Trapped 3: Together Forever (...

By WereNotInvisible

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Liz and One Direction are back.......again!!! *Please read Trapped and Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked before y... More

Trapped 3: Together Forever (Sequel To Trapped 2: The Truth Unmasked)
Chapter 1-We Meet Again
Chapter 2-The Comeback Kids
Chapter 3-Getting The Word Out
Chapter 4-Cracking Under Pressure
Chapter 5-A Date With WHO?!?
Chapter 6-First Date
Chapter 7-Alone
Chapter 8-Breaking Up
Chapter 9-Last Chance To Take Him Back
Chapter 10-New Girl
Chapter 11-War
Chapter 12-Liam To The Rescue
Chapter 13-Liz's Revenge
Chapter 14-Seperate Ways
Chapter 15-Plan B
Chapter 16-Odd Bonding
Chapter 17-101 Heartbreak Lane
Chapter 18-I Won His Heart
Chapter 19-A Not So Nice Surprise
Chapter 20-Locked In
Chapter 21-A Night of Drinking
Chapter 22-Hello Tour, Goodbye Liz
Chapter 23-Odd Discoveries and Annoying Roommates
Chapter 24-Someone's In Love
Chapter 25-I Totally Just Blew It
Chapter 26-Finding Zayn
Chapter 27-Lost
Chapter 28-Crazy?
Chapter 29-Deadly Secrets
Chapter 30-Coming Clean
Chapter 31-Caught In A Trap
Chapter 32-A Big Red Sign That Reads "Danger! Trouble Ahead!"
Chapter 33-It's All Downhill From Here.....Literally
Chapter 34-Shit's Gettin' Real
Chapter 35-Unexpected.....
Chapter 36-Welcome To The World Dylan Riley Payne
Chapter 37-A New Mother
Chapter 38-By My Side
Chapter 39-I'd Take A Grenade For Ya...Or A Bullet In This Case...
Chapter 40-Weak
Chapter 42-Can I Have This Dance?
Chapter 43-You Can't Please Everybody
Chapter 44-I Really Love You....No Not You
Chapter 45-The List
Chapter 46-Lost And Found
Chapter 47-Your Worst Nightmare
Chapter 48-Save Me
Chapter 49-A Sudden Change In Home
Chapter 50-His Inner Demon
Chapter 51-Prentending To Not Care Is Harder Than It Seems
Chapter 52-11:11
Chapter 53-Near Death Expierences Are Never Fun

Chapter 41-We Can't Just Leave Him

3.6K 103 27
By WereNotInvisible

"Oww," I mutter.

"You're OK," Harry reassures me.

I look around my room to notice that I'm back in the hospital. What happened?!?

"W-what happened?" I ask.

"You saved Liam resulting in you getting shot by Annabelle. When we carried you back here they gave you morphine to make you sleepy while they tried to take the pain away. You're better now," Zayn explains softly.

"Where's Liam?" I reply.

When I ask the question, Zayn and Harry just shoot each other a look, unsure of what to answer.

"Guys please don't hide anything from me. Don't lie to me," I state, "where's Liam?"

I can tell that they don't wanna tell me. They know whatever it is will upset me.

"Guys?" I ask as I patiently await a response.

"I just think it's best if we wait to tell you," Harry whispers as he wipes a tear away.

I hate it when they hide things from me.....

I glance at Zayn but he just keeps his head down, avoiding eye contact. A nurse comes in and tells me that I'm being released so Harry heads downstairs to get the car while Zayn stays with me.

"You wanna tell me where Liam went?" I ask.

"I.......I can't. Not right now at least."


"Please don't be difficult Liz. We want to tell you because you deserve to know but we can't-"

"And why not?"

"Because we don't exactly know where he went. While we were taking you back he said that he had to go somewhere for a minute and that he would be right back but he never came back," Zayn explains.


"Liz......just forget about it-"

"No I can't. I need him-"

"Are you doing anything tonight?" He asks out of the blue.

"No," I mumble.

"Well now you are."

"What are you talking about?" I ask.

"I'm gonna take you out on a date. With me," Zayn states proudly.

"So now you're making me go on a date with you. You're not giving me a choice, are you?"

"No, not really," Zayn chuckles.

