By daniellaokelley

229 14 5

My name is Lea. I am a pretty normal girl. Well if you count as being a triplet and moving across the globe a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 3

14 2 0
By daniellaokelley

At Lunch I sat with Linda. She went to some huge party last night and had a huge hangover. I tried to resist but making her feel the pain of a nasty hangover was just too good. And anyway she didn't invite me so she deserved it in a way. I would slam my books on the sticky cafeteria table as hard as I could. She would make a face and I'd laugh at her.

"Lea before it's turn to slap your huge history book, can I ask you a question?"

"Shoot", I said in a baby voice. We had become such close friends in such a short time. I adored her.

"What is actually going on between you and Colin?"

"Nothing. Why?"

"It's just that he called me yesterday and told me to not come to the Thanksgiving dinner."

"Oh I'm so sorry. I swear I didn't tell him to do anything."

"I know", she said and looked at me suspiciously.

After lunch I went to my locker to get my books. As the bell ran I turned my head around and saw Colin. He was taking something from a guy with really black clothes. I wanted to say hi but I couldn't be late to my class and anyway he didn't see so I ran to my next class.

"Oh Lady, my lady", was the first thing I heard a school lead out and I was waiting for Colin to pack his bag and come outside. I turned around and my nose touched Colin's nose. How could he have come so fast over here?

"Ohm, sorry." I said taking one step back.

"Don't be. I was enjoying that moment."

I was definitely blushing. I could literally feel my face burn up. That happened a lot whenever I was scared, embarrassed or flattered.

"I have a surprise for you but you need to get really fancy first."

"Excuse me?" I asked more confused than I thought possible.

"I said get in the car. We are going to your house and you are going to get dressed really nice. I mean nicer than you look usually. My tuxedo is in the backseat. I hope you don't mind but I will get dressed in your house."

"But why?"

"Don't you know what a surprise is little Miss WW2." That was a little but offensive but I was too surprised to say something. All I could squeeze out was a little nod. He drove like crazy and kept looking at his watch and saying that we were so late. What for I kept wondering.

When we arrived at home I checked if anyone was home but I didn't think they would. I was right.

"Colin, listen to me." I demanded. "I will go upstairs and get ready. You can go into my brothers room and get dressed there."
"Oh man, Lea. You are destroying the whole fun." He whispered into my ear. He went into Elias' room after flashing me a Colin smile.

I went into my room, got undressed. Looked at myself in the mirror. I had greasy hair. Why today of all days. Last night I was too tired to take a shower. I opened my closet and got my most expensive clothes out. Took a towel as well. Got undressed and wrapped the towel around me and before I could open my door to go into the bathroom Colin kicked open the door. "How is it going on my beautiful... and naked lady?" He said more pleased than confused.

"OH MY GOD. COLIN. Wtf are you doing? Didn't your mom teach you how to knock or at least not barge in to a girls room announced, may I add". I screamed wrapping the towel around me even tighter. Colin's existence made me feel uncomfortable. Or maybe it was my lack of clothing. We stared at each other for a very awkward minute until I continued speaking.

"Are you going to look at me like that forever or do you mind staring at me while I'm full clothed".

"Lea Schiller you sure are something special". He whispered into my ear before leaving my room. I took the fastest shower possible because I didn't want to be late more than we already were. Although I didn't really know what we were late for.

I dried my hair while squeezing into my dress. I had put on a few pounds since I moved to the United States. I mean did you see the cookie easel in Wal-Mart. In case you haven't it's huge. As soon as I finished my make-up, I barged into my room. Colin was sitting on my bed looking at the picture on my bedside desk. That picture was taken one week before my dad's accident. My dad was in the middle; Agatha and I were kissing him on each cheek. It surprised me how close Agatha and I were before my dad's accident. The picture was just so perfect it seemed fake.

"You guys look so happy". Colin interrupted my thoughts. "Is that your father?" He asked with a soft voice.

"Yeah". I responded sitting next to him. I tried to control my tears but they were like the first raindrops of autumn, once it starts it never ends. But I used my makeup as an excuse to not cry.

