chuckle. “Am I going to die?”

That makes them go silent. “You might.” Henry whispers, and I feel my eyes water.

“I die at 24, and I never got a car?” I whisper, making some of them do a sad smile.

“Or you might just turn into a vampire yourself.” Edward adds, making me gasp.

“No. Way.” I shout, getting the point across.

“What’s worse, dieing or becoming one of us?” Charles says sharply. I’m silent. “That’s what I thought.”

“Now.” Edward smiles. “Dinner time.”

My eyebrows knit together. “Dinner?”

They nod while Charles groans. “We do eat food. We are living, you know.”

I gasp. “I thought you were all dead?”

“Nope. Still alive. We just age slower. A lot slower.” Bart says.

I glance at myself in the mirror again and stare at myself. My makeup looks like a blind lady put it on, my hair is a bat’s nest, and my clothes are stained with blood.

“Well,” Clinton starts, “Look on the bright side. You got a new neck piercing.”

“Stop reading my thoughts!” They all chuckle.

God, how did I get into this mess?

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