The nurse that has been taking care of me comes back into the room once more with a wheelchair to push me outside. Zayn pushes my wheelchair while the nurse walks alongside us. When we walk out the front doors, I notice Harry parked alongside the curb, waiting in his car. Harry hops out of the car when he sees me and opens up the back passenger door. The nurse and Zayn all help me step inside the car and shuts the door after I enter. Zayn follows me and hops in the passenger seat.

"How are you feeling?" Harry asks as he puts the car in drive and exits the hospital.

"I feel better. I just have a headache. Where are Louis and Eleanor?"

"She went into labor. They're at the hospital. It's best if we just get you home and then if you're feeling better we can go see them later," Zayn tells me.

"What did she name it? What did she have?" I ask.

"She had a baby girl. She named her Casey. Louis texted me a picture," Harry says as he hands me his phone to show me the picture of Casey.

"Aww," I squeal.

"Her name's Casey Leigh Tomlinson," Harry states proudly.

"She looks just like Eleanor," I respond.

"We're home," Harry calls as he pulls into our driveway.

Harry hops out and rushes to my door to help me get out of the car. He helps me get inside and then he sets me down on the couch in the living room. He brings me some Tylenol to take for my headache and I thank him as I swallow the pills and take a swig from my water bottle.

"Hey, where's Niall?" I ask.

"He's with Louis and Eleanor," Zayn answers loudly as he enters the room.

"Today has been such a screwed up day," Harry mutters as he sits next to me with a beer in his hand.

"You saved Liam's life," Zayn speaks up, "why?"

"Because I care about him and I know how much Annabelle hates you guys," I answer.

I yawn and then rest my head down on one of the pillows on the couch and within seconds I fall asleep.

*Later That Night*

I wake up after my long deserved nap to check the time to realize that it's 7:36 PM. How long have I been out?!? I yawn, stretch, and then check to see where Harry and Zayn got off to.

"Harry? Zayn?" I call as I stand at the bottom of the steps, "anybody home?"

"Hey," I hear a voice say.

I turn around to see Zayn shining perfectly in the sunlight. The way he's standing and the way the sun's positioned just make him look all that more attractive. He approaches me and then cups my face and tilts it up so I'm making direct eye contact with him.

"You ready?" Zayn asks.

"Where are we going?" I ask.

"You'll find out," he whispers as he takes my hand and leads me out the front door.

I follow Zayn as he walks down the stone pathway to the driveway. We proceed down the sidewalk, just talking about the most random, stupid shit, feeling like we don't have a single care in the world. Zayn quickly stops dead in his tracks and looks at me.

"Why'd we stop?" I ask.

"We're here," he states.

"But this is someone's house."

"I know."

"So then why are we here?" I ask again.

"You ask way too many questions," he chuckles.

"Because you never tell me anything," I state.

"That's because I'm hiding these secrets for your own good and safety," he sternly replies, clearly not wanting to go into any details, "now c'mon before we get caught."

Zayn takes my hand and runs around the one house that we stopped at. When Zayn stops running, he points to a ginormous pool in the ground behind the house that we stopped at. So Zayn wants to take me swimming? Alrighty then........

"We can't swim here," I tell him, afraid that we're gonna get in trouble if we end up getting caught.

"I want to do something nice fore you can't you just accept the fact that I'm trying to allow you to have fun?" Zayn snaps.

"You can go swimming. I'm not," I state.

"Suit yourself," he mutters as he strips off his shirt and pants, leaving him in just his boxers.

I admire my temporary view of Zayn's body when suddenly he catches me looking at him. I glance away as though nothing happened when he lets out a light chuckle. My cheeks are probably burning red right now......

I watch as Zayn runs and then dives into the water, creating a huge splash. I walk over to the cement surrounding the pool and take a seat on the edge. I stick my feet in the pool and quickly pull them out, squealing at the coldness.

"I thought you couldn't swim," I call over to him.

"I learned," he replies.

"How can you swim in this water? It's freezing!" I shiver.

"It feels good to me."

"You're weird," I giggle, "you wanna tell me where Liam is?"

Instead of answering, Zayn just swims a lap around the pool. I watch him go and I just reflect on everything. When Zayn comes back, he rests his arms on the concrete, balancing his weight. He just stares at me, his piercing brown eyes staring right in mine. He looks extremely sexy when he's wet.

