By daniellaokelley

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My name is Lea. I am a pretty normal girl. Well if you count as being a triplet and moving across the globe a... More

Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12

Chapter 1

45 2 0
By daniellaokelley

As most stories do, mine also begins in High School. Are there even people who actually liked High School unless you are a Cheerleader or the Quarterback? I know this sounds like a cliché but it's true.

My name is Lea Schiller and I was happy. I was fine with my life, with my friends and with my siblings. The only question is when did it change? When did my life get so complicated that even I was sick of it? When did I start fantasizing about changing lives with let's be honest everyone but me? Or was it always like this and I just started noticing? Let me begin from the start...

The first day of sophomore year was normal. A lot of weird welcomes from student counsel members who were forced to greet the new students and meeting the teachers I was going to see every day for an entire year. My siblings and I were new at the Gordon High School. It was big compared to our school in Germany. It was even big compared to our whole town. As you can probably guess we just had moved from Germany.

The second day was pretty much the same. But the third day was different. It was a wednesday. My brother came into my room and told me to wake up. As usual I woke up as soon as I heard his voice and popped in the shower before my sister had the chance to. Her showers took three times as long as mine or my brothers. Then I started getting dressed but I still wasn't able to open my eyes. I was not a morning person. Neither was my mother. That's why we loved staying in bed on Saturdays and watching cheesy love movies while we drank hot chocolate. But that's also the reason why I tried to stay out of everybody's business in the morning.

After I closed the buttons of my blouse, I reentered the bathroom and started to put make-up on. That's when my twin sister slammed the door open and said: "Ohhhh, no! Nope! You definitely can't wear that! That blouse only looks good on me."

"We look exactly the same. How can it look good on you but not on me?" I asked confused. I mean we looked exactly alike.

"Let's be honest Sis. I was always the prettier one. And besides you don't have the cheek bones to pull that off."

"I can not believe how self absorbed you are. I look just like you. I've live with the same people that you lived with. Our friends are the same and even our cheekbones are the same, yet you are a bitch and I'm not." I snapped but I guess don't mess with me in the morning. I might bite.

"Lea don't kid yourself everyone likes me more bitchy or not", she said in the most selfish way possible.

And before I could answer, my twin brother came in. I think I forgot to mention that we're triplets. My brother's name is Elias, my sister's Agatha and my name is Lea. I guess you know that by now. I know that our names are a little unusual but we are half german and half american. So our parents figured let's make the lives of our children even harder by giving them complicated names that no one can write correctly.

My mom met my dad during a backpacking trip threw Europe when she was nineteen. My mom, Anne fell in love with my dad and he loved her back. She had us nine months and ten days later but it was too much for their family so we lived just the five of us for fifteen years. You can imagine her surprise when she found out that she wouldn't have to take care for just one baby on her own but three. But she chose not to give us up for adoption anyway and my dad supported her decision. I just adored them.  They had ups and downs but they always loved each other. That was the thing I admired the most about their relationship. When I was little I used to imagine that someday I would find my prince and we'd love each other just as much as them.

Of course there are no such things as Happily Ever Afters and that's why my dad died in a car crash. After my dad, Thomas died every thing changed. Everyone changed. My sister Agatha became more irresponsible than ever, started hanging out with the wrong kind of people. I know that everybody has their own "kind of people" but these friends, as my sister called them would leave her in her worst times just to get high one more time. That is also partly the reason why we moved. My brother Elias started to only care about his career as a professional guitarist. His grads got really bad and all he talked about was dropping out of school. And that upset my mom in a lot of ways, which meant that I had to be responsible for both of my twins. But I still wasn't enough for my mom. She said that she still couldn't live in the house that she and my father built together with nothing but love. Also she couldn't deal with the way that people were treating her. The way that people were treating us. It was a small town, which meant that everyone knew about my father's car crash. Shockingly the stares didn't bother me as much as the silent whispering that suddenly stopped as soon as one of us entered the room did. They were acting like we're a delicate Flower that even when they talk to us they might break us or catch a weird grief-disease. I remember how people that I call my sisters wouldn't talk to me because I wasn't just a girl. I was the girl whose father died. They didn't know how to act around me and I guess gossiping about us was more entertaining than actually spending time with us.

