Guardian Angels- The Band Per...

By tbpandtswiftfan

2.8K 74 30

Bella is an 11 year old who isn't so popular at school. Through 2 years of bullying, the only thing that got... More

Birthday suprise
Dreams Come True
The Accident
Unexpected Changes
Gonna Be Okay
The Truth


221 9 0
By tbpandtswiftfan

*Kimberly's POV*

I was jolted from my sleep when I heard an inhuman yelp of pain. That could only mean one thing.


The worry and dread coursed through my veins, and I shrieked "Bella?! Bella are you okay?!"

She panted, and answered with pain in her voice "Just feeling weird. I'll be okay in a minute."

I nodded, but I didn't believe her. Just from the look in her eyes in the darkness, I could tell she was in a lot of pain.

She's gotten me really worried lately. I mean for a 12 year old girl, she can sure eat, but lately I'm lucky if I can get her to eat anything.

And after her initial shyness, I discovered she can get so hyper and happy. The thought of it made me smile. But lately she's been sleeping more and more, and every time we asked her if she was okay, she'd just brush it off and say it was just the medicine she was on for her legs. But I don't think so, because she's been on it for months, and it wasn't effecting her like this until now.

As her breathing slowly relaxed again, I vowed to myself I'd talk to Reid and Neil about taking her back to the doctor.

I may just be paranoid, but I had a really bad feeling in my stomach.

About 5 minutes later, Bella was finally able to talk, but I could tell that she was still in pain.

"I'm fine." She muttered.

Her teeth were gritted, and I just shot her a disbelieving look.

After a while, I just sighed, and tried to settle back in to go to sleep. Bella was going to the doctor tomorrow whether she wanted to or not.

I was close to falling asleep again, when Bella whispered self consciously  

"UMMM Kimberly?"

I rolled back over, and couldn't hold back a yawn "Yeah Baby girl?"

"I have to go to the bathroom. I'm really sorry."

She couldn't look me in the eyes, and I felt so bad.

She still was super self conscious about being in a wheel chair, and having to get help for a lot of things.

"Aww don't apologize sweetie."

I carefully lifted her up, and carried her back to the bathroom.

She's normally really light, but she seemed even lighter now. I tried to keep the concern off my face, and that's when I noticed that her face was screwed up in pain. So I tried to make a joke to make her feel better.

"Lucky you're really light or I'd have to wake up Reid or Neil, and that would NOT be pretty!"

She only laughed half heartedly, and even that seemed to be an effort for her. Other than that, she also seemed sad.

"What's wrong Baby girl?" I asked, as I helped her get into the bathroom.

She sighed, and her eyes burned with tears as she exclaimed "It's just I miss my Mom and Dad, and I can't even go to the bathroom myself! It's not fair!"

I felt my heart break as I helped her up, and helped her wash her hands in the too high sink.

"I know it's not fair sweetie, but I have to believe things happen for a reason, it's gonna be okay."

As she avoided my gaze, I couldn't help but notice in the light, that she was as pale as a ghost, and that her face looked almost grey, and her eyes were blood shot, and looked almost sunk in. The skin under eyes was so purple that it looked like bruises under her eyes.

She finally nodded, still on the floor where I set her, drying her hands.

Tears escaped her eyes, and I tried to hold back my own as I wiped hers away.

I started to help her up again to carry her back to the bunk when her face contorted in pain, and she screamed a blood curdling scream of agony.

The lights burst on, and I heard Reid and Neil shuffling to get out of their bunks. All I could focus on was Bella.

I screamed to the driver that we needed to go the hospital, and clutched Bella's hand as she twitched like a fish out of water on the floor.

I felt the tears streaming down my face as we all cried her name to no avail.

Blood slowly dribbled out of her mouth, and onto the front of her pink Disney Princess jammies that we got for her. I lost it when her eyes rolled back into her head.

It seemed like forever, and the bus finally came to a stop. But I couldn't move as I shook with sobs.

Reid quickly picked her up, and ran off the bus toward the Emergency room doors.

Neil hesitantly walked over to me, and sunk down, and pulled me into a hug as I cried.

"Come on Kimberly, we have to be there for her. You have to stay strong okay?" He said gently.

I nodded, and wiped at my eyes, and he threw his arm around my shoulders. As much for comfort as for support as my legs shook uncontrollably as we made our way into the dreary hospital.

Reid was waiting for us, and he had blood smeared all over the front of his shirt.

His eyes looked half crazed and he said "They took her back, but they wouldn't let me go with her! Kimberly what if..."

He started shaking, and I pulled him into a hug.

Neil joined, and we all cried in a giant group hug in the middle of the hospital waiting room.

After a while, my tears ran out, and I pulled Reid and Neil over to some stiff plastic chairs, and we all sat down, gripping each others hands for dear life.

Time seemed to drag on, and I was just praying for my baby girl.

"I can't loose my baby sister." I muttered.

Reid patted my shoulder and said "I know KP. I know."

After what seemed like a millennium of waiting, a young looking doctor with short dark hair, and brown eyes called "Bella's family?"

We shot up, and he slowly sauntered over.

I wanted to scream. How long does it take a person to walk 5 feet?!

Finally he made his way over, and wrung his surgical mask in his hands.

"I think you should sit down."

I shook my head, and asked with hysteria evident in my voice. "What's wrong with my Baby girl?!"

The doctor dropped his gaze and muttered something too low for me to hear.

"What was that?" Reid questioned intently.

He finally looked me in the eyes, and said gently "I'm so sorry."

"Wait what's wrong?!"

The doctor sighed, and gently squeezed my hand, and pushed me into a chair as I swayed on my feet.

"I'm sorry Ms. Perry, she... she has cancer."

The room started to spin, and all I could see was the looks of horror on Reid and Neil's faces, and felt my world crashing down around me.

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