"You wanna tell me?" I ask.

"I told you I don't know where he is-"

"I think you're lying," I mumble.

"I think I'm telling the truth-"

"Of course you think that. You want me to believe you so you don't have to tell me where he is," I interrupt.

"I'm seriously telling the truth. You don't wanna believe me? Fine, don't believe me. Can you help me up?" Zayn asks as he holds out his hand for me to grab it and pull him out.

I take Zayn's hand and begin pulling him up when suddenly he yanks my arm, pulling me into the pool with him. I scream when my body makes contact with the water. Zayn laughs his head off before I splash him all over with the water.

"Not cool," I mutter.

"Well you're in, so swim," Zayn instructs.

"It's f-f-freezing!!" I shiver.

"You'll get used to it."

I follow Zayn as he swims around the outside of the pool. I suddenly realize that I'm still in my tank top and sweats, so I quickly strip them off, leaving me in only my bra and underwear. I begin to feel my teeth chattering, so I cling onto Zayn's arm for warmth.

"Are you still cold?" He asks.

I nod my head which prompts Zayn to hug me. He wraps his arms around my waist and pulls me closer to him. He places his hands on my ass, causing me to jump at his touch.

"Relax," he whispers.

He places a soft kiss upon my lips, causing me to release a moan from my lips. I run my hands through his sopping wet jet black hair. I can't believe I'm doing this with Zayn: kissing him, being nice to him. I just feel like myself right now, for once. Suddenly, Zayn spins me around and places his hand on the clasp of my bra. Do I dare let him do it?

"Zaynn....." I moan, however, I'm quickly silenced by another kiss from Zayn.

Without realizing it, we are suddenly approached by a rather large, dark figure with a flashlight. We look up only to notice that the flashlight is shining directly on us. Shit......

"What do you kids think you're doing?!?" The man argues.

"We were......just going for a swim," Zayn stammers.

"Well get out! This is private property that you two are trespassing on!" He yells.

Zayn and I quickly hop out of the man's pool and gather our stuff and then begin to walk away.

"You two are lucky that I'm not calling the police on you! I'm letting you guys off with a warning but if I ever catch you swimming in my pool again, you two will be put in jail on the spot for trespassing on private property!" He yells as Zayn and I run away before the man decides to question us.

We speed down the sidewalk until we realize that we're far enough away from the house so then we slow our pace.

"What were you thinking?!? You nearly landed us in jail," I eventually ask.

"I just wanted to spend some alone time with you," he answers.

"And you had to accomplish that by trespassing?" I ask.

"I was in the mood for a swim."

I shake my head at Zayn's stupidity when we eventually spot our house from a distance. I speed walk up the patio and eventually open the front door. When I walk inside, I become stared at for being sopping wet. I look into the living room to notice Liam sitting uneasily on the couch. I approach him, causing him to look away when he notices I'm heading right towards him.

"Where were you?" I ask.

"I was......uhh......"

"Where were you?" I ask again, this time louder, "and don't even think about lying to me."

"Liz-" Harry begins.

"No! I'm sick and tired of constantly being lied to! Stop hiding things from me that I deserve to know about! Now tell me where you were Liam," I yell.

"I was saving Dylan," Liam whispers.

"You were what?" I ask, not hearing Liam's words.

"I said I was saving Dylan.........from Annabelle," Liam tells me, louder this time, "she took him. I called the police on her and she was put in handcuffs. She's in jail now. She won't cause anybody anymore trouble."

"I'm gonna kill that-"

"Chill Liz," Harry stops me as he puts a hand on my shoulder, "she's not even worth it."

"Where's Dylan?" I ask.

"He's upstairs sleeping," Liam answers.

It basically turns into awkward silence at this point. Liam and I avoid eye contact the entire time. Clearly he's still angry with me, but at this point I really could care less. All I care about right now is Dylan's safety.

"Hey," Zayn calls as he walks through the front door, "what'd I miss?"

"Nothing," I mutter, "c'mon let's go to bed."

I walk into the foyer where Zayn's standing, take his hand, and drag him upstairs into his bedroom so that we could spend the night together.

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