That's why I was also happy in a way that we moved. Getting away from all of that drama will do us some good.
My mom had picked a town in Virginia. Virginia used to be her hometown but after her parents found out that she was pregnant they abounded her. She never told me the whole story. I guess it was too painful to talk about her past. She just said that they couldn't deal with her 'disgrace'.

"Girls try to keep it down our mom is still sleeping", Elias said to the both of us.

"I'll shut up when she leaves the bathroom," my sister said as harsh as always.

I didn't want to respond so I just sight and went into our room. As if it wasn't enough punishment to live with my sister I also had to share a room with her. We fought all the time. After a while our discussions became of so one-sided I would just laugh at her face and that just made her angrier. Then she would yell at me until my mother or my brother stop her. That has become an every day ritual in our house.

"The bus is here" I heard my mother scream from downstairs. I could hear the coffee machine making loud noises, which weren't supposed to happen, and then my mom cursing at the machine.

I have a theory that every family has a glue, something that keeps them together, something that proves that they share the same DNA and for us it's coffee. In our old town most of our friends believed in herbal tees and all of that stuff. For me that was weird. My mom was American and for her coffee was a must in the morning. Pretty soon my sibling and I stated getting used to it as well. My father tried to change that so that we don't drink to much caffeine but he couldn't.

I put my books that were lying on my table in my backpack and started to go downstairs. Elias was already at the door with his guitar case over his shoulder. Agatha was late as usual. After a while I noticed that I would be surprised if she were on time. We couldn't be any different I for one hate people who aren't on time or organized. As she was coming down the stairs she had her ear buds on. Probably listening to some teenage rebel song she got from her friends, I thought to myself. I didn't like judging my siblings but sometimes I just can't ignore it. The judgment is just there. I feel it coming and I'm sure that my sister is feeling me judge her as well. I wish we would get along better but that wouldn't be any fun now would it.

As we made our way threw the backyard to get to the bus Agatha started to read her edition of the magazine Cosmopolitan. And I got my own book out. I sat next to the girl I sat next to the last three days and as usual she ignored me the whole ride. I still can't believe that I haven't made one single friend these past three days. I though the whole friendship process would be easier like when you're little and just share toys with someone and instantly become friends.

Of course I didn't bring Barbie's or anything but I thought we'd find common ground and talk about it. I made my way threw the hall to my locker and opened it. I put my books in it and took out my biology file. I had biology next. If only I remembered where the classroom was. The school had assigned me a 'class-buddy' but the girl told me yesterday that she was just doing this for school credit and asked me if it would be okay if she ditched me from now on. I didn't want to sound like a helpless dork so I gave here a basic 'yeah whatever' nod.

When I finally found the biology room the second bell had already rang. The first few days we had a sub stent teacher she was nice but today was the day that I would get to know my real biology teacher. The sub stent teacher didn't get the information that I was new and I had no intention on reminding her. But this time it was inevitable. I had to introduce myself. The only problem was that I was not a good public speaker and in my old hometown everybody sort of knew each other. I never had to introduce myself before. But I had to get used to it. We weren't in Germany anymore. New country, new life was the selling pitch my mom gave us.

I opened the door and stepped in. Before I could say anything the teacher smiled at me and handed me his hand.

"My name is Richard Callahan. And I will be your biology teacher for the rest of the year. The only explainable reason why you could be late to my class would be if you were new which I think is a right guess when I look at your facial expression. What's your name?"

"My name is Lea Schiller", I said in a whisper tone, "And yes I am new."

"Were are you from Lea?"

"I moved here from Germany."

"Germany? Huh that's nice. And could you tell us something about yourself."

This was the moment I was frightened of. This time facing the class I started talking; "My name is Lea Schiller. I just moved here from Germany. I have two siblings and I can speak four languages."