But as soon as Colin put his arm over my shoulder and I buried my face in his chest not thinking about my makeup getting on his suit or him noticing the tears running down my face, I was sobbing.

We got into the car and Colin started the engine.

"Lea if you don't feel like going somewhere we could always stay home and do something else."

"No it's fine. You were really excited about it but could you please just tell me where we are going at least?"

"Yeah we are going to my fathers wedding".

"We are what?"

"Going to my fathers fourth wedding. I think this time the bride is a stripper he met in Vegas but it still could be the escort from Upper East Side". He was obviously upset. Trying to bury your pain in humor is hard. I tried it at first but then I noticed that I was hurting the people around me and I couldn't keep going. I could lose my family or at least what was left of it.

We arrived at the wedding very fast. I thought that Colin was joking but no the bride might have been a stripper. I wasn't being judgmental but you should have seen that bride dance. I think she may have wanted a wedding and bachelorette party all in one. As soon as we entered the dance floor Colin's father came up to us and greeted us. He shook hands with Colin and he hugged me. To be honest I was expecting him to be way meaner and professional. The way that Colin made him seem I was expecting him to have horns. But he was a sweet guy maybe a little too dad like for my taste. My father was always like my friend but Mr. Smith was very formal with his son. My father was more like a dorky study body rather than my old man. I was very shocked that he hugged me. I was expecting to shake hands but physical contact it is then.

After about fifteen minutes of watching Samantha dance. Samantha is the crazy bride by the way. She took me by the hand and led me to the dance floor. The venue was very beautiful. There were stars hanging from the roof and the room was huge. I felt like I was in the middle of Neverland. As Samantha and I were sweeping the dance floor I felt Colin watching us. Dayoum, his smile was sexy. I mean how good-looking can a guy be? God is so unfair sometimes. Why is Colin so attractive and I am just, you know me. Even if I had a sign over my head that said this girl likes you he still would see right threw me. I snapped out of my thoughts as soon as I felt Colins hand on my shoulder. "Samantha would you mind if I had Lea for one dance?" He was blushing.

"So Mick Jagger. Are you any good at dancing? Because I am not really, ehm, how should I say this, I think I could kill someone with my slow dance moves." I giggled and he joined.

"Don't worry Gorgeous" I know that him calling me gorgeous was very cliché and that he probably calls a lot of girls names but I still felt butterflies in my stomach. Its not like Colin was a player but I saw him getting personal with quit a few girls. Even if he tried to keep it a secret we were pretty close friends. We flirted sometimes. He flirted sometimes I honestly can't flirt.

We dance for about an hour but for me it felt like an eternity.

"What are you doing here?" My beautiful twin sister greeted me when I entered our house. She was sitting at the kitchen table with her feet up and a magazine in her hands. Agatha had my sweatpants on. Don't freak out Lea. She is doing this to annoy you.

"Hello my beautiful twin. See what I did there" I replied wiggling with my eyebrows. She laughed at my joke. I made her smile. Made she forgave me but I didn't do anyhing wrong did I? I honestly forgot why we were fighting in the first place. I came closer to her and she stood up. We both knew what was coming next. We hugged each other so hard that i felt pain in my backbone. Even if we fought I loved her more than anything in the world. 

"Oh girls I'm so happy for you." My mom was standing behind us. I think she had tears in her eyes. "You first official make up hug in the United States of Amerika."

"Well mom they don't call it the land of dreams for nothing." Nope I forgot my sense of humor in Germany. That must be it. 

"What's for dinner" I tried to change the subject. 

"Sorry girls but I have to go out to night for a work dinner and Elias will be staying at a friends house. I thought maybe you could order in?" Hell yes we want to order in. I looked at Agatha and in that moment we didn't have to speak. We were getting ChineseFood for dinner.

The night went by pretty fast. Agatha and I had a Friends-Netflix Marathon. I hadn't realised how much I had missed talking to her. Gossiping to her to be honest. We were so different like day and night. I still wouldn't change a thing about her. She was perfect. She was my perfect sister.

At midnight the ringtone of my phone woke me up. Agatha and i fell asleep on the couch. I stood up felling that my throat was dry. 