Most of the time I didn't like bragging about myself but considering the fact that I was already at this school for three whole days  and I had no friends I did it this once. Agatha and Elias were a natural at it. They already had a lot of friends and that just made me feel worse. I always felt a little alone but this time it was different. This time I was alone.

"Okay, Lea. If you have nothing more to say, I would advise you to take a seat."

I took a seat next to a girl with an orange sweater. Took out my notebook and started listening.

At lunchtime I took my tray and I was heading towards my usual table, the table that no one wants to sit at which is also called the girls bathroom. When all of a sudden I heard my name. I didn't turn around because I'm not the only Lea in the world and also because I had no friends who would scream my name in a cafeteria. But then I heard the voice again. This time it said "Lea Schiller" and in a rush of happiness I turned around. It was the girl with the orange sweater. She was Asian and had really long dark curls. I thought her name was Amanda because that was written all over her notebook.

She made her way threw the cafeteria to me then she stopped in front of me and said: "My name is Linda. I've seen you around these past couple of days. You always seem to be alone and I just thought that you might like to eat with my friends and me. What do you say?"

"Oh, ehm, yeah I think that would be great", I said trying not to sound as grateful as I was because the girls bathroom did smell pretty gross.

We made our way to a table where one girl and two boys were sitting at. They must have been talking about something funny because they were laughing harder then I had seen someone laugh in a long time. She sat down and nodded her head like she was saying it was okay for me to sit down as well. So I did. But before I could sit down the girl who was already sitting at the table was staring at me. It wasn't just a glare. It was like she was examining me from head to toe and then back to my head. I could feel the judgment rush threw her head and then I thought to myself this is what Agatha must feel when I don't approve of the things that she does. The girl with the orange sweater must have noticed that I felt uncomfortable because she broke the silence.

"Well, guys. This is Lea Schiller. She just moved here from Germany", she faced me and continued talking, "this is Sarah, she is the head cheerleader", well that explains a lot.

She continued pointing at a strong built, blonde boy "This is Brad. He is a football player and also Sarah's boyfriend since what? Four years now, or is it five?"

"Four and a half next month", Sarah responded now smiling at Brad.

And for last Linda pointed at a dark haired boy: "This is Colin. He is really into ehm stuff. I honestly don't know how people can live with you, you are so boring"

With the goofiest smile I had ever seen, he turned to me and mocked "And this is Linda, the most gossipy girl on planet earth. She knows dirt about people even before they know it themselves. So Lea what is your thing?"

"Ohm, excuse me my thing? What do you mean like what do I like to do or what am I good at or something?" I was really trying to blend in.

"No, I mean what's your thing? What's the thing that makes your heart beat faster? What is your biggest desire? What makes you basically you?"

"I guess reading."

Sarah turned to Linda and said: "Great you found us a nerd."

As a reflex I shrug and faced my lap. I hated criticism.

Colin touched my arm and comforted me by saying: "She is always a bitch like that but I promise after a while you don't even get offended because you get used to her. It just takes some time."

"Hello I'm right hear dumbass", Sarah complained and started to eat her fries.

The rest of the day went by pretty fast and for last period I had english. My english teacher was a very tiny woman with long brown hair. Her name was Lisa Heifer, she got unbelievably excited when she found out that I was german too. She started to talk to me but Mrs. Heifer had a slight american accent when she spoke german. She explained to me that she used to live in Berlin when she was younger.  She was my favorite teacher jet. When I came into the classroom I noticed someone sitting at my seat. It was not really my seat but I had been sitting there for the past few days, so I figured I would just keep sitting there unless someone said something. It was the guy from the cafeteria; I think his name was Colin. Okay truth be told I knew his name was Colin. I mean who could forget that face. He wasn't in this class before or I would have noticed him. We were only ten people in the not-good English speaking class. Mrs. Heifer had a nicer name for it but I already forgot what it was. My siblings and I arranged our schedules in a way in which we wouldn't have any classes in common. The head teacher understood our situation and agreed to it. And then I noticed that Colin had blue eyes that were perfect with his black hair. He was also overly attractive and he had a smile like he knew he was gorgeous and liked the fact that everyone though so as well. He also wore a glass to class that he didn't have in the cafeteria. It suited him. The glasses were half hipster and half mature collage guy. He looked even better with glasses then without and even that was very hard to beat.

"You can sit down next to me if you like. I won't bite", he proposed like he could read my mind.

"Yeah sure", I responded with a very chill voice. I was actually proud of myself because whenever I saw that goofy smile I had a weird feeling in my stomach. Not like an 'I'm in Love' feeling, more like a 'one week old taco' or 'gas station sushi place' feeling. You didn't like the idea of it and you know that it's going to be bad for you but you still feel so good for a small time afterwards.

I couldn't concentrate on what Mrs. Heifer was saying because Colin wouldn't stop staring. He was looking at me like I was a mystery yet to discover. It was nice actually. My old friends knew everything about me so I never felt that feeling before. It was curiosity and it made me feel powerful. He must do this to every girl.

I think Mrs. Heifer said something about reading a book. I honestly wasn't listening anymore. I used to be a good student but that was the german system. Mostly I was required to know everything by heart and a lot of practice. I also heard about the american system. My mom tried to prepare us as good as possible. I was very scared that my english wouldn't be enough although my mom insisted on taking extra english classes, my siblings and I decided to not accept her idea because we knew that us moving would cost a lot of money and my mom was a single mother with triplets. My english was perfect for germany but this was a whole new country and an english speaking country for that matter. I was so buried in my thoughts that I didn't hear the bell ring. Everybody was rushing to the door to get out of the school. I snapped out of my thoughts when Colin touched my arm and suggested that we'd better get out of there before the other student run us over.

When we came outside Sarah and Linda were waiting for us. I think mostly for Colin but I was right next to him so I counted too.

"Hey guys we've been waiting for you", Linda greeted us.

"I was only waiting for Brad", Sarah whispered thinking that I wouldn't hear her.

Ignoring her, Linda continued: "Lea do you have any plans? Colon and I are going to Joe's Diner. You probably don't know it but they have the best French fries in Virginia. And I will meet David there, so I don't want Colon to sit there all by himself like the usual Loser third-wheel that he is. When he isn't hooking up with a girl himself. Oh and David is my boyfriend in case you were wondering."

"I would love to", I replied. That comment about Colin hooking up made me feel a little uncomftable. But I mean he was obviously a catch so what was I expecting.

"Great. At least this one will finally have a friend and not just some bimbo he'll have fun with.", she mocked, pointing at Colin with her head.

Joe's Diner was smaller then I had imagined but it was cute in a very old-fashion way. When I entered the restaurant I stopped and wanted to ask Colin and Linda where we should sit. But before I could say anything they went past me and headed to the second booth. Linda turned around for a second when she noticed that I was still standing at the door.

"Come on Lea. This is our usual Booth."

I walked towards her and sat down next to her but she said: "Oh could you sit next to Colin. You know David's gonna come."

"Oh sure. No problem" I moved onto his side and continued talking. "So how long have you and David been together?"

"About three months. Actually the story of how we meet is quiet funny so before Colin sais anything against me telling this story for the bizilliant time I will just go ahead. So I met him at a concert. He actually spilled his drink all over me and then he tried to scrub it off but then he realized that he was touching me inappropriately so he stopped. Turned to me in panic, face all red because of embarrassment. Took off his shirt and offered it to me. But as the lady that I am, I didn't take it. He really is the kindest person that you will ever meet. Lea, I don't know you that well but I'm sure you'll like David. Just know that I bite. In a fight for David I will bite you." The last part she said dead serious. I think she really loved David.

"I would never go for your guy. I am not that kind of a girl. I wouldn't dare to go for any guy really."

"Oh I didn't know you were into girls."

"No, no, no, no! I like guys. It's just that my family is a little weird", I said and glanced at Colin who was listening to something with his headphones.

"Well, Lea. My family can't talk english. I mean whose family isn't weird? It's not like your parents have three heads."