"Hello?" I answer. How the fudge would call me on a Friday night. I wasn't really a social butterfly now was I.

"Hey Lea. I am so sorry to bother you this late but I need your help." My eyes snapped open as soon as I recognized Colin's voice. There was also a crying noise in the background.

"Yeah sure what do you need?"

"You need to come to my house. Like right now."

"Be there in ten." 

I knew where Colin lived and my mom made me get my drivers license in the US as soon as the decision was made to move. I stood up quietly so that I wouldn't wake Agatha up. I didn't want to disturb her sleep and anyways how could I explain that I was going to a boys house in the middle of the night. She would have freaked. Not as in angry freak but excited freak. I put a blanket over her petit body and took the car keys. I was wearing mickey mouse leggings, ugg boots, a white shirt and a very large sweatshirt that I grabbed in the last second.

"Lea. You must be a female Bruce Wayne. Come in. My mom and sister are at a birthday party of one of our family friends. They left me to take care of Sophie but suddenly started crying and I-I don't know what to do. I tried calling them but they won't pick up and then I thought of you. Please help me I think she is having some kind of seizure or something. She won't stop scraming." He was in shock. I could see the concern in his face. It was very cute.

"Okay. Okay. I'm here. I babysit a lot to earn money so where is she."

"Right here." He lead me into the living room. It was a mess everywhere pillows and M&M's. Bravo Colin what a good house keeper. Sophie was sitting on the couch facing at the TV. She was sobbing and she was holding here head with one hand. I sat next to her. 

"Sophie? Do you remember me? Lea from the Thanksgiving Dinner."

She nod her head yes.

"Sweetie does your head hurt?" I asked with a soft voice.

She nod again. I stood up from the couch, running to the kitchen. I know I saw it while we were trying to cook. I ran back into the living room with a cool pack and a bag of chips. Food always made me cheer up. I hope this works on her too.

"Sophie you need to listen to me closely. Ok?" I asked sitting on the coffe table facing the couch. "I need to take a look at your head." 

I picked her up and put her on my lap. Her head wasn't bleading. There was just a bump. I put the cool pack on it.

"Are you better?" I asked after Sohie stopped crying. She smiled and Colin's face softened. "Want some chip?" I was already opening the bag. After I took a hand full I passed it on to Colin. By know we were all sitting on the couch. Sohie was yawning and soon after she put her head on my lap. She closed her eyes and you could hear her breathing slow down.

Colin's soft voice broke the silence. "Thank you for helping me. I don't know how to do this." He was gestering at Sophie. "Be a good brother I mean."

"Well I'm not the best sister either", I whispered yawning. I looked at my phone. It was one thirty. My mom would freak out  if she knew I was at a boys house. I need to sneak in into my room. The fact that my mom hasn't called me two hundred times means that she thinks I'm asleep in my room. But how can I sneak back into my room. It's on the second floor. Maybe I could clib that tree and then use the window. But how am I going to reach the tree branches.

"Lea you okey? You look so concerned."

"Oh sorry. Just thinking about how to sneak back into my room. I don't think my mom will take babysitting as a good excuse to be at a boys house at one a.m." I giggled at the thought of it. In germany this would never be the case. All of my best friends were girls. 

"Yeah. Don't worry. I'll drive you home and help you get into your room." He was so sweet and considerative. When is this going to end? I mean nothing good stays for long.

"Just keep pushing." Colin drove me home and was helping me reach my bedroom window. The branches of the tree were too fragile to climb. I saw the smirk on his face so I added. "Not in the way you think perv."

"Whatever you say Pumpkin but don't forgot those words, you will need them for later." He winked at me. His flirting skills were getting better by the day. No wonder he gets some this much. Colin is freaking charming. Maybe even more then Prince Charming.

"Shut up and help me, idiot. Or else I'm going to..." I couldn't finish this sentence. Before I knew what was  going on. I was laying on top of Colin. My arms were on either side of his head on the floor. I was trying to keep my weight off of Colin. I didn't want him to think I was hundret tons. But his arms around my waist. That was not what a 'friend' would do. He really had skills. 

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