"Not my parents."

"So what, you do?" She was confused.

"No, of course not. As I said in class. I have two siblings. We are triplets to be exact. My sister's name is Agatha and we look exactly the same but our characteristics couldn't be any different. She likes partying and talking about the newest celebrity couple. My brother, Elias used to play in a band. He really likes playing the guitar but he can also sing and play the drums. So yeah we kind of are a little weird." I was so focused on my own thoughts that I didn't notice Linda's mouth opened. She looked at me like I was an alien.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Triplets? Yeah I totally didn't know that was possible. Like three little Lea's? What is it like living with three different versions of yourself? Do you guys fight constantly?" She was shooting questions at me.

"Well, at first it was like having two built-in friends but then puberty happened. We became so different. I mean literally we didn't have anything in common and we still don't. And now that we all have different friends I don't even see them at all in school but that's actually good because my sister and I can't be in the same room without fighting and we share a bedroom. My brother tries to stay out of it but he eventually joins in and then my mom has to break us up. It mostly takes her an hour."

"And what about your dad?"

I wasn't in the mood to tell her the story and have her feeling sorry for me so I said: "Long story. But the only thing you need to know is he is not around anymore."

"Hmm, okay never mind then", she said standing up and yelled, "Oh my god David, here!"

A very tall, strong built, brown haired guy turned around and started to walk in Linda's direction. As soon as he was close enough to hug Linda, she jumped from the seat and into his arms. They hug each other for about ten minutes. For me those were very awkward ten minutes. Mostly it was just me watching them like a creep. Colin was texting someone on his phone. From what I know from Linda he was quiet the player. "They like long warm hugs", he whispered, looking up from his phone.

"I've noticed. I honestly don't understand. Don't they get like, I don't know sweaty?"

"Oh don't tell me that you don't hug your boyfriend like that."

"I'm actually single."

"Hmm good to know", he said and gave me his goofiest smile. When Linda and David finished with their hugging session, they joined us. David greeted Colin with a nod and then he stretched his arm to shake my hand. He had very firm hands. His hands were normal sized in general but they were small for his body. "My name is David. And you are?"

"My name is Lea Schiller. And you probably don't know me because I just moved here."

"Nice to meet you, Lea."

"Okay, okay if your 'I'm the perfect boyfriend' ceremony is finished then could we order something. I'm starving!"

As if the waiter could read Linda's mind she showed up with a notepad.

"I'd like two strawberry milkshakes, two big French fries, one coke and Linda would do like a strawberry milkshake?", Linda ordered without even looking at the menu.

"Ohm, I'd like a coke as well. Thanks." As the woman was leaving, Linda turned to me and asked

"You'd rather drink a coke then a strawberry milkshake? What is wrong with you?"

"I actually don't like strawberries."

"That is very weird", Colin interrupted, "But also very interesting." He had a very suspicious look on his face. Well it's weird that you said it was weird.

The next few hours went by pretty fast. We talked about David and Linda's relationship but mostly about me. I didn't mention the fact that I was a triplet to the boys and Linda didn't bring it up. I didn't want them to get to know my siblings and like them more. I knew that I was being a little overdramatic but Agatha was more fun then me and Elias was more relaxed then I could ever be. I had always been the stuck up one. But after my father's death I also had to be the one who was always responsible for everyone and not because I was older by two minutes. That's why I was the one who picked Agatha up at 4 A.M. because she was passed out on the floor of some bar. My mom worked two jobs day and night. When she finally saved up some money she used it to move us to the United States. Sometimes I feel like my life is a very sick joke. Like I'm in a chess pawn always on the losing side. Like I'm destined to lose.

When I came home that night, I had missed dinner. My siblings were in their rooms studying according to my mom but they were probably lying to her. I went up to my room and found Agatha on the phone.

"Yeah...Yup... I know what a bitch... Did you see what she was wearing? We're still on for tonight, right? Whatever I have to go my lame sister came into the room. Yeah, See ya' tomorrow."

The she closed her phone and turned to me "So you missed dinner. Where hanging out with your books all day or was a dork friend included this time?"

"Not that it's any of your business but I was hanging out with my friends. I see you have a few of your own."

"Yeah Denise is nice, I guess. But we're talking about you. Was it a girl friend or a boy friend?", she asked with a indian accent which sounded way to real. "And could you cover for me tonight?" She screamed after me.

I ignored her question and went into the bathroom to take a shower. I always covered for her. I needed that shower because on that day I meet my new best friends.

The next five days went by pretty fast. In the cafeteria Linda, Colin, Brad and Sarah sat at their usual table and Linda invited me. Most of the time when I came closer to the table Sarah let out a sight of annoyance but I could care less. Then all of a sudden on Tuesday Brad talked to me. He usually didn't talk to me. He just said his opinion here and there but not directly to me.

"So Lea. Today the weirdest thing happened to me. I was on my way to P.E. and I could swear that I saw you. I said Hi but you just looked away like you didn't know me. Is there anyway you could be angry at me?"

"No. No. It must have been my sister."

"That can't be. She looked exactly like you. It was mind blowing how similar you guys looked. Well, she was wearing a dress." I had never seen Brad freak out this much. I guess I have to tell them.

"Yeah. That is actually a thing I was trying to ignore but I guess the school isn't as big as I thought it was. Well I am a triplet", I could see Brad's mouth drop and a creepy smile appear on Sarah's face but I still went on, "My Sister's name is Agatha and my brother's Elias. My sister and I look alike but we can't be any different, trust me."

"Wait like three babies came out of your mom? At once?" Way to make it weird by mentioning my mom's vagina.

"Well we didn't try to squeeze threw if that's what you're applying. I was born two minutes earlier, then my brother and then my sister."

"Can I ask one more question?", Brad asked like a child who wanted to ask if Santa Clause was real.


"Do you feel like, I don't know, each other's pain or can you read each others minds?"

"Well, not directly. I don't feel their pain or know what they're thinking all the time but sometimes we think the same thing or for example we have the same cravings. But all siblings do"

"That's sick", Brad yelled, smiling. Thank you for that productive comment Brad.

"Anyone else wanna ask me a question? I swear I don't mind. In my old school everyone just knew us so I never had to answer any questions because they already knew the answer. It's refreshing that I have something to tell other people", I admitted.

"If that's the case then I have a question", Colin smirked "Now that we are officially friends will you tell me what your thing is now?"

"I guess you just have to get to know me and figure it out yourself"

He laughed. It was not just a smile. It was a laugh. Smooth Lea.

The next week went by pretty fast as well. Before I even realized it, we had a routine. Every morning Linda would pick me up with her car. She had a driver license but I don't know how she passed the test with her awful driving. When we arrived at school I would go to Linda's locker and she'd walk me to class. After last period Colin and I would amble to Joe's Diner where we meet the others. In the afternoon I would have lunch with Linda, Colin, Brad and Sarah who of course made a habit of not liking me. Their classes ended earlier and they asked if it was okay if they let us walk on our own and Colin said that he wouldn't mind. I didn't say anything against either because Colin and I were becoming really good friends. The walk from our school to Joe's normally took fifteen minutes but when we got talking it would take twenty to twenty-five minutes. We made fun of everything, the cat on the street, the sky and mostly the unfairness of life itself. But we also talked about serious stuff like our past. And so I learned a lot about Colin for example he had a little sister named Sophie who was ten and an older sister called Amanda who was twenty-one. The way he talked about them was so special that I knew he loved them more then he could describe. This might sound selfish but I was a little jealous of his relationship with his sisters. They had so much age difference yet they were so close. Closer then my siblings and I could ever be. Amanda was in College and his younger sister, Sophie had a bunny and he hated bunnies. He told me that he barely touched the animal because it was too cute to be true. Although what he said made no sense, in a way I understood what he was saying. There were two kinds of people in this world. There were the people who always got away with what they did and there were the people who were supposed to pay the price for everything. Sadly we were both the second kind.

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